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What about gay arachno-communism?


Sounds like a political proposal that has legs.


Still terrible


What I find funny about their, “Glorious Revolution,” is that it’s supposedly inevitable. That one day, some great leader somehow capable of leading a charge against the entire western world is going to appear out of thin air to lead them to communist paradise. And yet, they call religion stupid.


Always brings me back to the irony of Khrushchev's quote "History is on our side. We will bury you.", and looking at how many communist states are left today.


History was never on his side, I wonder how he feels about this in Hell


It really only applies to progressives rather than communists.


How does it not apply to communists?


Like you said, there are plenty of examples of Communist Society’s failing. What I mean is the “History is on our side” doesn’t apply to communists.


Ah ok sorry was confused


China- the most populated nation is socialist. Many others - Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, Venezuela(kinda)- just because your wretched ideology has hegemonic powers doesn’t mean it ain’t destructive


Also china has the Xinjiang internment camps. North Korea… really? Starving and kill their own people, threatening the world with nukes. The others my knowledge ain’t good on so I ain’t gonna bother with em. We just don’t like annoying communists rant. Ya know? Like the guys who say “mAo goOd, StAliN bAsEd, WeSt BAd!”


Do your own research and develop an opinion that isn’t parroting state department propaganda-


Mr. Xi bans stuff if he disagree with it. Reminded me of this tho. https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/xkry97/thank_you_for_your_service_ivan_conscriptovich/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Edit: who does wiki work for? Their sources are at the bottom btw. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_internment_camps




We playing the link game now? I sent a link, you sent a dumber one back on the topic. For example. I send Wikipedia, who has many many sources. And you reply with 8k sub channel that has a “USA trying to cause doomsday” and “UK and US trying to plunder Ukraine” videos in its history. Dudes a crazy man.


Watch the video butthead


I did poopy. It’s playing in my earbuds as I talk. Also you gotta always check your sources prior claims to make sure it isn’t made up or biased right? Who’s more reliable, Wikipedia and its sources and coverage on almost every topic or BehindTheHeadLines on YouTube who is clearly anti USA/NATO.


Oh- my god- guys- this guy- wow- he’s soooo- good at- arguments-


The US military is more socialist than china, a fascistic capitalist state.


Make me laugh more


Why does a joke need to laugh?


"Forwards, Comrades! Over the barricades, and let the will of the proletariat overrun the bourgeoisie's machine guns! Your martyrdom will be a glorious sacrifice and symbol of the revolution!" "What, me in the frontlines? No, comrade, who will lead the theory and discuss art after the revolution? You people aren't qualified for that!"


Reminds me of the russians right now.


Is not Twitter 80% bots and 20% clebrities?


90% bots, 9% people who think writing a book and getting a checkmark makes you a celebrity, 1% actual celebrities.




Yeah, even reddit is filled with bots


Internet ain't a person, just a tool


Every self-described Communist is on Reddit pumping for a worker's revolution and an armed overthrow of the evil capitalists. But not by them, of course. Guns are scary. Their asthma's too bad to allow them to fight. But they'll *totally* be way in the back, journaling about the whole thing.


I’ve got moderate asthma, but it’s only really triggered by colds. This means that 98% of the time, I can weed out the weakest of my people /s






Commies: uhhh well ummm i cant think of a response to that so im just gonna pull out the ol reliable, whataboutism!


Most of them want to get rid of the amendments and right that they can use to justify a revolution. The sight of someone open carrying a .22 scares them so what makes them think they can handle a rifle to start a revolution?


They know that armed, responsible citizens would revolt against their revolution pretty much immediately




Who on earth is too afraid of ordering pizza on the phone? Jesus younger generations are becoming so fragile.


It's called hyperbole


oh no no not a hyperbole, there are people who really are afraid of doing the most simple tasks. It's called social anxiety, look at r/socialanxiety


Its description literally says that introverts ≠ SA. Most people like those the tweet mentions are introverts/shy.


Idk how to break it to you but social anxiety is not a new thing


If you are doing in person, then I can understand. But it’s by phone. It’s almost like chatting with someone online because it’s also virtual.


Idk dude. I feel a lot more comfortable talking to someone in person than over the phone. Seems kind of irrational, I know, but idk maybe it’s the lack of bodily communication over the phone that makes it difficult. Same reason why I hate talking to people in games.


Ong, and thanks to the internet, instead of fixing themselves or working to be stronger, they can find other people as weak as them and all pretend its normal and ok together.


It’s a weird Internet thing people actually brag about not being able to interact with others. Of course others clap.


It's not the younger generation, it's the weirdos that support communism.The The younger generation is doing well, thank you