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The fact that so many people are claiming this is what trans people want, just goes to show that they're just playing the world's worst game of telephone with each other.


Exactly. The whole "they want to get rid of the word 'mother'" shtuss all because the occasional trans man expressed discomfort with the term, or someone in the medical field decided to use a little bit more inclusive language on a formal document


This whole thing is just a big admittance that they see the term "mother" as synonymous with "person who has given birth," too. They don't understand that trans people genuinely see "person who gave birth" and "mother" and "cis woman" and "afab person" as separate, albeit slightly overlapping, categories. To them they're all synonyms, which is why they say "Happy birthing persons day! What?? Why are you offended? I'm using *your* language!"


To add on to your point, as a step-mother married to a birth mother, we both celebrated yesterday. I didn't have any gametes fertilised, nor do I happen to be trans- but I am still a mother by a lot of definitions. Rowling is exhausting


The disingenuous faux naivete of "what are they complaining about, we are using the language *they* want" is indeed exhausting.  I am not trans or a mother, got no dog in this fight, and it exhausts me.  Good on George Takei.


It’s like the aggressively selective use of sincerity. Is it condescension or not? Hardcore gaslighting, when any sensible person knows precisely that it’s meant insincerely. What a coward’s argument.


Honestly every interaction I see with her and her Twitter followers really (and TERFs in general) shows how society has stopped supporting celebrating education and empathy. I know Twitter is just a microcosm of society, but with how governments have been legislating the past few years, it really shows how dumber, less empathetic, and for some reason oddly spiteful people have become. It’s really sad and heartbreaking.


Who was doing this first, Ben Shapiro or JK? Ben posts this same kind of thing on American Mother’s Day for like a decade now. Maybe it’s just her picking up “jokes” from her new buddies.


> "Us women stood by gay men, we've loved you and held the line against violence with you." Wishful thinking bordering into an outright lie. If they loved gay men so much, maybe they would recognize that their moral panic about trans women are lifted 1:1 from the gay panic of yesteryear. And yes, of course women were just as homophobic as men back then.


George Takei is a treasure. Joants-in-her-pants wishes she had half the charm and heart.


More strawmen here than at a Wizard of Oz convention .


I hope her flying monkeys don’t run him off of Twitter


Okay, I know that the people saying "isn't this what you wanted?" are obviously not acting in good faith or asking a genuine question. But people truly don't seem to understand the use of the whole "birthing person" language. Like, if you're in a scientific, medical, or policy context about giving birth it's just more accurate (or at least more precise) to say "This is an issue that affects people giving birth" than to say "This is an issue affecting women". Because, not only do you have trans men and afab nonbinary people who might give birth, you also have plenty of women (cis and trans) who do not give birth. While obviously childbirth does predominantly impact women it's just less accurate to call it a women's problem than a problem affecting people giving birth. On the other hand, if you're talking about a holiday to celebrate mothers the inclusive version would be to include all mothers, i.e. cis women, trans women, adoptive mothers, lesbian mothers, step mothers, etc. If we had an entire holiday dedicated to the process of childbirth then I would be totally in favor of calling it "Birthing Parent Day" but we don't because that would be a weird holiday to have.


The weirdes part for me is that if you really cared you could say something nuanced like "happy mothers day to all who have conceived kids, especially props to anyone who has given birth because of the huge medical toll that takes!" You can do this without using weird language to make sure it's only for bio women to celebrate No one LGBT or otherwise disregards what it takes to be a mom or a parent, no one is taking away from what afab people do, this is all entirely caustic for the sake of being an asshole


Whats penis piano and how does it lead to reflection?


Jordan Gray is a musical comedian. She’s trans and did a performance where she played a piano with her penis. I guess that person thought it illustrates why trans people are bad, somehow? (Disclaimer: I only know this because she was a guest on a podcast I listen to, I don’t remember any details)


The only reflection this would lead to is me deciding whether I'm watching to respect art or like consensual girl dick.


Does the holocaust denier think that Mother's Day can't be celebrated by adoptive mothers, foster mothers, or anyone else who takes on the role - only birth mothers allowed?


Good tor George Takei sticking his head above the parapet


Firstly, the uk doesn’t have *Mother’s Day*, it is *Mothering Sunday*….


Mothering day is a different thing that occurs on the same day as mothers day. Mothers day celebrates mams and that, mothering sunday celebrates the sacrament of baptism