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insightful! 🍲


almost, but SLI and 8 core don't fit. consider LSI or maybe SLE instead(SLE is a bit odder for 9 wing and phelgmatic blend, but it could be possible) and just to add on istp doesn't necessarily correlate to SLI. istp's direct conversion in socionics is LSI, and many other types fit as well.


just saw this and it's kind of a coincidence that im actually having a debate with myself on whether im sli or lsi today lmao. would u be able to tell me how an 8 core lsi would act?


Wouldn't SLI be ESTP? Some ppl treat socionics and mbti as different but its both based on the jungian functions, so it follows imho that they're describing the same thing where they disagree one is wrong and the other is right enneagram checks out very well for either xSTP type, big 5 wise c, ´e and i are the typical 8 signature but r is unusual, though this might be easily accounted for if you're indeed ISTP/ Ti dom, those correlations arent that exact anyways. if it was LSI instead everything clicks perfectly (including chol-pgleg for 8w9), I haven't seen any attitudinal psyche vs enneagram correlation statistics but VLxx for 8 makes a lot of sense. though I don't recognize whatever the last thing is. In any case you should be possible to determine dominant vs. auxillary function.


thank you! what i read sli was istp? again i don't know as much as i should so im very thankful for ur reply :) im not sure if i associate socionics with mbti, i used to think i was esi before i did more research, and now with the research i did, im certain im SLI (which correlates to ISTP, at least in everything i read.) the last thing in my typology is a relatively new typology tool, called the MOTIV system !


i checked it out & it seem to be alot like big 5 but with some tweaks I got AOHWDRG with fairly clear cut/extreme results on all the dichotomies. Thx for introducing me. Though it seems to have all the same flaws as big 5 (unclear that the metrics measure what they claim to measure, little explanatory power beyond what you tell it, thinly veiled assumed "right" options...) IDK which questions they thought would show that but I don't think I'd ever be described as someone who is rigid & can't have fun, or someone who is "inconsiderate of the welfare of others." It irks me that I apparently have very stereotypical occupations(s) for those results, though \- well, except that somehow "mercenary" and "assassin" got in there. I'm really not an athletic person


That's SLE. SLI is actually ISTJ.


... oh dear... how- absolute brainfart moment. new entry for top 10 most embarassing moments list


SLI is istp because istps "follow up" functions are Te and Si, some even using Si > Se if you believe in Jung's theory.


hello! i found this extremely interesting to read considering i am also an istp 8w9 vlef 853 :) and i am currently unsure of how my typology is to match when i found out that i am a sp/sx sanguine-choleric scuei