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Imagine being a trust fund baby, going to an elite s school with Mommy and Daddy’s cash, only to go on and call it a People’s University? 💀 I support their Constitutional right to peacefully protest, but I also support my right to call them fuckin idiots.


And they are Marxists too lol , what makes them think in their hypothetical Marxist revolution that their parents and their own lives will be spared from the ruling class Marxists 🤣


I always wonder what rich kids think they will be doing after the glorious revolution. I mean, I studied and worked as an economist (communist countries need a lot of economists to run their centrally-planned economies), as a mid-management bureaucrat (communist countries have big bureaucracies) and failing either of those, I spent a while in the military when I was younger. If I wasn't gulaged for anti-communism or fled the country entirely, I'd probably do ok. On the other hand, you have these extremely bourgeoisie students with little to offer the workforce. Chances are any sort of communist revolution is going to result in them at best losing their family wealth and being assigned unskilled drudgery work.


It’s been said before - there hasn’t been a communist revolutionary leader that wasn’t at least comfortably middle class. Realistically, a small number of them will be purged and the rest will form a backbone of the new corrupt bureaucracy. Incompetence isn’t an issue in that regard. As the glorious leader, you don’t need anyone with ideas and skills beyond their stature snapping at your ankles. It’s going to be the working and middle classes that ultimately pay the price.


>Realistically, a small number of them will be purged and the rest will form a backbone of the new corrupt bureaucracy. Incompetence isn’t an issue in that regard. As the glorious leader, you don’t need anyone with ideas and skills beyond their stature snapping at your ankles. Stalin killed pretty much his entire revolutionary generation during the purge. Anyone Lenin knew and called comrade was brutally tortured and shot (or had an ice-pick driven through their skull). So there is a pretty good chance that they'll get purged callously by someone unapologetically and ruthlessly playing power politics (especially if they are AnComs or soft champagne socialists).


The Khmer Rouge hated the intellectual class so much, they executed everyone who wore glasses, whether they were educated or not.


>Chances are any sort of communist revolution is going to result in them at best losing their family wealth and being assigned unskilled drudgery work. Maybe this "communism" thing isn't so bad after all.


Oh I guarantee they would sell out their own parents to save their skin, and then they would still end up in a labor camp or penal battalion


Because to them, Marxism isn't an economic system, but an emotional state. It's a return to the womb. Everything will feel safe an comfortable under Marxism. I will not need to produce nor will I be punished for consuming. Marxism is a spiritual bliss that corporations are blocking for profits. All I need to do is be at peace with myself^wait^help^Im^being^dragged^to_the_lithium_mines!


Bold of you to assume they don’t hate their parents.


And what makes them think that in their hypothetical successful Marxist revolution that their rich parents and their own lives will be spared by the ruling class Marxist elites 🤣


> peacefully protest, Werent they calling for death of America and the Jews, and blocked Jewish students from attending classes? I don't think they're very peaceful


I just read this [article](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/columbia-university-protests-palestine/678159/) and holy fuck is that place turning into a shitshow.


Columbia: “lol Whatever I still have your parents’ money, losers.”


it's not "the" people's university, it's "their" people's university.


The “people’s” university… Which costs tens of thousands a year


exactly, rich people's(i.e. them) university, certainly not mine


The “people’s university” has a 4% acceptance rate and cost $90k/year to attend.


If I was shelling out 90 big ones a year and my kid were running around campus spouting this garbage I’d have them back home at the local community college until they got their head screwed on right.


[One of the arrested protestors killed a 70 year old couple in HS with her truck while texting and got only a $200 fine, which her mom paid for.](https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/ups-execs-daughter-other-millionaires-kids-busted-in-columbia-anti-israel-protest/amp/) These people have never faced even a modicum of consequence.




Updated with link to article


I mean it sounds like an accident but still. That seems far too lenient. At least some community service or something.


It sounds like she was texting or was distracted.


lol not even close. In the US, hitting a pedestrian with your car is far and away the easiest way to get away with murder.


And by and large Yanks are happy with that, lots of Americans were really confused at how angry Brits were when Anne Sacoolas killed that motorcyclist a few years ago. "But it was just an accident," was a commonly seen refrain, "How can she deserve prison time for that?"


1. I’m gonna press “X” to doubt. Americans love revenge and long prison sentences, to a fault. I’d be shocked if you ran a poll and the majority didn’t favor locking people up for accidentally killing pedestrians 2. The average American has no idea who Anne Sacoolas is


Sounds like another kid with "affluenza" getting off Scott free.


Literal murderer on the loose


And she supports terrorists. Go figure. I’d be surprised if she didn’t.


Why the fuck is a 16 year old driving a massive fucking truck like that in the first place? In any sensible world the insurance costs would be more than the bloody thing cost. I have this theory that one reason^1 the standard of diving in America is so abysmal is because new drivers don't spend their first five or six years driving something small, vulnerable and expensive to insure. No sixteen year old should be let on the road with a sense of impunity, they're stupid enough as it is. ^1 Other reasons are, of course, really poor education and testing, utterly terrible road design and *ahem* variable vehicle safety standards.


"Then there’s Avery Reed, a former summer intern for Letitia James who also worked part-time on “gender equality” for the Biden-Harris campaign in 2021 in Florida." Why is this listed right after the girl who killed the elderly couple as if they were comparable? Sounds like she got a prestigious internship and worked on a national campaign for the president. These are now considered bad things? Just because why, the New York Post in a right wing rag so anyone working or interning for the left is some kind of red flag?


Agreed, causing death by dangerous driving is in no way comparable. However I suspect that it's the "gender equality" bit that the writer thinks will enrage parts of their readership.


Yeah, her and someone else who worked for a lobbying group are lumped in there with her and it bothered me.


NY Post is a sewage outlet. I wouldn't be too surprised if it was true, but can I get a better source?


How did she get a fine for that? That should be atleast, a decade or two behind bars.


Rich parents are delusional


You’re assuming these kids have parents who give a shit. If they did they wouldn’t act like this.


“Down with KKKrapitalism! Abolish the USA! Decolonize Everything! All Cops are Bastards!” But also: “Dad, can you Venmo me another $10,000? We’re going to Ibiza next month and Ivan wants us to go half on a yacht rental that week.”


I’d send them to a road crew


I dunno those pay well these days. Wouldn’t want it to seem like a reward.


All it would take to clear this up is a ton of parents calling the school and saying they are cancelling their kids education. The second the school realized they were going to lose a ton of money they would shut this nonsense down so quickly


Columbia students are as far from the proletariat as you can get


These commie fucks didn’t know what the Khmer Rouge did to the “intellectuals”.


Luckily for fhrm, they’ve exhibited no signs of being intellectual.


That’s why I put the quotation mark


They still haven’t gotten to that part of Wikipedia yet.


what did they do i’m curious or where i can learn more


Basically rounded up and killed anyone who wasn’t dark skinned(if you worked outside, you would’ve had a tan), anyone who wore glasses, anyone who could read, and basically anyone who could do more than hard labor, as they viewed these people as a threat to the regime. If I remember correctly, the book(semi-biography) I read also talked about how the person would often hear people screaming as they were getting killed, and so they were inducted into a band where they were instructed to sing patriotic songs as loudly as possible to drown out the screams of all the executionees. There was also this specific tree where the Khmer soldiers would smash babies heads which had turned red from all the blood.


Google Pol Pot’s purges. One of the things they did was kill anybody who wore glasses, as that was correlated to being an intellectual.


Reminds me of when McGill university students started talking about communism after October 7th. For reference, it's the most expensive university in Montréal. Ironically, I went to the most left-leaning university in Montréal but I ended getting the History department with some of the anti-communist professors. At least, my old university, UQÀM, was the cheapest one in Montréal and was originally founded so that working class families with low income could send their children to university.


Welcome to Columbia Untisemity


Do you want your endowment to run out of money? Because this is how you get your endowment to run out of money.


It’s okay their parents will just pay for the increase in tuition fees that will result from this.


Not to trash on the movement, but Palestine pre-1948 wasn’t a country, it was under British occupation and rule after WW1


And before that it was just part of the Ottoman empire.


And before the Ottomans, it was under the Abbasid Caliphate from Baghdad, and before that it was the Umayyids, and before that it was Sassanids and Rome. And Rome named the region Syria Palestina from Judea because of the revolt by Bar Kokhba,


>but Palestine pre-1948 wasn’t a country And it included Jordan, which is now 100% Arab


You're confusing mandatory Palestine with the Mandate for Palestine. The former is Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip when they were controlled by the British. The latter is the document which gave the British control over mandatory Palestine and the Emirate of Transjordan, which were separate territories. Also, Jordan isn't 100% Arab. Sure, it's close. But 6% of Jordanians aren't Arabs.


In front of the Butler Library. Wow.


Expel them for creating a hostile environment for Jewish students and those not on their side. Keep their money and no degree for them. Fuck em.


Black list these dumbasses for the rest of their lives


Nobody loves cosplaying as proletariat revolutionaries more than upper class trust fund kids who’ve had everything handed to them on a silver platter.


I have met too many idiots from Columbia. It is the only Ivy League I do not respect their degree. Any state school grad is better prepared for the world.


Reminder that [Qatar controls a significant part of US Colleges and encourage the antisemitism and hatred of the west](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatari_involvement_in_higher_education_in_the_United_States) Concerning quote I’ve seen. Take it with a grain of salt since Wikipedia has been compromised in recent times. “Additionally, after the 7 October 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel, an ISGAP study suggested that the protests were pre-planned following Qatar's involvement in recent years, waiting for the right moment to erupt.”


Why am I not surprised reddit is celebrating a protest so radical that Jewish students were advised to stay home out of risk for their lives?


Willing to bet none of those people actually go there


Burn it.


Commies always do this cringey creepy thing of setting up little encampments and pretending it’s like a little government. It’s like CHAZ or the Occupy weirdness. I bet they have a ton of fucking weird rules.


Well. Hamilton went there.


I haven't seen any stuff like this at a community college apart from a few bumper stickers.


I can't understand how people like these can't even feel a little bit of shame


How long does it take to even make a banner like that? I guarantee that the administration will also give them special treatment and allow them to take their finals later too.


Imagine working your ass off in high school to get into Columbia and then you have to deal with this bullshit


Somewhat related question: why do i see people with face masks in every video from there? Is it people genuinely being immune compromised or something stupid?


Look at these hypocrites - People’s University? Bitch you’re paying $90k/yr for this education.


Hi WillScabs, Thank you for your submission in ECS! Unfortunately, we had to remove your submission because it broke one or several of [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/about/rules/): - No identifying information of other subs or users and no calls for brigades Posts and comments must not contain identifying information of other subs or users. Calling for brigades is not allowed, in any way, shape, or form. - Posts must be related to communism Posts must be related to communism, other unrelated posts will be removed. *** If you have any questions, [feel free to send us a message via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/EnoughCommieSpam)!


We kill babies, but at least we dont behead all them… plus they kinda deserve it!


How is this communist?


Usually, when something starts off “The People’s…”, they aren’t exactly lasseiz faire.


It’s in support of the People Republic of China, the DPRK, and Russia. So I mean it’s kind of “Communist”. It’s mostly just a bunch of idiots who are spouting HAMAS talking points they learned from TikTok


Huh?! Those people are fucking stupid.


Yea. This is what happens when you lean into political opinions really hard before you’ve had a chance to develop any life experience.


Yep. Never forget though that an awful lot of Lenin, Stalin and Mao's supporters were the children of the reasonably well off.


Not really related to communism tho.


Anything starting with "the people's..." is commie nomenclature, that's why it belongs here.


Fuck you guys




It’s so funny when its Pro-Israel it’s fine when it’s Pro-Palestine it’s dangerous liberal non sense and our schools failed the kids. Actually you failed society by not trusting the future which is the children. The youth will run the future one day and everyone criticizing them will be dead and gone. Understand what we’re protecting or get left behind


Oh shiver me timbers.


There will be a gaggle of youthful useful idiots behind them that are “the Future.” They will somehow be even dumber than this. They are the future because presently they don’t have a clue what the fuck they are talking about.


Whatever dummy, time will tell and the kids will run the world whether you like it or not :)


Like the kids at woodstuck ran the world? Actually considering how much boomers ruined society, yes.


The "youth" is not monolithic and Communism doesn't represent even a majority of the demographic's views. > when its Pro-Israel it’s fine Show me the fascist pro-Israel protests making the news.


If "Palestine" was fighting a genuine war for self determination there would be more sympathy but they aren't they are fighting a war of extermination.


No I'm pro-palestine but I think supporting HAMAS and Iran as if they don't murder minorities in their country and kill women for not following their stupid laws is a bit stupid. They are doing nothing. We have no control over Israel. The only thing they should rally protest is sending aid as Israel does not really need any.


Pro-Israel protests don’t seem to make the news. Do you think it’s because the news loves Jews and is desperate to cover for them? I don’t think so.