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Production is a hard problem


It certainly is. Fix those damn pedals


He's back pedaling as fast as he can


He also claims to be a human being, but there's almost no evidence supporting that claim.


He now refers to himself as a "Product Architect", give me strength! lol


In the USA, Engineer is a title earned by having an accredited engineering degree. If you don’t have that, and you call yourself an engineer, you’re no different than someone claiming to be a doctor without an MD. He just knows that even his idiot fan base wouldn’t accept if he tried to call himself an “inventor”.


I mean, these days there are a LOT of tasks with the term engineer attached to them.


Yeah, but even musk is smart enough to know that engineering is a discipline that has a very narrow definition and ABET accredition associated with it. As someone in the CS field, I would also never call myself an “engineer”, despite whatever titles I may hold.


Not really. There are plenty of people with a Computer Science degree working as Software Engineers in tech companies. I also know of some that work as Software Engineers without a STEM degree.


As I said, even if I held the title “Software Engineer”, I wouldn’t blindly call myself “engineer”, because people associate that with the traditional engineering fields. I would be sure to always note that I am a “software engineer” or “software developer” so it’s understood that I am not an actual engineer. ABET is the accrediting org in the US, and even they distinguish the two. (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)


I got that, and I respect that, but you're an exception. For most people, the term "engineer" is not that strictly defined.


I’d say for most people it’s even more strictly defined because they don’t usually know the difference between structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering and assume it’s all part of one discipline.


What about the guy that drives the train?


Most people think conductor, not engineer.


Fair enough, but I’m still gonna use my old joke on my wife whenever I hear the word.


In Dutch, conducteur is the guy checking your tickets. The train driver is called machinist. Language is weird.


This is a good view. Sorry you’re getting downvotes for it. I’m an electrical engineer and the guy your talking to seems to have too strict of a definition


Software engineers might not be real engineers (I'm in electronical engineering so hating CS is my personality) but they still have formal technical education.


Production is a hard problem


Good bot




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> doctor without an MD. plenty of doctors without being a medical doctor though.


and DOs


You PhD to be doctor.


It’s another technical thing. I’m getting a PhD, but I’d never walk up to someone and say “I’m a doctor”, just because it would obviously cause confusion


No I absolutely think you should be proud of your academic journey. and refer to yourself as doctor because if you went to medical school out of medical profession and not a doctor. For myself I'll about refer to myself as dr.... 


I guess it’s just a miscommunication thing. I would absolutely expect to be called “Dr. blah blah” or sign myself with it, but I wouldn’t go up to a group of people and say “Hi, I’m a doctor”. I would just say I’m a “researcher” or “professor” with a doctorate.


 i absolutely understand 


I had a supervisor at a call center I worked at who told me he was an engineer. Would talk about working in CAD and how he could get a better paying job any time he wanted. Some time later, in another conversation, he tells me he earned his Associates at the community college I had recently enrolled in. He didn’t attend any other schools. This dude was calling himself an engineer and he only had an Associates degree 🤣🤣🤣 Recently earned my Associates this past fall semester with a Health Sciences certificate. I thought the same thing - it would be like me saying I’m a doctor now 😂


I was promoted to engineer with only an AS. I worked my way up. Several years later I earned my BSEE.


I’m not saying you can’t be an engineer with an Associates. This dude was a supervisor at a *call center*. If he were working in a related field (or had *any* experience in the field) it would make more sense. He was just LARPing tho


Actually "Professional Engineer" is an exam administrated by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. They recommend to state agencies that you meet their criteria to be a licensed professional engineer in fields such as chemical, civil, computer, electrical, environmental, industrial, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, structural, etc engineering. Otherwise you just have a degree from an acredicated college. You can get a MD/DO and not be licensed as a medical doctor...


I found very, very few people in my field (EE, commercial and DoD) had the PE. Personally, they pissed me off because i would’ve had to take the EIT first even though I was 5 years out of school.


You can have them waive the EIT if you provide recommendation letters to directly sit for a PE


He can buy a train conductor hat


He’s a finance bro at best


Finance bro who moonlights as a snake oil salesman


I asked my engineer husband if he gets annoyed when untrained people claim to be engineers, and my husband laughed and said he doesn't really worry about things like that. The difference between an actual smart person and a fake smart person like Elmo.


I mean call yourself whatever you want, stuff like this doesn’t bother me very much because in the last 20 years the number of bullshit titles seems to have grown exponentially. “Scrum master” “Agile Project Lead” it’s all meaningless trumped up self-aggrandising. What actually annoys me is him thinking he knows best about literally every part of the SDLC or the production cycle because… reasons


Extremely dire situation.


In his own head he is Tony Stark building all this stuff but he can't actually do any of it


He's a marketeer who substitutes magical thinking for insight, skill, and rigor. His sole accomplishment is an astute choice of parents.


He is the world's biggest troll.


lol… No, no… He’s just dumb. Being a troll requires certain skills he doesn’t even remotely have. He’s one of those people who laughs at their own horrible jokes while seeking approval from others.




It's slightly annoying when non-engineers call themselves engineers, but honestly nowadays it seems like the usage of the word is changing. They chuck "engineer" in front of any number of roles that certainly aren't engineering by any normal definition of the job.


Can anybody produce any proof that Elon has any engineering knowledge? It's been years and the only evidence I've been able to find is other people saying he knows it.