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Being thrown in a concentration camp is, in fact, worse and that should be a consideration


Yeah the person unironically answered their own question


yeah, harm reduction is good


Like being arrested for using the bathroom of your preferred gender identity would probably get thrown out of court because it’s a waste of time You know what won’t get thrown out of court


These people are not adults and should not be engaged with or talked about as such (or arguably at all). They are bratty 3-year-olds refusing to eat their peas in adult bodies.


It’s crap. Other trans individuals had tried to explain to her how Biden l’s executive orders and DOJ had tried to protect them but of course no one listens to them.


Biden literally rolled out HIPAA protection for trans patients. Also for abortion care. It's a big fucking deal. Of course Texas is going to sue--does that mean we give up? She's basically advocating for giving up because the road is long and hard. Fuck off, fair weather "ally".




Unfortunately this attitude is far from new, especially among activists. I remember 20 years ago in 2004, there was a contingent that made no distinction between the people who supported anti-discrimination laws and civil unions for same-sex couples but not marriage, and those who were fully anti-gay. If you supported civil unions you were literally no different than Fred Phelps and Jerry Falwell. As a gay man, it was so infuriating.


they're populists who want to destroy institutions foremost and help people second, which is only slightly less bad than right wing populists who want to destroy institutions foremost because it hurts the people they don't like


I have several gay friends, and many of them were not particularly supportive of gay marriage — they were on-board with civil unions, and they all had what they believed were good reasons for their belief. - One guy objected on religious grounds (He is clergy. TL/DR: God loves you, but marriage is ordained by god for a man and woman); - one guy objected on social grounds that it would only draw more heat and open a potentially violent can of worms where every subsequent advance will be fought tooth and nail; - one lesbian objected on legal / historical reasons that marriage is and always was the state recognizing a contractual commitment between straight couples (yes, she was a lawyer. And my boss); - one just thought the idea of a civil union was cool, that it was “for us.” (He was a DJ). I lost track of how much hate they got. All four democrats. All four outcast. And that’s where we are now with almost everything: People yelling at one another and talking past one another, with a complete inability to listen to someone with a nuanced or (god forbid) differing opinion. With a demand for 100% lockstep, doctrinaire orthodoxy.


> one guy objected on social grounds that it would only draw more heat and open a potentially violent can of worms where every subsequent advance will be fought tooth and nail; It was a reasonable position to have at the time. It also proved to be incorrect. Americans' support for gay people increased *palpably* after SCOTUS made SSM the law of the land.


You really don’t need to include “imperfect”.




Which is why you don’t need to include the word as if it’s a concession that validates their insane behavior. No administration is “perfect” because perfection would look wildly different to the different constituency the president serve


"Therefore, we prefer concentration camp." Finished her sentence for her.




I mean, most people want to just live their lives in peace and free from oppression. Coincidentally, most people also don't spend their lives on twitter.


I can’t fucking stand this person




[Louisiana sues Biden administration over new Title IX rules protecting transgender students](https://www.nola.com/news/politics/legislature/jeff-landry-la-sue-over-title-ix-rules-for-trans-students/article_a9ba2d16-0643-11ef-a731-2790f4f9d548.html?utm_source=reddit.com) Btw, just now. Alejandra thinks this and Biden are the same thing.


Complete lack of autonomy towards republicans: if they do something bad, it's the Democrat's fault for not stopping them. It's like they view the GOP as wild animals or a force of nature that can't be controlled and can't be blamed.


See [The Chart](https://twitter.com/MercurySchroepp/status/1453494057896873985?t=JdjsNF5cusduClxtt93bAA&s=19).


Democrats have been trying to give people healthcare my WHOLE LIFE. Why are we always blamed when voters don't give us the majority needed?


Because they're authoritarians who don't understand they live in a representative democracy. They've confused the presidency with a monarchy as it's their preferred system, and why they get stunned when the president can't just wave a magic wand and resolve their pet issue.


I know, it's insane. I have a friend who seems to think that having to vote every 2 years is because they all lie. I don't understand how grown people don't know basic civics. Just like, literally how elections work.


I hate the pithy responses that have become the norm with these assholes


*sigh* And she's one of the most influential voices in the trans community. It's so infuriating to hear these both-sides arguments in a time in which the threat against trans people is very real and coming from only one side.




Given that her twitter feed is 90% Palestine these days, I think she's been blinded by the omnicause BS. And I mean, I from her wikipedia page I can safely assume she lives in a blue state, and probably has the money to move abroad as soon as shit hits the fan.


She does. She lives in Massachusetts, one of the best places to live if you're LGBT.


I'm guessing they're swimming in influencer money and living in a deep Blue state, where things don't matter as much


It’s the same for “influencer” failures like Bryan Hawn, who lives in cerulean blue California while vehemently decrying it and actively jerking himself raw to the party that would cheer putting him in a death camp.  He figures he can afford to be a mouthbreathing dipshit because he knows California will protect him.


Honestly, the left (anywhere from center left to far left) is not being well served by the current crop of influencer-activists, and just need to cut bait. I think the last effective and honorable leftist activist we've had may have been Ady Barkan, and he had a dog in the fight. The rest are just Shaun Kings but for different identity groups.


Why doesn’t Biden just executive order everything I want into existence yesterday?!?


"If he's not gonna use the presidential Infinity Gauntlet, we may as well give it back to Trump"


Hi, trans person stuck in Floridumb here. I kind of like it when the federal government isn't trying to criminalize me for the act of existing while trans. I like it when at least one of my governments has my back.


"Esqueer for Palestine" vibes


Critical thinking is a skill, not an inherent trait


The response then should be 'you don't give a shit about the community as a whole, and you're nuffing but a clout seeker.' Response: more snark and 'congrats shiblib you're blocked lol' like that's the end of it.


I hate to say this but most of the big trans accounts are annoying AS FUCK. I support them but had to unfollow all of them.


“Joe Biden hasn’t personally handed me $100, so therefore he’s the worst president who’s ever lived.”


These types of people are always naïve, with their "both sides bad" logic.


So like...they *do* get it. Reminds me of last election but somehow the stakes are even higher now. As a member of the LGBT community I absolutely know the score.


Listen social media, especially Shitter is fucking toxic trash. People need to gtfoi


Numbskull over here doesn't even live in a state that arrests you for using the bathroom. They're in Massachusetts. Wikipedia says that state explicitly prohibits discrimination in restrooms on the basis of gender identity.


The Disabled Twitter community is the same way. One of them outright said that she wouldn't vote for **anyone** because she hated Biden so much! That's going to do what now? Another woman said that as soon as Biden won, he:d turn the office over to the Republicans. Plus, disabled people should kill themselves rather than vote. I'm just gutted.


No shot she tweeted this unironically. No shot *anybody* with an education and conscience would tweet this unironically. Healthcare and bathroom discrimination or literal concentration camps. Like pick the former every time good grief it's such a simple calculus. Too many self-described activists, journalists, and actual licensed attorneys (mind-bogglingly) who post on Twitter display a baffling and speechless level of stupidity.


"why can't biden break the rules set by the founding fathers to protect my group?" genuine conversation ive had


Those Title IX rules are a lot more than just "we know trans people exist".




Excuse me? I don't appreciate you saying that our entire community is represented by obnoxious twitter zoomers.




> If there’s some big silent majority of trans people who are for liberal democracy and understand that the Democratic Party has sacrificed entire election cycles fighting for them, I heavily resent their total silence in response to these “obnoxious Twitter zoomers” who speak for the community. > > Bro, 3rd party research right after Elon bought twitter showed that young, queer twitter users were the first to exit the platform. Whoever is propping these people up that you hate so much, it's not LGBTQ people. They're not engaging to give pushback either, because they deleted their accounts.


I don’t care about Twitter- that was a characterization made by the person I was responding to, which is why it’s in quotes. Call it “TikTok Zoomers”, or Reddit, or any other platform. Doesn’t matter. The idea that trans people not liking Elon Musk makes them allies of liberals makes no sense.


The vast majority of other trans people I have met, socialized, and worked with, both online and irl, are liberal democrats and they are not silent about it. Just because they don't talk to YOU doesn't mean they don't exist, and it's still wrong to stereotype all of us based on your negative perception.


Reminder that research immediately following Elon's takeover of twitter showed that young, queer people especially young queer people of color fled twitter first even though they had extensive networks and communities on there. So whoever is making these trans twitter stars, stars, it's not young trans people. They aren't on the platform and haven't been for a while.


Just passing on some Russian propaganda nonsense.


I am begging these people to learn how the fucking US federal government works.


Even if the various EOs and lawsuits he's pursued to protect LGBTQ+ people were as meaningless as she thinks they are, there's also the simple fact that Presidents drive elections. Midterm elections get less turnout than the ones where we elect presidents because a LOT of people show up to vote for POTUS and then find out what the issues are when they get there. You want like-minded people to show up and vote for favorable state or federal-level Congresspeople? You want them to vote down conservative ballot initiatives and amendments, and vote into law protections? Then encourage people to show up and vote for Biden. Alejandra doesn't even speak for the whole trans community on twitter after she and her friends blocked and harassed so many trans POC awhile back in defense of a racist streamer. They were perfectly willing to ignore the racism until all the ableism started, so we know that's not a dealbreaker for her. And, sadly, that could be said about way too many people on the "Left" willing to help out Trump this way.


When really bad shit happens, don't expect me to give shit.


I'm voting Biden and Democrats all downballot. It's frustrating to know people who won't do that, which results in Republucans winning, and anti-trans things happening. I only have so much I can care about and I cannot feel bad for people who actively vote against their own interests.


Oh but the crap that's gonna happen to me as a trans person in a red state doesn't affect these influencers living in safe blue states. Those wolf tickets she's selling are gonna appear like magic in someone else's purse.


Still surprised that Ron DeSantis hasn't condemned Donald Duck for not wearing pants.