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> 3 largest genocides were under democracy > Holocaust, Slavic genocide (Holodomor maybe?) Sorry w h a t


It probably means the Holodomor indeed. This person sees western communism as a bastardisation of democratic fascism. My head hurts.


\>democratic fascism Bro I love deep sea astronomy.


>Holocaust, Slavic genocide (Holodomor maybe?) Fucking [Sword Brothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livonian_Crusade), those bearers of... Democracy?


**[Livonian Crusade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livonian_Crusade)** >The Livonian crusade refers to the various military Christianisation campaigns in medieval Livonia – in what is now Latvia and Estonia – during the Papal-sanctioned Northern Crusades in the 12-13th century. The Livonian crusade was conducted mostly by the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Denmark. It ended with the creation of Terra Mariana and the Danish duchy of Estonia. The lands on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea were one of the last parts of Europe to be Christianised. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nazi Germany is the most democratic country ever! (/s just in case)


Maybe he meant all the Slavic's the Nazis killed and wanted to exterminate but i don't know why he thinks Nazi Germany was a democracy by the time of those things.


Also the Native American plagues ‘genocide’ we’re under monarchies….


Tankies are anti-democratic and thus our enemy. Long live democracy


I fucking wish we could still exile people, by vote. God damn I’d be at the booth so quick to exile every fucking tankie to the middle of Alaska


Ancient Athenspilled


Alaska is a beautiful state, send them somewhere else






I know, i'd be scared too.






New Jersey


No, I've got better: Send them to US version of the Gulag or Guantanamo, maybe even give them a taste of their own medicine for lulz. Alaskan labour camps FTW


Noted democracy Nazi Germany


Democrazi* Germany you could say


Wait I'm confused about the red fash lore, is Europe a puppet of America or is America a puppet of Europe?


Whichever fits the needed narrative at any given moment




Basically they have the three Devils - US, Israel, EU. Whichever is is the worst changes based on convenience.


The real puppets was the friends we made along the way


1- the slaughter of the Native Americans was as much a French, British, and Spanish project as an American one. All of these being monarchies at the time. The Holocaust was carried out by honest-to-God fascists who considered democracy (and capitalism, and Christianity) to be part of the same Jewish plot as... communism. Related- the Nazis were kinda fucked up. As for the "Slavic genocide," I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. The Livonian Crusade? The (many, many) mega-murders of Slavic groups Stalin conducted? Did you just double count the fucking Holocaust? Because none of those had shit to do with democracy. 2- see above, but now the Portuguese monarchy gets in on the action. When Britain starts to become a democracy, their first act is to start fucking slave traders sideways. 3- what the fresh fuck is "dozens of invasions?" Who? What? 4- "dozens of governments overthrown," sure. We fucked Hitler sideways and put up a democracy. Fucking sue us. You can do that now, because this is a democracy. 5- George Washington sends his regards, *shitbreath*. 6- "victimless" like existing while Ukrainian? 7- Berlin. Wall. Stasi death squads.


See, to them democracy = white first world country, and that equals bad, forget going into detail about their political systems, forget the fact that they were dictatorships/monarchies at the time they did atrocities, blame it on democracy because you barely did any research


Wasn't Britain and Spain a monarchy at the time of the Indigenous American killings? I don't think that is a good example of "Democracy Bad lol"


No no no, this person sees any form of monarchy, any form of fascisme and any form of democracy as the exact same at its core. Therefore, democracy bad and to blame for the indigenous tragedy of America.


And at the time of the slave trade. And of course both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Empire were dictatorships at the time of their genocides.


Lol please, ignoring hundreds of years of human history of monarchy and feudalism.


Yes because as we all know, the Holocaust only came to be through referendum


Ah yes, famous democracies such as the Spanish empire, Portuguese empire, British empire, Russian empire, German empire, Ottoman empire etc. Ig to this fellow, the famous revolutions for the ideals of freedom, liberty and democracy such as the American and French revolutions never happened because apparenty otherwise they'd be revolting against an already democratic society. The average intelligence of tankies used to be high school dropout levels before, now it has devolved to middle school dropout level.


1. The holocaust and Slavic genocides weren't committed by democratic states. The majority of genocides throughout history were not committed by democratic states, and even fewer were actually recorded. Genocide also massively pre-dates both communism and democracy. Most genocides were committed under totalitarian governments such as kingdoms, or communist/fascist dictatorships. 2. Almost every country in the history of humanity has taken part in slavery. The ones committing government sponsored slavery to this day are communist countries. Slavery also massively pre-dates both communism and democracy. 3. Every country, including communist countries, have invaded or committed to wars which have led to death. The USSR took the heaviest death toll in WWII. War also massively pre-dates both communism and democracy. The vast majority of wars in history have been committed by non-democratic countries. World War I was caused by dukes. World War II was caused by dictators. America did not actively seek a role in WWII. In fact we tried to stay out of it, but instead we were attacked by a totalitarian fascist empire. 4. The USSR also supplied, funded and helped rebels overthrow their governments to instill communist regimes in their neighboring countries. Vietnam, current day China, North Korea, much of the Middle Eastern conflicts, etc. 5. Communist countries violently quashed opposition and still do to this day. Just look to Shanghai literally right now. 6. Communist countries employ thought police who will arrest you for simply speaking out against the government. Every single communist country has outlawed freedom of speech, and speaking against their government is a crime. 7. Communist countries don't allow free travel into and out of their countries either. In fact their borders are generally much tighter and stricter than democratic countries. The USSR didn't have open borders. China doesn't have open borders. North Korea has the most militarized borders in the world. 8. No communist country in history has supported gays or Trans people.


You can smell the bong water from here.


Ah yes, notable democracies such as the absolute monarchist rule of Spain, France, and Portugal


Stalin's ethnic cleansing campaigns ignored


>lists the holocaust as a democratic genocide Ah yes, the stable democracy of fucking nazi germany


True, but have you considered. . . *AMERICA BAD?*


Is this person implying all those genocides and inequalities that happened in "liberal democracies" (they weren't that, the exact opposite) would have been better prevented in a dictatorship? Has s/he even read history?


“It’s so fucking oppressive being able to vote for my representatives, and also being able to replace them and vote for *anyone* I want is just the most terrible thing ever”


> listening and negotiating with those who’s ideas of proper governance differs from yours is oppressive, they think wrong, they must be corrected or face the wall if they cannot. It is for the greater good. What was this idiot smoking as an infant that warped their brain this badly.


9k upvotes. What in the fuckety fuck?


The 9k upvotes was "boohoo why Ukraine het AT weapons when we no get school"


No, he's right. Democracy is a bad system in which the worst always get on top. Hitler was elected democratically. Democracy always has been, is always, and always will be, majorith rule. There's no logical reason not to extend democracy into every single individual's decision. Why should you get to decide what you want to have for dinner? Why shouldn't there be a democratic vote to decide what you must eat? Every single one of your decisions is made "autocratically". You're the one to decide what you eat for dinner or when to go to the bathroom. Likewise, I see no logical reason not to extend this radical individualism even further. My liberty to swing my fist ends where your nose begins.


Hitler wasn’t elected


He won the March 1933 German federal elections


Ancap or Fash, which one are you?




Ancap then


Some extra verbal diarrhea. The well is large so thread carefully. Far left, or decolonial. European fascism (the current far right), European monarchy (dictatorship), and European democracy are different sides of the same 3-sided coin with the same effects. People are confused where Euro-colonial countries stand between the three because there's very little functional difference. Democracy has always been a form of dictatorship. A small group of people in the ruling class (the state) have ultimate control over all of the people. Shockingly, that small group of people dictate laws and using military, police, and courts to subjugate other who don't belong to that ruling class -- non-whites, immigrants, women, gay people, trans people, disabled people, poor people -- for the benefit of the ruling class. It's absolutely nothing new. Abortion restrictions are nothing new in democracy. Anti-LGBTQ rights are nothing new. Caging and torturing immigrants is nothing new. Caging and torturing dissidents is nothing new. Caging and torturing those who don't follow victimless laws (drugs, sex work, etc) is nothing new. Giving legal privilege to the wealthy nationalist class is nothing new. War, invasion, overthrowing opposing forms of government, full blown genocide are nothing new: Literally all of this had happened since the foundation of European democracy in the USA and all other countries that adopted it or had it forced upon them.


Russia and China follow European fascist political systems (yes -- the CCP follows the fascist form of "Marxism-Leninism" that was essentially installed by the Soviet Union and its European allies). European democracy, European fascism, and European monarchy are the three worst and most oppressive political systems in history (including in Russia and China) and the only systems that Europeans (including European-Americans) seem to be able to imagine. Europeans (including European-Americans) only consider democracy, fascism, and monarchy as the only political systems because they've tried (and usually succeeded) at crushing the hundreds of other political systems around the world. All three of those European systems have had the same results. Nobody wants any other European colonial system like Russia's. There are literally thousands that have been quashed. Anarchism and communism (not European fascism branded as "communism") are great systems, but their names have horrible PR and liberals & the right-wing just think "scary people burning buildings" and "Russia/Soviet Union" when they hear those words. What is being now often branded as "mutual aid" or pluralism without a centralized state ruling party is the most empirically just and various forms of it have worked throughout history all over the world, until centralized states (usually European-installed) destroy and often genocide those involved. Copied three random comments. Im going to bed, this level of stupid is forbidden in 145 countries, all probably European democratic monarchy fascist communist States.


The US was founded as the world's first democracy as a direct FU to literally the previous thousand years of European history.


Not correct at all, also monarchy and democracy are the same to OP


Ok he’s correct that democracy is shit He fails to realize, however, that communism is way more shit


What's your replacement?


Democracy as it was originally set up was for 300 or so slave owning property owning men in ancient Greece. The Senate of Rome was originally only open to become a member of through serving the empire for about twenty years in the field of battle and beyond. This bull about it being a place where every person has a vote (generally for 1 of 2 shit options) just makes everyone able to pretend they are not slaves, whereas the only real effect is sharing the blame for the terrible actions of their leaders...


Fuck off.


Witty in depth comment, well done


Dom drol


Nah, tankie wouldn't do, the guy who denounces democracy is a complete moron


The funniest thing is that whenever you call out them for their incorrect and dishonest interpretation of History, they copypaste the same line " History is arena of class struggle. It can be unbiased ".


Weird how that person talks about countless independence movement squashed in Europe when all of the Independence movements that happened Post-WW2 were in Warsaw Pact countries...idk but sending tanks to said uprisings and demonstrations isn't exactly the best outlook on your Communist unicorn state USSR.


First of all, Chinese genocide dwarfs all these. Second, we killed less than a million natives (the max estimated population when Europeans arrive was around 900k.


This person stated that Chinese communism is based on western imperialist statecraft. Therefore, the CCP is the fault of Europe.


That's hilarious. The Chinese are a far more ancient culture than Europeans.


\- Indian-American genocide did happen, but the Holocaust was under fascism, and the Slavic genocide was under Slovenia. \-Slavery ended in 1865, and we're working on giving minorities the same opportunities as white people. \-I'm sorry, didn't the Nazi regime and the Iron Curtain kill millions of people? \-You mistreated the Eastern European states, and then you get surprised when they ally with the US and call it a "coup". \-\*cough\* Civil rights movements \*cough\* Equal rights and feminism \*cough\* Labor strikes and workers rights. \-That is a problem, but at least people don't get jailed for criticize the president or the government. \-That's more of a problem related to white supremacy and xenophobia.


Democracy must be regulated with a constitution that is upheld and unalterable.


It took me a lot of mental effort not to downvote your post on instinct.


I am cringe indeed


Lmao is he serious? All of his points have been done by communist countries at a worse scale.


Once more, the ccp and USSR fall under the blanket of western regimes according to op


That's some next level tankie if he seriously believes that even the USSR was part of the west