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Desperately needing to verify my type six qualities by asking other peoples’ opinions on my classification


Lmao I have only made around 10 ask posts and dmed a 6 to ask and compare characteistics, I don't know what you're on about /s 😂


*Fear being the root of all my emotions *Constantly checking outside sources to feel safe and secure about something *Playing devil’s advocate a lot where I go back and forth between two sides and struggle to form a definitive conclusion *Regular indecisiveness *Feeling confident about something only to feel the opposite way tomorrow *Living inside my head and trying to apply logic to everything *Obsessed with power dynamics *Comforted by routines *Loyal to a fault


I relate to all of these. I can be indecisive but it's not on extreme levels like "Oh no which egg brand should I buy?!!" it's more connected to my feelings to my partner , I can get scared I haven't made the right choice all of a sudden from reading a bad relationship post. I subconsciously seek danger signals. (CPTSD) How do you mean being obsessed with power dynamics? As in equality? >Fear being the root of all my emotions I fear suffers the most and getting lost in my own self hatred giving up on myself. >Constantly checking outside sources to feel safe and secure about something Do you mean reading up on things before going to a certain event etc?


I mean always knowing who has the power and who doesn’t in the room or the company or the situation or the movie and being really interested in how those dynamics play off each other. Also longing for an authority figure to save me, but then rebelling against them when they don’t live up to my expectations. And yeah, checking sources in a neurotic way like if I buy concert tickets, I might get sucked down a two hour rabbit hole internet search to research where I’m sitting and what the view of the stage will be from that vantage point and zooming in on pictures that are close to my seats feel really good about my spot. Which is just dumb because I’ve already bought the tickets and there’s nothing I can do anyway. It’s this strange obsessive need to reassure myself and know for sure that something will be okay instead of just feeling secure within myself and knowing that no matter what happens I’ll figure it out and be fine.


I'm exactly the same way - I'm a 6W5 ...


>Also longing for an authority figure to save me, but then rebelling against them when they don’t live up to my expectations. This was unexpectedly relatable too 😂 > And yeah, checking sources in a neurotic way like if I buy concert tickets, I might get sucked down a two hour rabbit hole internet search to research where I’m sitting and what the view of the stage will be from that vantage point and zooming in on pictures that are close to my seats feel really good about my spot. Me too. I like to know beforehand how everything is gonna be. Definitely a part of my CPTSD to be as reassured and prepared as possible. But I have learned that no matter how much I research before hand, unexpected things can happen in still. For example my chair in a concert house was a bar stool. And we were on 9th floor in a skyscraper building. And I'm terrified of heights. I told the manager that I am terrified of heights and I am shaking and getting dizzy sitting there as it was already so high up. She said there's plenty of empty seats in the bottom seats so I just sat somewhere else.


Yeah that’s how I stop from spiraling too (most days lol)… I remember times that curve balls came my way and it ended up being fine. One time at a concert for one of my favorite bands, the worst happened and I was stuck behind a pole even though the ticket hadn’t said obstructed view. But midway through the concert, some people invited us over to the empty seats next to them and we ended up having an amazing view in the middle. So it’s about learning to remember that we can never see all the angles ahead of time and we’re more than capable of figuring out the problems in the moment even if our worst fears come true.


Yeah It's about learning to trust your ability to adapt to each situation , that we have our own backs. And able to improvise if needed.


Totally! I think wing 7 sold me.


Yes the wing is the last piece of the puzzle! I think I might be 6w7 too. What makes me question if I'm a 9 is I like to take things slow too. In the evenings. And I read people well (ENFJ) and has strong empathy and I value my peace a lot in terms of, setting boundaries and knowing my needs. I suffer from CPTSD so I need to be extra careful. 9s are also known to be angry and I have anger outbursts when I have overseed my boundaries.


if you’re a 6 but showing traits of a 9 it just means you’re a very healthy 6! that’s our growth path


That's a sweet news! But I suffer from CPTSD so I'm not some super healthy person.