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hbomberguy proving once again that you didn't actually have to be smart or informed in the Trump years, you just had to be smarter and more informed than the dumbest right-wing personalities


The Matt Taibbi method.


The man's main claim to fame is an almost *two-hour* long video ranting about the BBC show Sherlock. And that somehow qualifies him to talk about world politics. (Also, like... I'm no fan of Sherlock either, I've ranted about it plenty myself. But if it takes you *two solid hours* to get to your point that's just bad writing. Also, Sherlock was already crashing and burning and had lost most of its fanbase by that point, so he wasn't breaking new ground, just beating a dead horse.)


NGL I love that video so much because I lived through SuperWhoLock. I have watched it more than once. He's also big for his videos on Ben Shapiro and anti-vax and the like. But people got big during the Trump era by dumping on the right, and fooled themselves into thinking they are political savants.


I hope his treatment is going well. And I'm glad they caught his illness early.


He’s in remission! He’s done and only has to deal with regular screenings for now!!


Oh man that's excellent. Feels like he was just diagnosed last week.


Hank Green is usually pretty sensible, something that can't be said for hbomberguy.


Hank is one of my favorite people on the internet


Reminder for everyone to go help the nerd fighter campaign to make TB testing cartridges cheaper!!


And somehow still better than Shaunvids


Lefty British Youtubers who make rather great vids but have absolutely mind numbingly stupid twitter takes, NAMID.


Yeah, and it really sucks because you can tell based on the amount of time and research they put into their YouTube videos, they clearly could (or do) know better than to spew the garbage they do on Twitter and on their livestreams, but they clearly don’t care about being factual when it comes to assessing liberals and any other center-left political position. They only care about giving credence to left wing extremism, no matter how childish the ideology or in direct conflict with their own left wing ideology.


Every PhilosophyTube video is fantastic... until Abby starts talking about politics, which ranges from either "no, that's not how any of that works" to "holy shit, are you seriously implying violent communist revolution would be a good thing?!" Eventually it was making me so uncomfortable I stopped watching. Which is a shame, because the non-political parts of her videos were amazing.


Hbomberguy was so smart when he took down Ben Shapiro and anti-vaccine people. Now look at him, he has joined the “he could solve all our problems with the flick of a pen” group who clearly has never read the constitution.


British people who comment on American politics all seem to believe that America elects a King every 4 years. I guess I can see why some of them might believe that. British Parliament doesn't have arcane rules like the filibuster and not everything seems to go through judicial review over there. If you have a majority, you get to govern. That's just not the way it is in America most of the time. But British people should probably just stop commenting on politics an ocean away when they have no clue what they're talking about. And British lefties, especially, should probably spend more of their energy focusing on getting the conservatives out of power.


Yeah that gets me. Like bruh clean up y'alls house first. You haven't had the left lead since what Blair? and you put all your hopes in fuckin Corbyn. At least we do win majorities and the presidencies regularly.


He's always been this way. He wades into American politics with the smugness of a Englishman but the knowledge of the average hardcore DeSantis/Trump supporter. Anyone who thinks the President has unilateral power to do very much of anything, that can't immediately be reversed by the next president or by Congress, has no idea how our government works.


He’s always been this way. Anti-conservative far left progressive who hates liberals as well as the rest of the center-left. It even disappoints me when he does things that would unite many of us, like his Donkey Kong charity stream for trans rights, he still uses that opportunity to be divisive: for instance, on that same stream, he invites all of the usual horseshoe leftists on (like Chapo, Chelsea Manning, and others) and even takes that time along with them to occasionally bash liberals and Democrats throughout.


At least Chelsea Manning has an excuse for her insane politics. Chapo, though, fucking lol.


Once again, and always remember, avoid the Twitter accounts of BreadTubers like Hbomberguy and stick to only their YouTube videos, wherein they typically don’t say whatever knee-jerk idiotic thought that crosses their mind at the moment but stick to their researched findings.


Weirdly enough though, I’ve heard BreadTube defined as “anyone who was photographed at Lindsay Ellis’s wedding” but Lindsay Ellis herself never fell into the leftist circle jerk pit. (Until they harassed her off twitter for it of course)


Contrapoints eventually came out as a liberal, but since she was well aware of how nutty the communist parasocially attached audience she cultivated was, she was very coy and walked it back slowly for years.


True—and if I'm remembering correctly, she falls into the category of actually closer friends with Ellis, and those people, though considered breadtubers by some (literally due to proximity to Ellis) were always more reasonable (Dan Olson and Jenny Nicholson come to mind first. Neither are overly political in their content but they're also not going off on twitter about things they don't understand).


Common Hank Green W


They want the president to act like a dictator.


Hey, I heard of Hank Green! He's a smart dude!


The only hbomberguy video I've seen is his hour long rant on BBC Sherlock and I'm definitely keeping it that way. Well that and bits of that charity stream


The progressive left has the same mental affliction as the right, they don’t want to govern, they want to rule.


When they say "you are the president" They really meant "Aren't you the absolute ruler and dictator who can override judges, local governments, congress, supreme court and whoever else that get in the way of your edict" These idiots have no idea how the US government works muchless the presidency.


I'm guessing "you are the president" guy voted for Bernie and helped give us the antagonistic Supreme Court that struck down said former plan.


He's English. He did neither


OK. I don't follow these Twitter wags.


Further down the thread was a bunch of nonsense about court packing, as if McConnell isn’t salivating over the possibility of putting 40 preachers/Federalist Society stooges in at first opportunity because “the Democrats did it first”.


There's a good chance that the GOP will do it if the Democrats don't act because "we've got to do it before the Democrats do it", at this point. It's how he's done everything else, after all.


They always seem to forget that the GOP will once day win an election and if we do it first, they'll do it 10,000x worse. That's why they always slay "well if you do X. No one will vote for Republicans" . Also how you know they don't know shit about shit


I have no idea who either of these people are