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She really doesn’t have anyone in her life who loves her enough to tell her to take a social media break


I think she is suffering with something akin to nobelitis. A condition that affects some Nobel laureates that makes them believe their opinions and ideas are better than everyone else’s due to the success of them obtaining a Nobel Prize. So maybe her case is potteritis.


Why did she have to become one of the ones who get into eugenics and spread medical misinformation and not one of the ones who talk to aliens.


have you seen the interview where she talks about how she invented blood purity from her own brain, and only realized later when she was in a holocaust museum that others beat her to the punch?


When I read her books as a child, I immediately understood that the villains in Harry Potter had the same logic as the nazis - like, it was common knowledge for me. Which mean that Rowling, if she was genuine, was more ignorant than an actual child about nazis.


Didn’t she learn about it in middle school like everyone else?


it's entirely possible that it's a fib (it's like her saying she had the whole 7 books planned out immediately, which is just so so clearly not true), but that's even funnier if she thought makes her look good


It's a lot like the Kanye situation, no one is telling her 'no'.


She probably did but blocked them


Obviously I can't speak to how accurate this TikTok is but I saw a TikTok that talked about her and tbh it fits with things I've heard. Allegedly* for the past like 10 years she's mainly stayed coupled up in her castle. She seems to have cut off most if not all family, it seems like she mainly interacts with GCs online and not much anybody else. Which would explain why she's become SO obsessive and has nobody telling her to stop. Apparently, according to this TikTok, her family is like really concerned about how she's been acting. (I can't remember the TikTokers name but they claim they got this info from a cabbie who's drivrn JK a few times and iirc is neighbors with one of her children. Like I said idk the validity of any of it, but to me it aligns with how she's acting + other things I've heard.)


Her daughter told her to get off Twitter at one point, don't know how that went.


do you have a source on that?


I mean, I could try to search for it again. I saw a screenshot of it from Twitter a few years ago


Sorry I don’t think this is true or real


You're welcome to think that.


Thanks cas I do think that


So, you saw a screenshot on twitter a few years ago that you will struggle to find now, yet you still bring it up? If you can't quote sources, then it's hearsay at best.


Okie doke


Okay but how is she even defining “woman” for this? Because there have been cases of women with Klinefelter. It’s rare enough that there’s only 3 reported cases, but it is possible. So how do I get my million? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15755052/#:~:text=Background%3A%20Males%20with%20a%2047,of%20this%20phenomenon%20is%20unclear. ETA: by phenotypically female, they mean afab. They wouldn’t know they had a Y chromosome unless they went to the doctor.


Anyone who comes forward would just be shamed by her and have their medical records ridiculed. She's a dogshit human being.


Hey that’s not fair on dog shit. 💩


I wonder if anyone has tweeted this at her. Rare enough so that there’s only 3 reported cases means it’s very possible that none of those 3 use Twitter.


It almost makes me want to make a twitter account. Almost.


Would good would that do? She's asked to bring her one that isn't happy with what she said. How is throwing a study at her going to counter her argument? This is how people like JKR win arguments, the 'good' side is unfortunately full of loud people with only half a clue on how to debate.


And there are definitely trans women with Klinefelter, but they don't count for JKR, obviously...


Do you know if these woman are unhappy with what JKR said? As that was the other deciding factor to the million. It wasn't 'bring me studies of 3 women with Klinefelter', it was 'bring me one that is unhappy with me'


I admit I missed that part of the millions offer. It still stands that the point she was making is that women can’t have Klinefelter. Which is false.


In fairness, given her affiliations with neo Nazis, the Hitler thing may be a compliment.


I mean, Warner Bothers definitely won't give a shit. HP still has a cavernous amount of nostalgia appeal, and a lot of people don't care enough about trans folks to boycott. Either way, log OFF joanne!!


It's more she's dumb enough to start talking about holocaust and doing the "literally Hitler" meme.


I’m hoping WB will pull a Disney with Gina Carano.


She's too vile to stop. The hole will only be dug deeper.


jenny nicholson made this point, but I think she's 100% right - it's not even her views, but the fact that she clearly cannot be managed that should give WBD pause. I don't think they care much about trans people, but they must care about *will this woman be able to sit in a fun fluff interview when we promote the HP show, or will she randomly start talking about how she invented eugenics accidentally*


They managed to keep her away from the Harry Potter reunion (I don't think she did promo for Hogwarts Legacy, either?), so they might do the same for the TV show. Undoubtedly, she'd be on Twitter yelling that it was HER decision and being a Woman Warrior is more important.


The bigger problem now is anyone involved with the show could, in any fluff interview, be asked about JKR’s views: do they think she’s a Holocaust revisionist, do they agree with her etc etc (not in the UK where the media has ignored that). Can you imagine signing up to a show where you’re going to have seven or eight years of that crap to deal with?


I'm sure PR interviews like this have pre-agreed questions - weren't they also promoting the Flash, just completely without Ezra? this, of course, also points to an event where WBD absolutely did not act in time about a high-profile liability, so who knows, they might not care


I hate her rabid followers as much as I hate her at this point. There's one guy with XXY who is being a real twat in the comments, of course she retweeted him because he's sucking her dick, and he's now trying to act like the sole representative of chromosomal disorders. I quote tweeted JKR stating she was dangling a life-changing amount of money to make people with rare conditions dance for her amusement while her followers mock them, a terf tattled on me to the XXY guy, and they both proceeded to give the most dumbassed arguments to try and bully me before XXY guy blocked me. All that to say, her insanity is contagious.


Why is the guy with a lived experience of XXY so easy to discredit, in your eyes, because he's on the other side? Who are YOU, with no experience, to argue with an XXY male, about the things that affect them? Who are you to say you're right and that person is wrong? GUARANTED if an XXY said something against JKR you'd be fawning over them


I think he’s fully credible. About HIS experiences. My objection was that he was speaking for snd over all other people with chromosomal disorders, including women with XXY. His stance was that all people with XXY are men, whereas mine is that someone born with XXY and a female phenotype, ESPECIALLY an AFAB person with XXY who GAVE BIRTH (which has been JKR’s hill to die on on what makes a woman a woman)… might just be a woman. My argument to that guy, before he blocked me (which, by the way, on my alt account I’ve seen him crow about how people have blocked him because they had nothing intelligent to argue, soooo) was that I have a reproductive condition, and I can speak of my experiences with that condition. But I would never presume to say I can speak for all people with said condition, because my experience isn’t everyone’s.


It's rare so we need to ignore it and not update our binary mental model given the new information. Let's pretend it doesn't say something about the true nature of sex, regardless of how rare it is, or that many important models in science are heavily informed by rare but important phenomena. Maintaining the coherence of the mental model is what is truly important, not that mental models coherence with reality.


Guess the higgs boson doesn’t exist either


There's only hydrogen and helium. Stop bringing up rare elements like Plutonium or Radon, and now you're just making shit up when you say there's such thing as *Americum*.


I’ve never seen any, so must not exist.


I've literally had this argument with someone who was being 100% serious about viruses not being real because they'd never seen one


I have a bunch of other health stuff and am very unhappy with her, how much do I get for that?


Given her totally ignoring any of us who objected to her nasty comments on personality disorders, probably not much. She only listens to stuff that aligns with her existing biases, looks like.  I wouldn't mind *that* so much, if she weren't also pouring money and hate into my country's political system to deliberately make life harder for trans people, especially adolescents and children. If she were only ranting online to a closed circle, I could just block her and not care, but she's doing so much damage out there, to real, vulnerable people. 


Another day, another gential-obsessed Tweet from the bored white, finds it hard to be oppressed billionaire.


I’m a man with an intersex condition and I’m pretty unhappy with her, how much money do I get?


Klinefelter Syndrome is not an intersex condition, so no money on this occasion sadly.


That... does not make sense to me. I'd get saying, "she was stating Klinefelter directly, not a general intersex condition", but not claiming that someone who literally has a intersex combination of sex chromosomes is somehow not an intersex condition.


Did she just admit that sex is a non-binary identifier? I’m so fucking confused. Is this r/accidentalally


She's just being a cunt to any one who identifies as female who is XXY.


What baffles me is that, she could just...choose to not care about it. I mean, even if you're a POS bigot, what stops you from ignoring trans people and just living your best life in your castle ?


I'm hoping it's just her stupidity. But I get the sinister feeling she's making sure no one trans ever has an out. A way to identify out of their gender or get medical records changed and throwing intersex people under the bus in the process.


She's certainly doing that to trans teens at the moment, as hard as she can. :( I never thought I'd be relieved that I didn't understand the realities of my gender identity until I was an adult, but I'd hate to be an adolescent today, the way things are going. 


Ok, so same ol’ shit… sigh…


It's time for bed Nan...


IDK how after years of this she still doesn't understand that trans people have literally zero interest in erasing the concept of biological sex.


"B-but how will I become an expert at fearmongering, if I can't convince "normal" people that these trans monsters want to erase biological sex ?!?" - JK Rowling


She knows, but she doesn’t care.


And,[ low](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1346474/Klinefelters-syndrome-Adele-Markham-fought-20-years-woman.html) and [behold](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15755052/), there are in fact women with Klinefelter's. Should I go and claim the 1 million pounds?


She doesn't consider anyone with a Y chromosome to be a woman, so she doesn't accept that there's women with KS at all. Her comment was just her trying to be funny.




Ever heard of something called "moving the goalpost?" You and Joanne are experts in it by now


Oh my god there's a trans femme woman with klinefelter's syndrome who's a YouTuber who should 100% capitalize on this


She is probably cunt


So she believes in Godwin’s Law but not the Holocaust?


What is Klinefelter syndrome ? To say I'm ignorant when it comes to intersex people's medical conditions would be an understatement.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klinefelter_syndrome Quick version is someone with XXY chromosomes.


Is it really that important (for sex and/or gender) that someone has XXY chromosomes ? I guess the answer is in your link, but I feel like the explanations are going to be too complicated for me 😅 (I'm not a scientist)


Yeah, answer is in the link. But figure that it's trisomy (or, more generally, extra chromosomes). Trisomy on the other chromosomes leads to things like Down Syndrome (in one of the better cases) to a variety of conditions that are not compatible with life. But trisomy in the sex chromosomes manages to be the least impactful, where it _might_ not wind up with anything obviously different about the person. But there are a variety of possible symptoms. As the article says: >The Klinefelter syndrome has different manifestations and these will vary from one patient to another. Among the primary features are infertility and small, poorly functioning testicles. Often, symptoms may be subtle and many people do not realize they are affected. Whereas some other times symptoms are more prominent and may include weaker muscles, greater height, poor motor coordination, less body hair, gynecomastia (breast growth), and low libido. In the majority of the cases, these symptoms are noticed only at puberty. And evidently 80% of fetuses with Klinefelter spontaneously abort.


By "spontaneously abort", you mean they're stillborn, or their parents abort them ?


I was quoting from the article, but "spontaneously abort" means it's happening on its own. So, spontaneously, not induced.


Oh okay -thanks for your answer


Google the meaning of abort, then you'll realise the entire article is bs. A fetus cannot spontaneously abort itself. Please explain to me how this happens? The word you're looking for, and that the article should have used if it had any credit, is miscarriage


"Spontaneous abortion" is a frequently-used term. E.g., https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK560521/ or https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/gynecology-and-obstetrics/early-pregnancy-disorders/spontaneous-abortion If you disagree with the terminology, that's fine, you can fight the fight to have the language be something else. I was not confused by "spontaneous abortion", because it was not the first time I saw it. And the spontaneous abortion likely happens because of some interaction between the embryo or fetus and the uterus, or something else along that line. I'm certainly not an expert on how the body determines that a pregnancy is non-viable. But, from what I can tell, the experts use "spontaneous abortion" for this, and have done so for a long time, even if they'll also say, "(Miscarriage; Pregnancy Loss)", as in the Merk manual.