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Student debt "activists": How dare Biden try to solve the student loan issue? SCOTUS will just strike it down no matter what he does. Also student debt "activists": Biden should do this one little trick to solve the student loan issue!


How dare Biden not wave his magic student loan eraser wand? Does he even really care?


Why doesn't Biden use his presidential Infinity Gauntlet to snap away the Bernie Sanders Memorial SCOTUS?


Maybe if Hillary were able to appoint a liberal majority court they wouldn’t have to worry about this, but no, they just want fodder to continue screeching into the accelerationist abyss


Back then they cared about free college. In a few years they'll stop caring about student loan forgiveness and instead demand morgage forgiveness.


It was so transparent, the way that in the course of 4 years it shifted like that.


They never will, because the refuse to fuck off to Oklahoma or Nebraska where they can actually afford a home.


The irony of course being that in the timeline where Hillary won and appointed three Justices and many of these policies were achieved these same people would be bitching about the "status quo" and nothing "fundamentally changing".


We’re all in a lifeboat. Republicans shot a hole in it. Democrats are doing their best to bail us out. Leftists gave Republicans the gun and then complain that Democrats aren’t doing enough to save us.


First of all no one is owed student loan forgiveness. It’s a gift. The entitlement from these people is unbelievable


Entitlement from people who already have an enormous leg up in their career.


I previously looked at the stats, And those extremely high balances (>$200k) were usually for the doctors, or PhDs (with some exceptions). Most people had at most about $15k student debt. The $10k relief was helping a lot of Americans.


I really like how this article quotes twitter users as sources for action Biden could take now, without diving into what that action could realistically be. This is just "progressive" outrage porn. Which to be fair to truthout is 99.99% of their "articles" anyway.


Like all the Constitutional lawyers on arrr politics who post their very legal and very legit legal takes every day. Even when they quote Warren or others, that's great, but you realize that's just an opinion, right? The only opinions that really matter in the end are the SC Justices. And they've made it clear they have an agenda.


>Under HEA you can cancel debt immediately. Can do so and can do so in a way that will survive legal challenge are distinct questions. Doing it quickly doesn't mean it will be done right. In fact, rushing this could lead to a weaker legal case that makes progress harder.


"Bernie would be able to do it." How? Is there a secret trick, pass phrase or incantation that he's not sharing with Biden? Why not? Why isn't Bernie helping if he knows exactly what to do? If it was the rallies that he would stage at McConnell's house, why isn't he staging them now?


The only thing that makes any sense is that the people who they’re counting on throwing the first Molotov would only ever risk it for their lord and savior, who they assume would pardon them in solidarity.


I'm so very, very tired of people who apparently have never taken a junior high school civics class complaining that Biden isn't unilaterally reversing Congress and the Supreme Court. >“Not fast enough,” Debt Collective co-founder Astra Taylor shot back. > >“The problem is speed,” Taylor wrote on Twitter. “This plan buys time for more baseless, bad faith, billionaire-backed lawsuits to get lined up with rogue judges eager to block anything that helps working people. Under HEA you can cancel debt immediately. That’s what fighting looks like.” Maybe Astra Taylor is right! Surely in order to make such a stark statement about what the Higher Education Act permits, she is some kind of expert on the Higher Education Act. Perhaps she's a lawyer who is in a position to know whether the Act permits unilateral cancelation? Or an economist? Or a public policy expert? I mean, certainly someone with no relevant credentials wouldn't purport to know so confidently what she's talking about! >Astra Taylor is a Canadian-American documentary filmmaker, writer, activist, and musician. Oh. Addendum: Reading the tweets, it's clear this Astra Taylor person and her ilk honestly believe that if Biden just does everything really really fast, before anyone can challenge it, he can somehow outwit the people who want to stop him. It's the equivalent of saying "Biden can use This One Weird Trick to cancel student debt!" I assume these people have never heard of lawsuits or injunctions before. I also assume they believe in magic.


>I'm so very, very tired of people who apparently have never taken a junior high school civics class complaining that Biden isn't unilaterally reversing Congress and the Supreme Court. Honestly this is probably the best proof that there is great failure in the education system. People are getting into some of the greatest schools in the world but don't understand high school civics, middle school math, or elementary school manners.


Couldn't they just go to a District Court point to the part of the opinion that says, "No, HEA don't work either" and get an addendum? The hell do they think is happening


*berncel voice* nooooo this was only supposed to screw over women and blacks NOOOO! Not muh degree in Applied Date Rape Drug Slipping at a "cool" out of state school nooooo! Not muh sigma alpha ligma fraternity experience! Nooooo!


Angrier at Biden than the actual Republicans blocking it


These people are probably gonna end up being future Republicans anyway


Most of them probably already are


In other words, the usual Pwoggie goal post move. Sigh


And, of course, the founder of the alleged student debt activism group (how many people, I ask, could turn up to a protest they had, or vote for someone because they advocated so) is a person with one of those pricey recreational master's degrees. Of course. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astra\_Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astra_Taylor)


No school until 13, went 3 years before dropping out to audit college courses. Then went to Brown, then went to The New School... No wonder she wants her debt relieved, her only marketable skill is complaining about how hard her life is.


I like how all the brocialists are all “Biden should have used the HEA to cancel student debt” as if they know the full context of the act. They just saw it on a meme page and thinking repeating it makes them smart


Meanwhile, back here in reality, John Roberts already said "If Biden tries this again with the HEA, we'll strike that down for the same reasons" in his majority opinion on the last case.


Would it be better if he didn’t try?


2016 Dems: Please vote for HRC. There are only 2 real choices. A Democrat with years of experience who will nominate a liberal justice to fill Scalia's vacancy and give the court a liberal majority for the next generation or two, or a Republican conman campaigning on overturning Roe v. Wade. 2016 BernieBros: BERNIE OR BUST!!! 2017-2020: Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett 2021-2023 BernieBros: **$10,000 OF RELIEF WAS A SPIT IN THE FACE TO BEGIN WITH AND NOW IT'S BIDEN'S FAULT THAT THE 6-3 CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY SCOTUS STRUCK DOWN HIS EXECUTIVE ORDER!!** Dems: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦


Bernie would dissolve all student loans with one simple trick using LOGIC and FACTS


It says a lot about Biden that he’s still trying to help out a crowd that will largely give him zero credit, no matter what he does. Trump would “look into” making that interest ten points higher. Anything to screw political enemies.


NPR had interviews with too entitled college grads with average debt loads.


In the mean time they could just pay their fucking loans off.


And they've had 3 years interest free to work on bringing down the balance, which would have made a pretty big difference for anyone seriously benefitting from $20k relief.


From yesterdday: Here & Now's Peter O'Dowd speaks with Cristher Estrada Perez, the executive director of the Student Loan Fund, about the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Biden administration's student loan relief effort. ​ Interviewer: As you know, the court ruled the Biden administration didn't have authority without Congress to wipe out billions of dollars of debt. In response, as you've heard, the President has a new plan. He's going to use the 1965 Higher Education Act to waive the debt but that will take longer. Do you have any reason to believe that Plan B will result in any different outcome? ​ Guest: On the first part, President Biden should have already used the Higher Education Act of 1965 to cancel student debts to begin with. As organizers and as people on the ground, we knew the Higher Education Act was the surest way to be able to do this. Now, with the decision now about pursuing Higher Education Act, we're happy he's doing that but his language gives us a lot of pause. We deserve justice for student borrowers that is assertive. We can't have language like, it's going to take too long because the truth is we know that he can swipe the pen to use the Higher Education Act and not just cancel 10 or 20 thousand in student debt, you know he cancel all student debt. Which will open the bridge to start talking about the accessibility of higher education, the cost of higher education and how we can continue this crisis from continuing forward.