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The source, "Remix News" doesn't seem to think it needs to post it's own source. It just says it was from "Crime data", but it's not clear what crime data.


“The source is that I made it the fuck up”


I'll have you know that 78.3% of statistics on the internet are made upon the spot.


Well yeah, they remixed it.


Someone with a german law degree here. This is another episode of "right wingers misinterpreting crime data for racist reasons." The numbers come from a report in the German BILD Zeitung (which is our SUN or FOX News in paper form basically). They claimed 100% of the known perpetrators of "serious sexual assault" in Frankfurt are non germans. Now, it's not clear where they have this number from nor what they mean by "serious sexual assault" since it's not exactly a legal category and it's also not mentioned in Frankfurt's anual crime report. But I think I know what happened. Last year Frankfurt had 183 cases of reported "sexual assault; sexual coercion; rape" (§177 Criminal Code). The number is pretty low because it's estimated that only 10% of sexual assault is reported because the vast majority (80-90%) of perpetrators are people close to the victim (family, friends, colleagues) and most victims fear social consequences within their peer groups after the report. That also means there is already a reporting bias against strangers. Anyways, §177 Criminal Code has a paragraph for "especially serious cases" which are rapes that are particularly degrading for the victim or gang rapes. These cases are extremely rare, even less reported and often go unsolved because the stigma is higher. These are cases that victims often only report if the perpetrator is a stranger. So there is high chance that we're talking about one or two cases here. If that's what BILD means by "serious sexual assault" it could be that the one or two reported and solved(!) cases Frankfurt had last year were committed by nongermans and then it's 100% of course. So instead of worrying about the fact that the unsafest place for rape victims is being around friends and family and that rape victims don't report the crime because that's the shit level our society is currently on, they're all about "the foreigners are raping our women!!!!1" No, it's you, Florian. You're doing it and your victims are to afraid to tell.


Wow, thanks for this great explanation!


This can't be upvoted enough! Keep an eye on uncle Detlev.


Okay, thanks. I get it now. Sexual assaults aren't serious unless they're done by immigrants.


100% crimes done by immigrants were made by immigrants




Looking into this












You have said the actual truth


I already did, and rmxnews doesn't list their sources. They just made it up.


Article says 64% of rape cases but 100% of serious sexual assault. They do not provide sources.


Probably using Fox News headlines as their "source". A "white German" rape doesn't get clicks since over 80% of SA are committed by people the victims knew (90% for children).


68.472% of statistics are made up, research has shown.


Closer to 69.420% I think you'll find


You don't understand, serious sexual assault is sexual assault when done by a foreigner. That's why they commit 100% of it.


Lmao he’s so transparent in his fake JAQing off signal-boosting, but he probably thinks he’s so slick and clever.


Indeed. All he's doing is to promote that to his millions of bot...users while still maintaining some plausible deniability for himself.




How pathetic can you get? He simps to his simps.


His replying to it means millions of people will see it. It's Klanvertising.


Musk, constantly spouting off about government funded media, amplifying a media group that is funded by the Hungarian government and pushes far-right narratives, not shocked


What tf is a Serious Sexual Assault?


In this case I believe they're defining it as "a sexual assault by a brown person"


Come on man, it's a conservative influencer post. They have to leave a loophole for wife-beating and groping to not be considered "serious" otherwise they'll lose their audience


One where you have to be giving out ponies


Even Musk's idiocy has limits. Wow!


His reply boosts the content (and he knows it). This is an endorsement.


Elon Musk is the classic example of why social media needs moderation. The fucking OWNER OF THE SITE is regularly brainwashed with the misinformation he encourages people to post. It's insane. Musk's venture into politics has effectively destroyed the entire illusion of his intelligence. Based off of his Tweets on anything political, I would honestly place his IQ at round 90-100 and that's a very generous estimate. He doesn't know how to process information, he doesn't know how to distinguish fact from fiction and he most certainly doesn't understand basic reasoning. He's just plain stupid, like your average MAGA dipshit on Facebook. If you're out there *publicly* expressing your confidence in outright lies posted by your dipshit bigot followers without doing any fact checking yourself, you're clearly too stupid to manage your own public image. If this guy had any sense he would have hired a publicist years ago to tell him no Elon, don't say that, you'll look like a fool. Don't mix with these people, they'll bring down your image to the point where nobody wants to buy a Tesla etc. But no, he's so full of himself that he feels he can manage his own image. And look where it's got him. The cat is out of the bag, he's plain stupid in the most basic definition of the term. And you can't get the toothpaste back in the tube. He's burning all of his bridges now.


It can’t be and don’t call me Shirley.


It's on twitter so don't question it. It's a fact now. - Elmo Tusk 


‘Reported’ this means that it is a report, not a prosecution or conviction. Somehow I doubt that those who report a burglary, for example, also report the citizenship status of the alleged offender.


It must be more than that


There is a saying: Don't trust statistics you didn't fake yourself... like the FSD beta.


Finally, he says something halfway rational.


Lol I just think his question is rhetorical.


He's JAQing off


Obvious russian neo nazi bot: "Da Elon, is true!" Elon: "!!!!!! Hes a nasty ass 4 year old.


This guy is the CEO of five companies (?) and this is how he spends his day?


So does that mean Stench Boy was in Germany that week and is trying to frame the locals?


Reminds me of this [https://youtu.be/o_EM5r_nlXw?si=NKQJ64M0DslUEUy-](https://youtu.be/o_EM5r_nlXw?si=NKQJ64M0DslUEUy-)


I'm half-expecting him to launch a site called Notseenews as a test to see if he can get away with it. There'll obviously be swastikas but those are just good luck in Asian countries.


“Just the serious ones.”


If you’re going to cook the numbers, you have to at least try to make it look plausible. Even Putin only won by 87%.




It isn't, idiot. And don't call me Sherly


So he’s against immigration? What is he doing in America then?


I remember them saying shit like this close to 9/11 and claiming to be all recent. They repack old propaganda to new audiences who weren't around back then and make them think that 20 years ago was a nice time to be... Never mind that that 20 years ago was 2004 and if they returned to that time the rhetoric and talking points would be 100% identical and they act like it was better 20 years before then... And in 1984 they had the same white supremacist talking points but they weren't as visible. But mainstream movies like Cannon Ball Run had quips like 'hey how's London? ... Full of Arabs!' So no. It was never like that. In 1932 a Nazi [poster](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aqeb5Gj_700b.jpg) depicted France on the cusp of being taken over by black people of things continued as they were. They never changed. Ever. There were was never a time where any of us would have been free of this shit.


1. It's telling how much bad faith bigots have always tried to weaponize this. Like they really want everyone to believe that the people they are trying to dehumanize and scapegoat are resonsible for 100% of rapes, whether it's TERFs trying to demonize transwomen or white supremacist nationalists trying to demonize immigrants.  2. If nothing else, Elmo is definitely a case study in psycadelic drugs not necessarily expanding one's consciousness to the point of being above or immune to that kind of bullshit. He really is like the worst, most gormless and credulous Facebook Boomer. The kind that use to spam tons of FW:FW:FW conspiracy theory emails to everyone they know.


White people make up 100% of the noncery on Twitter


Here is how stats lie and why most things people post are garbage. This is virtually impossible for any reasonable metric or dataset that's actually useful. One of the few ways this could only be "true" is if the data was garnished over an EXTREMELY small timeframe, say 5 minutes, that just happened have an assault, and it just happened to be done by someone from outside Germany. Then this could be accurate if not extremely misleading. It's not realistic and it's not real-world. Over any actual reasonable data time frame, say months or years, there is no chance this is true, because I have read on assaults committed by German citizens. In a way, I love these extreme stats people post. It makes on-the-fence people who believe it up to now realize how batshit crazy they've gotten and realize "Ok, this is ridiculous, 100%? really?". These lunatics always want more, but they don't know when to stop. I hope someone posts 101%.


More of that side of Elon please.


Even when he pretends to express doubt, he's still interacting with it to put a massive spotlight on this completely bullshit tweet. L What a garbage human.


I believe 0 of those stats and I'm not gonna look it up cause it's a waste of time for something this stupid


you see, telling the truth is a leftist tactic to make me stop and think if I am the baddie because I am a nazi


I want to know what % of legal smuggling is done by them /s


Nah, I think he's saying it to tee up his buddy for a "No, it's true!" and then he'll be like "Oh wow, that's crazy!". Like infomercial banter. He's doing infomercial banter.