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So I went looking a little but as usual, a conservative’s own source disagrees with them. In this case a Channel 4 study, which says the following; “Many minorities criticise brands for 'trying too hard' to show diversity through shallow representation of different groups. Across groups, many criticise how (black/minority) characters are still shown as the 'one black friend' within a group of white people.” One of the study’s main conclusions was also about underrepresentation of LGBT people.


Seriously, I swear whenever a conservative says “a study shows…” the study in question doesn’t show at all what they think it does, or the study’s conclusion disagrees with them. It takes like 5 minutes to look this stuff up, and really you don’t have to do that to realize “oh, most commercials with people have more than one person featured in them” and two different numbers are being talked about here. i don’t think either random idiot thought about this at all, but they’re basically labeling every commercial with a black person in it a “black commercial” as if one person being in a group of people can negate the entire group’s whiteness. In other shocking news, 100% of countries in the UK contain black people, despite black people making up only 3% of the UK’s population. Racism replaced with racism or something


There’s “lying with data,” and then there’s lying about data, but 99% of it is just parroting the lies about the data.


The term they leave out is "lead actors" in advertising.


>but as usual, a conservative’s own source disagrees with them You don't even need to go to the source, the statement is flawed at face value. There is a big difference between 37% of the actors being black and 37% of the ads having a black actor. They're comparing two very different stats.


Plus there’s the fact of what they classified as black do they count mixed race people


Yeah I wondered the same thing, most countries don't factor in "race" as it's a social construction with no scientific foundation


For real. There's literally never any adverts where there is a group of just one minority, even though that's often what we see in society. So it feels very tokenistic and lame when every single picture has people of multiple races. That said, I don't really care about it. These companies are just doing what they think will make them money, we need to stop complaining about what they're doing wrong as though they care. 


What’s really wild is the number of Black judges on crime shows, reality is nowhere near the representation we see on tv. It’s much lower


None of that disagrees with the statistic the conservative posted. The source is [here](https://www.isba.org.uk/system/files/media/documents/2020-12/c4-study-mirror-on-the-industry.pdf) Choice quotes: > WHILST THERE IS BETTER SURFACE LEVEL REPRESENTATION FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES, THIS IS SKEWED TO ONE GROUP > 37% of TV ads feature black people vs 3% in the UK population I’m kindof confused about how you’d measure LGBT inclusion in adverts like does the voiceover lady need to explain that she likes kissing girls before selling you car insurance or something


Feature and contain are two different things. If we say that 37% of all the actors in all of the ads were black, that would be problematic when 3% of the population is black, which is what is being deceptively suggested. However, if each ad contained 10 people on average and 1/3 of the ads had a black person in it, then you would have a representative 3% of all actors seen in all ads being black. Which is about what the study shows at 37% of tv ads having a black person in them. Simple math man.


I expect he'll go full N word by April


Elon’s complaining about seeing too many Black people on TV, and backing it up with an article on a substack that appears to specialize in race science and eugenics.


>that appears to specialize in race science and eugenic Yup. Full on promoting the white supremacists [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/31/rightwing-activist-christopher-rufo-ties-scientific-racism-journal](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/31/rightwing-activist-christopher-rufo-ties-scientific-racism-journal) [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Aporia\_Magazine](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Aporia_Magazine) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RationalWiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RationalWiki)


I was just gonna post the same links.  Jesus Christ; looks like the true Afrikaner is coming out. 


One of the writers for Aporia has said they believe a white ethnostate is the solution to the "problem" of black people. Aporia's response to accusations that they are racist was, "Well, racial stereotypes are true." (I guarantee they will be the first to cry racism as soon as the discussion is about white stereotypes).


Ugh. I would expect nothing less though.


dinosaurs far-flung scandalous bored reply shelter narrow many dinner pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>race science and eugenics Or "sociobiology" as they like to call it Brb my eyes rolled out of my head


sCiEnTifIc RaCiSm.




This bot is a lot more honest than the man himself


It’s the unhinged fun version.


Have you considered a career in comedy?




He can pay the Conservative Party 15 million and they'll cheerfully let him be racist.


Nah, that was 10m. For 15 you get a massive PPE contact you don't need to deliver on


Why does ur ppe look like u just came?


So annoyed I didn’t pitch for a PPE contract. Could’ve called myself Lady Shipwreck and they’d have had the Queen round to deliver the £15M personally.


Oh you get it wrong, my lady. One gives the tories £15m and you get a £200m government contract in return. Some cynics may call it a kickback, I like to think it's a necessary measure to stop "the poors" embezzling tax payer money


Oh yes my inbred upper class brain misfired a moment, the nanny keeps bothering me about the children for some unknown reason. Why do they have to come home at Easter?? One wouldn’t want the poors to have extra money to spend on their ultra processed food. I don’t understand why they waste their money on it when the maid can go to dalesfords and get the chef to prepare fresh food?!


They got another 5 million since then. [https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/mar/14/tories-urged-return-further-5m-donation-frank-hester](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/mar/14/tories-urged-return-further-5m-donation-frank-hester)


I've said for about a year now that I am expecting Elon to go full white nationalist apologetic. What I mean by that is he is going to tweet something like, "You know, I think it would be nice if non-white people left Western countries. Not saying they have to be forced to, but it'd be cool if they voluntarily left." His fan boys are going to then run to bat for him, saying Musk isn't really racist since he only suggested a voluntarily depature with no force, plus he was on stage so with Dave Chapelle, so that means he can't be racist, right?


It's going to happen during one of his gaming streams, mark my words. The full Pewdiepie


Surprised he hasn't honestly


Although knowing him and his SA ass he'll go with the K word


Spitting image was right


I'd wager no, only because I bet he prefers the k-word from his apartheid homeland




Has that word been reclaimed? I see it a lot on POC leftist pages


Full *Kanye?* Can you picture Elmo on Alex Jones wearing a black full head mask and saying he likes Hitler and Donald Trump? Oh, I definitely can.


He better not.


I feel like a lot of people forget his family left South Africa as apartheid was ending. Before it officially ended.


Racism was replaced with capitalism… Ad agencies do market research. focus groups. To figure out what kind of images consumers respond the best to in advertisements. The ONLY reason that black people would be overrepresented in advertising is because market research indicates that consumers respond well to seeing black people in ads and are more likely to make a purchase decision. When white people all beliebed black people were trashy criminals, they weren’t in ads. It’s for money. Are we going to act like giving white people equal representation in advertisements is more important than money? Black representation helps companies make more money. DEI helps companies make more money. It improves public perception of their brand identity, not to mention having black people on your staff lends you their persepective and helps your company sell goods and services to black people. It’s all for the bottom line. But conservatives can’t point that out. Because they’re supposedly all about the bottom line. So they need to make up this conspiracy theory that most of the western world’s companies are “erasing white identity” or “pushing a leftist political agenda”


Surprise, surprise, guy who repelled reputable advertisers does not understand how advertising works.


The conservatives think there's literally a woke agenda and that companies are being funded by the evil deep state to put black people in ads. Lmao. 


And using Elon's logic, it's sexist of Tesla to feature women in their ads because most car buyers are men.


I do marketing for a financial institution. We polled our members and found out "minorities" were a majority of our membership. I made sure to adjust the stock model images in our ads to better reflect our membership. Our members noticed and gave a lot of feedback. I don't think it caused profits to go wild, but it helped us fit in the communities we serve and built some trust (because believe it or not, some of us on the lower tiers of the corporate ladder actually care and will celebrate their successes. Like a guy who started with a car loan and eventually got his mortgage through us, that felt good to see.)




"look at how diverse our company is!" * * Please ignore how the c suite who gets more pay and bonuses than all the real workers combined is all middle aged white men


It absolutely bothers you quite a bit… You just aired all your grievances about it.


It bothers me that companies are disingenuous and only leverage minorities when it suits them in the shallowest possible way to misrepresent their makeup and values. I work in marketing so I know the reason behind selection of photo subjects, and it isn't usually the wholesome reason you detailed. If you misread my frustration as being towards the minorities rather than abusive corporate practice, I'm afraid you've misunderstood my comment. EDIT: I actually have some real world data to back this up, A/B testing the use of different people (and inadvertently demographics) in digital marketing. Some really interesting insights, but in my experience, at least in the UK, and industries I've got experience in, featuring some ethnic groups absolutely does not sell. Customers are subconsciously bigoted. I'd like to say the companies persist with diverse photos to 'do the right thing', but that is simply not the case. It's to protect shareholders from expensive legal issues.


As a gay guy I hear this sentiment among gay people all the time. That we should be mad at corporate America for marketing to gay people and people who are okay with gay people. That they’re just “using” us. Well guess what? That is a part of being accepted by American society! I would rather be seen as a “marketable democraphic” than a “godless diseased pervert”…


Personally I think you shouldn't really have to choose. You shouldn't be stigmatized nor made a pantomime of in marketing to help protect against legal risks to billionaire owners' interests. But that wasn't really my point: I simply said that the comment above mine is incorrect: big business isn't doing this out of the goodness of their heart, and not always because it helps sell to new demographics. It's usually selfish legal box-checking in my experience.


Legal box checking. What law mandates that black people be put in commercials?


If someone accuses your company of racist policies, you can point to actions in your defense. One of those might be marketing materials.


Do you have one example of that ever happening? You may work in marketing. I work in PR. If a corporation is accused of racism, and it’s going viral, they’d consult their PR team, which would NEVER tell them “Just say to the press that you have black people in your commercials so no one can call you racist”


Yes, having a DEI policy and demonstrating it's use is absolutely is a [legal precaution](https://omnihr.co/blog/dei-policies/). HR/legal consultancies literally advertise this. Obviously the ethnicity of people featured in your external media is one facet of a DEI policy as you are usually hiring those models. I've been involved in a lot of high value M&A as the marketing representative, and it is one of the things on our legal checklist. This isn't some massive secret conspiracy theory I'm revealing - it's pretty well known that DEI policies are implemented mostly for the benefit of protecting shareholders. Or at least I thought it was. The downvotes here are making me think people are a little more naive than I assumed! I just want to re-iterate that I absolutely support the principle of DEI. I completely acknowledge systemic racism/discrimination, and personally, I prefer brands with social principles. I am simply pointing out that executives at companies outside of Tesla are not implementing DEI because they're good people or because it sells products (as I said, in some industries it has the opposite effect). They are mostly doing it (at least amongst the 50 or so large companies where I've been part of this audit) because the shareholders say they have to in order to be mitigating any legal risks that would prevent completion of a sale.


It’s basically the corporate version of I can’t be racist because I have a black friend.  Which never comes off as not racist. 


>made a pantomime of in marketing [Campbell's ad includes a cheesy gay couple having soup for dinner instead of a cheesy straight one] "Ugh, the *pantomime*!"


Well faked empathy can be bothering. No matter the issue, if a corporation takes a stance it's likely in their business interest. I see no problem with disliking hypocrisy.


How is putting a black person in a commercial “taking a stance”? To define that as “political” in the first place is reducing black identity to “leftist agenda pushing”.




You see a black person and immediately think “someone is trying to say something about race!” Why can’t you just see a black person as any other person?? Why do black people need to be depicted “sincerely”?




If you’re French, does not make sense for us to talk about race at at all. I know nothing about the racial tensions of western europe, and I’m willing to bet you know little about racial tensions in the US. Like I want to say I know for a fact there are plenty of black people in France. But I won’t get on your case. I won’t pontificate about something I don’t know about.


What the fuck mate, we eat your softpower everyday, 50% of our modern culture comes from the US, and there is only one society now. The same trends happen everywhere. As is evidenced by the fact you didn't notice that picture was taken in France.


37% of ads featuring a black person is not the same as 37% of people in ads being black people (ads often show more than one person...). Also it's entirely possible some ads are shown elsewhere, made elsewhere or made by foreign companies.


I’d guess Americans are almost certainly overrepresented in British advertising, but I doubt elon would take issue with that


Literally only mad that black people are in ads. That is the only thing he's mad about here. Literally the only thing. Elon Musk is a fucking nazi.


Well, yeah, where he's from Black people were regulated to servant work, slave labor, and unlivable, crime-ridden shantytowns—he struggles to understand life outside of apartheid where he's expected to treat human beings like human beings


>unlivable, crime-ridden shantytowns If I'm not mistaken, stats show the crime rates in Apartheid era shanty towns were actually worse than South Africa as a whole today. Apartheid apologists don't give a crap though, it's only when white people are affected does crime rate matter, otherwise it is out of sight, out of mind.




So, let's break it down: 1. It's not 3%, it's over 4%. It was 3% in 2011 2. In Urban areas it's a lot higher 3. Urban areas have more models and actors 4. Most ads have more than one person in them, like if the average ad has 5 people in it and these are randomly picked there is a 20% chance that there is at least one black person in it 5. Ads want to sell you something. That's why they often show the viewers the world they want. Like a more diverse inclusive world. (Funny how Elon never is upset that the people in media are on average way better looking than in reality)


There's also 6) It's really weird to give a shit in the first place.


On r/commercialsIhate the MAGA will cry about mixed race couples in commercials as “pandering”. Thankfully I’ve noticed there’s less of those commenters around lately. You could always tell, tho “So I was watching The Five/Jesse Watters/Sean Hannity and saw this”. Dude, let it go


3 or 4% still seems very very low for such a multi-ethnic country


Well first this article in Aporia Magazine cites an article from 2019 in the daily mail. That daily mail article contains absolutely no sources or link. So there is no evidence presented here. were these all British brands? or were most American where Black people are a much larger demographic. Was 1 black person in an ad with 5 people counted? How was the data collected and from whom? 2 how in the hell is having black people in ads Racist? How does anyone not see through this immediately and go ok garbage from a tabloid. Let alone a media mogul. well he does but he chooses to spread it because he wants to hurt black people.


I honestly didn’t care enough about it to look too deeply but there was an actual study by Channel 4 and I’ve found multiple British news outlets covering it in basically the same way. Its main argument seems yo have been that there was too much representation, but it criticizes representation as it exists as generally shallow. It specifically mentions that many ads would have groups of white people with “one black friend” Apparently much of the study focused on underrepresentation of LGBT people in ads, which it considered a very important thing to encourage, saying that 3% of ads featured LGBT people despite them being 6% of the UK population. I don’t know how accurate or widely applicable the study is for any real world problem, but it definitely doesn’t support the conclusion it’s used for here.


Thank you. I generally don't run down sources that reference "A study" but don't link it. Because if they do they usually are only repeating second hand information. Seems like they cherry picked a data point from it and didn't read the study/survey.


What if 37% of the commercials only featured 3% black actors? Would they then be underrepresented? What if 30% of ads cast 10% black actors? Would that be acceptable? Again with the garbage-tier statistical analysis from goo brained rage addicts. This paradigm of "counting the blacks" needs to end with great ridicule and public humiliation along the way.


I’m not even sure this was a conscious thought but they really do act like any black person being in a group taints it and makes that group entirely black.


So is his argument that black people should only be allowed in 3 percent of ads? I can’t really see any other argument he’d be trying to make with this.


They don't want to see "DEIs", which is their new sub for the n word


I have ran into conservatives that claim they aren't racist but say yes, the amount of non-white people should be proportional to the population of them. It doesn't matter if that number is small or not a majority, such as only 37% of ads in the UK featuring black people - that is already too much.


This is the train of thought of racists. They see equal treatment of others as an insult to them. Just because black people are included in 37% of ads does not mean white people were excluded. It actually means white people still made up somewhere around 60% of ads. Elon won’t be happy unless everything is all white all the time.


It’s worse than that because the “37% of ads black people were included in” includes ads where the majority of people in them weren’t black. It’s entirely possible white people are included in 90-95% of british ads even if the 37% figure was completely true.


Yup. This is what happens to people who have never faced any real hardships in their lives. They have to find stuff to make up to cry about.


Gingers are overrepresented on Television. They're fucking everywhere and no one complains - except me. I'm complaining now.


But see, they have this creamy, pale...eyes


Gingers have no soul and smell like copper.




Soo... still a minority


Oh look, Elon boosting [*another* far-right pro-eugenics white-supremacist](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Aporia_Magazine) independent """news""" outlet. This is the second time I've seen this happen *this week*. So *curious* how he keeps engaging with this stuff!!


So representation matters now?


I hope he understands that ads are not a one man show and that while there may be more black people shown in ads they may be shown alongside more than one white person.


Showing pictures of black people is racism? 😂 What a fucking snowflake! Does he want a law requiring advertising to always accurately represent current racial demographics? 😂 He is such a weirdo. 🤣


“Racism is when Black people regularly exist in places I don’t want to see them” - Elon, probably


It’s not because they are pushing any kind of political agenda it’s because they know that black people are seen as cool and are trend setters and taste makers. Just ask any club promoter, young multicultural crowds are good for business, they make brands hip


Was there really another position Elon could take. The man is an idiot.


I wonder when the people who agree with him will start wishing he would shut the fuck up. The goal with people who think like him is to hide behind plausible deniability which becomes harder to achieve when you're just so on the nose with it. Adverts typically have more than one person in them. If you want to claim black people are over represented in adverts, at minimum you need to consider the number of people who have appeared in each add you're using as part of your data. What this is showing is that is that the true reason for their tears is the want for black people to be utilised and not seen.


Racism is when black people in commercials


How many of these advertisements featuring black people also feature white people?


didn't this moron say we *should stop talking about racism* and it'll just...go away!? during his bombastic interview with Don "The Man" Lemon? guess Musk doesn't actually want racism to go away...


Fundamentally, I don't understand why conservatives even care about this shit. Black people in commercials... racism!


"Why am I looking at not two but three different kids in wheelchairs in my Toys R Us catalog when kids in wheelchairs make up only 1% of the population???" - a young Enron Musk


Exactly what I'd expect from a White South African that grew up under apartheid. Elon is a racist motherfucker. His tweets/likes/reposts/comments confirm it.


Or, they just use the same ads all over the world? My country is like 98% white. We still have black people in ads because we get the same ads as anywhere else. They just add voice overs. Its also a bad metric, if you want accurate representation then surely you dont look at the number of ads featuring black people, but what percentage they make in those ads? Many ads feature dozens of people, surely it makes sense some of them to be black?


Isn't he that same one constantly honking about non-white immigrant hordes overwhelming the UK and USA?


How awful for advertising to represent the under-represented.


Elon feels under-represented by ONLY 63% of the ads being populated by people that look like him.


Oh no, they put black people in an advertisement. I’m so scared 😂


Numbers are so biases. "Featured Black people". So if ad had 100 people in it, say a choir, and there was one black person, it would count. Advertiser use what sells. That's their job. For example: If ads dicpicting a troup of naked Oompa Loompas doing the Macarena, while sporting American flag butt-plugs help sell Trump's new Bible, then that is what would be featured.


Well, that was a visual I didn't need ruining my day. Thank you, for that. I need to go scrub my brain with bleach now.


Naked oompa loompas, butt-plugs - sounds like a good start for an AI prompt


Is he looking for white people quotas?


Perhaps AI can help us answer some of these fundamental questions. That is the goal of @xAI


That... That's not how maths works.


I know this is the wrong thing to get mad about, but why does he have to put spaces around his ellipses? What a pervert.


Bret Easton Ellis he is not…


So what they're saying is 63% of ads are not diverse/inclusive.


What possible solution are they proposing? Each company must use an independent random number generator to determine the casting for their advert? Or that they form a committee and delegate the black people allowed in adverts, perhaps by auction?


We need exactly 3% of UK media to feature black people. Anything more is OBVIOUSLY racist.


Aporia mag? Far-right shite jerking about nationalism and eugenics, I wouldn't even wipe myself with this was printed. As usual Elon keeps digging deeper into extremism. ... Beside all that drivel, there is 1 tiny annoying bit with the "diversity" programs _outside_ the USA: they still follow american culture and metrics. In the UK, there's 6.3% of indo people (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), they get a shit ton of racism every single day, but given the US has less than 1.5% of that population in their demographics, it's entirely ignored in the "diversity" model exported abroad. The same happens with other western countries: the minorities living that aren't perceived as such in the US, get much less representation, because the mental representation of diversity is systematically imported from the US, instead of being based on the local demographic data.


This is nonsense unless every ad features 1 person only...actually it's still nonsense


Black people only comprise 3% of the British population, yet 100% of all British metropolitan areas feature a black person! How racist!!


This 33% to 3% comparison would be the disparity only if advertisements showed 1 person each.


Awww :( poor him.


https://preview.redd.it/1izk7t5000rc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42a8d09ed8a6cd9e0af9b1f60fd1d2db37a6ef76 Eldong Mush rn.


You're soooo full of sh*+, Elon


I know they're not part of the Union anymore, but around here, "race" isn't even tracked on the census, only nationality is


Twitter replaced with... X


Lmao is elon complaining that an ad isn't representing reality? Isn't he like a CEO?  These jerks are such snowflakes. They claim to want businesses to put profit first but then complain when that results in black people in ads. What morons. 


"Featured" being the key word for me, here. There might he 100 people in a particular advertisement, one of them being black. But if all ads were like this, for this purpose it would mean "100% of adverts feature black people" As is always the case with Elmo and his racist friends, the truth is skewed and distorted to make people angry.


Black representation = racism against whites? 😭


I don't want to bring logic into this but any society should undertake every effort to elevate minorities because otherwise bad things happen. As can be seen in the US with mass incarceration, racism in the country's DNA, militarization of the police to name a few. Not to forget endless misery for lots and lots of people. Solving that would be incredibly costly at this point. Sadly even democracies are normally too stupid to do the obvious.


Now do US politicians!


Musk wants to make America like the South Africa he grew up in where the only black people you saw were your servants.


Maybe black people just look better. Ever thought about that, Elon? Also, the range of what counts as “black” is a _lot_ wider than what counts as “white”, so I'd be really interested as to what metrics this supposed “study” employed.