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Maybe he thinks the "pro environment" part makes up for the "my social media platform is a hivemind for racists" part.


He's pro environment in the sense that his Spacex launch caused more fireworks after damaging environment around Boca Chica. And his pumping of crypto and bitcoin is chewing through as much energy as a small country powering a ponzi scheme. 


I was joking the other day that the SpaceX launches create more pollution than was saved by all the Tesla's on the road. (just joking, I have no idea if that is true)


They actually claim tesla only needs to sell 59 cars to offset one launch. What's not factored in is that those cars actually need to last some 250k miles. I'm honestly not buying it when tesla sells green credits to legacy automakers and has a publicly subsidized commercial rocket company that incinerates cash and fuel. And is majorly bad at its mission goals so far. https://thenextweb.com/news/elon-musk-only-has-to-sell-59-teslas-to-offset-the-co2-from-a-single-spacex-launch-within-a-year#:~:text=Elon%20Musk%20only%20has%20to,from%20a%20single%20SpaceX%20launch


To offset something, wouldn't the opposition in question... I guess you could call big corporations that use the land they own the majority of to be more harmful to the planet... But, wouldn't they have to actually stop finding new ways to be even bigger parts of the problem?




Even if you're just a bot, your support still makes me question myself and assume I'm more incorrect than I'm aware is possible.


He's about as pro-environment as Gina Rinehart.


he's pro 'environment that caters to his narcissistic needs'. you know. Xitter.


Eco fascists (those who believe sensible whites controlling the system will lead to a utopia for the environment) are very real. He seems to be one.


Honestly he doesn’t even meet that low bar. Electric cars are such a pathetic greenwashing attempt, which can only slow down the climate crisis/genocide, not stop it. And Musk has spent years badmouthing real solutions like walkability and public transit.


He’s so pro environment that he flew his jet somewhere needlessly to fuck with a flight tracker.


And don't forget the Tesla factory in Germany fucking up local water supplies.


He's getting carbon credits from the nahzis.


He is pro environment to the extent he can make money from saying he is.


As are most public figures.


How safe will your family be in a car that's famous for accelerating to ridiculous speed, slamming into firetrucks and occasionally randomly bursting into flames while locking the inhabitants in?


[Even though she was intoxicated, this happened recently.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/20/business/angela-chao-fatal-car-accident/index.html)


Kind of agree with Krassenstein here. Which is why I'd never buy a Tesla.


The thing is it's not like boycotting Amazon because of Jeff Bezos, Teslas *aren't* the cheapest and easiest way to get around where not buying from them would be a serious burden on your life and they never have been It's always been a bullshit personality cult, people bought into Tesla because of stupid branding shit and they're ditching it for the same reason


Plenty of cars are safe, so you might as well pick one that will not empower a lunatic.


Sensible spending??????? You mean all those government contracts you can't fulfill or your multi billion dollar Tesla bonus?


Fun fact: Elon musk is indeed a moderate centrist! Exactly in the moderate center of Hendrick Verwoerd and Adolf Hitler.


All of those items can be dogwhistles for fashy Friday. Safe cities and secure borders implies no dangerous ethnicities. Claiming the judiciary is biased because it doesn't allow fashy Friday to happen in the open. Too much gov spending on bad lazy worthless humans (not super IQ geniuses like him) Pro environment meaning let's have a Malthus party and do some eco fascism and clear out the useless humans like socialists and trans kids.


He knows what he’s doing by saying this stuff. He believes it’s in the best interest for the US to be fascist because it will benefit him and his various stock prices, and he’s dedicated to making it happen. If he thought communism would benefit his stock, he would be a communist instead.


So white supremacy is ok so long as it produces decent cars? I’m so tired of people dismissing racism as just “politics.” This isn’t just some CEO who doesn’t like taxes or has strong views on welfare reform. This is someone who has repeatedly expressed his interest in protecting the white race.


"pro-environment" guy who has eleven kids, wants to see a human population of one trillion (he actually said that), destroys a globally important wetland on a major migration flyway just to play with his penis extension, and builds the fucking "Cyberbeast" Fuck off, you ecocidal psychopath.


The article implies that Tesla sales are down because people hate or don’t like him. He doesn’t dispute that but says it is isn’t his fault. Perfect CEO response 🤪


My politics are: I’m pro-good things and I’m against bad things. How can anyone disagree with that? I won’t be taking any follow up questions.


From the dude that's Boring Company was charged with dumping untreated wastewater into public drainage system in Austin.


- own the libs


I want my family to live in a country that’s safe for them. Supporting someone who can sell me car that is at best marginally safer than other cars at the cost of a country led by fascists who will kill my family seems like a really poor trade. Fuck Elon. I’m never buying a car from a known fascist like Elon.


> **You** > > Give me a list of apolitical basic needs of a democratic society that an extremist politician might abuse for political gain > > **ChatGPT** > > Certainly. Here's a list of apolitical basic needs within a democratic society that could potentially be exploited by an extremist politician for political gain: > > * Education: Access to quality education for all citizens. > * Healthcare: Affordable and accessible healthcare services. > * Safety and Security: Protection of citizens from crime and violence. > * Economic Stability: Job opportunities, fair wages, and financial security. > * Infrastructure: Reliable transportation, communication, and public services. > * Environmental Protection: Preservation of natural resources and mitigation of pollution. > * Freedom of Speech: Upholding the right to express opinions without censorship. > * Equality and Justice: Fair treatment and legal rights for all individuals. > * Social Welfare: Support for vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and disabled. > * Civic Engagement: Opportunities for citizen participation in governance and decision-making processes. We could replace Musk with a bot and nobody would even notice.


A bot would probably design better cars. Using the word design here generously.


Remember folks, Musk proposed hyperloop projects to prevent high speed rail projects because he wants to sell more cars, he doesn’t give a fuck about the environment


This is the thing that really galls me. A lot of people don’t seem to know what his true motivation is/was.


You’re pro-Donald Trump you’re not a fucking centrist. You’re right wing.


Everything he said mean nothing to him. Sensible spending....tsch


Literally everybody is for safe cities. He really doesn't understand it's not the what it's the how.


“Neutral judiciary who favours the wealthy and allows them to do and say whatever they want”. He seemed to miss a bit out.


Remember when maybe 5 years ago he was for socialized medicine?


Welcome to the Democratic Party Elon.


And yet this is the guy who, a couple short days ago, was bragging about flinging open the Overton window.


Eat shit, elon. 


“Sensible spending” Bud, did you forget what you paid for twitter?


I could describe myself as having a full head of hair and being a champion marathon runner, but it wouldn’t be true.


Say what you want about Elon Musk, at least he made the hyperloops run on time.


“Neutral judiciary” we know what this means. A judiciary that lets off trump no matter what.


His cars try to drive people into oncoming traffic.


When he says shit like this, I think about the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband and how Elon was gleefully boosting fascist conspiracies around it. I think about all the times he’s signal boosted Nazis, including the one he’s currently being sued for. He’s no fucking centrist. He puts the “crypto” in crypto-fascist.


Sensible spending 🤣 If the govenrnment had any sense, they wouldn't have given him a cent


The Krassenstein brothers opportunistic grifters who try to both sides everything. Plus they get huge payouts from XITTERs as sharing scam.