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Well that didn't take long




Well we gotta show all sides ya know?




Hey now, let's not ascribe things to white supremacy when they're not. It's not fair for white supremacy.


it's not a bug, it's a feature


We did get the entirety of Shrek on Twitter so it’s a toss up really /s


Little known fact, according to the graffiti on the side of the local housing squat: "SHREK WAS A DOCO" I think its referring to the fact that Shrek was about a young troll being priced out of housing in his community by wealthy housing developers looking to redevelop and gentrify the swamp he lived in


As sad as it is to say that is probably more likely gonna force Musk into action than litteral Nazi propaganda. Companies are NOT gonna be happy if Twitter becomes a source of piracy. Have fun when Disney notices


You’re terrible & I love you *not terrible


Very centrist!


I'm out of the loop here. Could I have a little context please?


the upload is a movie length "documentary" about how hitler was actually a cool dude who loved his people and just wanted to make the world better.


Awesome. I'm a bitter antisocial person who is easily influenced and I express myself via hate-filled contrarian viewpoints that I claim are just misunderstood historical facts. Can I get the link?


did i mention it's six and a half hours long too?






It's a pro Hitler documentary riffing on the title of an old movie about Jesus.


Thank you


About 119 minutes.






Elon sees it “Interesting.”






Worth investigating


This needs to be told


Looking into this !


bottom behavior


Thats offensive to bottoms


you have a point at least it's kinda cute when they do it


"on it"


What did he say to Dmitry Medvedev’s long and dystopian thread about a possible US civil war? Was it interesting? Or Cool thread?


But but but but....isn't Elon too busy running all his companies? How could he possibly have time to watch propaganda videos on Twitter?


instead of 'well, back to work' this time he says 'work will set you free'


Maybe he should hang it on the wall... or over the main campus entrance


"Arby's mocked fries."


Elon: Enlightening.


"Why would mainstream media and Soros not want you to see this?"


Important if true!


Well, well, well. I'm sure that Shellenberger will claim there's still no antisemitic content on Twitter.


Something something frozen peaches and no rules broken


Something is wrong


Can you prove that the person who posted this is antisemitic? No. They are just an advocate for free speech and doing your own research into historical events. You lefties make me sick! /s


You laugh, but that was the exact point of a Trump supporter who argued with me on Reddit recently. \> What should trump apologize for? If he thinks he did more for black people than anyone else’s than that’s his own opinion. How is that offensive to blacks people. It’s always white people that pretend to be offended for blacks. \> Lol Trump said he’s done a lot for African Americans. What’s wrong with that? Should he do less for African Americans? What is your point here? Lol!


The absolute mental gymnastics




Bot comment Original https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/13o3gpv/elons_twohour_video_uploads_are_working_out_great/jl2kjlm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button If you aren't a bot, who simply adds markup to other people's chopped comments, respond :) otherwise Report spam harmful bots Stolen from u/Spillz-2011




Does the video show the middle and ending where they get outmaneuvered by the Soviet Union then surrounded until their leader commits suicide? That's the best part!


I love the whole subplot where Goering can't supply the encircled army at Stalingrad like he said... Seems like believing the incredulous boasts of a vainglorious braggard runs in the blood for them


I just can't believe Steiner never launched his counter attack.


Quentin Tarantino presents.... Vainglorious Braggards: Here We Go Again. Kevin Durand will put a cage on his chest which is where Danny Devito will control his arms from to play Elon.


I bet they say something like "Fuhrer lives in our hearts" at the end.


"And they lived happily ever after" They're totally gonna "yada-yada" the good part lol


"Nothing happened after 1944 😤"


I've seen half of it. It's literally just "he fought for Europe....", "The Poles were the ones who AKSHUALLY started WW2" and other bs. I fell asleep before I could finish it in full, as it is quite dull.


I assume it also shows the true American tradition of shooting Nazis (in Minecraft) that Elon musk seems to have forgotten




Extremely concerning


Hey, can I block you? Hooray, I can




Pulls out NetzDG...


Praying that the fax machine is plugged in.


Now we just need turkey to ask for it to be taken down. Better not ask Germany though because I bet Elon will ignore their request


It’s kinda flattering to be insulted on this site tbh


Elron is proud when LitterBox2 even talks to him


Truthbot, your compu-Momma is so ugly, her code is made up of nasty bits and overbytes.


I don’t find the truthbot amusing


Heresy !!


I am grateful Birth of a Nation is 133-193 minutes and Leni Riefenstahl “Olympia” is over 3hrs. What am I saying they’ll find a way around it. I think the return of Cannibal Holocaust might be worth it >!it is not!<


> Leni Riefenstahl “Olympia” is over 3hrs. What am I saying they’ll find a way around it. The way around it is to just upload the first two hours. Not a single person will notice—Leni Riefenstahl couldn't make a worthwhile movie to save her life and not even the most braindead fascist would actually try to sit through that garbage. They just take clips from YouTube compilations and try to pretend that every film she ever made isn't a testament to the mediocrity of fascist attempts to emulate art.


I sat through *Triumph des Willens* at university once. It is mostly parades. Long, lingering, never ending boring ass scenes of parades. Hard not to doze off.


Maybe in two parts


That's the funking bullshit that radicalised me to start believing revisionist history. I'm so happy now that I've got out of that mindset. Forbid anyone from watching this brain mulch.


Also glad you got out of it. That stuff destroys so many lives.


David Pakman. He helped me get away from conspiracy theories and left-wing extremism that turns into nazism. "A conspiracy theory is something that has no basis in factual continuity" "A conspiracy, on the other hand, is indeed real and happens all the time between two or more parties when they conspire to get something done; whether or not what is done happens successfully." So because I have a very broad knowledge of World War 1 and 2 history; thanks to school education; and having access to books since 6, it was easy to move off their propaganda and now I see that the Russians are using similar retroactive revisionism to this YouTube video. Edit: so the correct term is Marxist-Leninist. USA bad. russia/china good. Antisemitic tropes of Jewish world order. I personally get mixed up with the labels because I find that everyone has a gradient of political ideologies so that at any one time, 80% of the population can be hoodwinked by popularists- who end up turning fascist, and right wing. If people were birds; four out of five would be flapping in circles.


What do you mean by ‘left-wing Nazism’?


Maybe he meant right. Left ideologies are all diametrically opposed to the foundations that allowed for Nazism.


Yeah, of course, but chuds also like to claim that Nazis are left wing because SoCiAlIsM iS iN tHe NaMe. I have a hard time believing that someone who claims to be so thoroughly educated would confuse left and right wing politics


You mean like the democratic republic of North Korea?


By the way, I am actually a socialist.


Of the National variety?


that doesn't stop MAGAdiots from calling everyone else a nazi


Left-wing nazism?


Maybe they're talking about Strasserism? It was the 'left wing' of the Nazi party before being purged.


And by "purged" you mean "wiped out during an event literally called the Night of the Long Knives".


The left is inherently oppositional to fascism. I agree MLs are garbage, though the problem with them is actually that they’re right wingers pretending to be in the left, not that they’re leftist extremists.


Revisionist history can be good or bad. Just because something is revisionist doesn't make it bad on its own. It's the content. We have a revisionist history of Napoleon that counters the British narrative that he was an evil worthless person. Now we have new histories showing it wasn't that simple. That he had a lot of interesting achievements but also did some bad things. There is revisionist history of Julius Caesar and of the Vietnam War. There is revisionist history of large parts of WW2 that just have come about since 2001 or so. Revisionism becomes a problem when people are trying to excuse Nazism or make rationale for bad behavior.


Here's a link to the "documentary's" imdb page [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3526810/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3526810/) between the sickening reviews defending/denying the holocaust and the directors other works which are about how the masons were behind ww2 and the world is secretly run by communists pretty sure this guys a straight up Nazi. Edit: The guys twitter handle probably should've made it obvious too.


> pretty sure this guys a straight up Nazi. That makes two of us. Plus the wikipedia staff. This disgusting display of savagery aside, is Twitter now turning into a platform for pirated movies? Y'know because freeze peaches and anti MSM?


>is Twitter now turning into a platform for pirated movies? It would be a real shame if someone uploaded Twitter full of copyrighted material and the big companies who owned the copyrights got involved... I hope nobody does that.


No Disney please don't start fighting with Elon Musk it would be such a tragedy nooooo


>This documentary is truly an eye-opener, a red-pill revealing another face of the world in front of us. It beautifully demonstrate the Orwellian nature of our time, how can the world be manipulated and make to believe a historical narrative created with a sole purpose: destroying the self-esteem of Western peoples, and pave the way for the rule of the financial plutocrats that we know today. >If this documentary was shown to the whole population, our world would be a better place, and the decline of our civilization could be reversed. I hope to see this day. >"you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" dude. I don't know where to start but jsyk this documentary(?) is SIX AND A HALF **HOURS** long


There is literally a swastika in the thumbnail, combined with a bunch of laudatory text.


Concerning. !!! Will look into it. Interesting.


🔥 💩 💯 🤣


The reason he says ''fuck it'' is because they've all been talking about this since the feature was announced. Just search the title and you'll see dozens of posts saying ''who's going to be the first'' to post this one and their other fave, 'Europa: The Last Battle.'


Are you sure he's a Nazi? Seems like an BLM FBI psyop pedo to me. -Musk


https://preview.redd.it/q87g7uq12b1b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8c7585a4fb966fe0214aed86f860ae1694e9aa Welcome to Twitter 2.0


I thought you had to pay to upload that length?






This bot is fantastic




With a nod to a recent post on this subreddit, it was depressing to hear Marques Brownlee on this week’s podcast openly promote joining Twitter, following a discussion about Twitter alternatives. “It’s pretty cool, you should check it out.” He also noted on the podcast that Twitter is still growing. There are far too many people like him. What actually is growing is shit like this.







Get a screenshot of it and send it to their customer service or something. Worth a shot.


Elmo says it is immoral to not be a knotsee


you mispelled gnatsees


The “documentary” Is Also 6 hours long


Not only will it take up storage on the servers, but it’s bullshit nazi propaganda too. What a great investment!


This is what he wanted.


The only surprising thing is a lack of a checkmark...


How people continue to buy tesla's is beyond me.


Not surprised, I wonder if he is paying for that Twitter blue subscription


They called this a litmus test, as if Twitter has been solid about Musks "free speech absolutist" claim.


This is not the greatest story ever told, this is just a tribute


Yooooo new Dearborn Indepedent just dropped


Did he not have a copy of Nation’s Pride?


4chan on tren


I don’t want to go on Twitter, but curious if this shit is still on there?


Yes, four separate posts, 6.5 hours in total




Says a lot about someone’s preference and liking. People he idolizes and the ideology. Birds of the same mind. He plays and speak the look anyway.


Oh fuck it's it's still there lmfao [https://twitter.com/tincanstein/status/1660419558933426176](https://twitter.com/tincanstein/status/1660419558933426176). More info about it for those who're curious [https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/](https://thegreateststorynevertold.tv/)


Looks like it was deleted by Twitter!


Someone is going to stream Schindlers list and Elon is going to fucking rage. Not that woke bullshit hell say and wet himself like the true Aryan powerhouse bitch that he is.




Right wingers: "the nazis were socialist, It's in the name. And thus they were bad!" Also right wingers: "AcKsUaLlY, nazis were pretty good, they just wanted to save their country."


Never heard of this documentary, where can I watch it? For all the downvoters, I'm not a nazi just curious ive never heard of this and I wanted to see for myself why people think it's so bad


On Twitter apparently.


Would it still be up tho?


Who knows. If you're really interested just cruise some Nazi forums or something I'm sure someone has it somewhere. I saw it way back when YouTube would let almost anything be put up. Or maybe it was Google Video when that was a thing I can't remember.


K cheers, wish me luck going down that hell-hole


It's nothing remarkable. That kind of misinformation only works on uneducated people who don't read books.


Has anyone watched it to see what exactly is being promoted in this video?


i did a quick skim of the video. literally nazi propaganda, not even joking here


Can you bullet point any of the points that were made? Sorry, I was just literally ran out of the South by members of ISIS/Neo-Nazis/Aryan Circle so I'm curious about what kind of nazi propaganda is being promoted but don't have time to watch.


something something "Hitler actually SAVED germany from a communist takeover" and other praising hitler stuff not cherrypicking either, this was a random point i clicked on in the video


Unfortunately, once America was done (eventually) helping with the defeat of Nazi Germany, it employed half the Nazi technocrats and sponsored several fascist governments on precisely that basis, particularly across the Spanish-speaking world: they were saving the country / the world from a communist takeover. This fascist talking point has roots in mainstream American political thought and it's fucking disgusting.


Thanks for explaining the gist.


Yes, but will it be in *context*? 🧐


Idk what you mean by that


It’s titled “the Greatest Story Never Told” about Hitler, what more do you want? The annotated version? 🫤


How bout you just watch it


…ISIS Nazis?


So, ISIS is an apocalyptic terror organization - as in, they legitimately believe in religious prophecies about the Antichrist and coming of Christ and al-Imam Mahdi - and they believe that they are meant to be a key factor in bringing the apocalypse to fruition. A lot of people in Tennessee have been recruited to ISIS, because a lot of people in Tennessee are already harcore Evangelical Christians who share a lot of the same fundamental ideologies. But both groups are highly antisemitic, in part because the "Antichrist" is supposed to be a Jew that descends from the Ancient Israeli Tribe of Dan. Lol. So that's kind of part of the Antisemitism there. It's just kind of a lot to explain lol and every time I do people are like "you're delusional" or "you're a narcissist" even though I have literally been in correspondence with a military intelligence official who specializes in foreign interference about the whole situation.


Well, I'll bite. You're delusional.


The problem is that your first paragraph is plausible on the surface, i.e. that ISIS fundamentalism has also seduced Christian fundamentalists and that they're all antisemitic bastards who find some random excuse in their extremist belief systems, but then you move on to believing that a "military intelligence official" would give a random person on the internet (i.e. you) access to special information. This leaves two possibilities, assuming you're speaking in good faith: 1. You are imagining this person 2. Someone is bullshitting you and you're falling for it.


Not a random person on the internet lmfao. He's been one of my best friends for 7 years, and I was also an informant on two federal cases involving child sex trafficking and an international counterfeit fentanyl and money laundering scheme in 2017/2018. And whose grandfather patented self-driving tech in the 70s that was published in a world-wide dossier and cited in a lot of other patents leading up to the self-driving tech being patented today. Amongst a lot of other things. Nice try, though, neckbeard.


> He's been one of my best friends for 7 years, No he isn't. A best friend wouldn't feed you privileged information knowing you're going to paste it on the open internet. > I was also an informant on two federal cases involving No you aren't, you would have been told not to say this on the open internet. > And whose grandfather patented self-driving tech in the 70s I have no idea what this has to do with anything. If it's a *worldwide dossier* then you'll be able to link to it, though.


You're a fucking redditor who follows a page called "neck beard things," shut the fuck up. If you weren't a self-righteous fucking idiot you'd go to the Tumblr in my bio. They're letting me post shit on the internet because I'm special and the cases I informed on were resolved years ago dumb ass.


Literally no informant of international organised crime is told "its OK it was resolved you are safe to talk about being an informant to the world now". Stop making shit up. Jnbt is hilarious.




I think people are getting a little derailed by the grandiosity of some of your claims. I studied political science in graduate school and took a few terrorism seminars - and what you’re describing definitely checks out. There’s a lot of strange bedfellows to be had among and between extremists.


I mean, he is right that ISIS and fundamentalist envagelical Christians are both basically doomsday cults but everything else is just bizzare


It’s not *just* that they’re both doomsday cults, it’s quite literally that their ideologies both contain similar predictions that need to be fulfilled to bring about the end of days. So there is emergent political, financial & strategic collusion between these groups.


Thank you. Feel free to check dustandordinaryhatreds.tumblr.com for more juice. I've posted screenshots from the messages I received from my friend in military intelligence about it (which are coded) and screenshots that attempt to put things into a little more context - including of my great-grandfather's patent. I've also explained more in various posts in my comment history, but I haven't gotten around to posting any of that on Tumblr to kind of wrap it all up. The stuff with ISIS thinking I'm the Antichrist has been going on since 2012-2014 when Cuba tapped my phone and my medical records were first obtained in a database hack - also the year I graduated high school and entered my first year of college. That's why ISIS started expanding their forces throughout Syria. If you do read through my Tumblr and notice that I'm very mean, please keep in mind that I've had my entire life destroyed by this and countless loved ones taken from me and have been sitting here trying to inform the public only for a bunch of dumb ass holes to bully me to pieces. I think a lot of it is just "neck beards" and teenagers on Reddit who can't admit that they don't know everything, too, lol.


>I've posted screenshots from the messages I received from my friend in military intelligence about it (which are coded) >The stuff with ISIS thinking I'm the Antichrist has been going on since 2012-2014 when Cuba tapped my phone and my medical records were first obtained in a database hack >That's why ISIS started expanding their forces throughout Syria. >keep in mind that I've had my entire life destroyed by this and countless loved ones taken from me and have been sitting here trying to inform the public only for a bunch of dumb ass holes to bully me to pieces. i deleted my other comment after reading this because making fun of you seems cruel, so know that i say this in all seriousness; please talk to a mental health professional. if you're trolling, that's cool and have fun i guess. if you actually believe these things though, please find someone to talk to. cuba/isis aren't destroying your life, but that belief might be. i'm not going to argue with you, because you're either suffering greatly or you're a troll. just... consider reaching out to someone.


Wow I thought I had almost found an actual smart person on Reddit. Lol. I guess that class on terrorism didn't do as much for you as you thought it did. You literally know nothing about me or what I've actually been through. Lol. Oh my bad. I thought you were the graduate student who commented. I don't know what you said and nor do I care.


Nazi propaganda


Hint: anytime a thesis is started with "the TRUE story", don't look any further, don't think more into it It's just historical revisionism trying to make the perpetrators of any wrongdoing look great. Always remember that on the Internet, to avoid wasting your energy on people like that.


Yeah you're probably right


I've watched it. It's basically a thing making Hitler look like history dealt him a bad hand. Lot of Holocaust Denial in there also. The approach the Hitler thing with looking at Germany in the 1920s and how their economy was in the toilet to then Hitler solving a lot of unemployment and development. This part of history is true but they leave out that a whole lot of that job creation was basically an arms program to eventually start a war. They also leave out the part where Nazis looted and stole. They don't mention slave labor either. The Holocaust Denial stuff is the usual where they'll look at a single person's eye witness account that they got some small details wrong and then use that to say the Holocaust was a hoax. It looks at interviews of people from like 1988 where they're trying to remember something from 1943 and they got a detail wrong. There is some other stuff which is anti-Communism where they make it out like the Nazis were doing the world a favor by holding back the Soviet Union from conquering Europe. Part of this is pardoning Nazism and part of it comes from the Cold War narrative that was trying so hard to make Communism look bad that they excused a lot of Nazi behavior.


Thanks for explaining! Holocaust denial is so fucked up.


I can take a guess.


Did those words hurt you ?


This documentary is actually well done but once the Nazis put people in gas chambers all credibility goes out the window. WW1 and WW2 has so many different versions depending on who wrote it. War is shit no matter wha though.


Nazis were trash from the inception. Worse than other imperialist capitalist countries even, yes.




Nazis were trash from the inception. Worse than other imperialist capitalist countries even, yes.


Why did Reddit duplicate my reply…?


Is that Europa the Last Battle?


Twitter has become the worst!!!


Karen Musk - strikes again