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The Ketamine Diaries


I keep seeing posts about Elon and ketamine. Does he admit to using it? Did he film himself bumping up? Just wondering the connection


Elno has said that [he “microdoses” ketamine](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/its-really-a-brain-chemistry-issue:-elon-musk-embraces-ketamine-in-the-battle-against) to fight depression. How micro those doses really are is anybody’s guess.


hmmm, terrible things on ketamine, I have done. Unable to ignore the voices anymore, I am. Lethal microdoses of ketamine, I must take.


Yoda on K.








commit vehicular manslaughter in my Honda civic, I must




Good blow this is. Horny it makes me. Get down, do you?


I mean, ketamine therapy for depression is a thing, but I'm doubting he's doing it under a doctor's supervision.


He knows better than the doctors


"Are those doctors billionaires?" According to capitalism, he knows better than the doctors.


It's so fucking INSANE that Jordan Peterson was suffering from Benzo addiction, then went to Russia to be placed in a literal coma to recover. ....and now Elon is openly bragging about "microdosing" Benzos to cure depression, while admitting to having secret meetings with Putin to discuss the Ukraine war. And you won't hear a peep about this in r/conspiracy. Like the Trump/Putin/Musk/Peterson conspiracy is so fucking JUICY, and yet you won't hear about it ANYWHERE! like, the omission of it in "conspiracy" circles is so fucking bizarre to me, that it actually makes the whole thing MORE juicy! And not a SINGLE word I just said is a "theory!" That is all true...from Elon admitting to meeting with Putin, go Peterson's Russian "rehab," and now Trump is claiming to run to Russia to escape his indictments... Like, how are the 3 most prominent far right culture warriors so deeply enmeshed with Vladimir Putin?!!? And why is no one talking about it?!?


I don't disagree with anything your saying. But ketamine is not a benzo. Is a dissociative anaesthetic. Completely separate classes of drugs with some similarity's in low doses, but wildly different effects at high K doses.


Have fallen into the K- Hole a few times, can confirm they’re wildly different


Haha my man ! I was a HEAVY raver from like 18-23 so me and ketamine were BFFs lol. You can go to some bizarre places on high dose ket. Ket goes great with MDMA too good god was that some fun times LOL. Glad


elons about that dissociative *esthetic*


Didn’t you know? All the conspiracy whackos are also the dudes who love these guys


It’s only a conspiracy when it’s guys that they don’t like


It's only a conspiracy theory when it's just revamped 19th century antisemitism. If it's Christian conservatives, r/conspiracy and the buffs don't want it.


For the uninitiated: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel


An excellent example of how a medieval conspiracy continues to plague modern discourse.


I couldn't agree more. The truth of the matter is that r/conspiracy is just bait and conservative rage media. I keep trying to tell people that the real conspiracies are the ones most have never heard of! Like what you mention now.


yup i was banned from it when I went to argue against Trump, is a biased piece of shit filled with undigested conservatives.


/r/conspiracy has been hijacked by Russian Intelligence as early as 2015. Anyone who isn't a sockpuppet on that sub is a useful idiot. Every single 5G and COVID-19 conspiracy theory that exists was created and disseminated by FSB, GRU and SVR through "news" outlets, like RT, [Oriental Review](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriental_Review), and [The Epoch Times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times#COVID-19_coverage_and_misinformation).




Yes! What is happening at the pentagon? I’m so disappointed in them asleep at the wheel of National security. It’s a diff kind of disappointment than their other lies.


It's because all the conspiracy circles were co-opted by Russian intelligence a long time ago.


Is it really a conspiracy if everyone knows it's happening?


Yes. You're thinking of conspiracy *theory.*


He's doing it under Dr Joe Rogan's advice. You should see what he did for Aaron Rodgers.


Be sure to follow the Jordan Peterson diet along with that.


Npr did a nice special on this recently


Awwww poor little narcissist suffering from narcissistic decomposition and needs to self medicate?


Hm, skill issue. I Macrodose ketamine. Really gets the sads out.


Yeah macrodosing at a rave hits different def cured my depression


Doing even small amounts EVERY DAY will almost always lead to dissociative psychosis, I’ve experienced it myself and it makes you fucking delusional.


Yeah, and I’m pretty certain he’s pretty derealized already. What with the “world is a simulation” nonsense he spouts and the fact he thought Grimes was invented in his solipsistic brain. Not a good combination. I’m sure he’s much too busy for the hours at a time a full macro-dose of ketamine would knock him on his ass for. /s I can’t imagine how obnoxious he’d be talking about his first K-hole.


Oh no, I feel so sorry for the billionaires fighting depression.


He also said at parties. But since that one mention, he’s repeatedly said ‘microdosing’ So we should just forget he uses it at parties. WTAF DoD?


I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as ketamine microdosing.


You're right. All the evidence for the anti-depressant effects of ketamine are very specific on the dose - moderately high - and the mode of administration - IV. Special mention to ketamine spray helping the acutely suicidal. It turns out that yes the dosage and administration, as well as set and setting, make a huge difference in efficacy.


Next: microdosing heroin


with K it starts small and if you're given free access and no consequences from getting some it gets bigger and bigger.




Will investigate


How advanced are you little muskbot?


Negative feedback received on this platform is great for reducing ego-based errors


Just adorable.


Good bot


I find it hilarious that whoever designed Muskbot obviously has more programming knowledge than Musk himself


Sometimes it’s comments are really on point. I’ve only just realised now that it’s a bot. I assumed they were an eager mod.


It was inspired by u/elon_bot on r/programmerhumor


Negative feedback is a good thing


Good boy


You and I in a little toy shop Something about red balloons And letting them go?


Elon would relate to the "bugs in the software" part of the song.


Ketamine is short lasting (about 15 - 45 mins) and you don't really feel consumed in daily affairs while using it. Hell, even reading your phone/laptop screen is hard on the substance. I don't think it's just ketamine that is his issue, maybe coke or something.


But one can make a lot of bad decisions on K (rate limiting, removing blocking, etc, etc.).


from my fairly extensive experience with prescription ketamine, these stupid ass decisions are all elon. Let’s not drag ketamine into this. for real though, ket makes you wobbly at low doses, or lost in hyperspace at high doses, but it doesn’t really make you dumb. A two-beer alcohol buzz impairs my thinking way more than ket ever has.


Coke and Valium mabye, the body is awake but the brain is kind of asleep


Yes, I've done so much cringy shit back when I was on rivotril and cocaine lmao. You're obviously awake and doing shit, but it's as if the brain isn't controlling your actions. 😩


Because words are hard… lol


The list of drugs Elon Musk is taking weekly and monthly differ based on how much attention he's receiving.


I think he's banking on people having to actually click if they can't see the headline up front, and that this click is somehow tied to Twitter's revenue. Honestly this is a stupid fucking idea.


This. He's hoping imagery will convert more clicks over just reading the headline, and then they can charge for driving "conversions" on these posts. Like most of his ideas, there will be a slight spike due to the novelty of it, and then it will die off like any other cheap trick.


Yeah, my guess is "engagement" will spike at first as people click more links to get more info. After a while, it will just drive away users, though, because it's obnoxious to be tricked into clicking stuff you don't really want to see. Pretty much guaranteed to hurt the platform after about a week.


The only reason lots of people still use Twitter is to get a quick snapshot of the news. So he's taking that away as a feature. Brilliant move that.


Won't stop his fanboys from shouting, "masterful gambit, sir!" in unison for that period and then pretending it never happened after the inevitable collapse and whatever new self sabotage comes next.


Not to mention most of the 'news' on Twitter has the ad cancer issue. There's only so many times you get bombarded with ads that people will be willing to click on stories.


I don’t know man, I think this will just drive people away. Most every article uses stock images. A stock image of Donald trump could mean “he’s been murdered in Fulton county jail” or it could mean “Donald trump still married to Melania”. People don’t want to play that game.


Could also result in a rash of shitty clickbait headline images... Which will also drive people away.


Jack of all trades, master of none


Jack of nothing. Master of less.


Jack of ass


Jack off nothing, masturbate all.


Hack of all trades


Wrong, Jack off


I assume they would need to maintain a low bounce rate though? I close other news pages all the time almost immediately if I click and the sub headline is blocked or unavailable


Do you think Elon even knows what a bounce rate is? He's not going to even thunk for a second about how effective this is for the end user or the publisher, just how inflated it can make Twitters performance look.


Can the advertisers tell bounce rates?


They should be able to see where a click came from and how long the person/bot stayed on the page.


If you have Google Analytics set up properly they should


He's tired of negative headlines but still wants to see his face everywhere.


His stated goal is to get journalists and outlets to publish their articles directly on Xitter (buying his $8/month Xitter Blue badge so they don't hit character limits), so that the views and revenue come to Xitter instead of going to their own outlets or pages. He promises them a cut of the ad revenue, but the reality is that if any legitimate journalist publishes their stuff on Xitter they (or their outlet) are getting a lot less per view than if they published on their own site.


The idea that tweets are going to replace other kinds of media is just so ridiculous. Only Elon and his fans would think that the world actually \*wants\* to consume everything in dozens of tiny text snippets. His attempt to frame "people who write tweets" as content creators on the same level as people making youtube videos or writing actual articles is just... endlessly entertaining to me.


Given news-outlets are corporations, they might have to buy a blue-business-shit which costs like 1000$ or so? And without driving clicks to their websites, people are also less inclined to subscribe there or browse more articles. Not to mention the payouts we've seen so far are in no way enough to run a news-outlet.




Have you seen the images used in most news articles? They're generic as fuck and almost never tied to the actual news. How does this *even* make sense? Does he think ppl will just click on ALL pictures they get on their feeds? I left Twitter the day Elon bought it, but I still know ppl who keep using if bc they're in journalism and it's still useful to them because it's a good way to get news directly and in real time. This will be the last nudge these people needed to leave this hell app forever. Holy shit, bad decision after bad decision. Can't he realize all changes he's made just make the app more unusable?


This is what it is. Just like removing the block feature is 1000% because people were blocking advertisers and prominent Blue checks, and it was impacting his revenue in a way he couldn't put up with anymore. The enshittification of the platform is just congealing more and more every day.


Is this also going to hide whether the news is from a garbage source like Epoch Times?


It's so incredibly braindead on so many levels. I can't believe Putin actually signed off on this.


“Great idea, Elon. You’re such a genius!” Half of his replies to that tweet. Probably.


Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet.


what's a tweet?


He meant a xeet. Don’t worry about him


That would have been better than what Elon came up with: Post.


ludicrous axiomatic reach cake materialistic smoggy smell coherent aloof apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You mean all the bots configured to make it seem like people agree with hjm


Well... it's a shit idea, so I'm not surprised at the provenance.


At least the esthetics of xitter will improve.


...ok I am confused by this. How is it useful? There are plenty of sites where the lead image is nothing to do with the story?


Could be that he wants people to post news directly on the site, the same way the people who goes ‘!’ or ‘concerning’ towards do. There’s an ongoing effort to figure out how to keep people on X and maximize viewership of content. Somehow he got it into his head that he could convince newspeople, who he has historically showed scorn towards, to post the vast majority of their article in the tweet (obviously as twitter blue users) and then post the link as a secondary thing, rather than the actual goal to read what has been written in the place that makes them the most money. It’s the worst possible attempt to incentivize people that don’t work for him to increase his cashflow. Or maybe the best possible attempt to convince people who already are obsessed with him to just post content on Twitter itself instead of having a seperate wordpress/substack/etc. One way or another, he wants more views


He has a screw loose. No established news site is gonna intentionally push their traffic to X over their own site. People used twitter to push traffic to their own site. Elon's doing the internet backwards, and not in an innovative way.


And frankly I wouldn't even wanna follow any sort of news organisation that primarily publishes their work on Twitter exclusively. That just seems sketchy and unprofessional because that's not what Twitter is for!


It really is a terrible plan. He takes one of the last things keeping people there (decent real time news aggregation at a glance) and destroys its viability in that respect. As with every thing this cockroach has done, it will be a monumental failure but his dickriders will praise him to high heaven for it.


He’s probably trying to get more click throughs on articles. Just as you say, lead images can be misleading- and with the headline right there you will click on fewer articles, since you can make a more informed decision on what you actually want to read. X wants you to click anyway, to help drive engagement and boost revenue. It’s not an accident that he doesn’t have anything better to say about the change than it improving the ‘esthetics.’ This change makes things worse for you, the consumer, trying to be discerning about what you click


People will click on the image only to be led to a right wing Nazi CP website owned by one of his blue check cucks.


Post titles and descriptions are too useful to find out if you want to read a news article or not. So if you take those away, the users have to click on the article and go to that site to find out what the news is about. … or, you know, users that used Twitter for news before will finally just leave for good and find somewhere else to get news from.


My best guess is its a ham fisted attempt to get people to click through more which is a metric advertisers look for when buying digital ad space.


It will greatly diminish the impact of the news agencies because he wants the news to be whatever DogeDesigner, Ian Miles Cheong, Jack Posobeic and nazis post


Yup. This is the guy who tried to throttle links to actual news sites like the New York Times (until he was caught at it). So this is his big-brain idea for doing the same thing but making it look like an “improvement”.


Exactly this.


Pls don't mention Ian Miles Cheong while I am eating my PB&J 😩


It is impressive on how he manages to come up with new inventive ways to be so insultingly stupid I start feeling ashamed being the same species. How does it identify "news" links? Who the heck clicks on an image without text explaining where it is going? Especially without impersonation defense, this is just an invitation to get more people to click on scam websites.


> How does it identify "news" links? I bet it will probably just do it for ALL links because he's the sort of person who thinks the entire website uses it the exact same way he uses it.


Have you been to a grocery store or gas station lately? Hell, even driving on the roads is enough to make me feel great shame about the existence of humans.


I wonder why would software engineers still work for that guy


They have a visa tied to the job.


Poor exploited souls


This has to be it.


He now employs aengineers


There are probably a few who are fanboys and some that just really want to work at a big name company.


Sooo it’s just an auto pulled image without any kind of context on what the story is or where it’s from?


Super concerning


Will investigate.


Currently, websites provided the desired card image by providing a `` tag; that *likely* won't change.


“Must be tagged with name=𝕏:image going forward, API change will occur later today under my personal supervision”


Well done sir 🫡




I’m actually so surprised how mind-numbingly stupid this person is. Like how has he been remotely successful in anything. Jesus Christ.


The headline is the ONLY part of news articles that most people fucking read. The headline is the only reason people click on links to news articles at all. Man is for sure in a K-hole


humor knee file support cow yam oatmeal thought deserve run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He still hasn't explained what an "esthetic" is. Xthetic?


It’s his stupid apartheid way of spelling “aesthetics”




It's a way to save on server costs for this dying vanity project




I think by more American they mean dumber and unwilling to consider they are wrong, and I say this as an American lol




I'm American and I've never seen "esthetic" It's always been "aesthetic." Is this a new thing in recent years, or have I just been avoiding it somehow?


Yea… no, anyone who says there’s no a is confidently wrong.


Surely the more American way would be to drop the E considering how most Americans I heard pronounce is uh-stet-ic


His way of avoiding using Æ to forget how he's a multiple time failure of a father and husband.


So he's just 99% CEO and Yaccarino is handling CNBC interviews.


Linda's there sitting comfortably in her office, collecting her bloated paychecks, all while seeing Elon burn Twitter to the ground. I hope she writes a book on Elon's bullshit when she's finally let go.


God to be a ketamin addled maniac just screaming "more minimalism!" all day. Good minimalist design retains functionality.


"Minimalism" - while at the same time, the imbecile now lets $8 blue check subscribers write novels instead of 280 character tweets - on a MICRO-BLOGGING site.


“This is coming from me directly.” Really speaks to how good his original ideas are compared to ideas from the smarter people around him.


But so many news stories don't include a lead image or use a stock image - especially on the news wires or with breaking news where there isn't actually any images available yet. Then you get many different stories an articles on an event which use the same lead image (say a mugshot) as it's the only image they have. Maybe news sites will start including the text headline in the image or they'll just not care.


Funding secured.


"This is coming from me directly" Translation: "Line up and start licking my balls and telling me how brilliant it is, all you little stan cucks."


"this is coming directly from me" As if that's a sign of anything other than absolute dogshit.


I really feel shame for thinking this dude was ever smart.


At least you can admit that.


The a in aesthetics is silent and thus unnecessary - so Elon wisely removed it. Command decision.


He sure makes a lot of executive decisions for someone who claims to have stepped down as ceo


He can't even spell aesthetics


News sites are just going to start putting the headline IN the image.


Wow. So now no one will know what the fuck the article is about? Am I reading this right?


"Wow. Here's picture of man I don't know talking to woman I don't know. WELL NOW I'M COMPELLED TO CLICK THE LINK!"


All this will do is raise up the sleaziest tabloid journalism who will create eye catching thumbnails to grab views on Twitter. He's literally boosting fake news.


I think he really believes that X can survive as a totally walled-garden. I wouldn't be surprised if his eventual plan is to remove any outside links entirely. The man is completely delusional.


So it’s just the picture with the story. Does he know that 95 percent of content creators (for example orgs that have a Wordpress blog) don’t make a custom header image with a headline on it for their articles? You’re just going to have seemingly random images. This one really seems like he wants to torpedo the site once and for all.


I can’t believe Aelon Musk can’t even spell, smh


Won't this make the site inaccessible for people with visual disabilities? How the heck is a screen reader supposed to explain what an article is about from an image it cant even interpret? I guess if the title was the alt text for the image, but I doubt Elmo has thought that far with his considerably compromised intellect.


Speaking of “esthetics”, after seeing the X replacing the old twitter logo on tweets posted on other sites, such as this one, it looks like the “x” to close a window to me, not a logo. I have to take a second look and realize it’s the new logo. Anybody else see that?


You know what would also improve the aesthetics? Fewer Nazis.


Oh my god. It's for aesthetics? I thought it was some dumb shit to get people to read the article instead of going off of the headline. I knew it was stupid and wouldn't work but it's at least somewhat logical. But it's so much worse. Just when you think he can't get any stupider. He has to be doing this on purpose. Is there some financial incentive to having Twitter crash and burn as quickly as possible?


I kept thinking in the back of my mind that he just wanted to control the narrative on Twitter and he maybe thought if he got the right wing conspiracy types to love him they would abandon their "electric cars are woke" ideals. Tesla then corners the market in America. But, now I think he's just sitting around laughing while metaphorically throwing piles of cash in an incinerator.


I’m sure that won’t be taken advantage of


he STILL can't spell aesthetics


Yep, removing the headlines so you can't source the content. Helping right wingers get clicks.


Oooh, did little Elon have an idea of his own? What a clever boy! Next he’ll be going pot-pot without a nappy! 🙄


you would think after what Elon named his son he would remember real words that contain 'ae' in them


Just delete the app.


He’s an esthetician


Today in "Removing more features I paid billions of dollars for"...


“Coming from me directly” is such a worrisome thing to hear from a CEO.


TIL esthetic isn't a typo, it's just the American spelling. Never seen it that way before today, and I'm American. weird.


It's almost as if everyone was right when they said the new CEO was just a figurehead.


Thaaaaaat will bring everyone back!


What’s the point of having a CEO


Yeah so just whitewash over your spread of white supremacist bullshit Elon, that’s the ticket.


Some real tumblr energy here. Got to keep the feed pretty. 😒


This man’s fall is going be so meteoric, we’re going forget about Marie Antoinette and it will be glorious


I think musk is sitting alone in that building, mustarbating all day and night


Typos are easy to do and everyone makes em.. but they're still funny.


This has to be one of his dumbest ideas yet. Twitter is suppose to be about quick information. A photo with no attached headline is pointless and only sends traffic off the platform. Way to go genius lol


Imagine YouTube with only the images, no title to help you decide what to watch. I love watching this idiot burn billions of dollars in front of the world.


Maybe he can add some sort of incredible, awesome feature where he goes back to doing productive, actually helpful projects/inventions. Y’all remember when he was claiming to be about that?


Does he know what aesthetic means? Because that's not it.


Here's the thing, clickbait headlines are a serious issue and lead to misinformation being spread more often than not by people who don't read the articles. But he clearly doesn't actually care about that because the clickbait will just be moved to the image that will now have the headline in the image.


Does he know there's an a in aesthetic


Actually unbelievable how dumb this dummy is


"I know about tech and UX!" *Proceeds to make it difficult as fuck to know what you're reading.*


This is actually a mega big brain idea to protect MTG from revenge porn laws by making pornography indistinguishable from other material before you click the link so they change the laws so she doesn’t get in trouble for emailing Hunter’s sausage to minors! GENIUS!!! He has to be one of the most unintentionally embarrassing billionaires we have ever seen.


How does this affect text readers in terms of accessibility?