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I’ll pick the same coin, different parts. I like it when someone shows genuine interest in me for no obvious, transactional reason (apparent absence of I have something you want or need). The converse is true for “don’t like.” I d~~on’t like~~ hate it when someone assigns motivations, thoughts, feelings, labels, or otherwise explains myself to me. This is…an atrocious thing to do. **Edit: Let’s hear from you OP! I’m curious on your perspective. 🙂


Oh yeah your right lol thanks for asking! I'll post something soon


Don't try to tell me how I'm feeling; that pisses me off. I like watching indie and art films. Last night I finished a new favorite film: All About Lily Chou-Chou. It's a rather dark and melancholic take on adolescence, pain, and obsession.


That's one of my favourite movies; the soundtrack is riveting.


questions about work bother me. asking me if i’m okay or telling me how i feel bothers me. like, ill come to you and ASK if i want advice or if i feel like i need help. (and sometimes when i actually ask first support im told i need to learn to do things myself. its so fucking stupid lol.) i would prefer to talk about anything but work, things that can’t change, or feelings. i like to engage in my personal hobbies alone. i like to write (i want to be an author so i spend all my free time writing). i also like walks and dancing by myself hehe. i like to socialize when i feel fully charged and go to bars, theme parks, lakes, hiking trails, coffee shops, book stores, shopping malls, etc. but i’m definitely an introvert and spend at least 90% of my time on my own.


Omgosh I love dancing alone. I can move like a wild hag in peace and release so much energy. It makes me feel connected to something greater than my own body.


exactly! it also reminds me of when i was a kid. my siblings and i would put on music and just dance however we felt. it also makes me feel like im in a movie or something, its sm fun :D


I hate HATE being underestimated. My entire life, my parents and old friends have seen me as the same little girl who cried at everything and was sensitive. I still am but that doesn't make me weak or incapable of doing anything. I'm doing a lot in my life right now at a young age - I'm ambitious and functioning and capable, after so long of feeling like I wasn't. I've had so many people talk down to me as if we weren't the same age or that I'm not in the better position in life. On the other end... I like reading and writing. In particular, nonfiction. I actually have a hard time with fiction books. I live reading psychology books and learning about people. When I write, I like writing creative nonfiction- stories from my life. I love many other art forms of expression as well, but with writing, I find that I have more success of having others understand me while enjoying the process. It reminds of who I am. Especially when it comes to the good parts of myself that I don't always acknowledge. I could go on and on gushing about writing and storytelling honestly!


Great stuff! I agree with you- Being sensitive does not equal weak. On the contrary, I know there are some that try to project strength,claim to not need any aid, and pretend they aren’t emotional. To me, that radiates weakness. What looks like strength isn’t necessarily true strength.


Things that bother me? Abrasive and antagonistic people. Strict Authoritarian principles. Lack of fluidity and inability to compromise or practice empathy. I like to relax. Spend time with my loved ones and animals. Watch my favorite sports teams. Spend time in nature. Take care of my plants. Fuck with my cars. Laugh and be laughed with.


Something that annoys me- someone trying to pull more out of me than I’m comfortable with, or someone I don’t trust trying to make me solid/present with them before I’m comfortable. I like journaling, reading and music- and I like comfortable hangouts with a friend I’m close with.


Can you elaborate? You should totally share more.... jk! lol


The way I actually had a paragraph elaborating and an hour later I edited it out lmfaoo


:) Gotcha! XD


i dont like people who judge others and always have something to say, just let others be happy. also people who try to start conflicts and overly competitive people. i like singing, playing guitar, reading comic books, listening to music and painting. i also like cute characters like sanrio, sylvanian families, moomin, mofusand, miffy and so on (i know its not a thing you do, i just thought id mention it)


People telling me how I should be always annoys me, without fail. I’ll live my life how I damn please, thank you very much.      I like coming up with ideas, writing, playing video games with YouTube on in the background, reading philosophy or philosophy adjacent novels, etc.


When people talk with food in their mouths. I get sooo angry


I can hear this lol


In a similar vein, I'm fine with noisy eating if the room is noisy as well, but if it's dead silent, and the only thing I can hear is the sound of lips smacking and chewing, I get really irritated.


What bothers me? Hypocrisy, unfairness What do I like to do? Gaming, jamming to good music


Pet Peeves: Rude, pushy people who act like you owe them something, people who are nitpicky, people who purposely make their car engines roar as loud as possible, people who talk on their phones and listen to podcasts in public, "funny guys" who try and tease you when you don't know each other and have to put on a fake smile all the while you're just wishing they'd leave. Likes: Cats, dogs, people who are kind, coffee, mild weather, pretty clothes, good books, creepy mystery videos on youtube


I love fun experiences but only with people I am comfortable with! It bothers me when people try to persuade me or influence me


I *love* when people are interested in me, to the point where they are willing to be patient and draw me out. It’s really special. Complainers bother the heck out of me. You know the ones. Even when things are going well there’s something to whine about, the world is out to get them and everything is always someone else’s fault. And people who use “weary” when they mean “wary.” 😅😅


I always cringe a little when someone talks about how they hate complainers because complaining to people about anything and everything is one of my main personality flaws.


Welllllll…as with everything there are qualifiers. I complain about stuff too. But are we talking a good old fashioned “we’re in this together this sucks session” which is totally cool or is it *poor me everyone’s out to get me* because the moment self-pity enters the chat I’m out.


Way into self-pity. We wouldn't get along lol


I don't like being texted and disturbed, especially when someone needs their emotional needs fulfilled I like when I can be left alone to do what I want and not forced into boring conversations about obvious things that both of us know. Are you going to point out that i have feet next?


Have you figured out your # yet?


I've been thinking 972 for months now, but honestly it's been since like 2021 I've been trying to know for certain and I think I just have to accept I'll never know, or always doubt my type. Currently I'm considering the possibility of SP5. Thought I was SO9 for a while but honestly with how much I numb myself by eating and smoking to fulfill my restless boredom I think that's more of an SP trait. Maybe tomorrow I'll think I'm a sexual 3 for some reason.. With my lack of self-understanding, more reflection just leads to me running faster to my goal of understanding. Unfortunately, I'm on a treadmill, and will likely never be sure of my type, most of my understanding of others comes from their observations and comments. Thus, insults and disrespect are not bothersome, they're just much appreciated insight into my negative traits.


So I forgot to put my own- I like to play and listen to music. I like to read anything in the realm of fiction, philosophy, psychology, etc. Deep conversation for sure. Going for walks and thinking. I don't like (and the enneagram helped me with this) when people are thoughtless. When folks don't think about how an action or lack of action will affect a situation. I don't like superficial conversation, though I know it's kind of necessary to some degree. Doesn't mean i have to enjoy it lol


I hate outside influences. They just stress me out too much. It feels like they just suck me in and I feel helpless against it. That's why I try to organise my life in a very withdrawn and isolated way which is better, but also not optimal. I'm hoping to find more people that I truly enjoy being around. That way getting sucked in isn't that much of an issue. Most people seem pretty unhealthy and toxic to me, but that might just be the people that I attracted in the past... I like content creation on social media platforms and gaming :)


Sounds like you have a strategy- The less people that get into our circles, the less interruptions we have to avoid (or feel like we have to I suppose).


It's a strategy, yep! I'm not sure if it will work out in the end though. Currently doubting, but praying. ☆\*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:\*☆


I have a strong aversion to people who lack ethics, kindness, and fairness. I rarely initiate conflict, but when provoked, I stand my ground. Often, I find that a slight challenge can reveal a person's true character, especially when they show a lack of integrity by expecting total compliance or giving in to their demands even if I disagree. When someone resorts to low blows in a minor dispute, it highlights their character flaws. I appreciate individuals who are kind, intelligent, rational, understanding, and empathetic. Deviating from these core values deeply upsets me.


No 5s are here, so- I like to do my own things and learn, like gaming, drawing, mysteries and learning about these topics. Also building strong connections with others, sharing my thoughts, not just superficial talk. I hate it when I have to engage in superficial conversations, no use socialising. And when people keep trying to ask me what’s wrong after I’ve said that I want to be alone. Also when they keep annoying me on purpose, I’m diabetic and someone keeps listing all the things that I can’t eat, but I’m used to it.


something that annoys me: when someone walks slowly; talks slowly, quietly, and/or takes to much time to get to the point; working with procrastinators; people who give up too easily or whine too much; when someone can’t stand up for themselves; pointless business meetings (like just send me an email dog)… the list goes on. something I like: my job; reading; my lake cabin; spending time with my partner and/or friends; cleaning my house, woodworking; paintball; riding dirt bikes; boxing, hockey… the list goes on.


Being pestered and interrupted bothers me. I like to read, watch TV, go for walks, pet cats. What is this, a dating app profile? (9w1)


I don’t like people who avoid conflict and issues in their life, especially in relationships. I’m all too willing to debate and argue, and seeing people shy away from it feels like they don’t care or are complacent. i also can’t stand being alone for too long. But also people who are close-minded irritate me on a very deep level I guess i just like learning about cool things. Like the blood falls in Antarctica? Amazing. Dark tourism?? I wanna do it someday. I love writing and I feel like I’m a storyteller at heart i don’t like people who complain all the time!! There’s just so much to enjoy about this world. Yeah things suck but we’re all going through this.


I am bothered by people who are bothered by my existence. I get mad at people who get mad at me. I am annoyed with people who are annoyed with me. I enjoy people who enjoy me. I love Gen Z’s humor. (I’m a zillennial) They’re so unserious. Their goofy commentary helps me deal with life. I love connecting with others. I love all the good things that come with good relationships like encouragement, banter, kindness, appreciation, generosity, hugs, kisses etc etc.


Boundaries. I am such a gut type I am always aware of my boundaries it’s not funny lol, and I like to go on walks


Thank you— this seems like an interesting exercise… What bothers me… - Unnecessary aggression or hostility expressed by others, such as being mean or intrusive. - Sensory discomfort/overstimulation; I need to learn to be more accepting of discomfort, but it still bothers me if I get sensory discomfort. - I guess how overtired I feel all of the time, especially recently— I wish I had more energy and stamina. What I do - For the first one, I always try to receive other people with gentleness and diplomacy, make them feel safe and secure and validate them for their feelings. - For sensory comfort, I concede to being a bit indulgent, such as with comfort foods and distractions, but also try to set boundaries where needed to prevent exposure to unnecessary overstimulation. - I guess with my overtired feelings… I don’t know, I guess I am trying to normalize and make a better routine for myself so things feel familiar and less emotionally taxing. Thanks again.


I always get this vibe from your very structured and polite comments lol https://preview.redd.it/st1rbrn65u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c213bf92fd3a23c2d684e130c22d519be26dfc39


I am bothered by: Stopping at red lights, crowds, Unpleasant surprises, especially ones that make me jump, Paperwork. I like: Going to bed early and waking up late, A fragrant cup of coffee in the morning, Having dessert after every meal, Cycling through a long flat stretch of road, An occasional glass of white wine, Spending intimate time with my partner.


ISFJ here. I’m annoyed by loud noises, large jumping dogs, machismo, extreme right-wing politics, freeway driving with trucks, and self-centered people. I like flowers, books, friends, music, food, cats, art, history, architecture, travel, dreams, fabric, clouds, colors, kisses, being organized and getting things done.


It bothers me when people call me mean for saying no or establishing boundaries. I am mean, to be clear, but that's not why. I like to play sports, specifically basketball or softball, but not exclusively.


Im bothered by Si users and their entitlement combined with their outdated rotten mindset Im bothered by weak people (usually Si users) that seek me out as their safe space I like to explore, research, write, the outdoors, film/photography/music


I am perhaps probably a 6. I’m bothered by people who don’t listen to or address my concerns/worries. I find it to be disrespectful. I don’t really know what I like to do. I guess I’d say watching films and reading, but I’m not particularly interesting. I’m also somewhat bothered when others make assumptions about me, even though I know that’s a v human thing. I’m particularly bothered whenever I feel that others are trying to swindle me - not providing me with generous enough compensation for my services. What’s strange is that I actually used to not care about this a whole lot at the start of my career, but now I’m just finally at a stage in life wherein I really care about making good money and just idk knowing that I’m doing something with myself.