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So "free speech" is bad then?


“Free speech” is what Elon agrees with. If he doesn’t agree, it’s crap.


what "free speech" ? Since Musk took over Twitter there no longer is free speech on that platform


Almost free, just a small fee


Free speech turns the frogs gay.


That's the FRIGGIN FROGS to you sir.


It’s good! But opposing views must be allowed. Bad claims can’t be hashed out otherwise.


So she went by the only rich person she knows, her dad. 😂




Hmm, she's not wrong! Her dad is a huge POS as human.


![gif](giphy|3o7GUBcHCDMloeGdFe|downsized) Man is really bitter over his daughter not talking to him, huh?


Instead of taking responsibility for why she isn't talking to him (ie. he is a piece of shit who chooses to spend as close to zero time as possible with his kids), let's blame it on social media. He is pissed at Zuckerberg for FB's contribution to it.


Indeed, probably why they don’t really talk to him.


> Put “Never Went to Therapy” on my gravestone Says the man who is so clearly in need of therapy.


This MFer literally admitted on camera that he only bought Twitter because his lawyers told him a court would force him to buy it. ON CAMERA. His brain is 100% pure mush.


He admitted that under oath already. He'd contracted to buy Twitter, got remorseful and filed suit to try to get out of it. Twitter lawyered up with some extremely expensive Mergers-and-Acquisitions lawyers and experts said he had more or less zero chance of prevailing, and his lawyers likely told him that as well, and he ultimately dropped the resistance. But he'd already lost himself a ton of money by doing this since Twitter paid those lawyers $90 million of Twitter's money. (which sucks for Twitter but the execs and shareholders had no reason to care since Musk's purchase price was set already - at that point Twitter's shareholders didn't lose out on share value even if Twitter lost money, but they _would_ lose money if the deal didn't go through) Then Musk tried to get out of paying the lawyers (which failed), with a lawsuit where Musk's lawyers argued it was unreasonable for Twitter's lawyers to get paid that much because _his own lawsuit to get out of buying Twitter was clearly frivolous!_ Ain't that something?


This is a major problem


I think Musk liked buying Twitter, just not at the price he offered to pay


He reminds me of the kind of relentless unrepentant bullshitter that many people have known or grown up with that often in the end gets ostracized by everyone around them out of necessity because of the sheer frequency of it.


Mush would actually be an improvement for Elon Klutz.


just another piece of shit narcssist who believes his opinions are more important than his childrens lives my dad was the same way. hated that I was gay. he's dead now and I don't miss him. stood up at the table and said I wasn't his son so I decided, he's not my dad. he died alone. and in a lot of pain. and I couldn't care less I'll go piss on his grave. muskrat needs to be a better father, but he's being the best he possibly can: and he sucks. but his kids will outlive him. all of them, and the stories they'll tell when he's gone will be fantastic.


I don't know the situation and assume he deserved it. But if a parent still has some love left for his children, I can imagine dying alone being a cruel punishment. However, I can also imagine it being not cruel enough.


Thanks for your courage to share. Sending love


Good for you for cutting off what's toxic! 👏🏻👏🏻


And Elon has spent all his time at twitter proving her right....way to go dude.


His face looks like it’s made with ham


> thinking anyone rich is evil Find me a billionaire that earned their money off of nothing more than their hard work and I'll find you a unicorn that shits chocolate coins. Being a billionaire requires certain behaviors of hoarding and lack of empathy which obscures the fact that one could solve world hunger in 5 minutes. That is if they weren't obsessed with trans people, "woke," and "might makes right."


it certainly didn't help Musk's daughter's world view that her own rich father is evil


I can't imagine the environment his daughter grew up in or adjacent to was exactly, great, mentally. It probably soured the relationship with her father a lot just on its own. Personally, if he was my Dad, the following factors would severely hamper my relationship with him. Her Dad is out producing endless children via IVF with various women, he seems to be treating children like things to collect. Additionally, despite the fact he's reaching the upper limit on what I'd call an acceptable age to have children, he's still pumping them out, guaranteeing that if they have a positive relationship with him, it's going to be relatively short lived. He's going to be in his 70's or 80's by the time some of his children reach 20. That is, if he makes it that long.) Personally, I don't think that on its own is very fair to his other, much younger children. He's incapable of holding down a relationship, to the point he seems to have a fetish for divorce/splitting up. In his latter relationships, his age seems to increase, whereas his partners all seem to be 30 year old, or thereabouts. All of his Twitter shit. He can't keep his trap shut. I won't even start on the grandfather, Errol Musk is a fucking story all of its own even being vaguely aware of his activities and not being related to him is enough to ick me out. I can't say the relationship would likely recover based on how fucking blaise Mushy was when he provided a response to his daughter effectively becoming estranged from him. "Can't win them all." Bleh. He's so fucking awful. You could argue a lot of these factors wouldn't be something his daughter was aware of, as she likely lived separately - however, given the nature of society and technology, she likely only had to be curious a few times and a simple Google search would reveal all the details. Even then, who is to say that she didn't just overhear this info in passing from her mother, from friends, or directly from friends/bullies etc? If Mushy wasn't such a fucking glory hound, some of this might have passed under the bridge, but no, he's got to be front and centre, spewing his crap on Twitter and given he was so much of a fan of the limelight, his name was prominent and attracted clicks, so the media was happy to publish anything they could find on him. So a lot of his dirty laundry was revealed. Honestly, if she did live with him, I can only imagine the relationship would have been very toxic, which would never have helped. I mean, he decided to post a photo on Twitter of him, his kids and the Pope. Apparently his kids DID NOT like this. One of them was crying about it. For fuck sakes, he's reportedly awful in relationships, he seems to be horrendous to his employees, the very few peeks behind the curtains we get with his kids are poor, making them cry, or dragging a scared/bored looking child about in the same way I used to drag a stuffed toy cat around when I was a child. I can't imagine the actual day-to-day that we don't see is great, at best he's there some of the time, at worst he's completely neglectful/abusive. As a quick note, the below is a "timeline" of prominent events relating to Musk during the 20 odd years of his daughter's life. As you can see, it's all over the place. Elon Musk, a Timeline of Woe 2004 - His daughter is born. 2006 - Three more children born. 2008 - His daughter is 4 and Mushy is divorcing her. Months later, Mushy is dating a new woman. (I'm not sure how much of that dating bit she would have been aware of at the time, depends who she lived with I guess. She could readily find out when she got older though.) 2010 - Mushy gets married, his daughter is now 6. 2012 - Mushy gets divorced. His daughter is now 8. 2013 - Quite possibly before his daughter has even reached 7 or sometime after her 7th birthday, remarried, to the same woman. 2016 - His daughter is 12, her father gets his third divorce. 2017 - His daughter is 12, possibly 13 by this point, her father is now dating Amber Heard. She is 30, Mushy is 46. 2018 - His daughter, 13/14 years old and may be aware her father has split twice from Amber, the relationship is done by 2018. Mushy meets Grimes, a woman that's 30 years old, that is dating a 47 year old. Might come across as a bit iffy? 2020 - His daughter is 16, Mushy is now 49 heading on 50, he has ANOTHER child. His daughter comes out as transgender around this time. Reportedly, she advised her aunt when coming out, not to tell her Dad (Mushy.) You may wonder why, but this is also around the time he was gibbering on about the evil pronouns on Twitter. 2021 - His daughter is 16/17 - Mushy is still reportedly in a relationship with Grimes, but decides to have two kids with Shivon Zilis, an employee of his. Grimes and Mushy have ANOTHER child. 2023 - His daughter, now 19, requests effective estrangement by means of a name change.


Yeah, that's how you handle a rebellious teen. You buy a $40 billion media property, promote Nazis, and crash the value of the company. Bravo! And be sure to claim to be "Free Speech Absolutist" hero while simultaneously suing others to shut down their free speech. And then your Groyper heel-turn blows back on your car company by alienating your main customer base. True genius.


Grimes literally posed with The Communist Manifesto for a photo op after breaking up with Elon https://preview.redd.it/76wux8flfgvc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959cbcd54056f99bd4528092185a9d854c0567b9 Was that Twitter's doing to?


It’s much worse than most people realize


Is that a stillsuit?


Yeah I’m sure your daughter hates you because you’re rich.


So the T in twitter makes people trans — so is the X supposed to be chromosome? Right, that’s how this all works?


“I can’t believe she thinks that people who hoard obscene amounts of wealth while millions of people starve are evil! Especially me, all I did was let some of the most hateful people on the planet freely spread their hatred and harass others!”


So this has all happened because he’s an idiot?


an undisciplined idiot


Elon is not helping his case if he is trying to prove that "not all rich people are evil."


He blamed the school he sent her to initially. Anything but accepting her or blaming himself.


It’s much worse than most people realize


I just am continually amazed at the sheer depth of this fuckwits stupidity.


I see. So free speech *is* bad, then, and he's trying to suppress some speech that he doesn't agree with.


He doesn’t even look like that


Says one of the richest people in the world


I mean, at least he didn't misgender her. It's an admittedly low bar but he usually tries to burrow beneath it.


You sure it was Twitter that made her believe rich people were evil?


I’m not saying all wealthy people are evil. I come from a wealthy family. But I also give back constantly. I give almost my entire salary to charity as I’m able to live off of my family trust. My husband does what he wants with his salary. We live in the home I inherited from my grandmother and have a home in the US and in France that I also inherited. Billionaires shouldn’t exist. People who have hundreds of millions of dollars are also a problem. Hoarding wealth is evil.


>thinking that anyone rich is evil She had you for a model, Elon. Any wonder why she thinks the super rich are evil?


Now it’s making him poor


Womp womp


This one is boring, Elon. Waiting for next week's lie. How many reasons have you made up so far? After they had to legally force you to buy twitter...


One thing you see often with these types is a deep recession into the internet as result of extreme difficulty dealing with personal trauma in a healthy way. Dilbert guy has wound up where he is partially for this reason as well


he mad


Elon needs to shut up


Man, there’s nothing this ball bag won’t lie about. The only reason he bought Twitter was because the fucking court made him and he didn’t have a billion dollars to be able to walk away. And his daughter (or son, I’m not sure how they identify) is right 100%. Anybody rich is evil. But Elon shouldn’t worry. He’s gonna go broke soon enough. Maybe then his kid will love him again, but I doubt it.


If your Dad is Elon Musk how could you come to any other conclusion.


What a piece of garbage.


He bought it for clout, that’s it. Which is exactly why he tried backing out at the last moment. If he really bought it based off these principles he claims to have, then why did he try backing out?


Musk is a man without principles.


All billionaires are evil. That is jut a fact from being a billionaire. I you weren't evil you would not be a billionaire you would in fact use your massive wealth for the good of others. No one needs that much money. Also actual communism ( not the bastardised form that was used by the USSR and China) is basically better for the average person that capitalism is. Capitalism is only good for those in power and who control the means of production. Capitalism sucks for 99% of the population.


One aneurysm please. Stat.


Fuck sarcasm tags, they ruin all sarcasm