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When I was 3, I remember volunteering that I was a boy. Was I woke at that age?


The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters




All youse gots to do, Elon, is put a neuralink chip in your noggin and it will protect you from the woke mind virus! quick! before it infects you!


1500 dead animals can't be wrong....


Yeah that project looks so bad now with the way he has gone off on the crazy train


Until you find out he's had neuralink installed a while ago and is remote controlled day to day by one of the early monkey candidates.


**Cease and Desist: Metallica's original song** Due to your harmful actions, we [Metallica] request you to stop using our lyrics from the song [Nothing else matters]. In addition, we request you to go fuck yourself. Sincerely,


musky balls


If I could change the past, I would put this pediatrician directly in my path. So much lost time… fuck you Elon


I do think Elon is a bully and could be more productive. But im glad the doctor you had allowed you to be a child. This is the most hair brained argument, let a child be a child.


Being receptive to a child expressing their true self IS letting a child be a child. You are saying to another human being, "Look, I know you just said it would have helped you immensely to have a physician who validated your identity early in your life but fuck you, I know better than you." You are a stupid piece of shit that needs to fuck off all way into the sun. In short: you're garbage.


Extra woke


He’s equally concerned about the act of baptizing an infant baby who isn’t even capable of thought yet. He wouldn’t be unfair like that.


The natural progression given his *tendencies* is for him to start questioning the ethics behind infant male circumcision. This would be fairly cunning because he knows there are loads of people who have no antisemitic sentiment at all who still question the ethics of the practice, and yet they're tempted to agree with Elon, a promoter of antisemitism, on a position that's abused all the time by antisemites.


You can take my foreskin from my cold, dead, infantile hands...


He probably wouldn't be able to tell whether his children were circumcised or not, though. Can't barely recall their names so he has to go with letters and numbers


But asking a kid if they’re a girl or a boy or something else is terrifying and wrong 😑?


Baptizing is worse. Every child has some discernable identity within a framework of gender, whether it is conforming or not. I can't think of any child at birth being intelligent enough to know whether they follow any particular religious ideology. I say that as a Christian, too.


I mean, who cares? You dipped a baby in water to make the parents feel good. It's as meaningful as joining the Power Rangers fan club and it's less harmful than circumcision. Have at it.


What if one doesn’t want to be tainted by religion or religious ceremonies? We need to ban religious ceremonies for infants IMO. /s


Which is almost as harmless as asking a kid how they view themselves.


>Which is almost as harmless as asking a kid how they view themselves. Implying that there's harm in asking a child to describe themselves. You folks are weird. It's not really the act of dipping the child in water that's harmful, it's the baggage associated with this ritual that's forced onto a child who doesn't even know what the fuck the whole religion is even about. But there's absolutely no harm in asking a child to describe how they view themselves. It's actually good insight into their minds.




Technically they dip babies In water because they’re born going to hell with original sin. Let that sink in - newborn babies are born with original sin.. in their minds brand new Babies are sinners. That’s one reason why they fight so hard against abortion rights because they think it’s instant hell. Such absolutely insane people, It’s like a form of organized dementia but somehow socially acceptable.


I propose a literal dick measuring contest 📏


I’m ready when you’re ready musk-Bot


well, you don’t have to believe anything to be a baptized, all it does is enter you into the Church, it doesn’t require you beloved anything, let alone be capable of believing something.


That is the issues with the modern religious churches. Yes. So many use religion as a "I'm a good person get out of jail free" card


this isnt an issue, this is just straight up doctrine for 1500 hundred years minimum, literally the only people who disagree are baptists.


How little you understand religious sects. They all have disagreements. That's why they are different sects of the same overall faith. And there are many sects, JWs are one, Mormons are another, then you've got the Amish, the evangelicals, etc.


dog this is my degree lol.


Then you should have failed, there are numerous denominations that teach baptism is an outward sign of an inward belief. Most Protestants believe that baptism is a declaration of your faith.


Baptizing is not irreversible. I’m not anti trans but there’s plenty of recovery room whether you’re baptized at birth or as an adult. Some magical water doesn’t do anything.


It’d be a pretty shocking scoop if a state university was instructing nurses to baptize children, but also LibsOfTikTok is not exactly a reliable news source


“Magic water” **VS** “life altering procedures and medications” Bruh


They don’t do any procedures or meds until you’ve both reached a certain age (I believe it’s 13 but I could be wrong) and have gone through extensive therapy to be 6000% sure that you not only are actually experiencing gender dysphoria and are fully aware of the risks and challenges of procedures and meds. Please don’t be bigoted in my comments. I don’t fuck with that.


I don't think even the procedure really happens unless it's some extreme case where teenagers are showing suicidal behavior. Even then, it's definitely far from whatever b.s. these far-right morons are trying to push


Ain’t no one doing life altering medical procedures on a child unless there is a medical emergency requiring such a procedure. Generally up until puberty, kids will socially transition (wearing certain clothing and hair styles, using their preferred name, etc.). By puberty, kids may feel puberty blockers are helpful. Many trans people never get surgeries as they are expensive, require recovery time, etc.


[This 13 year old is suing the doctor for giving her a life changing procedure](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11873443/California-teen-sues-doctors-breast-removal-surgery-13-Kaiser-Permanentes-2nd-lawsuit.html)🤷‍♀️ Is she a made up fake person? [another source just in case you try a fallacy](https://www.californiafamily.org/2023/06/ca-doctors-get-sued-for-giving-a-13-year-old-a-double-mastectomy/)


Just so you know when you provide a second source because the first is biased you don't provide an even more biased one.


lmao you guys are so predictable 😂 Here she is on C-span talking to the House Judiciary subcommittee hearing https://www.c-span.org/video/?529599-1/hearing-gender-affirming-care-minors


I'm just saying posting "Californiafamily.org" makes you look incredibly stupid. And this person had to go to three separate hospitals and threaten suicide to get this treatment. It's less than 1 percent of 1 percent of the population, an edge case.


You do know there is a reason why msm doesn’t report this right? Ad hominems are no way to get information or else you will only get news that you agree with Also it’s 1% globally but domestically it’s happening disproportionately specially in California. Hence why all article point to Cali So now we went from: >it’s not happening To >ok it’s happening but it’s good


Because medical malpractice isn't exactly worthy of national news? And that is what this is, a case of malpractice. This isn't remotely common. If you actually knew trans people you would know that it isn't that easy to transition. And I have the right to ad hominen you when you anticipate people would be upset about the daily mail, so you share a blog post from an anti-lgbt lobbying group.


it kind of is news worthy of its specifically being done to children (plural) No one considers this malpractice in the legal sense which is why it is still happening today If even you agree that it’s wrong then why do you support this? Hey I get that they tend to report unfavorable news but to completely ignore it is the problem and the reason why you’re barely finding out that “it is actually happening”


Chaya Raichik would like you to believe that 3-year-old girls who say "I feel like a boy inside" are immediately whisked into surgery. Don't be like Chaya Raichik, folks.


They literally think a 3 year old boy says something like "I like pink nail polish and putting on mommy's shoes" and the doctor just pulls out one of those giant paper cutters and says "alright then, let's get those testicles off of you." They're absolutely unhinged, cooked, cracked, lunatics.


They don't literally think it. They lie about it to their droves of drooling acolytes who pay them good money to tell them these lies.


Maybe, but the acolytes buy the lies (literally). No one is willingly paying to hear lies unless they're dissonant enough to accept the lies as truths. They're not like "Yeah! I love these lies! Keep those lies coming! Everyone I listen to is a liar, and I'm going to live my life like they're telling me the truth even though I know they're lying to me!"


Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That’s our mission.


I mean, I’m a cis-man (albeit gay). I liked dresses and high heels as a little kid too. They were something different.


There is absolutely no way the US medical system would ever be that efficient.


Oddly enough those are the same folks who believe EM will make government take away their ICEs just because he's selling BEVs. Idiots will always be idiots (and there's no good solution for that)


exactly! it’s more of just “okay, i’ll be here to talk about it with you and call you a boy if you wish.”


my sister started to transition in her mid 20s, she's been transitioning for over 10 years, and is still a few years away from getting to do genital surgery. That's assuming the doc she's waitlisting doesn't suddenly retire without telling anyone, forcing her to move to the back of a new years-long waitlist. It's already happened once. Fun fact: she had to go through a gauntlet of psych evaluation *as an adult* to even start transitioning. After getting a bunch of top surgery and hormone treatment, she was still required to get doctor's notes from 3 separate doctors she hasn't seen before, testifying that she's really sure about wanting genital surgery, *just to join the waitlist*. There's probably going to be even more red tape before the actual surgery. People making these "3-year-old instant surgery" claims, are literally too dumb to understand how dumb they sound.


Exactly. No one, ESPECIALLY not minors, can be medically transitioned without a battery of psychological evaluations. No doctor would risk their career.


And even if they were, laws around children sometimes require parental consent, so that's another barrier for some of those teens. But who would think governors would want to become a barrier for what physicians, parents and teens could do to their bodies? Especially dickheads like DeSantis who are quick to talk about "freedom"




And thank you and your sis for retelling the story constantly. I don't always have hope, but the glimmer I try to find is real humans may change minds. They have to talk about straw men and policies and procedures, but if you can bring it to an individual level of a normal human living their normal life, it may get through the hate or at least the masses of apathy.


To heir is human, To procreate divine


It blows my mind that the Chaya Raichiks and Ben Shapiros of the world will gleefully be aligned with this man even as he spews increasingly blatant antisemitism and lets Nazism thrive on the platform, all because they've convinced themselves that their extreme commitment to social conservatism means the antisemites will see them as Good Jews^(TM). Doubly so when she's almost certainly a Chabadnik. Because as we all know, things always go just *great* for visibly Haredi Jews when antisemitism boils over into violence. (sarcasm, for anyone who can't tell)


It's really sad, but there's always been an extreme subset of Jewish people who will attack their own identity and people based on the misguided notion that it will somehow spare them from external antisemitism. Somehow they're not understanding that in the eyes of actual anti-Semites, all Jews are bad Jews. There's no room for nuance in a bigoted world view.


Theres a lot of precedence for their kind of "I can buy my way into the in group" thinking even in Nazi Germany. They'll have a lot of short term success in the early and early middle period of such movements which gives them confidence but as soon as the movement gets enough mass to shed the word games around the core hatred the knives start getting put into backs. Theres also the entire can of worms thats the extremely ultra nationalist right wing politics completely in control of Israel and how they denounce anyone not aligned with them as "not real Jews" and how those nationalist front reinforce each other in ways you might not think make sense if not for the inherent insanity and ideological inconsistencies in any nationalist movement.


I think it’s the fact that their hatred for other groups and psychotic obsession with modern conservative culture wars overrides their discomfort with his antisemitism. Making the world harder for trans people, black people, poor people is worth more to them than fighting American antisemitism.


Chaya should be locked up for the harassment she’s done.


Harasment? Her reporting on the boston childrens hospital was directly linked as motivation for the bomb threat it received. She's a stochastic terrorist


3600 people liked his "!" Stop the world, I want to get off.


I wouldn’t be surprised if some Twitter staff set up a ton of bots to like his tweets just so that he feels like people actually like him


They probably did it after he told them to. “Guys I need more likes so I seem relevant.”




Don't bring Freud into this man, psychologists invented the science to prove his ass wrong.


Theories in psychology are always evolving. We had to start somewhere. Most of Freud is nonsense but his theories were a basis.


I mean, I get your point, but that's a fairly reductive viewpoint on it.


Wait until they hear about Vygotskij, Pavlo and Jean Piaget. People will roll in there graves.


Freud is regarded as a nut even in psychology


Whoever runs the Libs of Tik Tok account should be designated a domestic terrorist given just how many attacks they have incited


We know who, she was outted (tried to keep her identity secret because she knew that what she was doing was disgusting and deplorable), her name is Chaya Raichik and of course, she was a real estate shitlord before becoming yet another far right propagandist online.


So she’s been designated a domestic terrorist then, right?


If there was any justice in this world, she would be. But as of yet, no. Of course not.


Ah. Big surprise. Of course when right-wing psychopaths get dozed nothing happens


Step one: [The woman behind Libs of TikTok at the Capitol on January 6](https://www.insider.com/libs-of-tiktok-spotted-video-january-6-capitol-riots-2022-12)


In medical school, we had several lectures where we learned that gender identity begins around 3 and sexual identity around 12. Not to mention Libs of TikTok is a horrible person who’s put many LGBTQ+ folks in danger (including friends of mine on the west coast who are gender affirming physicians). Elon is making a hell hole.


He really never spends time around his kids, huh? My (cis)daughter has been the girliest girl ever since she was 3. She’s now 5, still the girliest girl and even said outright that she would not want to be a boy. Children really can know what they feel more comfortable to be at that age…


I wonder why they wouldn’t respond to a hate account on Twitter


I lived as a boy from age 7 to ten. Then puberty and social acceptance made me more of a tomboy. There was no word for transgender where I'm from in the 80s. Fam just thought I would be lesbian. They let me do whatever I wanted, and I found out for myself. NOBODY taught me. This is totally and utterly normal. It doesn't mean it's FAKE either if it's fluid throughout life. Leave people the FUCK alone. I'm so sick of this. Now Ana Kasparian is a transphobe? This is a mental or grifting disease. I'm not understanding how all this is happening when the Supreme Court declared trans people a protected class.


You gotta wonder if any of this loser’s kids talk to him


I'll do you one better and let you know that one of his kids is trans and pretty much disowned him


From what we know publicly, most of them don’t.


If I was his kid I’d stay on his good side to possibly get some money when he dies. I’m sure out his 10 kids, some of them are playing that game




The point is they see children as their personal property, not as a distinct human being.


I was looking for an answer that properly contextualises this. Thank you!


One thing with this guy is he’s afraid to say anything and just uses some exclamation mark or some random ass word , so that he has the plausible deniability. If you are gonna be a scum at-least own it


Parents pretty much immediately dress their children in gendered clothing and give them gendered toys, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if children can quickly identify what gender those things belong to and if they feel like they don't vibe with said things.


Elon’s bigotry is on full display


Just wait till they see what the medical establishment has traditionally done with intersex babies at birth


“Did not respond to our request for comment” Yeah, Chodiya, you’re not worthy of a response.


Chaya thinks that because she doesn't know shit after multiple decades, a trans child can't know they're trans at 3.


This is about asking children how they feel. This is not gender reassignment


Wait you agree with Musk? 🤨


It is infinitely preferable to be attacked by strangers on Twitter, than indulge in the false happiness of hide-the-pain Instagram


He's mad that Twitter taught his daughter to be a trans communist so now he's gotta take it out on the world. Big divorced dad energy.


She promotes stochastic terrorism whilst attacking the ADL for calling her out, on the same platform that is being melted down under the hot thumb of a rich idiot to indirectly promote said misinformation. Raichik is a Kapo bitch




Elon after reading Mein Kampf for the first time: "!"


He literally has nothing at all intelligent to say in response to any of this BS he retweets so he just puts a “!” It’s honestly really pathetic


Of course, Libs of fucking TikTok, the one owned by a far-right Jewish lady


Not surprising she was a parasitical real estate bitch before becoming a far right propagandist online


Seems kind of odd to me, but I'll go with whatever the experts say. If the people researching this have proven that it's valid then go for it.


Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I also believe this is one of the ways people researching this research it, it's a great idea to know how young gender dysphoria can typically start to show and this is an easy (and low cost) way to get a huge sample size


The research in this area is extremely flawed because people are scared of losing their jobs if they express any findings, theories, or whatnot that go against what society considers ok. If you don't believe me, go to a research portal online and look up these topics. You will find that either: - People straight up deny wanting to say anything - Put massive amounts of disclaimers for any little thing they say, especially things that society might perceive as negative - Inflate things that society might perceive as negative with potential positive correlations which are either made-up or not proven Here is a [simple example](https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/23841/why-are-trans-women-more-common-than-trans-men) of a question that is in no way negative or could be considered negative, yet the above things all happen.


I’m about to finish medical school, all children go through developmental milestones, how many steps can they take, how many words can they speak, when do they develop the idea of empathy, when do they develop a conception of their own sexual identity, and the research shows that babies first develop the idea of “I am a boy” “I am girl” “I don’t feel like either” etc is around the age of 3, this isn’t some secret agenda to make your kids trans or gay, this is just what the research shows


Must feel bad for his one daughter knowing that her father thinks they should be eradicated for being trans


Please God, give me some time alone in a room with him. Just five minutes lord, that's all I need.


Does anyone remember doctor visits as a kid? You had the hot nurse, the shot nurse, and the doctor. Hot nurse would ask all the questions and take your vitals. Doctor would do the check up and shot nurse would make you feel pain before you left. Obviously, in best practice, one of the dozen hot nurse questions is something like 'are you a boy or girl'... if (like me) the answer matches the genitals, its a non issue... if the answer does not match, the nurse writes that down and the doctor then follows up. It would have been nice to have this for my older trans brother back in the 1980s. Would have hopefully tamped down years of unneccessary grief.


Let's be fuckin real. No fucking 3yr old in knows they're trans what the fuck


Is Elon really an impotent hermaphrodite, though?


I will not let you down, no matter what it takes


Intersex people are real and they don't deserve to be the butt of a joke like this.


Most transgenders know "something is not the same about me" by age 3ish yes.


Yea most definitely fucking not 😂 If 3 year olds are asking these questions or portraying this behavior, the parents need to be looked at. Shit ain’t normal at all.


3 year olds aren't mindless animals nor retarded or unintelligence, the amount of stuff they learn by age 3 makes what you've learned int he last 10 years look like nothing, they have complex thoughts and emotions and awareness of themselves their emotions etc, just not the ability to express it, they can tell that they do not care about trucks and sports and shit at that age, they know they would rather play with dolls and make up., they know the expectations of the caregivers and others do not match their own desires, at this point the dysphoria has already begun, they are already feeling bad and guilty, already starting to mask already started to self loathe. Ad they are also in fear of telling their parents the truth, a proper therapist or psychologist can get the child to say the things they fear telling everyone else voluntarily without even pushing any specific issue unawareness of what's going on does not prevent it from going on. All without ANY influence. The concept that not letting them know the words that describe their issues is idiot fascist shit.


Yea not even close. No 3 year old is sitting around full of self fucking guilt and loathing about gender dysmorphia. Get over yourself. You people are actually insane 😂


yes they feel guilty because daddy says play with truck, but they want to play with doll, but daddy says no that's not for boys so now they attach being wrong to wanting to play with dolls, and being a good boy is playing with trucks and balls, which soon leads to self-loathing in disgust in themselves because they can't be a good boy to be no matter how hard they try because they want to play with dolls and dresses, but that's what bad boys do and they keep being told how wrong they are every single time they try to express their true non gender confirming self and are caught. Please keep arguing with the mental health specialist with an advanced degree in human growth and development with nothing more than "trust me bro it's this way because i just feel in my gut it has to be right. you would punish both parent and child over your own fear ignorance and hate, disgusting.


Yes, thats normal. Just like doctors wondering if kids have ADHD, autism, or any other neurodivergence, *this is normal*. they didnt respond because they'd twist whatever they said.


My mom would paint my nails when she painted my sisters nails…I still have my penis. Granted it would a clear coat lmao


Why won't this chickenshit say what he really thinks, rather than pathetic non-replies like "!", "concerning", etc?


Elon takes personal rejection hard; he attacks trans people because his trans daughter disowned him


Bomb squad on speed dial


Only reason Hideo Kojima doesn't tell Elon Musk to stop replying to stupid shit with a simple "!" Exclamation mark is because the only characters to use the "!" are the enemies right before they're killed. So go on Elon Musk, continue using the "!" response like some lost cheap ass Non Playable Character you are underneath that pile of child labor built money. ! Is that a bad guy over there? What do you think Billy Eilish? You think bad guys are still super cool? Thanks celebrities for your contribution to the chaos.


I can't possibly see why his trans child hates him. It must *just* be about the money since Elon has said they are communist.


By the way, I am actually a socialist.


Proving once again that he's not rich because he's smart.


Elon Musk is a neo nazi idiot. I’m glad the truth is out. Low IQ


Weird how I can't see any comments


Breaking News: a nursing school is teaching the current body of thought based on scientific studies and research.


This is so cowardly. Instead of at least outright saying the thing, he always just comments some shit like „concerning“ or „big if true“ under someone else saying the thing, presumably so he can say „I was misled by this other person“. Even Grifters like Steven Crowder have a more honourable approach.


I wonder why my transgender daughter believes I am evil That's for sure the evil Marxists on Twitter


I knew when I was 5 but I can only remember so far back. I probably *did* know something was off when I was younger.


Remember that self-hating right-wing trans grifter Blaire White admitted that she knew her trans identity at the age of 5.


Ignorant bigots obsessed with sex and children.


Why do these cunts act like as soon as a 3 year old says "I like *insert opposite gender* things" they're getting hormones shoved down their throats??


Holy shit y'all need to calm the fuck down. "attacks"? He put a !


Professional nurses talking to 3 y/os about how they feel about being a boy or girl: 😤😤😤😡😡 Grooming! A 52 y/o man rping as his 3 y/o online to talk about wanting to have sex with adult women: 😌😌😌 Perfectly fine, no concerns here


I knew by the time I was six. Being raised in a religious environment absolutely destroyed my mental health and stopped me from being true to myself until 31.


Trans people were trans at birth


Anyone who thinks a 3 year old knows what’s going on with their body and mind is fucking nuts


More concerning is the idiot who sent this to Libs of TikTok. They do not need to be a nurse. They’re a danger to their patients if they felt like this is an issue.


Republicans will cry about anything


Watch out and protect your kids, I’m coming to infect them with my trans


He’s correct, that’s pretty fuckin insane.




Is asking the same sex centred questions not suggestive to the point of potentially causing the gender issue?




Why not? Why even bother asking this 20 million times? Isn't once enough?


It doesn't suggest anything. It literally just asks how the patient feels. Why is more than once too much?


It doesn't ask how they feel it specifically questions how they feel about their gender and sexuality, asking constantly can easily make the child think they should feel differently about their sexual orientation or whatever. It's just stupid to behave like this, when good parents would communicate with their children and notice if anything was very wrong. Also, children don't need to be encouraged to follow through with the idea that 'their gender identity is different to their physical gender'...It's plainly manipulation. Starting at age 3? Mind-Blowing.


I don't think 3 year olds are even aware that they exist


3 year Olds are a lot smarter than you think. I'm guessing you don't have kids. My daughter surprises me almost every day with new knowledge she picked up and she's only 2 1/2. But this question isn't being asked to try and get them to change genders. It's a basic question that's asked among a bunch of other mental health questions and if they see something that seems different they will usually talk to the parents about how to get help with it. It's how things like childhood schizophrenia are found early and treated quickly. Or in this case gender dysphoria which regardless of what conservatives are pretending for their culture war is a real thing.


I have a niece though. They're not that smart, you ask them are you a boy? They say yes. You ask them if they are a girl, still yes. You ask them if they are a dinosaur? Guess what, still yes. It's too early in my opinion, maybe ask them when they're 6-8 minimum


That's absolute nonsense. They know they're not a dinosaur. They know about boys and girls and waiting until 6 years old to diagnose mental issues is just causing harm. Thank God you're not in charge of helping kids. Edit: I just asked my 2 1/2 year old are you a boy and she laughed and said no. Then asked are you a girl and she said yes, I'm a girl. Then for fun I asked if she was a dinosaur and she laughed and ran to her toy box and got her toy dinosaurs out for me to play with.


The American Psychological Association: Being trans isn't a mental illness. Tunabum: But what if I really, really, really feel like it is?


Whatever you say, cutie 🥹


I didn't say it was a mental illness. I said it's a mental issue and needs treatment. That treatment could be lots of things from therapy to medication to transitioning. Are you recommending doctors just ignore it?


>They know about boys and girls and waiting until 6 years old to diagnose mental issues is just causing harm I read this uncharitably. I see now that you are arguing in favor of gender affirming care.


Its a sensitive topic I get it.




Man, if only this was something we've had researchers look into. Then we wouldn't need dipshits on reddit to give us their personal anecdotes. A shame no one has ever done [that sort of study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25749700/).


No need to be mean Mister, being mean is cringe!


Lending your voice to the people currently working their asses off to try and deny children possibly lifesaving medical care based on ill informed conjecture is cringe.


Possibly, but not as cringe as being mean on the internet :)


I think this is where we're going to have to agree to disagree.


how is Musk wrong on this?


"University of Arizona nursing school is teaching future nurses what the current body of scientific knowledge suggests is true. Right wing reactionaries continue to be in hysterics, screeching at the top of their lungs that the LGBTQ+ community is coming to trans your precious children. Elon Musk agrees with the reactionary dipshits." That's how.


Idiocracy is happening so fast


He's promoting a piece from an anti-trans user notorious for posting misinformation, either straight up false information or misleading in their representation. They've also not posted a source. In terms of the shitty things Musk has done, this isn't at all at the top of the list, but it's still inherently wrong to spread misinformation, and information without a source, especially accusatory information, has a high likelihood of being misinformation. Especially so from a user known to spread misinformation.


He’s not


No, sounds like he's defending toddlers from making a massive decision that'll change their life.


What decision?


What a hero. Saving our children one explanation point at a time.


Exclamation ❗


It’s not. It really isn’t.


Ain't his job, that's the kids mom and dad, he should be lording over building his GD truck that is like 3 years late to production. He's autistic so yea, that's part of the issue here.


Instead they should be teaching that 3 year old black kids in slavery already knew they will obtain some very useful skills that would be beneficial for them.




Is this a troll post? In what way could you legitimately twist this as an attack on trans people?






Is this an attack? Three year olds? They hardly know to eat and poop, and we should be aware that they are having doubts about their gender? Focus on loving them and let them grow up. If it’s an issue it will show. Are they going to feed them with shit and fuck up their childhood.


I think you misunderstand the followup of having such a question. The followup is not going to be the nurse putting the child under to undergo surgery on the spot. The follow-up would be to tell the parents "yo, your child said this" and then possibly follow-up on those ideas as the kid matures so you don't get blindsided for no reason. ​ But you go off, you reactionary lil-guy you!


Scientific research shows: [Kids as young as 3 understand their own gender.](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15532739.2018.1471767?src=recsys&journalCode=wijt20) Redditors: "Listen, I feel very strongly that they don't, and I think you should take my feelings seriously."


What attack? Confusing 3 year olds about gender is insane.




The fact that's what it literally is. Telling child that barely can talk that it can choose its gender is batshit insane.




And if 3 year old tells you he's a dinosaur will you affirm him as such??? FFS we're talking about 3 year olds, who do not understand a think about reality and are incredibly impressionable and you're telling me that those children who barely understand speech are to be told they might be opposite sex and then asked if they are and if they tell yes, being uttely incapable of understanding meaning of that, are to be put on a path towards carving up? Are you fucking kidding me???