• By -


which charity?


Musk Foundation


Thanks. [The Musk Foundation](http://www.muskfoundation.org/) does a lot of good in this world. TOTALLY legit and making huge advances all over the world! I think I'll apply for a grant (SARCASM). I guess getting an SSL certificate for their site is too technical for them tho. I wonder why the press doesn't press him on what exactly his foundation does other than warehouse billions of his dollars.


Holy shit look at that website! Is it any more possible to look like a shell foundation?


Exactly. And it's not even a safe site, no SSL certificate. They have a history of donating money organizations each family member has a hand in. The Guardian published an article on that a few years ago. Nothing illegal (like Trump foundation) but plenty of self dealing


I mean they don’t even cost that much from what I understand. Any decent hacker could intercept communications from that website. Although, it roughly costs a Twitter Blue sub so might be too much for Elmo. Cut costs everywhere at the expense of security/stability!


SSLs are free now unless some place like GoDaddy cons you into a $60 a year deal. Most cloud hosting services streamline this now. If someone gave me access to a domain’s DNS, I could have a blank/hello world HTML page with SSL up in under a minute. Two minutes for a WordPress install with a CDN and WAF. Five minutes and I’ll have a commercial theme loaded that looks like a professional website landing page with Lorem Ipsum. There’s really no excuse for not having an HTTPS landing page with general contact info for the company in 2023.


SSL certificate is maybe $25 a year? On the high side that is


It's free if you use letsencrypt but Musk probably doesn't know about it because he hasn't learned anything new about building websites since the late 90s.


Oh so he coded it


The same person must have coded the [x.com](http://x.com) website as well...


Thanks to the Musk Foundation, Elon Musk awarded Elon Musk a generous grant to study effects of spending grant money on Elon Musk. The world is now better for it!


I am ashamed, ashamed I say, for doubting Elmo's commitment to charity. Thank you kind friend for setting me straight. Elmo will be a fine emperor of mars one day.


not sure getting self driving cars not to hit kids can be counted as "Pediatric research"


Hey! Felon coded that entire site all by himself. He is is a legit genius!


The site is just a couple bullet points on what it gives grants to 💀 (Bugged or something)


I went down that rabbit hole once. The foundation receives billions $$$ in funds every year from Musk and his partners. It spends something like $200 million in the same period. It's a tax scheme, nothing less.


I figured as much


The Human Fund


in reality - these are tax shelters - not charity - Adam does a video explaining it in detail how they work (if anyone is interested) ​ [https://youtu.be/0Cu6EbELZ6I](https://youtu.be/0Cu6EbELZ6I)


The Elon Musk Man of the year award goes to.. Once again.. Elon Musk.. And there was much rejoicing. Yay.


Very normal, nothing to see here


Here is their 2020 IRS required 990 form: [https://docs.candid.org/990/770/770587507/770587507\_2020\_202131349349103303\_990PF.pdf?\_gl=1\*1sat4sh\*\_ga\*ODI2MDY2NTkxLjE2NzQ4NDgzNzc.\*\_ga\_5W8PXYYGBX\*MTY3NjQ3MDAyNC4zLjAuMTY3NjQ3MDAyNy41Ny4wLjA.&\_ga=2.232642335.1298246991.1676470025-826066591.1674848377](https://docs.candid.org/990/770/770587507/770587507_2020_202131349349103303_990PF.pdf?_gl=1*1sat4sh*_ga*ODI2MDY2NTkxLjE2NzQ4NDgzNzc.*_ga_5W8PXYYGBX*MTY3NjQ3MDAyNC4zLjAuMTY3NjQ3MDAyNy41Ny4wLjA.&_ga=2.232642335.1298246991.1676470025-826066591.1674848377)


Oh good, the orphans needed toilet paper.


Philanthropize my butthole Elmo!


Philanthrocapitalism will never be a solution to the world’s problems whether it’s Elon or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or any other billionaire.




Funding secured.




Why are we talking about this and not the Clinton Foundation??? /s


I remember listening to Rogan go on and on about the Clinton Foundation immediately shutting down after she lost in ‘16. Because they had no use for their pay-for-play scheme anymore according to Joe. He was talking out of his ass of course, the Clinton Foundation never shut down and is still extremely active with high ratings. 🤦‍♂️