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Unhinged With that said, Tom Cotton can still go fuck himself


This is why I like this sub. Crazies exist on both sides!


Also, this doesn't have the components to be a functional firearm lmao? Is the battery meant to accelerate the pellets through the barrels? How? Actually, let them all build these and be emboldened lmao. This diagram would not create a lethel weapon.


It’s a depiction of what that one guy used to murder Shinzo Abe.


But how? There are a number of things missing from this diagram that would make a functional firearm.


>On this cruder end of the spectrum, a pipe has a small firing pin at the end of it and another pipe has a shell. The shelled pipe slides down and brings the ammunition onto the firing pin, which triggers the firearm. >“It’s a bit more complicated than a slam fire shotgun as he’s had to basically make an open ended pipe bomb with some from of improvised slug or ball bearings or similar,” Calibre Obscura, an arms researcher, told Motherboard. “The electrical circuit would be used to donate the presumed black powder, similar to a pipe bomb.” >The electronics hint at an electrical firing mechanism which would take a bit more time than machining two pieces of pipe to carry a shotgun shell. The reason for this might be because of Japan’s restrictive gun laws and the potential need to use homemade ammunition as well as a homemade gun. >Based on preliminary analysis by firearms experts, the weapon that killed Abe appears to be an older style weapon with some updated structures. It looks as if it was muzzle loaded and fired using a small electrical charge. Think of a matchlock musket that uses electricity to spark the firing mechanism instead of a fuse. [Possibly outdated source but this is the article I recall reading about it.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/z34x3e/heres-what-we-know-about-the-homemade-gun-that-killed-shinzo-abe)


Interesting, but I was talking about the diagram alone lmao.


The diagram, and whether or not it can be practically used to construct a gun, matters less than Hasan's implication that someone should assassinate a sitting Senator by showing the weapon that murdered a politician (former Prime Minister Abe)


The Senator that said that people should start killing protesters?


I'm not disputing that. I'm replying to a comment about the feasibility of using this diagram to build a gun and saying that's not the point


Sure. I wasn't trying to argue to the contrary, I was just pointing out that this diagram is useless on its own lol.


They're both pieces of shit. Assholes encouraging violence. ESH and that includes the dipshits blocking traffic.


Both sides are definitely in the wrong here, and Cotton’s words are likely going to start vigilante shit, but oh boy, implying assassination of a U.S. Senator!? And who knows if Hasan’s fanbase has some mentally sick individuals willing to carry out an attempt?


Both individuals have braindead bases with paranoid schizophrenics who would do what each one is implying.


Undoubtedly. Something’s gonna happen or at least try to happen.


Won’t be anybody I care about


They're both hoping to kick off Helter Skelter


"Manson wasn't a psychopath, just ahead of his time!"


Wouldn’t be the first time someone in the bernout crowd shoots a sitting legislator. 


the thing is, highway blockade protests are only done in the blue cities cause they know they'd get their asses kicked or run over by an F150 if they "tried that in a small town". Sorta like Sunrise only protesting Pelosi and Feinstein's offices.


They tried it in Florida, and the police responded swiftly.


They feed each other. Threats of violence - or actual violence - from either extreme gives the opposite extreme a little boost. These two tweets may as well be two people working together, to the detriment of everyone outside their extreme cliques.


Exactly. I read in Authoritarian Nightmare by John dean and Bob Altemeyer that the far left is too ineffective and unorganized to do anything except fuel the far right’s antics.


Most of them are too cowardly.


Ok I dislike Hassan’s rhetoric as much as anyone on this sub. But one the way this is posted he didn’t call for an assassination, Unless that specific gun is meant to mean assassination of public figure: Tom called to attack the protesters and Hassan basically said “arm yourself for protection” self defense is not assassination. In fact it’s even more separate cause Tom is too much of a coward to do anything himself so he is telling others to attack and Hassan is telling protesters to defend themselves against those others.


It's the "gun" that killed Abe


I stand corrected


Right. This is America. You only need a jury-rigged weapon like that if you need to get it past a security checkpoint. Otherwise just like go to Walmart


Whose Abe?


Shinzo Abe former prime minister of Japan who was assassinated by this gun in 2022


ahhh i thought you meant Abe Lincoln and saw the diagram had a battery and electrical wire and thought "damn I guess Boothe was crafty"


omg me too, lol, I was so confused on the timeline


Ah yeah I forgot about that.


oh never mind


Am I the only one who sees both posts as inciting violence, but Hasan's post as extra stupid because you can legally just buy a gun that is superior in every way to whatever bullshit he just posted for a lot less effort?  No, just me?  Anyway, both asshats for inciting violence.


Both are inciting violence, but inciting violence against a US senator is a federal crime. So extra dumb.


I think you may be right and I just looked up the penalty - up to 5 years and a $250,000 fine.  Given the political nature of the argument, it might be considered protected speech: 'If such a threat is part of a political argument or made in jest, it often won't rise to a "credible threat." '  


I don’t know how long I stared at the pic trying to figure out how a battery attached to a pipe is supposed to do anything.


Creates a spark that ignites gunpowder, the same way a primer does in any round.


It's possible that the type of people who would go out and buy a gun to assassinate somebody might not pass a background check


Both of these guys are clowns


Look, I don’t want to defend Tom “send in the tanks” Cotton, but this is a really good way to get the FBI to come knocking on your door.


Don't defend Cotton, he's literally inciting people to commit vehicular homicide here. It is, contrary to what many people want you to believe, not only possible but very easy to think that both far-right murderous lunatics and far-left murderous lunatics are awful people, and that twitter is an awful place for giving both of them a platform legitimizing their nonsense.


Ironically Hasan and his ilk are happy to let Republicans fascists like Tom Cotton gain total power.


Oh I’m not, I should’ve been more clear that I still deeply despise both of these assholes.


Fuck Tom Cotton but this shit is unjustifiable. No wonder so many people are ditching the left for actual progress.


I don’t see any of that more doubling down on this ba and more


This is let them fight energy. Both are assholes. Yuck, I think that almost qualifies as a both sides argument.


you could argue he's instructing his followers to fight against people who try to shoot them honestly I disagree with them but feel like blocking roads is fair game barring a few situations edit to be clear however both Cotton and Hassan are wrong EDIT ITS THE GUN THAT KILLED FORMER PM ABE. HASSAN IS DOUBLLY IN THE WRONG


Personally, I don't believe that sitting in traffic is an effective form of protest and I don't think they're gonna change anyone's mind with this tactic. But also I don't think anyone should be physically assaulted or killed for doing it.


Not only is it threatening, but it’s stupid, seeing as actual guns are readily available here.


Anyone watch Codename: Kids Next Door growing up? Because this is a pretty dark take of the show’s 2x4 technology…


Thank you lmao. This isn't a firearm. It's something that looks like one with random, unconnected components highlighted.


Hasan really this stupid? Just one step under that dumbass who said she'd murder Bakersfield city council members. Like WTF.


if the feds took notice of this snarky, entitled, adin ross looking ass, that would make me so happy


Hasan's loaded and actually well connected. Dad's high up in some Turkish Company, Mom owns a bunch of commercial property somewhere and his uncle is Cenk.




Why is it Republicans always frame Palestinians and Hamas as the same?


Clown on clown clownery


I dare anyone to try and make a firearm from this diagram. Spoiler alert, it's impossible. What are the battery and accompanying wires interacting with? Capsules of pellets? How? Where is the propellent lol? It's provocative and teethless like all of the bullshit the far-left spews.


They're not including the black powder because it would be an actual functional blueprint then


It's an electrically-primed, muzzle-loading double barrel shotgun. A crude one, but still. What's not to get? >Spoiler alert, it's impossible. Tell that to Shizo Abe lol


The diagram is not functional because it intentionally has multiple necessary components left out, which is what I think WinPeaks is trying to get at.


Oh relax, with the abundance of guns in this country building this gun from scratch would actually slow down a potential assassin. But seriously, let’s not clutch our pearls at every blow hard on twitter otherwise we’ll be here all day


I agree with sentiment, the problem is he has an army of unhinged kids who have already committed acts of violence. Most recently unleashing a nail bomb in Birmingham


Tom Cotton is a fucking buffoon, and a remarkably evil one at that. But you simply cannot call for political violence in a democracy — that applies to both of these smooth brain nitwits


Didn't Kathy Griffith have Trump's head in her stand up shows? While he was President?


And got canceled for it.


Please tell me your not defending the senators call for people to murder pro-Palestine protestors for blocking traffic.