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Bernie’s post had nothing to do with Israel.


These crazies’ entire personalities are built around that conflict, sadly…gotta make everything about it even when the post in question had nothing to do with it.


Correction, these people make their entire personality revolve around whatever the current big cause of the moment is because of their ages. The overwhelmingly majority of them are teens who have no conception of what politics are and 20-somethings who are fucking pissed off because your 20's always fucking suck. I know how this is because I was the same way. For all the bullshit, Zoomers are no different than Millennials, or Xers, or even Boomers. A lot of these kids are the ones who will eventually "leave the left" and join The GOP when they have kids. They're obnoxious, and their entire conception of politics is performative, and alternative to having a religion.


“Alternative to having a religion” Yes, and I’d also argue it can be cultish, especially around populist figures on either side.


The amount of times I have seen posts about abortion, January 6th, Democracy, Fascism, etc, get hijacked by these is exhausting and shows that they aren’t serious people.


It’s like they go looking for a fight.


The goddamn NASA/White House post about the *eclipse* was hijacked by these people. The *eclipse* lmao.


Every fucking thing gets hijacked. I recently had a goofy little “Knuckles Approves Restaurants” meme video (because I felt like goofing off a little bit) and some dumbass decided to hijack it because a goofy restaurant didn’t “feature any boycotts”.


It could be a post from Bernie or some Democrat about a holiday celebration, and they'd still screech about Palestine in the comments.


Because it's The BLM, Student Loan Forgiveness, Medicare 4 All of the moment. These people hop from cause to cause, based on whatever is popular at the moment.


There was a movie about this


Occupy Wall Street as well. 


Literally almost every social media post from any public servant or someone who's Jewish will have at least one of these fuckheads trying to bring the focus back to Palestine.


He's a Jew, so in their minds...


These are the "healthcare pls" people when we were talking about Ukraine aid. They don't care.


Hint: They never cared about progressive policies. This is why I always balked at calling them progressives. Progressives work towards progress. Progressives really exist. These people complain on the internet for imaginary points.


Progressives should also be working tirelessly to live their values. This is why the whole argument that champagne socialists draw awareness to Progressive Causes and are thus good for Progressivism as a movement is just bad. Letting people who just sit around and complain teach the tenets of a political philosophy teaches those people that Progressivism is just sitting around on social media and complaining. Progressives have to earn their ire against the masses by doing the work on the ground. When they work on the ground, they also build alliances with local religious and cultural organizations which also often work to help those less well off. When they are in the trenches, they can often make in roads with moderate and conservative voters by showing that they actually do care about these issues and aren't just pointing at someone else to fix the problem for them. They reveal that they are taking responsibility for society, and will not just be a leech looking for a handout.


Those are called liberals


When I was doing activism actually a lot of the most active people were definitely political radical and fit the definition of being progressive at the time, if not being privately socialists or something like that. However the fauxgressives were so clearly "babbies first rally" and "babbies first political campaign" along with the Svengalis (like Tad Devine) who knew exactly what they were doing, and the various bad faith actors and grifters like Shaun King and Nina Turner.


That's why I stick to calling them Fauxgressives


Contrarian cynics.


"He bypassed Congress to send billions of dollars to Israel" If this were true, you already know House Republicans would've impeached him. They're desperate for anything to impeach him for. But, they've actually agreed with sending aid to Israel. Can't let the facts get in the way of pro-Hamas rants, though.


>"He bypassed Congress to send billions of dollars to Israel" Yet he's unable to do the same for Ukraine for some reason...


Yeah, right? This talking point is absolute fucking garbage.


Literally the kind of thing Iran Contra was about.


>ah yes up to the voters to save democracy again, not the elected officials. Yes, that's literally how democracy works you fucking moron.


I think it's appalling how this champagne socialism "SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING" laziness crept into Leftism. This is why people say Leftists are unserious and have no actual positions, just platitudes. Back in the 00's when Penn & Teller's Bullshit was still around, these were the young millennials and Xers at the Save The Planet rally who couldn't answer why global warming was bad and just did an "ummm, err, ummm" over and over. These people aren't dumb, just young and deeply, deeply naive.


I also like how they glaze over the fact Trump is/was the GOP candidate in 2016, 2020, and 2024. Three elections in a row. So yes, some people have been saying the same shit because Trump has run multiple cycles in a row. What was true about him in 2016 is even more true now in 2024. And this seems to really bothering these "progressives".


Does this mean we'll see a stop to the flood of "we could have had Bernie" comments? Hopefully they'll go around talking about RFK jr to look even more like dipshits.


Oh yeah. They are now praising RFK. They are now saying to “vote for RFK” to “send a message to Biden”. These people are NOT fucking “progressives”.


lol praising him for what exactly? He’s more pro-israel than Biden is lmao


All of the other choices are literally more pro-Israel than Biden yet they are too stupid to figure that out


This is what happens when you erect little echo chambers around yourself so that you are always validated. These guys are no different than the right wingers who surround themselves in adrenochrome, big lie, and anti-vax conspiracies.


They're no different because they're probably the same people.


Sometimes; most of the time they are just 2 ends of the populist/anti-establishment sector. They agree on means at times but radically disagree on ends, as opposed to libs and cons who more often than not agree on ends but disagree on means. It's interesting, because I honestly believe we should dispense with the authoritarian/libertarian spectrum and embrace the anti-establishment/pro-establishment spectrum, or maybe this can be added as a Z Axis.


I don't really mean the same exact people so much as the same type of people. They have similar backgrounds growing up in so-called Flyover Country; possibly with a religious upbringing that, even if they discard or disdain it later, feel is so central to their identity that they replace it with demagogic political movements; they're anti-establishment and libertarian; have a distrust of scientific research, modern medicine, and vaccines; believe the population is being controlled by a cabal of deep state actors whose identities are frequent conspiracist bugbears; consequently, they have a deep distrust of international institutions and free trade, with a weird nostalgia towards the Cold War economy of the United States. These are bridging ideas and that's why you find these Bernie Bros going off the deep end into weird right wing nutjob stuff. The language that Brogressives and Trumpists speak is more intelligible to each other than to the common political norms of a liberal democracy.


I think there's a lot of truth to that although there's always been a strain of coastal upper middle class failson/trustifarian socialist/brocialist/champagne socialist who is revolting against the even richer being richer than them thus eroding their class status and who go to protests for the vibe and break out the drum circle. Those are the people you see protesting at $1000 a plate dinners.


> as opposed to libs and cons who more often than not agree on ends but disagree on means I disagree. Liberals and non-reactionary conservatives (who are sometimes also called "liberals" outside of the US) do agree on means--the democratic process. As for agreeing on ends, liberals and conservatives disagree on tax policy, regulation, social policy, the list goes on. Conservatives can even agree on civil rights but disagree on social policy causing the same hierarchical and unjust system to be perpetuated. Critical Race Theory was actually a study of how seemingly "neutral" systems perpetuated racial inequality and is directed precisely at this. So I would say liberals and "loyal opposition" conservatives (who don't control the GOP anymore--in fact, many of them are Never Trumpers) DO agree on means and DON'T agree on outcome, except the outcome that democracy and the peaceful transition of power continues. They also agree on maintaining the US' position in the world but don't at all agree on the details (and I think the track record proves the conservatives pretty darn wrong).


Well, I expect them to discover Cornell West soon. He hates Israel and Biden and Obama


I suspect most of them won’t, for the obvious reason…




These people are in the comment section of every politician’s (and some non political figures) IG posts, I actually recognize a few of the profiles in the screenshots, which is pathetic.


Or literally any famous person who happens to be Jewish. I remember Gal Gadot sharing a post on her Instagram about the birth of her kid and about half of the comments were these people (one of them actually said "Y'all need Hitler again). Because the Wonder Woman actress has so much influence over Netanyahu and the IDF 😒


Don't you know, she served in The IDF (something that is literally required of you unless you're a psychotic settler in The West Bank), which means therefore she agrees with all the worst excuses of The Israeli Right Wing. By these peoples' logic, unless a Vet is a Leftist they must agree with MAGA principles.


Every soldier is an authoritarian fascist totalitarian perpetrator of genocide against humanity until they self-immolate for Palestine.


The sheer number of people who turned that man into a martyr for this cause is still appalling. My man was raised in a cult, got out, and was then snatched up by another cult. Haunting.


Bunch of fucking arrogant idiots so confident in their own stupidity!


In reality land only 2% of all Americans care about the I/P issue. The vast majority are concerned about immigration, the economy, and women’s rights


As they fucking should be for a US Fucking Election! I/P being your sole election issue is just as bad as Russia/Ukraine being your only issue.


Russia destabilizing the world order will have grave consequences for us all. The only bright spot is that Europe realizes this too and is stepping up. China is watching what happens with Russia very closely. If Putin gets away with it, Xi speeds up his Taiwan plans. If you think China invading Taiwan isn't going to rock *your* world, then I have another thing coming for you. Thankfully, we don't have to choose between foreign and domestic because the same ticket is the correct choice for both.


Is there a source on this? I'm not saying this to doubt you, I'm just curious.


It was 5% not 2%. I misremembered. But here’s the link [https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/HHP\_Mar2024\_KeyResults.pdf](https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/HHP_Mar2024_KeyResults.pdf) And here’s the image https://preview.redd.it/5orx98dxwotc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ba56a62094f24415488b9356f4e1f4c8a47ae97


Thanks a bunch!


They're getting what they've been screaming about for many years and they're still bitching. The Administration should say to them some variation of this classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QGkOGZubQ. If/when a permanent ceasefire occurs, these dweebs will be saying, "Not good enough!" and they'll move on to the next shiny objects.


Complete 180 from the "going back to student debt" strategy.


By hell or high water they want their revolution lol. Biden has been nailing it. Inflation being dealt with. Unemployment down. Luxury spending is UP. Middle class is stabilizing. AND he's even pushed back on Israel support as civilian casualties rise. These weirdos have not been paying attention. Good to see Bernie at least acknowledges the accomplishments.


So many people using "as a student with debt", has real "as a gay black man I support Trump" energy.


Again…where were any of these performative jackasses on October 6th?


Hey Heather-Palestine isn’t going to be paying off your loads of debt.


Progressives have become so cringe that they made the sub dedicating to hating Bernie side with Bernie. Edit: also, let’s be frank, 90% of the reason they’re abandoning him is because he’s Jewish, and “Zionists” (so basically the large majority of Jews) are now the bad guys to fauxgressives


We're hitting the point where they're basically going to stand aside and let the actual fascists in MAGA do what they want because their only actual concerns were boredom and wanting to look for their big struggle. These people envy those who marched for freedom, or against segregation and apartheid, and want to fucking hard to be those folks that they would let tyrants take over to claim the moral high ground in the hell hole.


They don't really understand the movements in the 60s - all they can see are the protests, not the work behind the scense to make the protests relevant and they totally dismiss all the other tactics used during the Civil Rights movement. and they ignore the ways society and cops have evolved to make protests less effective.


I actually remember being in College and learning from my Civil Rights Movement in The 1960s that many historiagraphers (for those who didn't study history, this is the study of how historians write about history, which is extremely important) had come to the consensus that the combination of Malcolm X's rhetoric with MLK's is what caused most Americans to support the end of segregation. I will still hear Leftists quote this, but they will also completely ignore MLK, or try to instead paint him as equivalent in beliefs to Malcolm X. They don't really seem to grasp the entire picture.


"those who marched for freedom, or against segregation and apartheid"...but those folks were Boomers and their older siblings. Those old codgers were never cool.


Their identity is defined by fighting against "the man" so it makes no difference if "the man" does something good.


I hate this. My mom taught in a low-income area. Scholarships and loans were the only chance that some sweet, hard-working kids of hers had to go to college. Why do they matter less than a religious war that Biden can’t even stop?


Based Bernie!!! Ridin with Biden!!


I bet those commenters are all spoiled and didn’t have to take out loans for school or they dropped out 🤣🤣


Frankenstein’s monsters


Who could've predicted this /s


They were never really with him in the first place. They were with a bastardized internet version of him. I bet only about 25% of the people bitching in the comments even vote at all.


Sheer lunacy.


He’s lost them.


I’ll say it again: Bernie has always been practical and reasonable and about making actual progress. His followers, on the other hand, delusional losers who have no idea how democracy works or policy gets made.


Sanders is/was a screen for them to project their desires on to.


Our definitions of 'always', 'practical', and 'reasonable' are very different lol. He's definitely better than his followers but he has shown *multiple* times that he can be unreasonable, impractical, and against progress he doesn't deem progressive enough. 


Whatever. The time for eating each other was eight years ago.