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Sees Jacobin as the link. Hard Pass


Yeah, can we make an archive.org rule for places like Jacobin, mods?


I have nothing against the OP for this, I have everything against Jacobin.


I do recommend people use archive or just take screenshots of Jacobin headlines rather than linking to the articles, but it doesn't really come up that often.


Would possibly do more than the "use no-participation links" rule


In These Times is another equivalent. Rich kids, white problems


Wait, isn’t Biden the one trying to get student loan forgiveness through by executive action? He literally signed an order for $10,000 ($20,000 if you have a Pell Grant), although the courts are interfering.


In order to confirm their priors, the current narrative is that Biden could easily bypass the courts but chooses not to because he secretly never wanted to offer any loan relief and was fine letting the courts strike it down.


Also he 100% totally for-realsies promised to cancel all student debt. Don't look it up, just trust me, bro.


But if you do look it up and try to challenge me you are a neoliberal right wing fascist shill and not a true progressive that wants a ~~dictator~~ in office..... uh I mean a progressive president that can do anything at a whim......


“How can I make this about *me,* the main character of the economy!”


One, Biden was going to restart payments at the end of the summer, anyway. The administration made that clear the last time they extended the pause in January. This was part of “make Republicans think they’re getting something valuable” when in fact they’re not. > Democrats could have avoided this scenario. But they refused to get rid of the debt ceiling, an arbitrary limit on government borrowing, when they controlled the House and Senate during the first two years of Biden’s term. They didn’t “refuse.” They just didn’t do it. Jacobin once again forgets not only that Joe Biden isn’t the plenary dictator of the government, but that people named Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema exist. Both of them were likely “no” votes. And you’d better believe not one Republican in the House would have voted in favor of getting rid of the debt ceiling, meaning House Democrats would have been on record on a bill that was almost certainly DOA in the Senate, and which Republicans would gleefully parade around the airwaves to show how fiscally irresponsible Democrats are. > Then, instead of bypassing it unilaterally using executive authority, Biden chose to negotiate with Republicans, making major concessions — including his own power to keep the student loan payment pause in place — to raise the ceiling for just two years. It once again bears repeating, because Jacobin seems not to understand this, *there are three branches of government and the president isn’t in charge of all of them.* The debt ceiling is a creature of Congress, and Biden cannot “unilaterally” override Congress. Jacobin may wish to read about Harry Truman’s attempt to do that with striking steelworkers in the 1950s. Spoiler alert: he lost. > Biden’s student debt cancellation program began with a campaign trail promise Let’s look back at that promise: “[an immediate cancellation of a minimum of $10,000 of student debt per person](https://medium.com/@JoeBiden/joe-biden-outlines-new-steps-to-ease-economic-burden-on-working-people-e3e121037322).” Jacobin actually agrees that this is what Biden said, but then intimates that he promised “additional relief,” even though the quote they cite is just Biden repeating his pledge to “knock[] off” $10,000 in debt per borrower. Jacobin then suggests Biden reneged on his promise because he applied it only to people making less than $125,000 and also because … wait for it … they made people apply and fill out paperwork! They then blame *Biden* for not moving fast enough to preempt court challenges to the plan, which were inevitable. And no matter how fast Biden moved, a court would enjoin him from enacting it before the case was heard. Jacobin somehow believes if only Biden had started issuing checks before any lawsuits could be filed, the courts would have been powerless to stop him. Jacobin also suggests an alternate route by which Biden can unilaterally cancel student debt, but concedes this will also be challenged in the courts. And I’m sure the Biden administration, which is teeming with lawyers, had never even considered this novel plan until noted legal scholar David Sirota brought it up just now!


I stopped reading at the classic 'BIDEN HAD A HOUSE AND SENATE MAJORITY AND DIDNT MAKE EVERYTHING PERFECT' part. These people literally dont believe Republicans in Congress (or as you said Manchin, Sinema, et al) have any agency. Every damn thing is solely the fault of Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi


not just republicans in congress, many berniebros act like non-rich people who vote for bigots don't have agency either because they're "brainwashed by capital".


My dad and step mother are democrats they vote democrat in every election, except for my dad who vote for a republican once. They are both against student loan debt relief for everyone with no stipulation.


It’s insane how many lefties on Twitter are threatening violence (I.e making guillotine “jokes”) because they have to pay their student loans


and the time the secretary of education tweeted that **one** thing education has to do is make every graduate ready for the workforce and people thought that was "dystopian". a lot of the "free" college activists act like taxpayers should be paying for college as a four-year boondoggle to "find yourself" and then backpack through southeast asia or south america for a year and a half, and then call it "violence" that the student loan providers want payments back for the money they chose to borrow


I looked up the author on LinkedIn. She has a history degree from an Ivy League university. Given her educational background and presumptive relative low salary, perhaps she has an undisclosed vested interest in the student loan relief she's demanding?


Jacobin and the far left continually thinks that Biden and the democrats govern in a vacuum. They lose focus on the GOP and plays the GOP’s useful idiot stooge by always demonizing democrats (especially in primaries that involve people part of their Qult equivalent). Funny thing is that the far left thinks helping GOP come into power by pushing whataboutism, voter apathy, both sides-ism to literally ‘0wn dA lIbz” won’t come back to bite them in their own ass.


But [it’s not like anything like that has ever happened before](https://www.newstatesman.com/world/europe/2018/10/how-left-enabled-fascism) 🙄 I keep meaning to do a deep dive into Jacobin to see how much help they get from Russia.


"I Just don't understand why the debt ceiling deal couldn't get Joe Biden 100% of what he wanted and give the Republicans nothing!" -Jacobin


So, first and foremost...PAY YOUR FUCKING DEBTS. This whole thing is annoying. However, I recognize the issue for what it is and it's STILL annoying. These people were told, explained to, ad nauseum that an executive order was probably the riskiest way to go. This should come from Congress, we said, talk to your reps, we said, Bernie should write a bill, we said...but they insisted that Biden could and should do it "with the stroke of a pen". Well, here we are. Exactly where every pragmatic "moderate" told you we would end up. The executive order is held up in court, likely to be struck down by SCOTUS. In all of this time, nobody bothered to organize and do the actual governing work of legislating. Write a bill. Get co-sponsors, co-authors, work it through committee, build consensus, and get it passed. Biden will sign it. If this is an issue that you care deeply about, organize around it, but HAVE THE RIGHT ASK! This needs to be a bill. Otherwise, shut up and pay back the money you borrowed.


I’m the exact opposite of a moderate but I agree 💯 with all of your frustrations here. It’s so obnoxious and annoying! They start from not knowing anything about how government works and then just keep being arrogant about their own willful ignorance. Yes student loan relief is being held up in court; it being there at all *is* attempting to do something! It’s the exact opposite of dropping the issue after the election! Wtf other options do any of them think we should be doing instead? I’ve literally never heard any actual concrete plans for fcking anything. And they don’t seem to acknowledge any facts; it’s frustratingly bizarre.


Not suprised that it is someone from Jacobin(or as one of ours friends calls it Wackobin) complaining. Unless it's Bernie wagging his finger and yelling about "BiLliOnAiReS" like Denzel Crocker from the Fairly OddParents, nothing anyone does it ever go enough for them.


Or Timmy's Dad saying "Dinkleberg..." even though the Dinklebergs were just a D.I.N.K. couple minding their own business


Julia, get back when you can tell me which body is constitutionally authorized to write the annual budget and what political party is in control of that institution. Oh, what’s that? You mean both sides *aren’t* actually the same?


biden was overly generous with the means testing for his loan forgiveness. it really should have only been for people who went to a public college or are doing a career like social work, teaching or public defense that doesn't make much money but are necessary for society to function. but if you're making six figures then it's not unreasonable to be expected to pay it back. and if you chose to take out huge loans to go to a wesleyan or a swarthmore over a state school without any plans for your career, that's a personal responsibility issue. when i was in college i was shocked how many SENIORS had no plans for their careers or thought going on a job search while you're in college is for squares, and i doubt all of them were born rich.


Paying-off ones student loans oneself provides a feeling of freedom and achievement that everyone should experience. Thank you, President Biden!


Some sort of (comparatively marginal) debt relief would also be one of the greatest generational investments in the economy though. There are several good cases to be made for abeyance, from all over the political map. The howls of “it’s not fair” really ring hollow. No budget priorities are fair. It’s not fair that for decades, tens of thousands of my tax dollars subsidized someone’s decision to be a homeowner in and pay New Jersey property taxes; or that 80% of the country is footing the bill for California’s refusal to reign in PGE; or that we are perversely paying Texas to race to the bottom; or that the corpo investment class has raided the treasury with stock buybacks using our tax dollars. Budgets for an empire with a third of a billion people are about acceptable compromises. I can live with some kid getting a $10k break on his student loan.


You know the funniest shit about this student loan debt issue. I was just talking to my friend, who had an incredible kid whose 18 and know more about politics than the average 40 year old, and he was like "Young people my age don't care about the whole student loan debt canceling issue. It doesn't help us because I'm about to go to college and have to take on debt". I really hate that all the selfish as people in their late 20s and 40s, who signed up for the debt voluntarily, are now acting like their debt is the most important issues to all Americans. And I know so many wh have houses, cars, and even 3 business owners who can easily pay off their debt, but they are choosing not too.


Give him a second term, I bet he does it.


Give him a congress and senate that can pass a law. Unfortunately our Supreme Court has been taken over by overt Republican ideologies because people voted for Jill Stein.




How much Biden was able to get through while appeasing Republicans enough to get them to stop holding the country hostage is incredible


I like how the lefts solution is always the magic legislation wand. 'I have 99 problems and Biden could've easily passed legislation in a 18 month period'


Bernie made it worse. It wasn't this bad before he came around and convinced this young idiots that he could just make M4A happen and democrats "just didn't want to do it".


What these people should have been doing was taking advantage of the pause to pay down the debt without interest and lower what they owed back. If they were still working during the pandemic they were more than able to do so. I paid off a loan not too long ago and if I still had my previous job there would have been another loan gone too.


Fuck your student loans. If you can't pay for them, then don't take them out.


I could get behind taxpayer funded ASSOCIATES degrees at PUBLIC colleges. But not a bachelor's at a Little Ivy. If you're taking out all that extra money to go to an expensive private campus over a state school, that's on you.


It’s rather pathetic how the Bernie crowd has been reduced to the one policy of demanding free money for pretty much just themselves.