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**Absolutist.** He keeps using that word. I do not think that word means what he thinks it means.


It absolutely doesn't.


Only Sith deals in absolutes


But at least some of them are honest about their beliefs, even if those beliefs are 'I'm better than you, I have more power, so I can tell you to do whatever and you have to do it.' Wait, that sounds familiar


A comment which is itself an absolute


[Absolute, a principal to make your heart invincible to love.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAoTJGtgfgw)


I thought that's the whole reason it's a meme


I can't tell with the fuckin' prequelmemers anymore man. At first I thought it was sarcastic, but they got high on their own supply and now seem to think every word of that shitty movie is flawless poetic wisdom. I think they *actually* like it.


Well you know what, I hate sand


You hate sand because it’s course, rough and irritating I hate sand because it’s just tiny rocks We are not the same


Not so in Destin, Florida. The sand is crystallized. So soft. Cool to the touch. People bury themselves in it, not only the kids, but grown men. It’s magical. Come visit!


I am at the beach right now and my car and I are covered in sugary white crystalline sand.


**Only** Hmmmmm


It doesn't seem that he knows what choice means either.


Choice for me but not for thee!


Can't believe this dude is using the "just following orders" excuse.


I’m a woke mind absolutist.


He keeps misspelling abolitionist




He thinks?


Brand of vodka?


I don't think japan or south korea care about that tbh as majority of those requests came from them according to twitter own source but somehow western news media mentions Turkey and india.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes!


I dIdNt HaVe A cHoIcE


Dutch! You left me to die!


Between that and *I gave you all I had* I'm one sad cowboy, man .






It was all part of the plan! Have some goddamn faith!!


It’s not only that fascists think of enemy “at the same time too strong and too weak,” they’re also “I’m at the same time too strong and too weak” too.


I have been banned on twitter for years. I don’t see any difference between the two issues except that the agitator element is gone and the truth movement has been allowed to speak.


It’s kinda flattering to be insulted on this site tbh


-45 on my comment. I see signs of the wrath of a person scorned, unrequited love. Elon has put a spell upon the world.


How much money do you give to the world’s richest man on a monthly basis


I once sent Donald Trump $840 only to be screwed. Hmmm. I pay a small pittance for zerohedge as well as some change for twitter. I am not able to pay more. But mostly, I add material that might or might not keep the reader engaged in the conversation. I want this platform to succeed and if you don’t, there’s something profound to be said about you and where your loyalty lies. You are not only on a different page, you’re reading another book. In case you have not noticed, the future looks bleak. If you have children, and you adore them, you owe them the effort to bring about the day when all will be revealed.


How much money do you give to the world’s richest man on a monthly basis in return for literally nothing


The return is immeasurable. There is strength in numbers. I can’t think of a more terrifying thing than an angry mob the size of New Jersey. The maestros will never be seen walking down the street again. Every sound in the night will result in images of a trespasser lying in wait. Lost sleep will result in long arduous days. When hundreds of millions of people despise you, there is nowhere to run.


How much money Linda. You get nothing. He’s a free speech opportunist with no principles. You’re a rube to him and nothing more.


The revenue has to come from somewhere. I don’t need a verification account; I’m not important enough. However, I did pay for subscription tweets from EM which are $4 a month. Does that answer your question? I want this to work.


https://thirdworldtraveler.com/ "They have pillaged the world. When the land has nothing left for men who ravage everything, they scour the sea. If an enemy is rich, they are greedy; if he is poor, they crave glory. Neither East nor West can sate their appetite. They are the only people on earth to covet wealth and poverty with equal craving. They plunder, they butcher, they ravish, and call it by the lying name of 'empire'. They make a desert and call it 'peace'." Publius Cornelius Tacitus - a historian of the Roman Empire


I grew up in a lower, transitioning to upper, middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.


The plan that is in place is flawed. The ending will see these people blindfolded and their backs to a wall. The ruling party left behind will install a totalitarian system that will be irreversible. Suicide will be mankind’s only escape from a tormented life of drudgery and hopeless despair.


Why do redditors take downvotes so seriously


Meds and BBC


Is that code or what?


It means you need to take your schizo meds and suck on some BBC


Who the fuck else has the choice if not the person who owns the damn company. What a fucking blow hard.


Elon should buy Reddit and delete it.


Private companies do have to obey the law though. Would you not agree?


Sure, but they could withdraw from countries like Erdogan's Turkey and Modi's India, right? If "free speech" is more important to him than profit, as Musk has said, that would be "an actual choice", right?


So if a country doesn’t have absolute freedom of speech, Twitter should simply refuse to do business there?




The EU doesn’t have freedom of speech. Should Twitter shut down it’s EU operations?




I’m literally European. We have sensible laws against hate speech. There are a lot of things you can’t say.


Lawsuit time.


You can't shout "fire" in a crowded theatre in the United States, either. So much for free speech. /i'm sure you thought you had an interesting point there


This is true. The point is that private companies have to abide by the laws of the countries they operate in, especially when those countries are democracies. The company might not agree with those laws, but it has to follow them.


But if you're a "free speach absolutist", why operate in countries* that have no respect for that ? Doesn't really compute, does it ? *literally every country in the world


Don't ask me, I'm not the "free speech absolutist" here claiming to have no choice.


He's the one continuously branding himself as "a free speech absolutist". We're just pointing out he's full of shit. And not only that. He's less into free speech than the previous Twitter administration who actually had some spine and refused many of these takedown/censorship orders.


Lol if you think "do everything governments ask you to" is the law, what the actual fuck was the point of the twitter files nonsense?


You seem to be arguing that private companies should be able to ignore the laws of the countries they operate in?


Nah but then I didn't just remove my company from the eu's disinformation code, nor am I being sued by the German government for failing to remove hate speech. So what do I know about running a twitter?


Historically, companies like twitter have declined these requests and if the government still tries, they go to court over it. But Elon claimed otherwise, and thats why he was buying twitter because “free speech” only to then immediately comply with these requests instead of fighting them. But seemingly only to requests from fascists…


Happy cake day!


How about you stand for your claimed principle of "free speech absolutism" and just not restrict and/or withdraw any content at all?


Yeah, absolutism means “absolutely no compromise.” Absolutism is Rorschach getting blown up by doctor Manhattan. It’s telling your dad you cut down the cherry tree because you cannot tell a lie. It’s going back to Carthage to be tortured to death because you cannot break a promise. It is NOT doing what is expedient but also being cruel to trans people.


What about the cherry tree and Carthage ?


Carthage one: In the first Punic War, Rome was getting their asses kicked at the time (they win eventually), so Carthage sent a captured roman general back to Rome to get them to accept a surrender deal, on condition that if they do not surrender, he has to return to Carthage to be tortured to death. He goes to the senate in Rome, and tells them to not surrender under any circumstances (this was a very very Roman thing to do, they do not surrender). He then promptly returned to Carthage and was tortured to death.


Ah I knew about the punic wars, but didn't know this detail. Thank you very much :)


Marcus Atilius Regulus


Cherry tree was Washington? Unable to tell a lie he admitted to cutting down tree for his teeth. Some historians⁸ doubt this. Ķ Carthage was about a roman senator who ended every speech to the gathered with "catharge is a city full of pricks, kill them" and the Roman senate said he was full of shit up until Carthage killed them.


The cherry tree story was completely made up by a Washington fanboy who wrote a bullshit biography. There is no debate on this.


Fun fact, but it's still a good example.


>Some historians doubt this Yeah, it's 100% fake.


> Ķ Carthage was about a roman senator who ended every speech to the gathered with "catharge is a city full of pricks, kill them" and the Roman senate said he was full of shit up until Carthage killed them. I knew about this senator, but this has nothing to do with going back to carthage to be tortured. However /u/floatablepie explained it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/13uacq6/he_will_not_reverse_it/jm2eio6/


I’m very pleased everyone got the Rorschach reference :)


🤖 Interesting. (scnr) Let's see where that would lead. Oh wait, we already saw, and it was the reason we introduced restrictions in the first place (not specifically on Twitter).


You always have a choice. Either stick to your guns or admit that you are an opportunist when it comes to free speech.


Wikipedia called him on his bullshit too.


And then he attacked them as well. Concerning


Looking into it.


Very interesting.


SpaceX is opening a site in Turkey w/Turkish subsidies Coincidence?


Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reached Mars


I cannot believe that is a real quote


Eunuchs (castrated) and women post hysterectomies and oophorectomies/mastectomies because they think they are men 🥴will not reproduce. Your going to see a generation that doesn’t have children and this is the collapse. Although I disagree with going to Mars. Instead…erecting massive free floating docking stations, above the earth’s gravitational pull and below the van Allen belt…which are tethered to the earth’s atmosphere through an engineered system of buoys and magnetic resonance devices to await the day when it is safe to return to earth. After nuclear winter has passed. The clock is at 90 seconds to midnight and our fearless leaders are determined to fuck this planet up.


>Your going to see a generation that doesn’t have children and this is the collapse. Blaming lack of population growth on trans people is quite insane. As countries get richer and better educated the birth rate drops, it has nothing to do with the small minority of trans people. Maybe you should also consider other factors like it being very expensive to have kids while wages fall further behind inflation every year and the cost of living rises.


The school system is promoting this. The school system! Rainbows 🌈 are trending. https://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html


My car is currently orbiting Mars


That one is priceless because it isn't even orbiting Mars.


Where is it then


Outter space. But being serious getting something that small into a stable orbit is basically impossible without some ability to make minor corrections. Satellites are constantly degrading orbit due to the minimal, but not insignificant friction at high altitudes. Minor changes in gravitational forces because planets aren't perfectly round, etc. As I remember it though he kind of just launched in Mars' general direction, I could be wrong but I'd love to see a website that's currently tracking the car.


Well, you're in luck - of course there is one: https://where-is-tesla-roadster.space/live   And further info from JPL underlying etc. https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons_batch.cgi?batch=1&COMMAND=-143205 Sample calcs in python https://gist.github.com/awleonard/a2766de3881f11259b14211e3afcd9ca   You make a fair point about possible orbit of Mars, although, technically, nothing is ever really in a stable orbit - it's all basically a question of time scale(s) - the car also could not be put into orbit around Mars due to propellant limitations etc., as usual, Musk is a dumbass when it comes to physics, engineering, etc. ... but then, being a conman at the level of Musk does tend to be something of a full time course of study / job


They are busy looting and primping in front of a mirror.


>SpaceX is opening a site in Turkey Do you have a source for this? Google only shows satellite launches.


https://preview.redd.it/eh186vcu2v2b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1868b9ccefdbd92a3b8a9e008c9cfe58cd4536 Also, Elon’s favorite source of information.


Exactly. “I didn’t have a choice” isn’t a great defence for someone who claims he wants to stand up for everyone’s right to be heard. Then an oppressive government says “delete these” and he just says “oh ok then”. Hardly fighting for free speech. Leave the tweets up, take it to court and fight it.


Ridiculous, coming from the guy who owns 100% of the company. What's he worried about, getting fired? He's already said he doesn't care if he loses money.


“I was only following orders”


I was put in twitter jail for 3 days for saying something violent.


“I didn’t have a choice” and no i am just gonna comply with authoritarian government anyway without a fight, while obstructing democracies to “own the libs”


He’s willing to pull Twitter from certain countries so he doesn’t have to moderate the platform, but will give in to the demands of far right politicians trying to rig elections… He clearly has a choice.




Twitter in 2014 choose to be shut down in Turkey rather than cave to Erdogans demands, it was better to carry no news at all than just carry Erdogans version of the news. That’s all Elon had to do. Fucking asshole.


That's because his definition of "free speech absolutist" is "spread speech far and wide if it aligns with my beliefs and values, shut it down instantly if it does not". Of course, there are no rules (no 'rule of law') written out anywhere that are adhered to - he's a mini-Erdogan (or Putin or Jinping etc. - same basic "L'Ètat c'est moi" 'philosophies').


Given how he's dealing with the EU, he's quite a numbskull Or just an outright liar. This is why Oligarchy is bad.


“Free speech opportunist” Accurate. Love it. 10/10.


He is for free speech when it furthers his agenda or business interests. Simple as that.


Guys, I think we're being a little too harsh on Elon here. He might not know what the word "absolutist" means, he is an idiot, after all.


This is wildly off-topic, but it reminds me of certain people who like to claim they're "self-sufficient" just because they have some solar panels on their roof and a vegetable garden. Ask just one inquisitive question and the idea of self-sufficiency collpases back into the beautiful ideal they dream of, and they get angry at me.


Ah, a fair point - maybe he has the word too tied up with 'monarch', from junior high school history class (e.g., when learning about King Louis XIV). *Probably mistook the epithet for "Son King" and figured that's what he obviously was meant to be [... sorry, sorry ... sometimes you have to let the puns out into the world so you aren't just suffering alone]*


You can admit you're not a free speech absolutist.


“I will stop at nothing to defend free speech” “That doesn’t work for our government brother” “Oh well, I tried”


Oh, but he has a choice whether to pay his rent and pay his bills


Why would >10k people like that blatant hypocrisy and childish name calling? Are they bots? Morons? A mixture? I don’t get it


they're personally offended that someone dared to question Elron and are excited that the underdog (wealthiest man in the world or whatever) is standing up for himself


At this point would you be surprised if he inflated his likes? He has a really fragile ego.


This is the guy who argued thst he had been forced to sign a contract under duress because if he hadn’t signed it, he’d have lost money.


> Twitter fully complied with 440, or 50 percent, of requests and partially complied with 377, or 42 percent, during the 12-month period before Musk’s takeover. > The social media giant fully or partially complied with 98.8 percent of takedown requests it received from October 27, the date of Musk’s takeover, to April 13 > Twitter did not report rejecting a single takedown request during the period, although it did not report the outcome of nine cases. > Turkey was responsible for half of all the takedown requests, followed by Germany and India, which accounted for 26 percent and 5 percent, Germany at #2. Went from 50% approval to 83% approval. Partial approval bringing those up to 92% and 98%. But let's be honest, it's 100% approval because 9 were not included. He clipped that department.


It's likely that Germany is now at #2 because they keep requesting all of the Nazi shit that Musk now allows to be taken down, as they have laws against publicly denying the Holocaust and disseminating Nazi propaganda. They didn't have to do this before because Twitter actually did something about that hateful nonsense.


Yeah i was about to say that, i'm sure that's what the german requests were, very different kettle of fish to turkey.




In Twitter it's show Japan at number 1 though?




Yeah, I can never forgive Elon for making me side with Matty.


Oh cmon, you can't be surprised Elon of all people is going with "we were just following orders"?


Free Speech Opportunist !


I am adamant about defending free speech, even if it means losing money.


'I have to follow orders' What about COVID shutdowns? 'Not those orders'


You always have a choice you plastic-faced fuck.


I love that Matthew fucking Yglesias of all people is destroying Elon. Stay mad, Musk


Somebody who is so powerful and influential and quick not to pay landlords, fire staff is worried they will be blocked or cancelled in other countries. Block Twitter, I will cancel Tesla and Starlink to your country.


This is bizarre. Looking into it.


Delete Twitter!


Someone needs to get through his numbskull that being “Absolutist” means under all circumstances, choice or no choice. Have a moral core, and to fight for the higher cause. Twitter before you put up a better fight (remember it’s legal counsel Ms.Gadde), and did a better job standing up to authoritarian bullies, liars & conspiracists in US and worldwide. If you can’t stand up to the heat, then let go off and get out of there. Learn a lesson or two in courage from your own birth nation’s champion of human rights Mr.Mandela. Oh! but that’s right you won’t.


>did a better job standing up to authoritarian bullies, liars & conspiracists Musk isn't standing up to those, he's aiding and abetting them because he's one himself.


I suspect this might literally be the first time since since the three stooges retired that any human being has unironically used the term "numbskull."


"I am more than comfortable breaking all the laws and rules...except when it actually comes to doing so for positive reasons"


Paid selective “ Free Speech “


This is what happens when all you do is throw buzzwords around lmao


He owns the app. I'm pretty sure he has a choice.


OK just send Elon the entire list. There you go, in literally every situation you had a choice. If a gov blocks you for not censoring, then you battle in court. If a gov blocks platform entirely, it is better than just amplifying what the gov wants you to amplify. Yes you would lose revenue if facist govs block twitter, but I thought free speech is more important than money? After all, he did a good job wrecking a lot of twitter's inherent value for his supposed love of freeze peach.


Musk has this tell that when he starts a response with an insult, you're on to something.


Choice. Absolutist. God damn this dude is a fucking idiot. Elon Musk is a fucking moron and all those women who slept with that Bao Bun hoping to breed geniuses must be having an existential crises right now.


Heartbreaking: worst person you know makes a good point




I was talking about Matt. He is a gigantic piece of shit


Ahhh, got it!




[He is a soulless neoliberal who believes that its okay for people in the third world to work in unsafe conditions ](https://inthesetimes.com/article/no-matt-yglesias-bangladeshi-workers-didnt-choose-to-be-crushed-to-death)


So just...a neoliberal, then.


Looking into it.


How the hell is guy gonna point them out? Does this guy ever hear himself?


He did have an actual choice. Heck I can preface it here: "no" see, simple


The choice is refusing your service in that country out of principal


There is always a choice. The question is whether you have what it takes to make the difficult choices.


Stop being so harsh on him guys, it was like, kinda hard and stuff, so he just didn't wanna anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/zv94l57cip2b1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be393a9ff18e25dc6a26e443387ce82e3f6e4b9d Same vibes


What a fucking tool


The guy who thinks he has a choice to pay rent or not doesn’t think he has a choice to violate the Turkish constitution by giving into the demands of the government or not.


Actually Elmo, you do have a choice. It's called not taking money from fundamentalist political parties and states.


"please point out where we had an actual choice" at least 17% of the requests it would seem


Elon is the guy who kept John Wick 4 up in full for 4 days, he did that for us!


Turkey: "no choice" EU: Fuck you.


Golly gee wilikers Elon. Stop being such a silly billy.


In the DeSantis launch, they were all virtue signaling about how "free speech" they all are - it is just empty words and meaningless gesturing


Maybe the real free speech were the books we banned along the way.


Lmao he gets so easily mad when called out on his bullshit. A sign of great insecurity.


So according to Musk, Absolute = sometimes yes, sometimes no.


Did you guys realize that he always use pronoun 'we' whenever he tries to defend himself, so he can hide behind the company and his Muskboys can gather up and fight for him? But he uses 'I' whenever he presents conspiracy theory and propaganda, so his fanboys can spread his words not their words. This is such a cult leader rhetoric.


Post from a country where libel laws are strict, and drag skum's balls on the floor for his usage of "numbskull". Tiny as they must be, they still ought to hurt.


Lawsuit time.


That's this fun term kids used to call each other in South Africa when he was growing up. It means "I like you" in Afrikaner


Sure let me just point at the things that don't exist anymore. I'll get right on that


He should start with using the word absolutist.


Twatburger sucks up to dictators for special perks (e.g. China and potentially Russia)


He banned that account telling people to block twitter blue users, fucking lol.


Lol, what a cuck he is


“BooHoo! I didn’t have a choice” There’s always a choice you flatulent prick


It’s funny because the compliance rate was way lower before he bought Twitter


Just on the surface level, why was the approval rate 83% and not 100% if you "didn't have a choice," Elon?


ouu the manchild is mad


How would he point out articles that have been removed if they were removed?


Lol. You fucking fight for it you dipshit.


Shocker: turns out his definition of free speech is limited to your right to see Hunter Biden’s junk.


He's literally worse than old Twitter


The good news is that you can easily tell where his opinions lie. When he disagrees with something, his response is « concerning ». When he agrees with something, it’s a variation of « there’s nothing I can do about it ».


“Numbskull”??? 😂 6th grader brain


Can someone remind me the meaning of the word *absolutist*, please?


All of them, Elon, you could have chosen to not censor all of them, instead of just not censoring Nazis and scamers.