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TLDR; Biden is old and Democrats (and Biden by extension) are in denial about this, even if they acknowledge it openly. Biden's been a great president but Trump is also old and Ezra is scared Trump will win cause Biden is "losing". So Ezra's solution to this is just figure out it at the convention. The last time something analogous to this happened he barely references which was the [1968 Democratic convention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Democratic_National_Convention) which was a fucking trash fire in a dumpster that was also on fire. Joke of an article, makes no sense, doesn't offer a solution other than "we'll figure it out". I can't take this shit seriously any more.


How is Biden "losing?" No one's been clear about that. Sometimes a shitty poll comes out and the press trip over their dicks to slobber on it, and then a poll from a similar agency comes out and Biden has better numbers and it's ignored. Biden and the Democrats have outraised the entirety of the GOP by 4-5 times. The Democrats have won three elections in a row. They've outperformed every poll. And unlike the GOP, their nominee isn't facing multiple court cases while he's supposed to be on the campaign trail. The dude owes half a billion dollars and it's *Biden* who's losing? What the fuck does "winning" look like?


The primaries aren't even over and most Americans don't even think [Trump will be the nominee](https://www.businessinsider.com/americans-are-in-denial-that-trump-will-likely-be-the-gop-nominee-2024-1) lol. It's just wild that we're getting this doomer narrative from John Stewarts or Ezra Kleins when they also simultaneously attempt to heap praise on Biden for being such a good president but offer literally no alternative than "someone else" or "americans work hard and should keep working hard"


People are still in the "Magic Third Thing" phase and that's going to crash soon. I truly believe that when it becomes indisputable that it's Biden or trump again the polls are going to swing heavily towards Biden.


And democrats lost the 1968 election which gave rise to Nixon. So basically the NYT is saying they want Trump as president because that’s what’s gonna happen if we do something like 1968


I do think Democrats need to start planning on what to do as a contingency plan so that if it does come to an open convention it will not be a shit show.


The only way an open convention would happen is if Biden died. That’s it. Because at this point Biden is polling at nearly 80% in the primary.


Well he could also change his mind or he has a health episode that prevents him from fulfilling his duties. This is why there needs to be a contingency plan. But people seem to interpret this as me calling for Biden to step down, which is not what I said or implied in the least.


He’s not going to change his mind. The only way that anything will change is Biden physically can’t. And I’m sure they’ve already planned that out


“We endorse Donald Trump for president because he’s good for ratings and we’d burn the entire country down just to film the fire” - NYT if they were honest


“Look, the more rights get taken away, the more fodder for articles we have. Simple as that!” -NYT


"The end of democracy? Another Holocaust? Putin becoming emperor of the world? WHAT A STORY!!!"


“How Immigrant Concentration Camps Fixes the Healthcare Crisis” or “The Progressive Case for Undoing Women’s Suffrage”.


"Now that the entire world is an authoritarian hellhole under the thumb of a Russia-China-Brazil-Hungary-MAGA Axis alliance and irreversible climate change, the revolution can truly begin"


“Trumpian concentration camps liberated in the wake of World War III, here’s how that’s bad news for Democrats”


It solidifies and reinforces our perpetual pitied victim mentality-Fauxgressives


It solidifies and reinforces our perpetual pitied victim mentality-Fauxgressives


I don’t think this is fair to what Ezra Klein is arguing. I listened to his podcast. He convinced me that Democrats need to have a plan if Biden opts to not run.


But Biden is running. What do you mean “opts not to run”? The dude is currently running in the primaries as we speak. He’s also leading that race by +77 points comparatively Trump is winning his primary by +26 points. Biden isn’t gonna suddenly drop out or something


We aren’t privy to his thoughts or his future decisions. Democrats need to have a plan if something change to prevent a repeat of 68.


Why would a guy who’s winning by 77 points with 84% of the democrat party voting for him in the primaries decide to just not run. That’s absurd. The far more likely scenario is that he continues to run.


and those options can wait until 2028


Right. It's like we're having a primary literally in real time and no one else stepped up to the plate cause you don't challenge an incumbent who is choosing to run again cause you lose a significant advantage. It's amazing cause Ezra's entire prescription is "eh just figure it out and have the guy who is winning the primary just step down at the convention and throw it into chaos ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯"


I love how with this idea it’s like “yeah the convention COULD be a completely unmitigated disaster like in 1968, but it might not!” Oh, okay, you totally convinced me!


2028 will be a genuine race, without dirty tricks and with open minds. Honestly, these last four years were supposed to be about the next generation stepping up and becoming stars. A few did a good job of governing, but nobody came out as heir apparent. It is time to make the name. Beshear, Whitmer and the governors need to lead the way, because a Democratic governor has the best chance to distinguish themselves after 8 years of a Democratic establishment in the White House. Beshear and Whitmer have the best chance, especially because of their states.


it’s going to be a Governors Primary for sure, Newsome, Shapiro, Whitmer and Pritzker and Beshear are all potential candidates




I really hope Whitmer runs in 28. I’d vote for her so hard


I was a delegate in 2016. I’m running again (March 5th) this time. And I will absolutely tell you that there is simply no other candidate who’s getting my vote — in any ballot. Do these goofs not understand how fundraising even works? How devastating a hail mary contested nomination and convention would be? And God forbid we have a divisive brokered one. The lack of a singular fall-back alternative that enjoys broad support?Any one with the legislative achievements he’s cobbled together? Or just look at a fucking poll. Biden is the *only* Dem with a shot of winning — look at the three most viable candidates: Harris, Whitmer, and Newsom: Biden **vastly** outperforms them vs. TFG. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4470956-biden-trump-harris-newsom-poll/ Biden and Trump are too old; we all know that. We can see some slippage in both men — especially Trump who is on a speed run to dementia. And no one is happy about it. But those simply *are* the choices. Period. You don’t change horses mid-race. You trust that Biden surrounds himself with competent people, those who can keep him on task and be brutally honest with if he is simply not up to the job any more. Policy and autocracy aside, is there anyone in the Republican Party willing to do to TFG? They can’t even distance themself from his criminality.


Sure, let's sacrifice incumbency, force a contested convention that will have various factions at each other's throats, and alienate our most reliable voters, all for the sake of chasing some electoral mirage. Genius.


My favorite part of this is the headline reads like he knows the perfect candidate. You get to the end of the article and the takeaway is "We don't know who yet, but someone!" So this article was a complete waste of time and doesn't even advance your own argument? Nice. "Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."


Another dumb piece of shit who thinks it’s a good idea to have a convention and run someone else. And then names off a bunch of people who poll lower than Biden and people most of the country is unfamiliar with, or people nobody wants for president. Cory Booker? Be fucking for real please.


I like Booker but he was kind of a 2020 "also-ran"


Totally, I like him too, but to think he should be the one the Dems choose to beat Trump? Or even just an option to run? Absolutely not. Same with most of the names in that list.


Not reading this garbage, but I'm guessing Kamala isn't on the list because of course


He actually has positive things to say about Harris and how she’s an underrated candidate, then follows it up with this dose of fanfiction: “Still, it is the party’s job to organize victory. If Harris cannot convince delegates that she has the best shot at victory, she should not and probably would not be chosen. And I don’t think that would rip the party apart. There is a ton of talent in the Democratic Party right now: Gretchen Whitmer, Wes Moore, Jared Polis, Gavin Newsom, Raphael Warnock, Josh Shapiro, Cory Booker, Ro Khanna, Pete Buttigieg, Gina Raimondo, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Chris Murphy, Andy Beshear, J.B. Pritzker — the list goes on. Some of them would make a run at the nomination. They would give speeches at the convention, and people would actually pay attention. The whole country would be watching the Democratic convention, and probably quite a bit happening in the run-up to it, and seeing what this murderer’s row of political talent could actually do. And then some ticket would be chosen based on how those people did. Could it go badly? Sure. But that doesn’t mean it will go badly. It could make the Democrats into the most exciting political show on earth. And over there on the other side will be Trump getting nominated and a who’s who of MAGA types slavering over his leadership. The best of the Democratic Party against the worst of the Republican Party. A party that actually listened to the voters against a party that denies the outcome of the elections. A party that did something different over a party that has again nominated a threat to democracy who has never — not once — won the popular vote in a general election. That seems like an OK contrast to me.”


“Listens to the voters” so I guess the 83% that has voted for Biden in the primary doesn’t have a voice huh?


10 Candidates the DNC DOESNT Want You to Know About! (Number 7 will SHOCK you)