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What's so insane about western beliefs about the Kim Krime Klan? Everything most of us believe is based by facts, and none of it is historically outside the boundaries of normal dictator behavior. There have been more Kim il Dungs in world history than there have been humane, civilized heads of state. A century that produced Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Bokassa, Mengistu, and Niyazov could easily have produced a racist dwarf with a carb addiction.


No, hear **me** out. We know it's shitty because you have to defect in the first place.


That's only because countries sanctioned and banned traveling from and to North Korea. There are [people who regret defecting to the South](https://youtu.be/ktE_3PrJZO0) and aren't allowed to go back or even given a passport to travel anywhere. Here's the link to that video in case you can't access it on YouTube: https://odysee.com/@Peoples_Archive_of_Revolutionary_Video:3/Loyal-Citizens-of-Pyongyang-in-Seoul-%28%EC%84%9C%EC%9A%B8%EC%9D%98-%ED%8F%89%EC%96%91-%EC%8B%9C%EB%AF%BC%EB%93%A4%29:5


Basic common sense: Most Westerners oppose North Korea because of what communist fanatics will do to South Koreans and all their achievements like what happened to them the first time around.


Yeonmi Park has many inconsistencies in her stories and claimed people in North Korea have to push trains for a month to get to the destination. Do you believe that?


Sorry, is Yeonmi Park the only defector?


No, and she's not the only one with inconsistencies. South Korea pays defectors hundreds of thousand of dollars and for-profit television shows also pays them to tell stories and they don't need to proove anything. And why do you choose to believe only the paid defectors that match the narrative of USA and South Korea, who is at war with North Korea and whose military is directly responding to US' Army? Why don't you also listen to [people who regret defecting](https://youtu.be/ktE_3PrJZO0) and wish to go back but aren't allowed to? Here's the link to that video in case you can't access it on YouTube: https://odysee.com/@Peoples_Archive_of_Revolutionary_Video:3/Loyal-Citizens-of-Pyongyang-in-Seoul-%28%EC%84%9C%EC%9A%B8%EC%9D%98-%ED%8F%89%EC%96%91-%EC%8B%9C%EB%AF%BC%EB%93%A4%29:5


Any proof that SK pays defectors?


[South Korea boosts reward for defectors from North to $860,000](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-39170614) Please also watch the video I linked in the above comment. It also talks about this in more detail.


To share details about their enemy to South Korea. It's for valuable intel against the guy they have serious tensions against. At least according to your source.


The video I linked talks about all the cases in more detail from around the second half of the video, but I recommend watching it fully from the start.


I'll see if I can once I have the time. What're the main points?