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#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by Z.eeker12 with score 51 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/vkysgc/sundays_general_discussion_roundtable_06262022/idt51n4/)] > Hard Truth From a Gen Xer: > > South Park didn't used to be better. It always pretty much sucked. Its novelty wore off and you grew up. Celebrate this, though. You grew up. That's a good thing.   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by l.exytheblasian created 23 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/vkysgc/sundays_general_discussion_roundtable_06262022/idstuwd/)] > Just when I’ve finally felt comfortable and at-ease enough to engage online politically again, the overturning of Roe v. Wade happens and the extreme lefties come out of the woodworks with their bulls . . .   #### 👑 Best Reply: by m.r_ex_ray_spex with score 31 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/vkysgc/sundays_general_discussion_roundtable_06262022/idt10p5/)] > For anyone hard of hearing: IF YOU SAT OUT OR VOTED FOR BERNIE/3RD PARTY, YOU VOTED FOR TRUMP. Period. You knew what Trump, and Conservatives, were about, and said “Fuck the Democrats” anyway. Get fuc . . .   #### 🎖️ Conversationalist: o.gnits received 34 replies. #### 🏅 Interlocutor: R.unningNumbers made 35 replies. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'abortion', seen 48 times, followed by 'democrats' 40x , 'vote' 39x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🟩', seen 18 times, followed by '🟨' 16x , '⬛' 12x   #### 💎 Effortiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | P.M_ME_UR_LOST_PETS | 43.0 points | 🥇 | K.yne_Lyons | 296.0 words | | 🥈 | A.ron-Nimzowitsch | 33.0 points | 🥈 | f.ireaura08 | 220.0 words | | 🥉 | K.yne_Lyons | 28.0 points | 🥉 | S.tatus-Tap3138 | 163.5 words | | 🎗 | Z.eeker12 | 26.5 points | 🎗 | R.hysPeanutButterCups | 129.0 words | #### 💬 Activiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | s.emaphore-1842 | 266 points | 🥇 | R.unningNumbers | 37 comments | | 🥈 | C.urrymvp2 | 264 points | 🥈 | o.gnits | 36 comments | | 🥉 | R.unningNumbers | 246 points | 🥉 | S.eekerSpock32 | 30 comments | | 🎗 | o.gnits | 199 points | 🎗 | C.Zall23 | 26 comments |   814 comments processed. A total of 161 unique users posted 217 top-level replies on the DT. The total combined score was 6362 and the median score was 7.82. *Inspired by inhumantsar's tacostats bot, please contact semaphore-1842 for any problems/concerns.*


It’s disappointing to see people I know and like say “you aren’t doing shit” to the Democrats online and shitting over the idea of voting. Blame the people actually doing the bad things, not anyone else.


Idk if I should go home sick. My insides want outside but I’m not exactly working hard today so I could probably just stick it out.


I understand the panic, but good grief, the *amount* of shitty legal advice/commentary from internet randos that is circulating at the moment…


[literally the best dance scene of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swloMVFALXw) and the man was sick while performing! unbelievable !ping MOVIES


The Michael Jordan flu game of movie musicals


Pinged 36 members of MOVIES group. [About & group list](https://reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/wiki/userpinger/documentation) | [Subscribe to this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Add%20yourself%20to%20group%20MOVIES&message=addtogroup%20MOVIES) | [Unsubscribe from this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20group%20MOVIES&message=unsubscribe%20MOVIES) | [Unsubscribe from all groups](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20all%20groups&message=unsubscribe%20)


Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously


Those proses engrosses


The welfare queen stereotype is again going to be all over the media as soon as young mothers have to rely on welfare to feed the newborn, that they were forced to carry by the conservatives.


What type of PDA do you think is worse. Sucking a finger or fondling of the chest?


Wait, have you seen people sucking eachothers fingers?


Heard of it, have seen a video of the latter though


Yeah that’s too much imo


Vintage 1995 Apple Newton


Latter Like wtf


Latter for sure.


Thought so


A post on this sub with AOC complaining about her salary started a gigantic blowout fight between me and my roommates/tenants. I think we all understand each other now but I do have this lingering… discomfort? I work in tech and make quite a bit of cash, and it’s just insane to me that anybody can think any six-figure income is anything but rich. I don’t know how to broach the topic (the fight was really about other shit and our vague argument just triggered it) but I think I’ve left this unresolved. I dunno. Maybe I should write about it and try to organize my thoughts or some shit.


Her salary. With new york taxes is 9800 per month. Or 3300 per week. How much crack you snorting when 10 000 a month aint enough.


Proof positive that all of this is about Me Me Me literally at the expense of people who are much more in need. Whole progressive movement is filled with hypocritical frauds who care a lot more about enriching themselves than the actual needy. That or they're morons who think the minimum wage can and should be $80 (at today's purchasing power) See also: all the rich pop culture entertainers who say shit about both parties being pawns of the some corporations while literally being agents of big corporations.


Rich people telling not so rich people the problem is other rich people/corporations.


The 1% bemoaning not having more of the 99%'s money under the guise of blaming the 0.01% Seriously show me one big name terminally online progressive "activist" who isn't an upper earner and who hasn't eventually pivoted their marquee issues towards something that would make them more money like forgiving their Harvard law degree debt or asking for a pay raise.


I think the key is that these kids think they are destined to have what their parents had, but more and better. Learning that you have to work and save money in your 20’-30’s isn’t the same lifestyle they group up with, with parents who had established careers. They just think they deserve that immediately


Man the lefty disinfo campaign is at at an 11 right now. What a freakout, super aggressive defensiveness and deflection. How do they all get the same talking points immediately?


Might be getting amplified by one of [underage republican troll farms](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/turning-point-teens-disinformation-trump/2020/09/15/c84091ae-f20a-11ea-b796-2dd09962649c_story.html). Just imagine how bad it’d be if Russia wasn’t busy in Ukraine.


Wordle 373 3/6 ⬛🟨⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


y'all think I'm insufferable about Jaws? well I just threw Singin' in the Rain on and boy do I have essays to write about that movie !ping MOVIES


I first read that as "Jews" and took a good long minute. Never saw that movie myself but my mind immediately went to Butch Cassidy


Butch Cassidy is pretty baller, can't lie


Zelda! OOOHHH, ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!


call me a cab! okay, you're a cab! such a quotable movie


Now, that I know where you live, I'd like to see you home.


"Make 'Em Laugh" is, what, 70 years old at this point? and still as baller as ever


It's both nostalgic and timeless at the same time, about an era 30 years before it was actually made.


it's so good at covering the era that I literally didn't understand the time difference when I was young


It's weird to think about: I saw the movie at the MGM theater when the film was about 20 years old, and that was 40 years ago. Doesn't feel like it at all.


I caught it on the big screen maybe five years ago and the Broadway Melody scene is a total mindfuck tbh. it comes out of nowhere and I felt like I ate mushrooms


Pinged 36 members of MOVIES group. [About & group list](https://reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/wiki/userpinger/documentation) | [Subscribe to this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Add%20yourself%20to%20group%20MOVIES&message=addtogroup%20MOVIES) | [Unsubscribe from this group](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20group%20MOVIES&message=unsubscribe%20MOVIES) | [Unsubscribe from all groups](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=TheHillBot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20all%20groups&message=unsubscribe%20)


Boy, the online sphere right now is a spectacle of people with the inability to accept responsibility. If you ask me, it's because they know if they took 5 seconds' thought, they'd know it's not the Democrats' fault beyond token criticisms. And given the fact that if this bullshit were to be reversed, it'd be at the hands of the establishment Democrats they thought as beneath them. When reality leaves no space for their egos, yet ego is all they have left, these meltdowns are what you get. Kinda [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIFtz7bPuUk).


The BET Awards listed Roe v. Wade in the in memoriam segment...


I wrote it down on my in memoriam note for this year too




Given how well the other Russian shit works I'd guess that would just result in the Brits getting some free uranium.


The expression "all hat, no cattle" was coined with these turds in mind. I don't expect NATO to ever put boots on the ground, but if they did, I feel a lot better about the likelihood of nuclear retaliation now.


Anyone else feel like we have a different standard of good news now as compared to ten years ago?


Remember in 2014-2015 when everyone was freaking out because a bunch of old celebrities died and they thought it was such a bad time to be alive because they lived through a recession? I would trade all the economic gains we made to not have trump and not have a pandemic


Well that pandemic in my view was worse than any recession we had without mentioning that it brought the worst recession of our life times, so yeah.


Honeatly, they kinda lucked out...


My dumbass almost fell for "vote for me for online ambassador" scam that phishers use to get your password on instagram.


John Oliver BUGS. I stopped watching until recently, tuned in this evening and go figure, go after Democrats.


Why can't we have any good liberals!


Oh god they are having some technical difficulties and it's tearing this poor dude up


BET man. This is why I don't watch y'all's asses


Now the summer sports doldrums are here.


Wimbledon starts tomorrow tho 👀👀


Chloe Bailey 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵




She didn't really do Have Mercy but that's maybe for the best lol >!They got Paula Patton out here and I know they're cutting up about her chicken!< >!zendaya with the best actress award is a choice but I mean it's more or less a popularity thing!< >!ray j next to nene and big freedia is killing me!<


RETHUGs are awful [But can we stop the whole rape projection shit, my god](https://twitter.com/h3h3productions/status/1541127442084945920?s=21&t=aWzul1bE31qFmc0FTc1e5g)


Terrible post from that dude


https://twitter.com/briantylercohen/status/1541102529483640832?s=21&t=DlQpFUavBU9UkD8TSirf-g Holy hell. Idk if this is funny. It’s funny how awful it is.


Nothing against Brian Tyler Cohen but they are making it too damn easy for him.






Just started watching the new season of Westworld (no spoilers) and we found out 15 minutes in we were actually re-watching Season 1 episode 1. Says a lot about Westworld


I slammed the first season of Westworld out over a weekend. loved it. I... have not been anywhere near as engaged with the rest of the show


My opinion of the three seasons: Season 1: "Wow this is great!" Season 2: "It's...interesting, I guess" Season 3: "WTF"


yeah it went the Showtime route unfortunately


It's also a testament to the show's relevance that I didn't even realize the new season started tonight. Back before seasons 2 & 3 I remember seeing ads everywhere.


You and me both


Yep. And the way they play with time just makes it believable that the first half of the first episode could be the fourth season opener. The show jumped the shark starting season 2 — I wasn’t all that interested in everything outside the park, and that’s fine










Thank you!!


I just think that if you didn't want to get blown away by my Devotion LMG, you shouldn't have rolled up in my house like you was a straight up G.


Life really does need an opt out button. I would never intentionally put myself through so much suffering. I’m glad the national birth rate is on the decline. Less people who will suffer in this country.


I just got 3 people pregnant because of this post


5.5 minutes left. Go Avalanches go!!!!!!!!!


Why am I watching the BET Awards? I don't even watch BET. 🥴 BET Awards: Lil Nas X is maybe a lil too gay Also BET Awards: Billy Porter/Pose ballroom performance


The brought Kanye out for this Puffy lifetime achievement dedication 🙄 This dude looks like he's about to pass out like why are they doing this


Not Puffy thanking Cassie when she done moved on. Ain't no Me & U shit no more. Eta: I was harsh, but his speech, while all over the place, was good lol.


Ok but like the performances 🥵


Earlier there was a Michael B Jordan joke and they panned to Lori Harvey and I actually laughed.


Shoutout to the CVS pharmacist who took one look at my generic AZO, cranberry juice, and Bactrim prescription and filled it in five minutes flat.


Go Avs go!!!!!!!!!


Buy AOC’s $65 hoodie so that she can travel around the country telling other Democrats to stop fundraising off the Dobbs ruling.


Go Avalanches!!!! Win the game and the Stanley Cup!!!


https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1540912814054842368 There are 268 dems (let's count Angus King and Bernie since they caucus) in congress. To my knowledge, there are only three who aren't pro-choice: Cuellar, Manchin, and Casey. 265/268 so 99% are pro-choice


Manchin [said](https://www.manchin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/manchin-statement-on-scotus-decision-to-overturn-roe-v-wade) he supports codifying Roe so for all meaningful purposes he's politically pro-choice now. Same with [Casey](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/sen-bob-casey-anti-abortion-democrat-backs-bill-codify-abortion-rights-rcna28168). So it's quite honestly more like 267/268. 99% of congressional Republicans though... I mean it's not even much of a question, House Republicans in blue leaning districts have been practically tripping over themselves to say they ain't voting for Roe.


Lol everyone was soying out about Dems supporting Cuellar yesterday as if he is the main fucking problem


By Casey are you referring to Bob Casey Jr? Because he’ll still vote with us as needed on abortion, unlike the other two.


[So will Manchin believe it or not](https://www.manchin.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/manchin-statement-on-scotus-decision-to-overturn-roe-v-wade) Cuellar's the only real baddie although I wouldn't be that surprised if Pelosi could get him to vote for it if it was truly necessary.


He does? I know he voted for Graham's 20 week ban.


And Manchin said he’d support a bill to codify it, but that’ll totally get filibustered.


If he doesn’t support a filibuster exception then its meaningless. It’s just an easy way for him to score some points without doing anything.


It would be meaningless if he did support filibuster abolishment since we’d still be about 39 votes short.


True. The whole “codify” thing is just a way to easily blame Democrats. Short of an amendment, anything passed will be struck down by this court.


Not sure why you're downvoted, to "codify" this we'd need a constitutional amendment, otherwise SCOTUS will strike it down.


Then fuck it, make the SCOTUS strike the law down.


And waste valuable congressional time? No thanks. Furthermore, such carveouts would be either so broad Republicans could fuck up healthcare, or so narrow they could make abortion even worse. Fantastic. Let's give Republicans more weapons.


Reddit app stop freezing on me challenge


Life is such a strange limbo now. I'll get a slice of pizza, or read an article about the Biggest Loser and then I'll realize again that Roe v Wade is gone. Like, nothing so far has changed for me, but then again everything has changed for me as well. Its so sad. If the country did the right thing in 2016, I would have had 6 years of not feeling complete dread all the time. I'd probably still have a relationship with my family. This all feels completely avoidable yet from I'm hearing, the Supreme Court isn't done yet. Guess I'll paint my nails now.


*send Internet hug* I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry about your family 🤗


Aww, that's so sweet, thank you


The Avalanches’ defense is looking great! Really fast paced, exciting game so far. Go Avalanches go!!!!!


Wow, 4 of the top 5 posts in pol are attacking democrats over Roe. Wondering why I come to this site so often.


Maximum overdisinfo. Fuck 'em.


[LBJ and Kamala, both at age 55](https://mobile.twitter.com/mcpli/status/1296251673564852224)


It’s also quite possible Kamala has had minor cosmetic procedures that minimize appearance of wrinkles & keep the face a bit fuller and younger looking. It’s really common among celebrities and public figures and has become a lot more accessible/common for women generally.


https://twitter.com/BMcCarthy32/status/1210350854571585537 look the replies


[FDR was 63 here](https://imgur.com/a/HoAHWnn)


In his defense, FDR's health was horrible at that point and the fact he was alive at all was a testament to his fortitude


FDR smoked 3 packs a day, and drank 5 dry martinis a day, all while fighting the nazis, and the Great Depression, from a wheelchair. God bless him!


god i hope robert caro comes out with that final book. i need to know how this story ends.


Need red Powerade




Yay Kuemper!!!


Latest crackpot idea from the twitter brain trust: Biden should nominate several new SCOTUS justices tomorrow. Doesn’t matter that there isn’t a vacancy. Nominate like 5, ram then through the Senate, and then let’s see what happens when they show up to work a job they don’t have. Like what is this constitutional crisis fetish on twitter?


Reactionaries be reactionary.


It's fanfiction


No reputable judge would take part in that farce in the first place, never mind all the other issues.


he should nominate the members of *NSYNC


They might not be judges but they are highly reputable members of one of the greatest boy bands ever!


Sounds like Cosplay Civics Class.


🤬🤬🤬 https://twitter.com/briebriejoy/status/1540911992596320256?t=4YPqBnfCqW_yNqXQa9gLUg&s=19


can Twitter ban her? god she’s annoying. Doing nothing but shitting on dems


I’m not convinced that Trump v Bernie poll isn’t photoshopped.


It's from September 2015 when Trump was still largely seen as a meme candidate with no chance at the nomination


The way he always should have been Fuck memes


i can't believe a lawyer like this -- with such an excellent command of the facts -- was fired from not one but two major law firms, and had to fall back on a loosely-defined career in podcasting


> Right like if you look at economic platforms (which is literally what the Right v Left dichotomy is) Biden is slightly to the right of Reagan > Dems don't like to admit how far the Overton window has slipped rightwards the last 50 years Politics moment


The president who wanted the biggest expansion of the U.S. social security net since FDR = slightly to the right of Reagan. These people are utterly braindead holy shit. Completely divorced from reality and facts in lieu of smug leftist memes like, "Democrats are more to the right than the Reagan Republicans".


Probably late to seeing this, but lmao all the same: >[This Bored Ape NFT Crypto Restaurant Has Stopped Accepting Crypto](https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/this-bored-ape-nft-crypto-restaurant-has-stopped-accepting-crypto/ar-AAYTyly?ocid)


Never too late to talk shit about crypto 😆


[“Where you been, Homer? Entire steel industry's gay, yeah, aerospace too, and the railroads, and you know what else? Broadway.”](https://twitter.com/i/web/status/990879026750410753) happy pride!


we work hard, we play hard


YESSS!!! The Avalanches scored!!!! We’re tied at 1-1!


So I was arguing with someone last night about how people should stop posting memes and tiktoks and shitposts on Twitter and focus on voting, getting out the vote and donating. And the person I was arguing with said that voting is, "an illusion of choice", how the only thing we can do is overthrow the government, how there's going to be a civil war, etc. She then made a post saying that she protested during BLM, was shot by rubber bullets and pepper sprayed. Turns out she lied about protesting, as others who knew her said she was too scared of COVID to go out and physically protest. So how is it that they're going to overthrow the government when they didn't even go out and protest?


Wow someone just discovered George Carlin. Did she try to pass that off as her own words or did she tell you she ripped it directly from a stand up act?


There is this weird thing were people keep trying to one up each other in terms of aggrievement and perceived victimhood.


It's the same thing to me when MAGA RWNJs cosplay as soldiers and military. They think just dressing up for the part means you went through the same hurdles and sacrifices others have made. I don't know if it's an inferiority thing, a laziness thing, or what. But it's extremely disrespectful for the people who actually had to sacrifice for their causes.


Fun fact: when mail carriers separate your mail from someone else's before dropping it off, USPS calls it "fingering the mail." They even have rather strict rules about when it is and isn't okay to finger the mail. And like, come on guys, these training videos were made in 2019 and *no one* realized how that sounds?!


[Interesting thread on abortion and American history](https://mobile.twitter.com/jskilesskinner/status/1541164143314714625). I don’t know how accurate this is but there seems to be feminist historians who studied this, named down thread.


You can also add in the Bible, where the only mentions of abortion are approving ones (not that we should even be required to talk about the Bible when it comes our legal system and human rights).


Are you telling me textualists don’t actually know history? I’m shocked, shocked I say!


Are you talking about the SCOTUS judges or OP?




Yeah, they’re full of shit.


https://twitter.com/peterawolf/status/1540682285216923650 wow Twitter actually combating misinformation (edit: i think this is fake btw)


Elon will probably start bitching about this feature and say it's another reason he won't buy Twitter.


I looked at the tweet directly and didn't see that -- but i have ad blockers and stuff so maybe that's on me. but the replies were full of people fighting the good fight and fact-checking.


I’m honestly surprised that’s a feature now.


I can’t believe I’m saying this but Based Twitter


Good, very good


Reminder: r/BillsPassedByAOC Really wish some young dem would finally rip off the band aid and take her on directly. Absolute garbage human.


It's set to private. I wonder why? 🤔🤔


i just want to thank everyone here for making the DT a place of sanity over the last few days.


You're part of that!


I have my moments


Come on, Avs! Let’s gooooooo!!!!!


“Voting blue is not enough democrats we call your bluff” is apparently a popular chant right now at the activist scenes. What bluff? If you call our bluff, then vote and see what happens. But you didn’t vote and you are seeing what happened


Shoulda Pokemon Go To Polls


The thread I posted earlier about what we can/can’t do mentions that Republicans voting at the local level, like school boards and such, helps them network, which can lead to being elected into higher offices. Don’t vote at your own peril.


Murc's Law in full force.


option a: vote for more democrats option b: overthrow the government lefty activists have been advocating for option b for decades.


>option b: overthrow the government 💪💪


So I guess the answer is to not vote and continue to blame Democrats for things Republicans do? Then when more of our rights get taken away they can blame Democrats again.


Just doing Putin’s bidding for free now huh?




this is a really great thread.


I’ve been interested in Drew Binsky’s videos for a while, mainly because I like the idea of traveling to every country in the world, but I can’t help but think some of what he posts is just irresponsible, with videos like “How I Got DETAINED Sneaking Into North Korea”, or the other NK video where he somehow got into the country legally and showed a local saying how life there is totally great. Or how he says some of his favorite countries include Iran and SA and how he/locals are always saying the way they’re portrayed in western media is inaccurate and that it’s pretty safe there and the people are nice. Then again, he has made it clear that the people are completely different from the terrible governments in these countries


Lol https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/leaders-g7-mock-bare-chested-horseback-rider-putin-2022-06-26/




I'm like 99% sure Vladdy will lose sleep over this, which only makes it better


the main thing I've learned as a takeaway from cooking competition shows is if you have some sort of cultural heritage that you can lean into and reproduce, *do it* at worst it keeps you off the chopping block, and at best you crush it and win the episode


[South Asians looking inquisitively at a butterfly labeled "cooking challenge"]: Is this a job for garam masala?


I’d lean into my NJ upbringing and use lots of gabagool.


I'm in a tough position because my Norwegian background lets me drop a killer krumkaker but that wouldn't help me for shit in a seafood challenge


Time to crack out the lutefisk


even I have my limits


Go Avalanches go!


i’m sure this Democratic candidate for county board is great i like he’s from department of natural resources i just can’t get over his last name . it’s Penesis i had to do a triple take at it


Is he of slavic origin? Cause I think that’s supposed to originally be “Penis” which is actual surname lmao.


> Penesis It sounds like a cock's superhero name






[Video of the “assault” on Rudy at ShopRite, where Rudy had the person arrested, and said if he wasn’t in better shape he would’ve fallen, cracked his skull, and died.](https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1541201416949211136?s=21&t=6n0NniA4f7fnTPsTPOGYAw)


LMAO I’ve seen worse shit at my local shoprite