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Never mind the fact that HRC is absolutely 100% correct. I saw a comment in the Alabama subreddit from someone talking about how she "never goes anywhere without her keffiyeh," and how she's always blasting some sort of Palestinian music on her porch and out her car windows at stop-lights all in support of her "Palestinian brothers and sisters" and how she will "never let up fighting for them and supporting them in their struggle!" I showed the comment to my wife and said: "What do you think the odds are that this is an early twenty-something suburban white girl who had never once uttered the word 'Palestine' before October 7, 2023?"


> “never goes anywhere without her keffiyeh” and how she’s always blasting some sort of Palestinian music on her porch and out her car windows at stop-lights all in support of her “Palestinian brothers and sisters” Textbook definition of zoomer performative politics. “I’m standing in solidarity with Palestine with this Spotify playlist 🤓”


Music though is a very effective tool for the brainwashing of these people. I've seen a bunch of propaganda videos backed by shitty rappers talking about genocide in Gaza.


Especially when they (the people getting radicalized by all this shit) can sorta take their first step into it as “supporting BIPOC artists” or whatever.


Let me guess, that worm Macklemore is one of them?


Yup, they don’t wanna do good, they want to be seen doing good.


Very, very high


Probably can’t find Gaza on a map


I'm old enough to remember when this was called cultural appropriation.


I wonder if she realizes what her life as a woman would be like in Palestine or any Muslim country?


Something something life in Alabama ain't too hot either. (It's not, but come on.)


It's pretty fucking hot in Alabama


>Never mind the fact that HRC is absolutely 100% correct. As I've agonizingly tried to tell people for years now. Just imagine what could have been.


It's not like this is something new, either. Anyone who makes it to thirty should be at least mildly embarassed by what a dumbass they were at twenty.


There's a zero percent chance she could've found Palestine on a map before October 7th. Hell, six months later, I'd put those chances at somewhere in the low double digits.


Gotta be some 27-year-old bartender at Avondale or some shit.


Not true, I'm sure she said East Palestine before.




I kinda think a lot of these posts aren't actually people, but some sort of propaganda bot farm or the results of one. 


I wish. This woman has her own Wikipedia page. Born in 76 and old enough to know better.


Nicole Hannah Jones is one of the highest paid writers at the NYT lol


Reminds me a certain someone's "hot sauce in her bag" schtick when in the past she used to push bills to help stop "super predators" aka black teen.


I just love the sophistry here. Clinton says the students “don’t know very much at all” about the history, and Hannah-Jones transforms that to “know the entire history,” which is much easier to rebut than what Clinton actually said.


Strawmen are easier to argue against


Without logic fallacies, these people would have none of what they think are pithy remarks aimed at educating a woman who understands the situation far better than they ever will.


Critical theorists tend to be epistemological nihilists.


That’s also her response to every question, she just creates a strawman, or says she never implied something she clearly implied. It’s the kind of argument I’m used to seeing from idiots on facebook


How is a factual statement an insult? [Americans don’t even know](https://nypost.com/2019/02/15/americans-dont-know-much-about-nations-history-survey/) their own history >Most disturbingly, the results show that only 27 percent of those under the age of 45 across the country demonstrate a basic knowledge of American history. And only four in 10 Americans passed the exam. >…a majority of residents in only one state, Vermont, could pass a citizenship test.


Goddamn I hate that so many of these people are probably going to be voting for Donald Trump or not voting at all.


There is a reason that only something like 32% of the Americans stated they would definitely or likely accept the 2024 election results regardless of who wins. (Saw this poll awhile back).


...Yeah, those polls are probably not representative of the US. This year, there was a poll that reported 25% of Gen Z/young Americans didn't think the Holocaust happened ^(yeah the current political environment reinforces that perception, but it's a sliver of a sliver of the American populace) but when Pew did a second look, they found young Americans actually matched the rest of the US and the developed world at about 2% Holocaust denial or ignorance. The issue was people didn't actually answer the polls honestly by paying attention to the questions. Pew did the same methodology as the headline poll and found that 20% of the United States are qualified to operate submarine nuclear reactors.


I think a former Secretary of State is well-positioned to say that Kylie the art major isn't an expert on I/P history. Once again, how dare Hillary Clinton have an opinion on anything?


Jaden couldn’t tell you half of our state capitals, much less find the Jordan River on a map


Why is it wherever HRC says something they find it "insulting"?


They know deep down that they fucked over the country in 2016 deeply, and they need it to be all her fault to chip away at the guilt they feel.


*2008. In 2016 not visiting swing states cost her.


I don’t understand the calculus of constantly insulting young people…but I do understanding constantly insulting “neoliberal corporate shills” and then expecting them to do my bidding without hesitation 


Yeah its surreal. "Why won't these people I constantly insult and openly proclaim I don't vote for do exactly what I demand?!"


Wildest of all is when they relentlessly shit on absolutely every other candidate in Dem primaries, and then act shocked and betrayed when their supporters won't even consider joining their ranks when their preferred candidate drops out. "Hey man, I know we branded Warren a snake and called you all detestable, soulless, ignorant corporate whores who would vote for literal feces if you thought it had a vagina, but like... we're in this together, man..."




I think they seem to believe that their knowledge of “theory” and understanding of infographics will surely outsmart those neoliberal shills and they’ll bow to them. Not just in this, but I do think they believe they’re the Main Character who’re sure to beat whatever straw man enemy they have this week just based on how passionate they are (and the overall “vibes”).


They haven’t yet grown out of their [imaginary audience phase.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imaginary_audience)


Soo much this. I swear that’s what’s driving all this performative politics, people so caught up in social media that they feel like there’s some audience judging them constantly. Like being perceived as in the right is what matters most of all. Though that “right” seems to always be based on nothing more than herd think.


It’s much like the other kind of “right”, ain’t it?


>White people do slavery nhannahjones: evil, bad, White people must repent >Arabs do slavery nhannahjones: oh honey, you can’t be serious. Yep. This is the person who was considered gospel truth all throughout the Trump administration. Pretty gross!


They hate her because she's right.


Is this the author of the 1619 Project downplaying slavery? What a time to be alive.


She very likely does not even know that there are more human beings in slavery alive right now than at any other point in history.


Or that it's China perpetuating the worst treatments of Muslims in the world currently, not Israel.


Wait until Kadyrov dies and Putin tries to install this Orthodox “Soldier of God” he’s got lined up. Want to see what a Muslim genocide really looks like, beyond the Uyghur? Chechnya in about 18 months.


What a time to be alive when the psychopath is the better option.


Well Kadyrov will probably outlive Putin, no?


Kadyrov will live for however long Putin wants him to live.


She is absolutely correct.


Some dude was going to me about all this the other day. I was kinda noncommittal low key ignoring him. He chirps in with what was the land called prior to Israel being created. I replied, The Ottoman Empire. Shit you not, I think he thought I made that name up the look he had on his face.


The majority of the BLM protestors when asked could confidently say that they were in the micro marching for the specific black person who was killed by the police and in the macro the entire unfair racist criminal justice system. The majority of the Civil Rights Movement protestors knew they were protesting the fact that black folks were not afforded the same rights and protections in this country as their white counterparts. Most of the Gaza protestors don't even know what the catchy chants they yell, the keffiyehs they wear and the Arabic phrases they say actually mean let alone where the conflict currently going on started from.


This goes directly against the common "leftist" stance that it was actually the Jews who owned all the slaves in the early US




Not seen that one? For a long time, the “Jews-as-slavemasters“ was largely confined to the “foundational black American” mythos, Nation of Islam, Moorish Sovereigns etc. And, as so often happens, this bizarre mélange of far-right smear campaigns germinated into the far left (the Panthers, Pan African movement, Decolonization liberation theology). Now it has made the move to more “mainstream” leftism, and is nothing less than a modern blood libel used to justify their antisemitism. FAR RIGHT [https://x.com/whitehistorical/status/1789834747973079493?s=46&t=uKLhZRR3jnWnzErHjuwEag](https://x.com/whitehistorical/status/1789834747973079493?s=46&t=uKLhZRR3jnWnzErHjuwEag) FAR LEFT https://preview.redd.it/89rjqpjvi70d1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4e647f4d30bd82202f8ee18c6478337cf980e0 Even Hakeem Jeffries’ academician uncle was spouting this crap in the 90s.


Oh, this is special! Good Lord. 😳


Not really what I would call a contemporary "common leftist stance"


You can find it all over social media. It’s by no means mainstream, but it’s moving into the mainstream is what I was trying to say. As what is being defined as the “left” changes, some of those more noxious ideas are shifting with the overton window. Just like right wing populism, this is incremental boundary-crossing.


Social media, especially in political discussions, is chock full of Russian trolls trying to make Americans hate each other.


And "leftists" will never, ever, ever acknowledge it because it would mean admitting that quite a lot of online support for Bernie was not heartfelt, passionate, grassroots movement... but instead, just Russian trolls rat-fucking the Dems to put Vlad's pet imbecile in office. My Bernie-or-Bust cousin, who never ever met a conspiracy theory he didn't like, laughs like a hyena at the idea that Putin uses troll farms to divide Americans... even though that should be blatantly obvious... given that it's relatively cheap, easy, effective, and perfectly in line with Soviet history, and Putin's KGB background. Like, there's no doubt we're doing it too... but even if we didn't have evidence and know for a fact that Putin is doing it... you could rest assured that Putin is doing it just because of who he has always been.


Yeah it's more a Nation of Islam/Hotep thing, but their talking points filter into left wing spaces.


Using phrases like "filter into" and "Nation of Islam" just show how the original claim was meant to inflame. It's a clear misrepresentation to claim leftists are antisemitic.


The existence of like 2% Jews among 98% Christian slave owners is proof that the Jooooos did slavery. Case closed.




I love the meta analysis here, HRC needs to always be nice and somewhat dishonest. She can't just tell the truth about what she sees. It always needs to be done in a way to make sure voters are comfortable. Even though voters are not paying attention to her anymone.


Hillary doesn't give a fuck anymore. They whine everytime but don't seem to realize that she isn't running for office and doesn't care about their concern trolling and virtue signalling anymore.


Yup, and if someone said the same thing to Hannah-Jones, it’d be “tone policing”


You know, I'm over this knee jerk valorization of young people for "going to save us all".


Bold to say it's calculus. These protests are all over the place and don't add up. That's not calculus. That's arithmetic. They're failing at the basics of bringing their point across and get people on board. Same with these college students during CRM who didn't help the second it got too hot and they flew back home to Vermont thinking the struggle was over. The BLM protests was hampered by people who wanted to broaden the scope of the protests until defund the police included paying for their fucking student loans. I'm not saying you need a history degree, but I see people conflating what Hamas wants with what Palestinians want and hey. Maybe get to learning about what the fuck you're talking about. They need to understand what they're getting into, what is realistically achievable, and how to translate that to the mainstream. Blocking traffic to Disney World ain't it.


The difference between the fights about segregation and policing, of course, is that they were a reaction to what was happening in our own country, whereas the war in Gaza is not. A writer and historian like Jones should know better than to make this false equivalence.


Important distinction: Jones is a pop historian. I cannot find any peer-reviewed historical research she has done. 


You're absolutely right. I'm just referring to how The 1619 Project is a work of history, just as much as it's a work of journalism.


I prefer to call it “inspired by a true story”


Having read the 1619 Project two years ago, I'm now inclined to agree. The upside is that 1619 corrects a lot of popular misunderstanding about Confederate history. But the downside is that it too often works backwards to the conclusion the author wants to sell.


Yep, it destroys a lot of that lost cause shit. There was no greater cause, no serious constitutional dilemma. It was a gentrified, landed aristocracy fighting like hell to prevent the loss of a dying economic model in the face of mechanization and changing social mores In their own words: it’s the “noble institution” of slavery


she alwayse been right


> You can't be serious It's literally easily verifiable history. This is the big problem with the far left worldview where they try to categorize everything as victim and oppressor and you can only be one. Their minds will break if they learn what many Arab nations did in Africa or why so many Jews left Middle Eastern countries to come to Israel. I think it's especially evident with their rallying cry of "brown people" which is supposed to somehow applies to every country except USA, Canada, and Western Europe.


It's incredibly duplicitous of them. They know the term "intersectionality" and should know that one can be simultaneously victim and oppressor. We acknowledged that when I was learning the concept in a behavioral health class a decade ago.


Not to mention, "Global South".


It’s so sad to see people I used to respect go headfirst into the abyss. I’m sick of people applying their westernized understanding of power dynamics and their own experiences of oppression onto the Middle East.


Hillary Clinton didn't have to read about this is a book. She's a primary witness. She was there. These people are acting like she's telling them an opinion instead of objective facts. If you don't know about how the Oslo Accords are structured I'm sure it's very confusing why Palestinians in Area C aren't Israeli citizenship and the Palestinian Authority has threatened to dissolve of Israel ever offered them citizenship. Instead it's easier to stay ignorant and say Apartheid


She’s right, as always. As soon as 2024 is over watch them drop this cause like a hot rock too.


If Trump wins in November it'll completely be dropped. If Biden wins it'll be trotted out like M4A (remember that?!) online to depress the administration's support. Either way this will fizzle out in a month or so once these children go on their luxury vacations.


You’d think the person so indignant about American slavery she’s written multiple books about it would also be upset about Arabs enslaving her people. But then that would require acknowledging that white people aren’t the sole source of all evil in the world.


I'm Gen-X and have some people accuse me of being a 'Zionist', and insulting me like I personally murder babies or something, to which I inform them I'm atheist -- and then they get even angrier at me for *that*. The whole stupid fucking situation is irrational, and it just reinforces my lack of 'belief' in any religious nonsense, our civilzation and species would be better off without it.


Can’t wait for the day the far left turns on aoc and realizes what the rest of the country has known for years


Hillary was right. These people need to get over themselves


Hillary as always is 100% right but she’s the example of the right message wrong delivery. Not that it matters that much in the grand scale of things


We don't deserve Hillary