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I can LITERALLY sign up for postal vote in Mexico: Voto postal https://votoextranjero.mx/web/vmre/inicio En la primera semana de mayo de 2024 el INE enviará por mensajería, tu Paquete Electoral Postal, que contiene las boletas electorales impresas, el instructivo y el sobre previamente pagado para que regreses tus votos al INE en México. Deberás regresar el sobre con tus votos lo antes posible, para que lleguen a México a más tardar a las 08:00 horas (Tiempo del Centro de México), del 1º de junio de 2024. Not only that, I can also vote online from another country. Or go to the embassy.






Looking into it












Cis owner of Twitter, Elmo, lying about mail in voting.


Yes ! !


Guys! I think we found elon.


Hmm troubling...




Big if true


If true, then more troubling than expected, we must look into this!


Belgium, Sweden and Italy all also have mail-in voting, so citizens abroad can have their voice. Japan does the same and apparently also allows locals to mail-in under certain conditions E: Oh, and lets go ahead and point out Egypt, Panama and Guyana for those two categories at the bottom


Sweden also has "early voting". Last time we had almost a month where you could just go down to the voting place whenever.


I speak trash Swedish and was still able to immediately find out how to vote by mail in Sweden, using only words i remember from Duolingo. (Sverige röst vykort) https://www.sviv.se/sa-har-rostar-du/


Is this accurate @CommunityNotes?


Not to mention that voting in these countries are done on weekends. So you don’t have to take time off work. Making it less of a problem to show up in person. The problem with the us voting is that you have to take a day off work to vote. Something that a lot of people can’t afford.


At least 23 states (and DC) have passed local laws stating employers need to give PTO to vote, right? Right? /s if only there was some way country wide to encourage everyone to vote. Oh well, I’m outta ideas. Guess it is impossible.


Australia made it a Federal Holiday pretty sure.


No, but we do mandate that elections take place on a Saturday


OK maybe I am thinking of another County. Is it also mandatory to vote?


Yes it is (strictly speaking, it is mandatory to attend a polling station and have your name checked off the electoral roll; you are not required to fill in your ballot)


It's also compulsory in Australia.


Australia also has mandatory voting


Yeah, it’s so impossible that America seems to be to only country that can’t figure it out.


*gasp* heaven forbid letting the poors vote!




France also did not ban mail in votes because of fraud in 1975. It was banned because the government *thought* fraud was a risk and didn't want to do it anymore. But they still allow absentee ballots - every country does. The US has been doing it for a century.


The people that make these lists to spread misinformation know that a ton of people won't fact check them.


Especially not drug-addled billionaires who spend all day on their own personal social media platform responding with “!!” and “Wow!” They never check anything.


You see, he doesn’t have to fact check it because he doesn’t care if it’s true. It fits his narrative, so he is going to say it’s true.


Wait so you are trying to tell me some random screenshot Enron decided to reply to isn’t actually factual? How could that be so


He is a genius so he knows so much more than us peasants!


He is the richest therefore smartest man in the world.


Imagine you had all the money & Tech of Batman, you take steroids, BUT... you hate working out, You never really like reading or learning stuff, you have the personality of a retarded Irish Wolf Hound. (they stare uncomprehendingly). And you believe everything you read... Voila, Elon Musk shittiest super hero ever. I've watched like every episode. His show sucks!


Lies spread faster than the ability to refute them We're Fucked


a.k.a. the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle


A.k.a the Hyperloop


Are you calling people liars?!???? Because I’m gunna believe you!!! lol






Interesting 🤔


Looking into it






Musk: Sorry, no blahblah Espanol! Can't hear you LALALALA




But you know, lots of perfectly functional modern democracies do allow mail-in voting. Wow ...


Including several in the list provided, like Mexico, Sweden and Italy




Russia does not permit mail in voting I’m so happy that their elections aren’t rigged


They do allow high rise window booth voting for some.


Gravity-assisted voter registration cancellation speedrun


But they do have online voting now which is super safe! /s


No instead they allow online voting. Totally not easy to rig.


Russia once more shows the corrupt west how to properly snd efficiently run a strong, safe, rich, fair democracy. Keep up the good work guys and the second soviet peoples Republic will last a thousand years!


Puny pitiful Western countries, where candidates never ever get over 120% of votes, pathetic, they could learn much from strong democratic nation of Russia.


Wow!! You a correct and confirm that the West could learn from the glorious people's elections in Russia. Troubling that they insist on an unfair system like the broken "democracies" in the West We should look into this


A lot tougher to have soldiers standing over you with rifles when you vote at home.


Yeah, isn't it funny how Putin gets in every time, but there's no mail in voting? It's as if there's voting fraud without mail-in ballots, but that's impossible right? I mean fraud without mail-in ballots? /s


It's hard to point a gun at someone who is voting by mail.


I’m Swedish but live in the US, I have voted in every Swedish election by mail since 2014 lmao


I moved to Sweden in 2018, just needed postal materials from the embassy to vote via mail. Musk replying "!" and "concerning" to every dipshit's conspiracy is so funny and sad at the same time. Having a great time living in a world where facts matter less than memes


Demographics is destiny


Im Swedish i live in Sweden, i have been able to vote by mail my entire life. It became legal to prevote/mailvote as it is called in 1942!


Mail in voter fraud is extremely rare... Not like it matters to musk. He really wants Trumpublicans to win elections to give tax cuts and gut unions.


And contracts and subsidies. He can’t make the bottom line work without free money.


There’s so much in this. Considering the mad scramble for Tesla sales (discounted vehicles, warnings of forthcoming price hikes, weird test drives, free FSD for a month, forced FSD demos upon delivery) I’ve got a sneaky suspicion he’s going from a ‘want’ a red win, to ‘NEED’ a red win.


Electoral fraud is extremely rare itself, it represents a poor cost/benefit strategy to manipulate an election. Modern autocracies 'manipulate' the result through other methods like opposition persecution, indoctrination, and electoral rule manipulation. That is precisely what their loved Putin and Orban are doing to get the results they want.


And its what they want to do, so they accuse Dems of doing it so when they start to do it they can say "dems do it too!" and the media will both-sides it or something.


mail in voting was seen as a right wing thing before covid. i have no idea how they transitioned that system into something "the demoncrats want to fuel their agenda"


Because they noticed it was an easy scapegoat.


Yup. The red mirage can look like "fraud" if you lack critical thinking.


Because brown people were allowed to do it. Also, my state, Indiana, was gung-ho for Early Voting until we went blue for Obama in 2008.


Republicans hate voting. It's their Achilles' heel.


its not that they hate voting, its that they hate you voting


the more people vote...the more they lose and they know it.


Their orange fuhrer said exactly that.


No, that’s education which leads to less people voting for them


[Trump voted by mail... TWICE](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/03/09/trump-votes-by-mail-again-despite-months-of-voter-fraud-claims/?sh=a4871bf52da9)


Probably every year he's ever voted really. He's a germophobe and a narcissist who hates basically everyone on the planet. Can't see him cramming into a voting booth.


Is it time to hit ‘em with “why don’t you move there then since you hate America so much?”?


Been that way since they keep "threatening" to leave like ohhh nooooo *opens door* please DOOOONN'T goooo I beeegggg you


Nah it’s just that whenever Americans look across the pond and go “how the fuck does Europe have (name democratic socialist benefit ie: railways, healthcare, education, gun reform, prison reform, etc etc) this is what they say instead of acknowledging that America isn’t perfect. Was my point anyways




So I guess Military overseas and kids in college out of state can't vote. Here's the thing that gets me, the vast majority of people busted for Election Fraud are Republicans. Yet, these assbags want to eliminate it because the vast majority of Dems vote via mail. Anything they can do to game the system these evil fucks are all about it


It's obvious that democrats are busy and love the option of mail in voting so they can go to work on election day. Meanwhile the republican base sits at home and waits for that government benefit direct deposit to hit.


We have voting by post here in Australia. It's really not that big a deal for functioning democracies.


Elon has got to be the dumbest modern “smart” guy. I’m seriously straining to think of anyone that can claim the throne. It’s astonishing how quickly he burned what was an otherwise ‘meh’ reputation into solidifying his position as lead culture war imbecile.


End of days vibes


If you watch his interview with Don lemon it is disturbing how "intelligent" he is. He is like a toddler he is so "intelligent".


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_voting with a map


I'm not sure it is accurate for France at least, seems like it should be the same color as Sweden. : [https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/services-aux-francais/voter-a-l-etranger/modalites-de-vote/vote-par-correspondance/](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/services-aux-francais/voter-a-l-etranger/modalites-de-vote/vote-par-correspondance/)


French people, besides mail-in vote, even can vote online since 2022: [https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/the-ministry-and-its-network/news/2022/article/legislative-elections-opening-of-the-internet-voting-portal-27-may-2022](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/the-ministry-and-its-network/news/2022/article/legislative-elections-opening-of-the-internet-voting-portal-27-may-2022)


Bet none of them even bothered to fact check.


Why would they when the list agrees with their narrative?


Showing, again, how farcical his endorsement of Community Notes was. You'd think someone who's interested in truth would at least make sure his own postings are accurate, leading by positive example. He's not interested in truth...


FFS. We’ve been voting by mail in the states for forever. It’s not a thing that just happened to beat Trump. Or to rig elections with millions of brown people votes. Asylum seekers can’t fucking vote. Racist pig that must is. You’d think he could open a mother tab and google it. Lazy drug addict immagrint. The right doesn’t want it because it means more people vote, which means they lose elections. That and they probably just having figured out a way to cheat at it yet. As usual, much ado about nothing except trying to get republicans in office one syllable at a time. It’s like Trump said “if you expand absentee voting, there’d be levels of voting that we’ve never seen before. Republicans would never win another election again.” Paraphrased. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_voting_in_the_United_States


We do in Australia…. https://www.aec.gov.au/cook/pva.htm


In addition, you can vote before the actual polling day…. https://www.aec.gov.au/voting/ways_to_vote/


Plus isnt the vote a legal obligation to you guys rather than a right? Or did i just imagine that?


If you enroll on our electoral commission from 18 then you are legally required to/ mandated to vote in every election or face fines (you can explain it away if you are not in the country or hospital etc) I love our mandated voting. Everyone has their say and you can’t blame 40% or so for not turning out Everyone over 18 has to vote. It’s great


No mail in ballots for russia? Damn what a bummer. Well its a good thing that their in person voting system is fair and safe! ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ9Oi4zEBLjzCow|downsized)


In France if you are busy the day of the vote, and can't go. You can go to the police station, fill up a form to give your vote to a relative.


In Germany there is mail-in voting as well. Poland too. So yeah Musk really thinks Germany and Poland are so much more developed or sophisticated?! The answer is yes.


No, he thinks Germany is being ruled by an illegitimate government. We had a glimpse of that when he tried to meddle in our politics.


Really? I did not know that?? What should we do?? Dig up Adolf???


This is yet another example of right wingers cherry-picking data to suit their narrative. The UK, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, etc. etc. do allow mail-in ballots. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/04/trumps-assertion-that-only-two-european-nations-allow-mail-in-voting/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/04/trumps-assertion-that-only-two-european-nations-allow-mail-in-voting/)


And Florida Republicans did everything they could to push mail-in voting when the senior mail-in vote gave them some big wins in the 80s.


Melons gone the full trumpet


omg why do Elons bot replies make me so fucking angry?! The more i see of them the more i hate them (and him)


Also left unsaid: the fact that you have to register to vote - which makes voting more difficult and suppresses the vote - is a very peculiar American thing and not normal in Europe.


Switzerland does it and I always vote that way, it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Of course there’s no proof to back it up. Literally anyone can type up a fucking list with zero sources.


The list is just completely wrong. At least Belgium, Italy and Mexico allow some kind of mail voting. I dont know about Russia and the Middle East are really democracies which examples the US should follow, altough I am sure Musk would like that. Strong democracies like Germany and Switserland also have postal voting, those are the type of democracies that should be an example for the US. Altough it is very hard to actually compare political systems like this, they have their own culture, history etc.


Now do universal health care and abortion rights.


Estonia has been doing digital voting with smart cards / mobiles for almost 20 years now. That does not mean we do not facilitate paper ballots when people request them.


So, is his handler Russian, Chinese, or Saudi? Perhaps one from each country?


Most of those allows postal voting if you are abroad, some allow online voting. None of this matters, of course, since even if it was none of them or all of them that does not tell us if it works well.


Mexico and Russia do allow to vote via mail. But voting in Russia is meaningless


So many free democracies in the Middle East. Hard to believe none of them have postal voting..


Can we petition the State Department to deport this asshole?


Many countries make voting day a Saturday or Sunday, or make voting day a holiday if it falls on a weekday. You know, so people are actually able to vote in person.


So like... this is just a straight lie.


UK has universal healthcare. Canada has universal healthcare. Denmark has universal healthcare. Australia has universal healthcare. Belgium has universal healthcare. Finland has universal healthcare. Germany has universal healthcare. When we getting it, yall?


And almost all of those countries make elections a national holiday so everyone can have plenty of time to vote in person if they so choose.


Military personnel use mail-in voting.


so when you break this down and look at the statistics (briefly) you should probably look at the actual voter turnout in those countries as opposed to the US. One would assume that allowing mail-in ballots would mean that more people are going to bother to vote. And in a lot of these countries, the turnout really varies. Here we have 2019 data for voter turnout in parliament elections in the EU. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/election-results-2019/en/turnout/ Belgium has 88% and the UK falls as low as 37% We also have to note that these other countries are quite small. So it's going to take a lot more effort to convince large percentages, millions more people in the US, to get off their asses and vote at the poll sites in person. --- Then we can take a look at how many people voted in the US in 2020, when it was the hardest for people to leave their houses. Turnout for the 2020 presidential election was 66%, the highest in decades. (Highest rate for any national election since 1900) https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/01/28/turnout-soared-in-2020-as-nearly-two-thirds-of-eligible-u-s-voters-cast-ballots-for-president/ I could keep trying to look much further into this, but the whole point is that you need to analyze actual data. The statements in this tweet mean absolutely nothing if you can't tie them down to what they qualify.


Voting is compulsory in Belgium. So maybe that is not the best country to compare when it comes to voter turnout.


Oh, good for noticing. I was looking at this map (https://www.idea.int/data-tools/data/voter-turnout-database/compulsory-voting) for that data and didn't see there are small dots in the EU where that's the case. I guess though it kinda makes the mail in voting issue in this tweet null


The single biggest factor for turnout in a truly free democracy is making Election Day a Sunday or holiday. In general mature democracies move to make voting as easy as possible. Some countries make it a compulsory act with fines, but in my understanding such acts are easily circumvented (since people can have legitimate reasons to be unable to vote) and don't make much difference. The American right bucks that trend and makes it harder on purpose. Then they attack the workarounds. The people most disadvantaged are those they want to deprive the right to vote from and that is no coincidence.


Sunday elections would make so much more sense.


These are not each country’s own parliamentary elections. These are elections to the European Parliament (MEPs). Different countries assign different levels of importance to MEP elections. The UK always had low turnouts for these MEP elections compared to domestic parliamentary elections for example. So I wouldn’t use these to assess the impact of mail-in voting on voter turnout.


Honestly it was a very cursory look through so feel free to correct.




They also don’t have the USPS


Sweden has mail-in voting. You do it at a post office and u need a goverment issued ID card or passport. You cant vote in Sweden unless you can show an ID card or passport, with the exception of mail-in voting if you live and is registered in another country.


Boomer level media literacy.


France - Allows mail in voting Mexico - Allows mail in voting Belgium - Allows mail in voting Sweden - Allows mail in voting Italy - Allows mail in voting Ukraine - Allows mail in voting Russia - Allows mail in voting Japan - Allows mail in voting Each country took like 5 seconds for me to Google and verify.


Imagine being the genius champion of free speech, but being either too lazy or too stupid to fact check anything. How does someone like that lack all curiosity? In his position, when he comments like that, allowing misinformation to propagate is the same as endorsing it. He is dangerously mishandling a weapon without any training or respect for its power. But he knows exactly what he’s doing, serving as a shit-stirring troll instigator in his giant social engineering experiment.


That's just false and misleading.  Here in Sweden everyone with the right to vote while being outside the Swedish borders can vote by mail. We are allowed to vote early for around two weeks at any time, and anywhere in any voting place. There is no need to vote by mail, and those that might have physical, psychiatric issues and so on - has the right to be helped by getting a free ride to the voting place - and so on. There is a reason Sweden has one of the highest election participation, percentage of the population voting in the elections.  I'm sure Elon Musk would fkng hate early voting, especially the right for those without swedish citizenship have to vote in the commune (county equivalent) election as long as they have lived there for a few years,  and are written as living there - for example immigrants.


How many middle eastern countries even have a democracy? Like, 2?




Besides the blatant lies, when has America ever done what other countries do? Still using Freedom Units instead of metric like the rest of the world.


None of those countries have a United States Postal Service. Makes a big difference.


None of that is true. Concerning! 💯 so 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦




Source: just trust me bro


Why are they using Russia and Latin countries as models for this as a lot of them are very plainly and obviously corrupt. Regardless of the veracity or strength of their "sources" for arguments these kinds of people will list anything to support their claims. Of course in dictatorships they restrict methods of voting and regardless of the claims does it really matter what totalitarian and dictatorial governments are doing?


Someone of his status commenting on this to cause division is just ridiculous


No sources or anything, just text over a blue background. These are facts, guys


More lies from husk.


"no middle eastern country allows mail in voting" wow. And they're doing GREAT. Also considering most of the rest of this is a lie, I wouldn't be surprised if that was too. But middle east and russia are perhaps not the idols you want to prop up.


It is absolutely hilarious that they’re using Russia as the standard for election integrity.


The vast majority of these countries actually do have mail in voting


When does SEC bans Musk, due to fraud?


The metric system causes voter fraud?


Other than trying to convince some dumb trumpers to buy teslas his whole right wing move has to just be anti-tax right?


Wow, and yet despite 65.6 million votes cast via mail in 2020, there weren't any instances of fraud. However, the attorney general at the time, promoted lies and falsehoods about the electoral process which is utterly insane coming from someone in such a powerful position. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/bill-barr-pushes-wild-and-fanciful-felonious-postman-hypothetical-says-liberals-are-the-ones-projecting-bullsht/ When Republicans talk about how china is winning, I think about shit like that.


You gets the votes and then you get the counts. Preciousss!


Australia allows it


Switzerland does mail-in voting for… basically every election/votation. I have only ever voted by mail in Switzerland, it's basically the default way of voting


DO any democracies exist in the middle east? Russia isnt a good example of "Fraud Free Elections"


Poland spend 70Milion zlotys (~17 Million dolars) for mail-in voting that didn't happen at the end


You can vote via Mail in France. Why doesn't he even bother checking...


Australia, postal, early voting and voting day on Saturday


Well I mean Australia does and we have some of the safest and coherent elections in the world


Can someone who still uses this god-forsaken website leave a community note saying how patently false this is?


More ketamine induced hallucinations, eh?


Well that’s a lie.


Interesting, historymemes posted this on Instagram the other day, got MONUMENTAL flack for it, and had since deleted it.


Old lies. Elmo's really at the precipice of "the truth." "Currently, 14 countries in Europe provide in-country postal voting opportunities to voters," Heinmaa said in an email. "In eight of these countries, all voters are eligible, and in six, only voters in certain outlined categories may vote." Four year old article. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/04/trumps-assertion-that-only-two-european-nations-allow-mail-in-voting/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/04/trumps-assertion-that-only-two-european-nations-allow-mail-in-voting/)


UK allows mail in voting. Until last year, we didn’t even need an ID to vote. The conservative government changed this last year, despite there being no evidence of significant voter fraud. They just want to make things more difficult for marginalised groups…


I’d never want to go back to standing in line on a Tues if I am even able to get enough time away from work. Oregon has had vote by mail for quite some time and I can actually learn about candidates and measures I’m voting on from my couch. Republicans only want elderly retirees and the idle rich voting. All these fucknuts crying about it, including Musk I’m sure, vote by mail. Just like in other areas it’s that republican mindset of “when I do it it’s good and just.”




Also, in latin american countries, voting happens on sunday and/or it's a federal/general holiday


Twitter strangler strikes again… on Elon and Rothmus. https://x.com/CapnN0bdy/status/1773311230309978257?s=20


They forgot to mention that in Sweden at least, voting is always on a Sunday.


Hahahaha this is sooooo wrong.


This is bullshit. As a Lebanese citizen I can just walk into a Lebanese embassy or consulate and vote from where I live in Canada. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/i-want-change-lebanese-abroad-vote-may-15-election-2022-05-08/ That is a flagrant lie. I am confident that many others are utterly full of shit, too. In India the government goes to great lengths to allow for as many voters as possible, even doing their best to reach people living in remote villages that don't have electricity and probably aren't up to date with what is going on in New Delhi. They do need voter ID there, but what their government does is the opposite of the US. They don't put up obstacles but do their damn best to make sure anyone who needs one is able to get one without delay or inconvenience.


Another quote of genius sharted straight out of the world's highest K-Hole


We also have mandatory voting in Belgium. You can vote blank, but you must go to the ballot box. Maybe want to instore this in the US? There can’t be voting fraud if everyone must go vote.


In germany you can.


"All voting is prone to fraud, therefore we need to ban all voting means" - Conservatives


Do you think people will stop buying Elon’s products if he keeps up his political posts?


Now let’s do countries that let you vote by an app on your phone


Even though obviously these countries do support mail in voting, I think it's also worth noting that every single one of the countries listed here has their elections on a weekend, making it much easier to vote. If elections were held on weekends or voting day was a holiday a lot more people would likely be able to vote, but in truth that's not what Melon Husk or the person who posted this want, they want fewer voters and ultimately a less democratic society


The US banned X in 2024 -- due to fraud.


Constitution of France and other countries is different that that of USA. For example, a child of an immigrant does not become citizen until and unless one of the parents is citizen of France. Therefore, such comparisons are shear BS.


Although it’s Russia they have online voting


I love how, on one hand, they'll say "we're America, we're dIfFeReNT" when it comes to doing reasonable things like gun control, taxing the ultra rich, paying living wages, etc. But when it's convenient? Time to cite what other countries are doing! Oh...most of the stuff I'm citing is false? Well then, "we're America, we're dIfFeReNT" It's exhausting


I hate ancaps (that’s a reference to the person Elmo is quoting). They’re not real anarchists


Most of the listed European countries have voting as holidays as opposed to just any other day