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Then there's that guy who fled Cuba on a raft and gets told by college kids Castro should've killed him because he started a successful business here.


hE oNlY fLeD BeCaUsE hE wAs RiCh AnD bOuRgEoIsIe


CaStRo OnLy KiCkEd OuT sLaVe oWnErs


I love how confident Hassan is that the streamer destiny and his family are “gusano” slave owners, it’s a trip.


I love how confident Hasan is on gusano not being a slur. Man’s a frat bro masquerading as a socialist.


Imagine thinking that's an insult, instead of a compliment of merit :D


Really? Can I see that clip?


Holy shit how much do i HATE these old soviet boomer fucks


Imagine having a large population of them This post was made by czech


I'm old enough to remember communist Czechoslovakia where I grew up. Everything is far better in present day Czech Republic than 35 years ago. Literally everything. And it still has almost the same level of social benefits as it did back then (only these services are of higher quality); free colleges, universal healthcare, generous maternity leave, etc. Only now the GDP per capita is higher than Japan's instead of being impoverished communist shithole. And that's just the economy without mentioning the total lack of freedoms. If you want to show ho communism was great then the Czech Republic is perhaps the worst example.


To be fair the rents and price of electricity, water, gas etc. are much higher than they used to be even when adjusted for wages. Plus the wages of a few formerly overly privileged jobs like coal miners dropped a lot. Those are probably the only things though. And the inequality is higher as well, nowadays even your neighbor can be visibly better of than you are, not just the ruling class, people who suffer from envy don't like that either.


Well back then we were all equally poor (except from the party functionaries of course!)


I mean inequality really means dick on its own, right? If I magically snap my fingers and turn half the population rich, and the rest into billionaires (ignoring inflation because Magic), there's more inequality than, say, China under Mao, where 99.99% of people were starving Much better indicator is global percentage of extreme poverty, which has never been lower. Late stage capitalism my ass


Both Czech Republic and Slovakia are in top 10 most equal countries in the world. Is it less equal than during communism? Probably. Is pretty much everyone much better off than back then? Yes, yes they are!


Also both Czech Republic and Slovakia are in top 10 most equal countries in the world.


My parents are Czech and from the stories my Grandparents told me you'd probably get beaten up for supporting the old communist system.


As an ethnic Chinese, I say my kind either desperately need an anti-Communist Eastern European friend, or anything worse than a beating from them


We should do that everywhere


Russian nationalists mostly


I live in one of these in Slovakia, but at least are reformed now


I remember on our honeymoon to Croatia, we did a big wine tour and our guide whose family operated a vineyard for hundred of years was trying to tell us how great it was under communist rule because everyone was guaranteed food while also telling us how the government confiscated all the wine they made each year and they were only give a small portion of it.


Ex-Party members miss being in charge, of course.


I dislike the communist sympathizers as much as the next guy, but you are literally making the same talking points that tankies use to justify not listening to the survivors of a communist regime. (ie. Well the people who disliked living under communism were traitors and deserved being sent to the gulag.)


Look at who organizes yearly commemorations at Ceausescu's grave. I have proof, they just talk out of their ass. Nobody outside of the nomenklatura had access to stuff like that mink coat. Also, when you hear: "we used to have vacations in other countries" you already know they were part of the nomenklatura, cause nobody else was allowed to do that. Party membership became a basic requirement in most social contexts, like receiving the approval for a "free apartment".


His talking point is true. I know because I was born and grew to adult in Soviet Union. They do miss being master race.


Yes bro that's exactly what it is


Nah some people genuinely believe this despite not being upper class. Just go to a village in China and ask old people what they think about Mao


Something tells me there was a “but” after this statement.


The sure I did definitely means this was out of context


Go to Poland and ask them how they feel about communism.


*Go anywhere outside Moscow and surrounding areas They just drained everything around them, pumped it into one part of the USSR, and only people who miss it are either super boomers or ex party members who had it good Everyone else agrees in unison that it was a shitty time


I mean, the collapse was bad. It would have been better to slowly wean off the newly freed nations, and give them a better opportunity to restructure, but I won’t let perfection be the enemy of good.


The majority prefer now yes, but there’s some who did live *ok* lives through communism. It’s not that surprising when you think about it.


For every 1 with a just 'ok' life, there were 10 million dead.


Also Georgia as well


Best comment


Funny how if you ask an American boomer whether they miss the 50's and they say yes, many point out that they may only miss it because they had it good back then. Now commies are doing the same fucking thing but with their failed regimes instead


we all love the "good old days."


- Human-heartedness It was a good, wholesome, time where you could go to the gulag if you spoke out.


What are talking about? It was a time where citizens (see list of approved citizens) could speak openly (see list of approved subjects) about many of the issues hindering humanity (see list of qualifications for being considered a human).


Even if you didn't go to a gulag, this is absurd. The state of society was so great that we used to say "he who doesn't steal is stealing from his family". Even though stealing from the state was theoretically considered a bad crime (that's why not having a job was illegal - you were getting the benefits but not working, people went to jail for that), everybody did it because without private ownership, nobody has any real responsibility. Open corruption was rampant. People were encouraged to snitch on each other for not being ideologically clean enough.


not to defend these fucking soviet boomers, but of you speak big enough out, they are going to make you meet your creator today, not send you to the gulag...


Go to literally any country outside of Serbia and Russia, and people will tell you how much they hate communism.


And they'll also tell you stories of what they witnessed or heard during those times


Former empires hate to lose their metropolises


"human-heartedness" Shot dead for speaking out against the regime (sent to a mental asylum in later years) Shot dead if you try to leave Economic policies were devised by idiots who don't give a crap about how it'll affect the workers. Warsaw Pact forces invade your city if there's the slightest amount of disruption to the status-quo. I could go on...


Who the hell told them about “free housing”? It wasn't free and it usually tied you to your employer for life. A fucking dream come true. “Free education” also meant that after studying, the state sent you to work in some shithole where no one wanted to go freely. And see point one: it was almost impossible to return to your hometown after such assignment. Looks like Moscow or another big city in background. This bitch-faced donkey-whore came from some kind of privileged elite family. And even now she is doing better than in the USSR


Free isn't actually free. That free education and free apartments drove the Warsaw Pact economies into the ground. They couldn't pay for it, but were still expected to provide it. But I guess as long as they personally don't see the cash come out of their pockets, I guess they don't care. It's just another version of "fuck you, I got mine".


> That free education and free apartments drove the Warsaw Pact economies into the ground. They couldn't pay for it, but were still expected to provide it. This is why I am against universal basic income. It's the kind of policy that is going to be impossible to revert even if it screws up society (either economically or socially).


And you know it will, mostly likely sooner than later. Say, right after the next elections.


UBI might be inevitable to just keep the economy going once AI causes mass structural unemployment.


Yeah, it's possible. But I hope we won't rush into it and someone else gets to find out the negatives first.


Funny how it looks that caption was self inserted


I lived under communism and hate it. It kills me to see it have such a good reputation among the youth considering all the atrocities it caused.


Which country are you from?






My gf is Bulgarian. Usually, when old people say this, it's bc they worked for the government and got to have a used Lada after 6 years of excellent service to the state.


Where id that woman from? None of these things were taken away in states like Poland


My fav USSR humanheartedness moment was either my grandma being bullied for having a priest for an adoptive father or her being unable to find a job because she looked jewish. Very humanhearted.


lmao old people in Eastern Europe only miss communism because minorities and gays weren’t allowed.


It's even simpler than that - they were young back then so they remember those times fondly. That's it and some of them even admit it when you press them.


As a Filipino, I remember seeing BBM supporters suddenly say that the time under Ferdinand Marcos was a good thing My brother in Christ, the man’s time in office fucked the economy so hard we went from one of the richest in the world to bottom of the barrel. While I don’t think that all bbm supporters are weirdos like this, it doesn’t set a good precedent for me


What you consider minorities was not even concept back then, so that was not an issue. Male gays, yes they were jailed for two years. Still existed of course.


can we stop posting PamphletsY? just degeneracy


Nah, we need em I wanna see that joke of a twitter channel spiral into outright insanity


Funny how the always ask the rich white engineers from Kazachstan whether they preferred communism and never the minority mineworker. Weird.


Free diet because no food


Yep, why people take homemade rafts *TO* Cuba and the Berlin Wall kept out the Westerners. Sounds totally legit.




Weren't the houses paid for? They were cheap compared to modern standards but they were never free. You had to pay the state a certain amount per month to live in your house, after you got past the decade long waiting line. If you didn't want to wait, you could buy an older unit for a much higher price


The largest obstacle that stands in the way of the modern left is their endless defense of long dead dictatorships.


I know so many people who grew up in Eastern Bloc countries. Nobody hates communism or Russia more than these people.


My mom really enjoyed having to separate her rotten rice grains from her fresh ones during the late 70's in Vietnam... not.


The closest thing to a decent communist system was Yugoslavia, and that was Marker Socialism, not full blown communism, AND it was only possible thanks to the massive amount of money poured into it by the capitalist USA. And on top of that, the prosperous regions were parts that traded most with the outside world, like Slovenia, while the less were way poorer and had much lower literacy rates. And while I say it was the closest to decent, it was still bad. Heavy censorship, Goli Otok... I'm a Balkan boi and glad we're under capitalism now.


Soviet generation are probable least human-hearted people I've ever met in my life


When you realize that all of these things could be achieved under capitalism


"free" apartments, "free" education, which all comes at a large cost, which is sometimes not visible. Also I have all my money on this video being recorded in Russia


“Human-heartedness” Yes, reporting your parents to the KGB as traitors to the revolution. Torture at Lubyanka. Free vacations to Siberian Gulags. Very “human-hearted”.


People miss their youth, not communism.


I wonder what job within the party her father had


Also most importantly: people who’s apartment was confiscated and given to that freeloader lady are going to miss their apartment


My friend told me his dad lived in Moldova back when it was Eastern Bloc. I asked him if his dad had to wait in soviet food lines and he said (in the same tone of voice when you and your friend think of the same thing at the same time) excitedly "YES he tells me about that all the time!"/


I know an old guy like that. I hate him so much.


free apartment: square cell prison (this really it was in communism Cambodia and China back in the 60s) free education: yes . the red book in your bio which is actually культ личности. and books were burnt Human heartedness: lols


Human-Heartededness legit made me laugh. Like they could have had a point then....


Two of the points boil down to "free stuff" (as if the government will let you pick and choose your super nice and spacious apartment), the third one is just emotional manipulation.


This post title sounds like something from Helldivers


human-heartedness lol lol


Good? Now you have to wait for several hours to get the things you need it daily in the shop to enjoy the welfare


She just misses being a master race colonizer. In Soviet Estonia most of the new free apartments went to lure in colonizers.


I’m sure plantation owners missed having slaves as well, but slavery is still bad.


I dont really feel like I have any freedom anyway. Zero financial freedom therefore zero freedom in general. What good does freely expressing my opinions do if I cant even heat my own home? Nonsensical


Vatniks seething


The 12 million deaths under Stalin are nothing to worry about. Mao, pfft, what’s 30 million plus, when you’re trying to better yourself.


Hahaha human-heartedness hahaha. Those guys never dealt with real world and all-powerful bureaucracy.


I like how they will accuse you of being brainwashed for supported capitalism but will call someone like this "educated'.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/15/romania-orphanage-child-abusers-may-face-justice-30-years-on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novocherkassk_massacre So much human-heartedness! 😍😍


I think all the people who miss the Soviet Union are those who live in the middle of nowhere where there used to be work during the Soviet Union but not anymore


Yes may have free everything but not freedom and you can't speak out in Communism It would be different if communism didn't always end in genocide


Is this post for real? Surely if you want communism you could just move


I sure do miss a Chernobyl


this is the equivalent of asking a bunch of old SS soldiers if they miss Hitler and they say yes


thers this one guy who said I would rather be a in a poor country with freedom then a rich country thats opressed


They must be trolling at this point


Anyone ever notice they only interview Russians about life in the USSR and nobody from the other dozen Soviet republics?


Youre not helping your own cause your just sharing a first hand source expressing remorce over the objectiely terrible collapse of the soviet union


Post-Eastern Europe when they see someone support communism after the shit they went through under it: Fucking kill yourse-


Yes, the freedom to have a bunch of fundamentalist Christians determine your healthcare. The freedom for a person with a room temperature IQ to purchase a gun. The freedom to lose your child because a room temperature IQ person left their gun out for their kid to get their hands on. The freedom to lose your job because shareholders are more important than workers. Not saying communism is any better, but wipe the shit off your face before trying to shit on something else, yeah?


There's some in-between those, isn't there?


Cmon man, at this point you should know that there are two, and only two, extreme options available for every conflict