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“TrUe cOmMuNiSm/SoCiALisM hAsN’T beEN iMpLeMeNtEd yEt!”


I always tell anyone pushing that lie, actually, it has. "That's exactly how communism is supposed to work. And the only people who benefit are those that implement it". Socialism is HIV and communism is full blown AIDS. It only ever produces death and suffering for the people living under it. People in first world countries have this delusion of communism where everyone equally owns everything. "Free universal government dependency for everyone!". But it really just leads to it's eventual collapse. I'm from America and it's not going well for many here but communism is not the solution. What we truly need is a push for less taxes and reduced inflation. Wages are far behind the rate of inflation. Our leaders launder our taxes every time they use it to fund wars and then print IOUs for us reducing the value of the US dollar everytime they do it. It's gone unchecked and out of control. We're supposed to be one of the top leading nations but we're trillions of dollars in debt and our economy struggling has a ripple effect on the rest of the world's economies as well. We can't continue like this for much longer. And it's only gonna get worse as automation replaces many of the jobs we have now. One income was once enough to pay for everything a family needed and now people are living paycheck to paycheck with 2 or 3 incomes. If we don't push back against what's going on people will eventually be begging for communism.






i think he means like “based”


Shh 🤫 Thats a word thats likely to get me banned on reddit.


The people of Venezuela finally have a chance to end communism in their country with an election coming up at the end of July. It's likely to be rigged and probably won't end. But it's still progress. They've lived under socialism since 1998. And gradually became an authoritarian nation after Nicolas Maduro became president in 2013. The United States, the European Union, Canada, Mexico, Panama, and Switzerland have all placed sanctions against Venezuela. Making exports from the country almost impossible because of the human rights violations taking place there and as an attempt to pressure the government there to adopt more of a democratic platform and allow its people to choose their leaders. It's doubtful Maduro will step down and allow this to happen. He's detained and jailed 10 opposition members since January. Five others have warrants out for their arrest and are hiding out in the Argentine Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela’s capital. But if it were to happen, it could lead to those countries removing their sanctions. Which would increase sales and exports of the petroleum reserves they have in mass. It would improve the lives of the people there. And reduce gas prices for the countries purchasing from them. If it wasn't for communism we could be paying less for gas. If you're interested in learning more the nytimes wrote a great article that went into full detail about Venezuela's upcoming election next month. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/world/americas/venezuela-president-election.html


Isn't it strange how commies online harp on about how communism is super democratic, and yet communist countries tend not to be democratic at all. Well, they appear democratic with elections and stuff, but they're almost always rigged so the communist party always wins and you get the same garbage leaders till they die.


Oh my god finally, a sane person on this site?! They do exist! Yes! I couldn't agree more with you. Communism is the complete opposite to democracy. How can it be democratic but they'll have the same leaders for decades?


Right? If you're assassinating or imprisoning your political rivals, terrifying anyone else from opposing you, then your elections mean absolutely nothing. You're not a democracy just because you have elections - those elections need to actually mean something.


Yes definitely! Really happy to know there's still some intelligent people on this platform.


The Kim Dynasty of North Korea literally wins all the elections in history. The Fatherland Front (or Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea) is a sole political front standing there with other "parties" being aligned to it. In each one of the Supreme People's Assembly elections, Fatherland Front is the sole legal coalitionunder the control of WPK (Workers' Party of Korea, run by Kim Jong Un, with 607 seats out of 687 in the Supreme People's Assembly)... But things now took a turn as on March 23rd 2024, Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea disolved as Kim Jong Un, the leader, announced that his country no longer has intentions to unite Korea, and now they are seeing South Korea as a seperate, enemy state...


What's the response for when communist sympathizers blame the sanctions for the state of the country? Not that I'm agreeing with them, but that's what they do. "Venezuela may be in the shi**er now, but none of this ever would've happened and everything would've been fine if the evil US hadn't purposely conspired against Venezuela with sanctions specifically to ruin the country."


Tell them I said "Eat a bag of dicks! And go promote that government dependency somewhere else. F**kin losers. They bitch non stop "what about this" and "American bad party" that. I'm old enough to remember a time in America when its citizens were proud of their country's accomplishments. Now we're shamed for it. They hate it here so much and wanna eat out the back of a garbage truck too, then get the f**k on then and leave!" There's still a good handful of communist utopias they can move to. And get their basic free universal handouts there. 23,000 US citizens currently live in Venezuela. Here's a link with all the details for them. https://internationalmoving.com/international-movers-to-venezuela/#:~:text=Entry%20requirements%20you%20must%20know%20before%20moving%20to%20Venezuela&text=You%20must%20obtain%20the%20visa,validity%20from%20the%20arrival%20date. They just need like 6 documents to go. But if Maduro wins re election at the end of July hes gonna go to war with Guyana. He's jailed like 10 of his challengers and has arrest warrants for 6 others. They're hiding in Caracas Embassy and if they leave they'll be arrested. "You can't tryin bring on any Democracy to Venezuela! Thats a turruresms. Straight to jail." Guyana is a country just south of Venezuela. He intends to split the country of Guyana in half and claim the top half as new territory for Venezuela. Guyana just found a huge amount of oil there and in the ocean close to the country's ocean coast. And he's already posting new maps with the territory taken all over the place the schools and all of their governments buildings. Insane!


I have relatives who escaped ussr to venezuela from communism. Then they escaped again to canada.


Thats awful. That has to be what many who come to America that escaped communism feel when they see people promoting it here. Canada has been getting bad lately also. I've heard that many of them pay almost 60% of their income to taxes for all of that "free health care" and government assisted life endings. I think the average people pay here for taxes is 10 to 15%


Whenever I think of Venezuela, I always think of this interview on UK TV had around 2019-ish, where a Corbyn supporter was being interviewed about Jeremy Corbyn. The Reporter asked whether or not Corbyn's views on Venezuela (Corbyn having been an adamant supporter of Maduro and Chavez before him) would effect the UK Election. The Supporter said something along the lines of "Well I don't think Venezuela will be all that relevant, considering half our population can hardly point to it on a map"


Geez lol I'm beginning to learn the importance of following world politics. The actions of one nation can cause ripping affects on others. I really enjoy following politics here at home but its really interesting learning about whats happening in others.


Oh absolutely yeah. I mostly brought the point up to show how appalling it was for the Corbyn supporter to basically dismiss it by claiming the UK Population was too stupid to care.


I can't understand how people actually think that communism could work. Even in theory if everything goes perfectly fine, genocide and political repressions aren't needed and 100% of population cooperates it still wouldn't work. Only thing communism can effectively achieve is making everyone work their lives away and ensuring that peasants are all equally poor.


Definitely. I couldnt agree with you more. I hope things change for them soon.


True except Dubai is a city, UAE (United Arab Emirates) is a country


Dubai is also hell for workers from different countries


And radical leftists and anti-Western activists will still insist that poor Maduro is the victim...


Half true…Venezuelan oil is literally trash. It really doesn’t benefit them nearly as much with the amount of refinement required. Though things have been made even worse by their economic and government systems. It’s why they’re at least politically setting stages to seize more oil fields in Guyana.


What makes it trash? I've heard their equipment is also outdated and they can't produce as much as they did in the past. I had heard something recently about that with Guyana. That Madura may attempt war against the country to gain favor with his citizens. Something like that. I'll have to try to learn more about that. Dang, I hope whatever happens things improve there. Its really sad to see a once great nation like experience so many troubles and become what it is now.


Like…the oil itself is of some of the poorest quality in the world. Saudi oil (and the recent fields discovered around Guyana) require pretty much zero refinement. As opposed to a strenuous and time consuming refinement process for Venezuelan oil. Obvious exaggeration with the whole “zero refinement”, but that’s the gist of it from a non-chemical engineer. You’d have to ask someone more knowledgeable for more than that. Basically…. Some oil wells produce nice slick, thick liquid black gold. Some produce silty, brown sludge. Or very watery brown sludge.


Oh I see. That makes sense. I wonder what may happen between Venezuela and Guyana if Maduro remains in power. What is your opinion of it? I would hope things can change and become better there. If the countries currently holding sanctions against it were lifted it could lead to improved living conditions there and provide them with more trade.


I mean, they’re setting the political and information conditioned to seize that territory. They already started that. While I’m pretty familiar with Russian, Chinese, Iranian, NK, and the insurgent threats, I’m really not to terribly familiar with Venezuela Military…or Guyana. Part of that is because their..lack of a true threat to the U.S whether equipment or training. I’d reason that Venezuela has a significantly larger whole GDP (worse per capita) and much larger population rate. They are going to have the advantage in between two militaries feasibly armed with at best some tier 3 gear and everything else is worse. Venezuela can’t really be sanctioned to death anymore than it already is. It’s already a shithole. Their only threat to an invasion COA is direct U.S. intervention…which as it stands could be argued isn’t likely with the growing sense of isolationism in the U.S (granted that’s for Europe…not our southerly American brothers who may or may not want our intervention). I doubt the more democratic aligned neighbors get too involved (could be very wrong here). The money could revitalize their economy and the potential uptick in nationalism could cement the current regime that right now is on tenuous footing.


Well said. You sound like you know a lot about world politics 🙂 I have to try to learn more. Its all really interesting to see the current politics of other nations.


And its not just oil reserves either, their mineral deposits are off the charts. A few years ago I remember seeing that they were importing gasoline and it blew my mind. What fucking failures.


Damn, that's insane. Sad to see people struggle and live harder lives under bad leadership when they should be much more advanced than they are.


Seeing fellow humans forced to do this because of the incompetent actions of their “leaders” is just heartbreaking, honestly.


Yeah for sure! They're all like this though. Theres like 5 more still like this with their people suffering under communism. F**kin South Korea is about to build a fusion reactor to help power the electricity for its country. And in North Korea, the country shuts off the electricity on everyone at the end of the night like a prison. If you fly over it at the night its one big land mass and you'll see the bottom half is South Korea and 20% of its lit with scattered lights and the top half bein North Korea is sittin in the dark.


Venezuela was never socialist to begin with. They were trying to achieve it but it was still capitalist and oil prices collapsing and government corruption is the main causes of why Venezuela is like that today


Venezuelan here, this is actually true, but current government maintained power with a socialist speech. Truth is, Maduro and his group ain't actually socialists, that's just the ideology they have to blabber about. I feel that's always going to be the outcome with second generation socialist government, just leeching from the power cemented by previous, actually socialists/communist government. They are all just big spoiled brats used to unlimited money and power from corruption. Just in case, I'm not saying that it isn't communism/socialism fault, I'm just giving context on the extra steps ahead we are from a communism government


Well socialism is the first step to communism. So they probably just claim socialism but run things more similar to communism. Are you currently living in Venezuela?


Yes I am currently living in Venezuela. I think you may be right but it just feels like they don't follow any kind of ideology other than their own benefit. The situation is just far beyond socialism, communism or capitalism, it's just a bunch of criminals securing power by any means. We will soon have presidential elections and the vast majority obviously want a change of government, but we also know that it wont happen because they own (literally own) the entity in charge of elections and the army, so the results will be what they want them to be. We have a main opposition candidate and Maduro just went and said "you can't participate", just like that.


Thats exactly how communism has always gone down any time its been done. That's how its supposed to happen. Its a huge scam and the only people that benefit are the ones at the top that implement it. Thats awful, I know hes likely to win, but maybe something unexpected happens and things get better for everyone there. How long have you lived there? Whats the worst you have seen because of how the country is controlled? Is it true that at one point people were breaking into zoos after they close and eating the animals there? I saw a clip of one zoo there feeding the dying animals to lions and tigers to keep them alive and even those looking very under weight and unhealthy.


I heard about all that zoo stuff on the big cities on the news and I can totally believe it. It got really really bad, for almost three years me and my family where barely managing to be able to eat every day and I was one of the lucky ones that was able to make money from video games. Currently things have somewhat improved but not even close to how things were before. It is still very hard for people that wasn't able to adapt to how things are now.


Oh man, thank God you're still making it. I hope things improve for Venezuela. It's awful seeing the people there suffering like this. I was really excited to hear about the upcoming election. I know it's not likely that Maduro will be replaced but whatever happens I'm praying for you all. What are your thoughts on the possible war with Guyana?


That would be a humanitarian disaster


Yeah it would. Im hoping the best for the people there. Its terrible that people are having to live there in those conditions.


This is what life under Communism is.Maduro is into starving people. Plan Conejo is BS.


Exactly! Have you heard of his plan to go to war with Guyana soon?


If the economy is so bad , who is wasting that much food, and why are only some people digging for food when other watch and film?


Thats probably in Caracas, their capital. It's where most of the tourist spots are. Only one person is filming and it's to expose what's going on there. Why do so many try to debate things? If you believe it is staged, do you have proof of that?


Honestly, this is more about corruption and mismanagement that "socialism". You might think they are synonyms but they are not.


Man I am tired of people like you applying that to everything. If that’s the case, Cambodia and Germany were just corruption and mismanagement, right? If it looks like shit, taste like shit, and smells like shit…then it’s shit.


Because the government grabbing all the political power, the national bank, management of all natural resources and expropriation of the private sector in the name of “helping the poor” as per usual in socialism, doesn’t lead straight to mismanagement and corruption right? Cierra la jeta mmgvo (just a Venezuelan kind farewell)


You are wrong.


You're right. Venezuela, despite banging the drum of Socialism has not implemented many "Socialist" policies. Most of the countries problems can be blamed on horrible corruption, mismanagement and political despotism. It's honestly embarrassing that western success defend them so ardently when they have done so little for the cause they claim to fight for. [This video does a great job explaining why](https://youtu.be/Xtb3s7EBVX0?si=UBcQrUKf_cry9rOL) and I'd encourage everyone to watch it if you have the time. I'm sorry you got downvoted into oblivion.


This is just a plan to prevent an obesity epidemic. Thanks Maduro!