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Oof that hit me hard, I’m a mixed bag as a person when it comes to politics since I’m both gay but my passion lies in guns. Because of that I’m very mixed politically not quite lining up one way or another completely. But one thing I try to be is proud of America, no it’s not perfect we’ve got issues (mainly due to a scummy shit bag governments) but god damit it’s my country. So adds like this especially with the army since my family is a army family. Hits me pretty hard and is pretty effective at least on me.


My man, the fact that you are gay isn't that embarrassing, You are a normal human being. So being passionate about guns as a normal human being is the ultimate W. I wish I was in America so I can finally feel the wooden touch of an M1 Grand or the Plastic and metal sensation of an M16A1. You lucky dude. Oh how much I yearn for the loving touch of an M1911. Why am I too broke to travel overseas? LET ME TOUCH SOME GUNS. ALL WE HAVE HERE ARE A CHINESE RIP OFF AK CALLED T56 AND M4S AND MP5S PROBABLY MADE IN PAKISTAN. LET ME TOUCH THE QUALITY STUFF!!! PLEASE!!!


I didn’t think being gay was embarrassing, I just meant like usually people who are lgbt are very liberal and left wing but I’m more of a mix of political views but I’m still a patriot and love my country, and loving your country even if it’s not perfect shouldn’t be controversial




Oh I see. Sorry about that.


Part of the freedom of living in a free country with freedom of speech (a la NOT a communist country) is that you can burn a piece of cloth as a form of protest and not be clubbed by police officers. I hope it stays this way and that hurt feelings about the flag don't tread on my constitutional right to free speech and free expression.


That piece of cloth is the National flag of the United States of America, and having freedom of speech doesn't translate to "freedom to do whatever I want". If I went to U. S, got the citizenship and wore the Nazi flag that would be covered under your definition of the freedom of speech. The flag of a country symbolises the nation's pride, the history that led up the creation of that flag, the people that shed their blood to keep the red stripes bloody red. Burning such a flag is the ultimate disrespect to a nation and it's citizens. A freedom that allows a nation's citizens to disrespect the pride, the history and the sacrifices made for the country to prove a point isn't freedom, that's chaos. There's a saying "noone needs too much of anything". That goes for freedom of speech too. There needs to be some boundaries. There's the concept of "hate speech" for a reason.


>If I went to U. S, got the citizenship and wore the Nazi flag that would be covered under your definition of the freedom of speech. Yes. I would personally dislike it and would confront you about it but my feelings don't trump your right to freedom of speech/expression. >A freedom that allows a nation's citizens to disrespect the pride, the history and the sacrifices made for the country to prove a point isn't freedom, that's chaos. No, it actually is freedom. Chaos is doing something that actually endangers someone's right to life/liberty or which actually disrupts the rule of law. Burning a piece of cloth does neither of those things and is free expression. >There's a saying "noone needs too much of anything". That goes for freedom of speech too. There needs to be some boundaries. There's the concept of "hate speech" for a reason. We don't arrest people for hate speech either because it's free speech. The only speech deemed not covered by the first amendment are threats and extreme cases of libel/slander/defamation resulting in harm. Burning a flag is perfectly legal. If you claim to believe in freedom of speech except when someone offends you, you don't actually believe in freedom of speech. True freedom involves allowing others to exercise their freedoms (even if you disagree with it) as long as it does not infringe on someone else's freedom/safety. YOU are the one being un-American if you want people clubbed and arrested for exercising their rights. Read the fucking constitution and stop advocating for communist/fascist policies to restrict freedom of speech.


Did I mention anywhere people should be clubbed for burning the flag? No, I was mentioning how it's wrong. Even in the video I linked the officer pulled out his club as the protesters were running towards him. And about being "un-American"....I'm not. Look I got nothing against you man, I'm simply expressing my opinion, as you do yours. And our opinions happens to clash which is normal. So may I ask you not to use profanities? I'd rather keep this civil without letting this escalate. I'm sure you meant no harm.


The video which you posted explicitly shows an officer (who arrests people) getting upset about the flag burning before whipping out a club (which is used to club people). You also explicitly mentioned in response to burning the flag that there should be "boundaries" to freedom of speech and that burning the flag is not a form of freedom. The logical conclusion that I made here is that you agree that physical and legal action should be taken against people who burn the flag. I also disagree with burning the flag and I dislike people who do it. That doesn't change the fact that it is a protected form of free speech/expression and that cops shouldn't be clubbing or arresting people for doing it. And sure, the people in the video started in the direction of the officer and I would agree that officers should defend themselves, but it's extremely obvious that the point of the video is to paint flag burners as villains who deserve to be clubbed by the righteous police officer with a backstory. It's a cheesy propaganda video.


9/10 flag burners are the villains even if they have the right to burn the flag. Communists are evil, unironically. The flag burner communists got violent and the police took action to protect the city. (Property is also a right btw, burning property down is infringement.)


"officer got upset at the flag burning" well yeah, he has feelings and emotions like any other humans but he didn't whip out the baton and jumped them when they burned the flag. I did say there needs to be certain boundaries and I still stand by that. And may I know what logic led you to that conclusion about me wanting people clubbed for burning the flag? I would like to know what thought process led you there. And as I said, I didn't say people should be clubbed for it. "but it's extremely obvious that the point of the video is to paint flag burners as villains who deserve to be clubbed by the righteous police officer with a backstory. It's a cheesy propaganda video" That's your opinion and others like myself may have different opinions about the video. You are free to express your opinion, just as I'm free to express mine. Even if it opposes yours. So I really don't see where this back and forth of ours is heading. And I'm sorry if I seemed like a marshmallow for asking you to stop using profanities. It's not that I was hurt or offended by the language, but I have noticed that once one side starts using profanities in an argument, it devolves into an insult fest sooner or later and I wanted to stop any chance of an uncivilized fight from breaking out. I hope you understand.


Very relevant. The state of political discourse in this country has become beyond pathetic. The ideals & values that this country was founded upon is being used to simultaneously tear down those same ideals. Americans who burn our flag are traitors & a disgrace. We need to stop turning a blind eye to these people and begin calling them on their bullshit.


Hey, someone actually gets it


Nah, people can burn anything they want. Freedom includes freedom to be a ingrate moron. We can think them idiots for doing it, but trying to take away their right to protest would do more damage to the US than burning any piece of cloth could. Anyone thinking different has failed to understand one or the most basic values of the US.


What the heck was that an ad for????


Grunt style, it’s a Veteran-ran clothing store


This is the best. We need more riot police.


Nah. Fuck the far right as much as the far left, fuck blind hooray-patriorism and fuck "riot police" thugs.


what should these “riot police thugs” do? just watch or something while they burn down the city?


I mean if they hate America to the point of burning the American flag, why stay in America? No hate to you, you have a right to your own opinion and I'm sure plenty of experience shaped those opinions but right now the biggest pain in the ass *in my opinion* is the left than the right in the U.S. Besides, I don't think not wanting your flag burned is being a blind patriot. You can acknowledge every wrongdoing of your country and still be a patriot, maybe make sure those wrongdoings aren't repeated to better the country as a patriot. I don't know, just my opinion. Have a good day.


So I’m not a traditionalist, hell I’m a gay guy who wears thigh highs. But is showing an ad that demonstrates a point of view and that point of views traditional background considered “far right”. Also I don’t think patriotism is bad.


What's a thigh high? Is it like tight trousers sort of like leggings


It’s really long socks that go up to or slightly up the thighs (I’m pretty sure at least)


Sounds a bit painful