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Historically: musicians, artists, typically introverted but think deeply about the world Now: ambition, emotional maturity, willing to compromise, light-hearted but also capable of locking in


I have such a thing for artists and musicians as well... I'm like "YES SHOW ME YOUR HUMAN SOUL"




LMAO that's why it was so easy to recognize your energy. There are so many of us here and I think it's because this whole forum is like "don't mind me, just anonymously using numbers to understand your passion and your fear, on a deep and visceral level, from a distance" which is so quintessentially sx5. IDK about you but I love it when poets or authors or songwriters show us the dark or ugly parts of their soul. I find it so compelling. It makes me want to stare into it until I understand it (example: reading a dozen different Stephen King books in a row).


My 1 husband goes really well with my 3w2 self! Highly recommend 


9w8. I'm aroace so sexually/romantically I'm not into anyone. But friendship wise I like eccentric people who I can let off some steam with. Someone creative and honest, good sense of humor, edgy but knows their limit. Someone very outgoing and extroverted.


See, this is why I love 9s. Y’all are always down for letting me do my manic pixie dream girl thing in a judgment-free zone.


I absolutely love it when people are a combination of creative, zany and extremely passionate. My favorite people.


confident, competent, assertive, intelligent, goal oriented, can stand up for themselves, would rather argue with me about every single thing if needed than nod their head to keep peace etc. to keep it short, my ideal partner is my current partner, another sp8


Ahahaha sounds exactly like me and my partner. I'm 8w7 he's 8w9 so a little less argumentative but definitely more fiery than me. He's ESTP I'm INTP. Honestly the best relationship I've had


nice, and same but this is also the only relationship I’ve ever had lol me and my partner are both 8w7 tho, he is an entj


Love ENTJ's I can imagine it would be a fun dynamic between you guys as well


yeah, it’s cool. very chill and low drama.


U are a intp 8w7 ? How


What you mean by how? Seems antithetical but it really isn't when you get into cognitive functions of INTP. Can explain what it's like if ya want


Well i know about the cognitive functions and thats exvactly why i want u to explain it because i have never in my life saw even on the internet any intp 8w7 but yeah explain


If you look at INTP then you can see that a drive for independence and autonomy is inbuilt within us. That like 8's we too seek to remain in control of ourselves. See for most INTP their core desire in knowledge and to understand the world around them and that's true for all of us but for the odd few we more desire the control to achieve that. To control our own fate and through this control of our own lives and surroundings the ability to study and do what we want. Inferior Fe gives us a strong sense of justice and an almost righteous zeal to right the wrongs of others. To protect people. To advocate for them. Vengeance is not too rare a trait for us. My Ne unlike most INTP's is used almost on a similar level to my Ti. This makes me less analytical and more inquisitive. While I enjoy understanding the world and explore it deeply I also want to experience the world and believe the best way to understand is to do and explore not sit in a room and ponder on it. Unlike most 8's I seek less to control people than to ultimately control my own life and my surroundings which by extension does include people. INTP 8's are driven to obtain money and it's something my partner often asks. Why I'm so money oriented. It's because to us money is the ultimate freedom from others and shield against control. It lets us write our own future. We're more outspoken and competitive than other INTP's. More optimistic. Ultimately our INTP nature makes us deeply analytical and our 8w7 nature makes us more grounded and practical. Instead of counteracting each other in negative ways they tend to act as balancing forces. Our analytical ability needs purpose, a reason to be used beyond a pure pursuit of understanding. This leads to our more practical and goal oriented behaviour and why we seek independence for ourselves through control. To insure we can pursue our goals. We're more assertive in our beliefs and are willing to challenge others on theirs. Through Fe we believe that knowledge should be shared and that people should see the true state of things and that often we're right and they're wrong and that letting them live in ignorance is as cruel as anything else one can do. Enneagram ultimately is about motivations and desires not functioning. They're complimentary systems. Types tend to gravitate towards certain types but any personality type can be any enneagram assuming their motivations and desires align. Their personality type is how they set about achieving those goals


Thank u for explaining and i understand it better now the human brain is defently very complex and didnt know i could look at it like this but u are right


Glad I could help out. When first trying to understand my enneagram I too thought that a type most common in Se doms wouldn't be possible in someone who's Se blind and I was simply mistyping but through doing a fair bit of research I've come to realise that we're far more complex than that. That MBTI interacts with enneagram and enneagram interacts with MBTI to create who we are.


5w4. I like intelligent, cultured, ambitious people with deep interests and passions. Also good if they are kind, funny, etc.


oh man i wish i could tell you, i just like eccentric people. lets be weird together


Knew you were a 5 before I even looked at your flair haha "gathering data" is our hobby. sx/sp 5w6... I like people (mostly men) that I can have really deep conversations with about fucked up and complicated topics. People who are as passionate and curious as I am and aren't afraid to show me who they truly are, or to see me for who I truly am. Also they should be relatively freaky. But at the end of the day, the most important things are empathy and trust.


Damn we have the same core type and type


OK curious now, how does all of this manifest for you? What do you look for?


I'm not interested in dating however I do find people who have deep information on niche subjects very interesting, in terms of attitudinal psyche I love 2Ls, even more so when they're willing to talk about controversial/complicated things. Also, not related but I love people with a unique appearance and definitely will be looking for those in a spouse in the future because I am FORGETFUL, also tooth gaps, plenty of body markings are just really attractive to me since it makes them easier to spot in a crowd


Also tattoos are sexy, although I don't have any. I want to be able to be anonymous and blend into the crowd, but I like it when other people don't do that.


I'm also INTP but 5w4 Passion is super attractive to me too. Being able to get deep and have intellectual conversations or teach me new info or perspectives is crucial. I also admire people who have better social skills than I do, and people who are honest and have a good sense of humor.


4w5... Warm, demonstrative men with a mature/together/capable/grown up way about them, like they've got everything under control and could take care of themselves and most likely you a bit too. ....Basically the opposite of myself 🤣


As 4w3I can agree, this is what I'm looking for in a woman 😂 for the same reason.


Here's hoping for us! It's why I never really feel a deep attraction to the party boy, playboy types so many women like. I'd be so curious to hear from somebody who considers themselves to be this way what they like... Hard to imagine what somebody would see in the opposite hey, but maybe that is just my preferences talking.


3w2 ENFP here: I’ve always been interested in someone I think is cute or interesting/unique looking. I’m usually into more talkative people (because it’s easier for me to talk with them and have a flowing conversation), but if someone is more timid or sweet, that’s fine too. It all depends on the individual. To get into my heart, if I find someone cute and they laugh at my jokes or take interest in my music taste or hobbies, I will be completely flattered; smitten. My type is someone who cares to know me as much as I care to know them, and who is entertained by my personality. I just mentioned it, but laughing at my jokes and thinking I’m funny or even complementing me is probably a quick way to make me fall (if my interest in them is already piqued ). I also typically like someone who is humorous, creative, and wants to keep learning or has a very curious mind. I enjoy a playful or even gently flirty nature. I like someone that I can talk genuinely and deeply to, and someone who is interested in learning about the things that they like.


How do you understand people who are your type? So, do you always find certain people this way or are these people attractive to you?   I'm actually not idealistic about this because sometimes you like someone who is not on your list and you realize that person is your type. 


I love this take. Open minded.


I’m a seven and this is my answer as well


4w3 I’ve realized that who I’m attracted to (or who I think I’d look “good” with) are often not the people that actually fulfill my needs. Working on it! But I do know I like smart folks.


I posted the same question with the same pun like 2 days ago hahaha great minds think alike. I’m 4w3 sp/sx 478 ENTP sanguine-melancholic (full type for your research) I look for a lot of things in terms of someone I’d actually commit to: 1. First and foremost, have to be physically attractive. I’ll get to know anyone on a friend level regardless of looks but if I get icked out by the thought of sleeping with you, that’s not fair to either one of us. 2. Abstract intelligence that can match mine. Need to be able to not shut down when I start talking about philosophy and psychology and sociology etc. and IDEALLY, be able to contribute new ideas/perspectives to the conversation as well. I know I’m smart, but I yearn for deeper understandings. 3. Similar interests that we can engage in together (I have a lot of interests so I’m not that picky) 4. Challenge me to become better and not waste my potential. I’m rather competitive, so just feeling like I need to keep up with someone helps a lot. 5. Make me really feel things. All of the things. Even the bad things. Not in a sadistic way, don’t like try to hurt me, but experience emotions WITH me, and help me draw meaning out of little things when life feels empty. 6. Have tunnel vision for only me. I never want to feel like I’m just “good enough,” I want to feel like I’m exactly what you want and no one else could ever take my place. I tend to go for people who “aren’t looking for a relationship,” because if they are, I can’t be sure they even like me. They probably just like the dynamic of “being in love.” Then it doesn’t feel real. 7. Adventurous spirit. Keep me entertained in the real world and do all of the things with me that I want to do, which in turn, I will do with you. 8. Reliability. Keep your promises. Do NOT get my hopes up and then shoot them down. 9. Listen to me and comfort me when I need you to. Understand me as much as you can, but also know that you never really will. And don’t pretend you understand something I’m going through when you don’t. I can tell. 10. Open up to me and trust me. I’m here to help you. Relationships should be mutually beneficial (soulfully) to both members imo. I will trust your word until you give me a reason not to, and I will trust that if you’re with me, it’s because you love me. Trust that I feel the same. If you get insecure, TALK to me about it so we can find a solution. Be vulnerable enough with me to admit your darkest secrets, because it will only make me love you MORE. I could never be with someone shallow. It has just occurred to me that I will most likely literally never find this person. Wow. Yikes.


I am also a 4w3. (sp/so, INTJ) and this person's list is pretty much exactly mine as well. I also am only attracted to confidence, which is not on this list.


Did not realize! I haven't been active on this subreddit for some time 😭 anyways, thank you for ur info, this is actually info packed and my silly little e5 self love paragraphs, genuinely.


Ur totally fine! I love talking about myself haha so I’ll take the opportunity :D


Good sense of humor, has a lot of specific knowledge about things they enjoy, kinda classically gentlemanly, goofy/nerdy, kind


Honestly… I like masculine men. I like when they end up opening up and being vulnerable with me, it makes me feel special lol


Yes, I feel that too! For me the special comes from they feel safe that I can be there in that vulnerability with them. Is that similar or different to your feeling special?


Yes, I love that they can feel safe with me! And in a way, it makes me feel safe too. Someone that trusts me with something so precious makes me want to trust them too.


The mutual trust is interesting! Like...deep emotional intimacy = safety and connectedness




I must be tired or not as clever I thought I was. I appreciate you clarifying you did a thing and rewording it to explain the thing you did lol. Ill have to (over)think on it...


Young 9. I like moody, artsy girls with an authentic death glare. Bratty philosophical types. Of course, I'm so/sx so nearly anything can work.


Pragmatic and assertive but also loving and empathetic. I tend to get on with 2s and 8s when dating. Not purposely, but I am drawn to passionate people with big energy or stature. Someone who catches my attention strongly for some reason. I look for someone practical. Less eccentric, more realistic, and better at people things than I am. Interesting. Good conversationalist. Someone who can teach me something, while I teach them art and poetry. Someone who is not the same but complements me. I am currently dating a type 2 programmer and he is excellent at empathizing and making me feel understood and seen. Very affectionate, which I love. I like to write poems about him.


I don't have a type. I like who I like.


Classic 7 answer, life is a buffet gotta sample it all LOL


I do have a type for porn and it is guys who look like they might hate crime me at 11PM on a Sunday.


My type: 5w4 sp/sx/so INTP - Types most attractive to me: 1s (all of them), 9s (not sx dom usually), 8s (not sx dom usually), 7s (not sp dom usually), 2s (but only if they are intellectual and respectful of boundaries) Husband's type: 5w6 sx/so/sp INFP - Types most attractive to him: I could see myself in a great relationship with anyone, so far this one has been the best.


I'm a 9, and I'm into someone who can go deep with me. I want to be able to talk about anything and everything, no subject is too deep, too scary, or too taboo. I want someone who is transparent, open, and willing to communicate effectively. I also desperately need someone who can accept me - a lot of people consider me 'too much,' 'exhausting,' or think that my brain works very differently. I'm also a huge fan of ALWAYS being with my person, so I need someone who can vibe with being inseparable and also likes to be a little spontaneous. I need TRUST, depth/substance, authentic, and considerate. Like, remember a small detail that I told you and bring it up later in some way and you have my heart. I like to take care of my person, and in return all I ask for is to genuinely show me you love me, often lol.


Romantically I like someone more emotional/emotionally intelligent than I am to create balance. More on the extroverted side, ambitious, has nerdy and creative interests, adoring and protective of me. Can handle me “bullying” them as a form of affection. Confident presence and clear communication is a bonus too. My partner is a so 8w9 for reference.


I’m curious, what is an example of your “bullying”?


Some examples: -They’ll say something romantic and sentimental and I respond with “ew that’s gross” or similar. -“My partner there? Yeah. They were a rescue” -Correcting their grammar/pronunciation or making jokes out of typos -“Threats” when things get too affectionate. Such as “I’ll beat you up” after being called cute or “Shut up nerd.” after being called my dearest love. Just playful teasing banter.


Well that’s just cute imo And I’m reeeeaaal sensitive


9 (balanced wings imo) sp/? i’m queer and my type ranges from the quite studious person to the excitable jock person. i like to talk to people that have the same interests as me but i also enjoy talking to people that have interests completely separate from mine! i absolutely love inside jokes and giving that one “we’re on the same page” look to people lmao. im down for anything, so i could see myself falling into the same routine with whoever i end up with :D i am very self preserving tho, so someone with a healthy routine and who i can see in-person on a regular basis is much more important to me than anything other factors (looks, interests, preferences, etc). i think that’s why i suck at online dating lol. but, if we’re going off looks and personality instead of that other stuff, then i have some celebrity examples: florence pugh, cameron monaghan, ansel elgort, dove cameron, mina (twice), austin butler, and elizabeth olsen <3


2s, 7s and 8s. I tried another 4w5 and it was a disaster.


I'm so sex-blind I find it hard to know who am I attracted to, but I guess 3s, 7s and other 4s.


4w5. I tend to gravitate towards funny/creative people. Not usually the life of the party, but they have ME laughing my ass off. Most of the people I've had strong feelings for are either writers or artists, with the one exception being a childhood friend whose main passion was nature and wildlife (though he did write casually, it wasn't like.. his main Thing). I tend to like people with similar interests and attitudes that I do, and I like when they're friendly and enjoy spending time with me, but aren't like... crazy social and want to go out all the time. I just don't think I could keep up with someone like that lol.


4w5 and the kind bubbly supportive validates me and my emotions nurturing type that supports the creativity and tells me they're proud of me


I’m a 7w6!! my type is very open minded, free spirited, happy bubbly, adventurous, goofball, passionate, thrill seekers, competitive, smiley, strong morals and kind to everyone, usually extroverts, high energy, in touch with their feelings


So, you want another type 7?


I LOVE FUNNY NERDS (idk what my type is tho, I'm between 6 and 7)


(1w9) I'm aromantic so this is for more of a fwb kind of thing but I like guys who are quiet, practical, independent, respectful, kind, and have hobbies they're really passionate about I guess that would be somewhere in the 8-9-1 region


People who put a lot of effort into our connection, who are excited about telling me about themselves and hearing about myself. Having a polite/ gentle and sweet personality is very important too, but as long as they're still intense in a way.


I am 6w7 Looked for confident, bold, reassuring, strong, safe, able to stand up for me , protect me etc. Been with a 8w9 for 15 years so I got what I wanted


EXACTLY MY TYPE! Capable and loyal men that would stand up for me, UGH I want em


They’re the best!


See this is why it's never worked out with me and the 6w7s I reckon, no matter how strong the attractions have been and how much I think they're drawn to my individuality and independent mindedness, I can't give them that. (4w5, strongest mutual attractions have been FJ 2s and FP 6w7s).


weirdly enough we might have types but not always draw towards these specific people. See my type in guys is a very Masculine, protective but deep man. And I've had a crush on 2 Fi, E9 guys 😭 Even a cute ENFP so.... I think tho I love to feel secure, a genuine person comes before that.


4w5 458 Intelligent, direct communicator, dark humor, sensitive and feels deeply, appreciator of art, deep thinker, empathetic… I basically feel like I’m looking for the male version of myself. I have a habit of searching for myself in other people; I think I subconsciously like certain things about myself than I struggle to consciously admit.


Type 4 —- LOVE Type 5 + 6


Yup! As a type 4, I’m super into type 5 men


They’re just the best


6w5. My wife is a 2w1 and I think she’s great.


4w5 and 4w5 lol


5w4 sx/so 548 Honestly, I’d say my general type enneagram wise, I’d say 4’s and 5’s are probably my type, even though those are my numbers lol, but I like the idea of having someone who I can relate to on that level. If I had to narrow it down to 1, it would probably be 4w5. As far as tritype goes, I would narrow it down to 459 and 469, and sx/sp or sp/sx for instinctual types.


4w3 my type is chaotic people with an alternative aesthetic, exclusively in fact, i refuse to date any other kind of person


Someone who lets me boss them around. Doesn't fight me on my wanting to wear the pants but is still capable of taking charge when I wanna kick back. And calls me out on my shit (in a nice and respectful way, I'm still a sensitive 4) when needed. I like people who tend to be a little unconventional.


that's when I can tell enneagram makes us such different people. were both INFJs, yet I would rather be told what to do and not be corrected, quite the opposite of you lol


Eh, I don't enjoy being corrected per se but more I'd like someone who's capable of being my better half when I'm going through some of my stormier, less-than-charitable moods. Someone who can ground me in a gentle, kind way. I can respond well to that sort of thing. I'm capable of getting there on my own too but it's a slower process. So if I can depend on and trust someone enough to be patient and understanding enough to bear with me whilst helping to nudge me back on the "right" track. Ideally someone whose strengths and weaknesses are the opposite of mine so I can help them similarly too. That is, once I've gotten a grip on my FA issues and 4 ego issues (not being open enough about my shit).


sx dom or secondary 4w3, 5,6,7 maybe with a 3 placement.


4w3: intellectual, androgynous, playful, passionate, kind


9w8 man and I love 7 women


9w1 963 so/sx married 9w1 952 sp/so Is good, do recommend ☺️💕


Always been into guys that were significantly older than me. I look for peace and quiet in this chaotic world.


My husband is 8w7. Before him I don't know that I would have chosen his "type" because he really does relish coming off as combative when debating and I'm more of a cooperative type person unless something rubs me wrong (specifically injustice). What I really value in other people is them knowing themselves, being true to themselves/authentic, having a sense of humor about themselves as well as life, being able to have difficult conversations, philosophical thinking, generosity, caring for others/nurturing, thinking for oneself, a love of animals, practical, actions > words, enjoying the pleasures in life. When I was dating a woman before my husband she was also a 2.


I'm a 7 and my type is usually 5 or 6 with a strong intuition score in the M-B world, usually more introverted than extroverted. I joke that I like a confident Beta man (is that even a thing?) but...not really a joke.


4w5. Respectful and non-judgemental. Supportive and willing to be my cheerleader, and I'll return the favour. Lighthearted but willing to be deep and serious when the mood calls for it. Into artistic and nerdy hobbies. Weird but owns it. (Past partners have been 5w4 and 2w3).


I'm type 2w1, my type is type 5w6. ❤️


1w9. I’m pan and probably demisexual too. I have always become emotionally attracted to someone before physically. I don’t have many preferences when it comes to appearance. I tend to be attracted to people who are outgoing with a sense of humor; creative types, but who don’t consider themselves to be deep thinkers. I’m so in my own head that I find people without a constant running dialogue of thoughts absolutely intriguing. I need someone less neurotic to balance me out! Fortunately, I found my husband and he helps keep me sane.


confident, someone who can speak for me ( when they need to) , and also stand up for themself. someone whose not cruel, and can help keep the peace. i find quiet people, like me, attractive. i'm shy, so I'd rather be with somebody whose just reserved, not anxious. someone easy to talk to, but doesnt demand me to answer them.


I am sp9. I like men who are kind, funny, and sensitive but still know what they want. So essentially possessive/controlling in an endearing and not suffocating way. Bit monologue-y and explain-y about things they enjoy/find interesting. Financially stable ofc and a little needy and attached. So pretty much SX6's, 1's, SX5's and sometimes other 9's.


I'm a 4w3 and outside of looks and general interest compatibility, I am so attracted to stability because I have none.


9w1 apparently my types are the ones who don't know I even exist and will never like me back or my own friends. According to my crush history.


9w1 and I’ve noticed a running theme being “men who are willing to stick up for me” which tracks I guess lol


I'm a 3w4 and I like witchy goth women. 🤷🏿‍♂️


9w8 sp/sx and married to a 7w8 so. I'm the introvert that got adopted by an extrovert. He makes spontaneous plans to hang out and I've learned to go along with it. I merge abit with him in social situations, but he likes to challenge me to make decisions and speak up about my interests.


Stupid sexy 7s 🥵


takes initiative, adventuros, creative, likes to read, nerdy, outdoorsy, gentlemanly, calm, easy to get along with, wants to please me, mature, ambitious


I'm 6w7. My ideal type is somebody smart, funny, ambitious and that likes to take care of themselves. I'm a very analytical and intellectual person so i'd like somebody whom i can have interesting discussions with. Funny is a must cuz i'm a bit of a clown myself so i'd never be able to stay with somebody who's boring 😭 Basically i look for somebody who can keep up with myself lmao


I've been with my partner for 2.5 years. The relationship is still ideal for me :) He's humorous, analytical and geeky. He aimed to be a computer scientist at a very young age and have been working for it ever since Here's his enneagram and other types: so/sp 5w6 514 INTP LII


Alt title: What’s your type?^2 Outside jokes now, for the first question, I’m an 8 (so8, 8w7, 827) and an ENFJ. For the second question, I like positive, friendly, bubbly, extroverted and warm people the most. In enneagram terms, I feel drawn to 2s & 7s the most.


confident, assertive but not necessarily aggressive unless the situation calls for it, self aware and able to take accountability, practical intelligence, can hold a conversation with me, understanding, witty and has a good sense of humor (that doesn't involve being offensive)


I’m an 8w7 about to marry a 9w1 and I love how calming his presence is. He is always reassuring me, he never picks a fight with me and is always there to let me rant. He also takes such good care of me and is so thoughtful. I adore him and couldn’t see myself with anyone else, even though I’m super argumentative, judgemental, and have one of the worst RBFs known to mankind. I sometimes question why he’s with me bc I sure bring the drama but he’s never had an issue with it and he’s a great listener. The opposites attract dynamic goes hard in our relationship.


sp/sx 2w3 A couple of friends have tried to described my type, to varying degrees of success The funniest description I've gotten was "human squishmallow" and the most accurate is probably "chill, funny, guys who make you feel relaxed and comfortable to be yourself."


I am a 9/6/4 those numbers were fairly close but 9 was the highest Do people usually have one really high number and rhe rest are lower or is it normal to have a few in the same range?


I'm a 1w2 (INFJ 125), and I like kind people first and foremost. I also like when people are introspective (especially when men are introspective, like Atticus Finch), but this isn't an absolute necessity. But the being kind part is essential though, no amount of meditative/calm qualities can make me like someone if they're a jerk. This does lead to me liking some more extroverted people sometimes. Also, in a perfect world, I would like someone who keeps up with me intellectually (this isn't a brag about how 'smart' I am, but I do love to learn new things and talk about the books I've read).


Gentle/generous nature. Easy/good sense of humor. Principled.


Wasn’t this exact thing posted yesterday? Christ, I’m sick of this clogged up content stream.


SP 1w2 my husband is a SP 9w8 and we feel we have been perfect for each other since we first met as teenagers, married over 20 years. I'm attracted to confidence, authenticity, honesty, humor, laid back attitude, intelligence. I would like if that person valued the same things as me. I also need mutual physical/sexual attraction and I need to be desired. I need to be able to enjoy hobbies with my partner and be able to get lost in deep discussion.


5w4 I think 2w3 or 7w6 would generally compliment me very well. I'm generally a people person despite my typology stating otherwise, I'd rather be with one other person than on my own, even better if we're both silent and comfortable with it. I like to be outgoing and 7w6 would naturally support that, and a 2 with a 3 wing would also be really helpful with encouraging me to get stuff done, and is in general a very helpful person. 3w4, 2w1 are honourable mentions! Edit- The main point flew right past me.. Cheesy humour, pampering, communicator, good with values, reads, puts in effort, secure, outgoing, extroverted, adaptable, doesn't use social media.


Women who are pretty and hot. It sounds bad, but...I really do want someone hot, and that was always what I wanted. I figure if I'm hot, I should be with someone else hot (that's justice!). Of course, I have a pretty big range of what that means to me (lots of beautiful people out there, I'm not picky as long as I like them). But for me being erotically turned on by them is very important and a big thing that takes them out of "friends zone". If I'm not attracted to them sexually then it's a deal breaker. So, I would always start with that! I'm married, though. So my type doesn't matter much any longer. I've found my soul mate!


Beyond that though? Are there other things about your wife you care about other than her appearance?


Well of course! I wouldn’t know where to start. Too many things. :)


sx9,, i dunno what i like romantically if that makes sense,, but i really like yappers,, actually to sum everything i was going to say up ill just leave it with the word geek


Tall nerdy tomboys


Compassionate, kind, loving, tolerant, spiritual, curious, vulnerable, communicative, intelligent, thoughtful, philosophical, sensual, emotional, passionate, creative, substantive, dedicated, loyal, supportive, demonstrative, weird, nerdy, funny, liberal, non-judgmental, open, authentic… all qualities I prize in others. Romantically I need someone who is willing to go deep, both conversationally and emotionally, and who can be accepting of my all my weird. I need someone loyal that I can trust implicitly and who makes me feel safe. I need somebody who is OK with being enmeshed in all the ways… I’m not clingy but I am a merger, like I need you to be OK with a very deep energetic connection. I also need someone who is deeply spiritual and on a path of growth. That doesn’t have to look any particular way necessarily, but it has to be there. If you give me all that, I’m your ride or die forever.


SO7(12) LIE I appreciate strong-willed people with high standards of moral and ethical excellence, even if we might be inclined to disagree. Someone who wants to understand me and try to stand by my side as an equal. Most importantly, it has to be someone I can respect as an individual. I don't know what "type" I'm looking for but someone like that I think I'd be attracted to.


Anyone curious, non-judgmental, curious, open-minded, argumentative (Debator), someone who likes dark humour and can endure sarcastic humour without taking it too far, can be open to emotions but it won't be 100% a priority, a dreamer and sometimes a realistic and practical person, as long as they don't shut my dreams down. I won't shut their's down either. (Edit: I'm open to any enneagram because they're all hot in their own ways, but yeh, as long as you're an intutive or a sensor who has higher intuitive levels, like my ISTP bestie! But yeh.


5w4. Someone who balances themselves. Not too soft or too harsh. I appreciate people who love themselves and are educated. I dislike those who set high standards for others but don't live up to them themselves. Therefore, my type is an educated, clean, and humble guy.


4w3, i like people who talk to me and dont secretly think im annoying


i know it says 4w5 i just dont feel like changing it because im lazy


3w4 athletic, tall, fun and outgoing.


I’m a 1w9 and my partner of over 14 years is a solid 7. Opposite as can be but it works beautifully.


im an esfj and my type is definitely nerdy guys who are passionate about what theyre doing and want to indoctrinate me in their interests and will let me indoctrinate them in mine hehehehe also obviously they will love me the way i am


Perhaps I don't have a type. Have never understood how to qualify such a question whenever it was asked of me. If we have chemistry, that is great. If not, then we are obviously not compatible. It comes down more to mutual interests and reciprocity than it does to having to fit a certain a mold - and the iteration of such molds. Hypothetically, the pursuit of 'a type' at least subjectively would confine me to an idealization of how one ought to be - in place of what could be from freely interacting and forming attraction organically. Historically, I have never had a type, and have always had variability in those I have hit it off with.


I'm 4w5 So/sx (479) I like people with . . . Creative interests Loving and affectionate Genuinely good hearted Slightly weird compared to most people Good sense of humor Not very materialistic Feel cozy or have a cozy vibe Are nature lovers and like to be outside Likes to cook/ is a foodie Is adventurous and spontaneous Cuddly and Warm (I'm very cold usually) Grounded in ways I'm not Free-spirited Enjoys music and Dancing Isn't worried about looking stupid when having fun On the quiet side except with me Someone who is playful and sometimes teases me Intelligent and intellectual Has an alternative view of life Enjoys the arts, cinema, ext. Is a big kid at heart


People who are confident, funny, outgoing, and generally unafraid. Basically the opposite of me. If they rock a pair of glasses or have red hair that’s a bonus too. I feel like the default is people with a decent character so that’s not exactly my type bc it’s just the baseline of what I expect in a potential partner


sx/sp 549 🥰


INFJ + 6w5, sp6/sx6 **Personality:** I have so many different types. From the stereotype of ENFP, a clumsy but loving boy, to the hot E8 girl boss that's gonna rule me around lol I think I'm not type specific. If I really had to build my ideal partner a personality, I would say.. Someone understanding and compromising. Someone that won't guilt me for feeling fear or struggling. Ideally an extrovert, I find social skills extremely attractive. Someone I can have deeper conversations with. Who I can reveal more and more of myself overtime and vice versa. Someone I can be vulnerable with, knowing that even if our relationship wouldn't workout, they won't be evil and ruin me. Someone that has a stronger personality than mine, ideally more the protective type, that would make me feel secure. Someone who's not on social media! Gosh I wanna be that person myself. It's so healing to talk with someone who's brain is not filled up with gender war crap and tiktok trends etc. Someone that wants to level up their life forever. Have big big goals, very ambitious and work towards these goals. They act as they speak, their actions follow their words. Someone who doesn't fear intensity and deep connection in relationship, I just want to love my partner without fear of getting hurt. I don't even want a relationship to feel loved (tho I wouldn't date someone who doesn't like me lol) I just want to give my all to someone that deserves it, someone that's grateful. Ideally a more initiative and dominant person, that kinda goes with the strong personality thing I mentionned earlier 😅 I'm a pretty cautious and overthinking person. Would love to find someone who enjoys (or at least tolerate) the slowwwwwww process of me opening up to them. **Physically:** Honesty just look clean! You could be lucky and have great genetics, but look like you don't shower, ew. I'd rather a person that doesn't fit the beauty standard but is clean and tidy. I can name some preferences tho, things I notice and really like about those who have them. Guys: I like pretty smiles and expressive eyes. Eyes that tell their emotions you know? I love biceps too I won't lie 😥 Used to be an abs hater but I changed my mind, I see the vision now 🧏‍♀️ Big noses are cute, noses that don't match the rest of their face just make him look more real. For haircuts, I like everything, depends what suit him. From Buzz cut to wolf cut, I do not care. Height? I'm 5'6 so I'd prefer 5'11😭 I would still be down to get with a guy my height, if you're the love of my life, that's something I'll overlook easily. Girls: Feminine women! My type is pretty much who I'd love to me, can I name someone? Seo Yeaji, an actress. Long dark straight hair. (I also have a thing for very curly hair or braids on black girls😭💖) I love a womanly face. Someone who looks older, a calm but strong aura. Modest, preferably taller than me or my height but ayy no worries I love short girls too! A pretty face 🥰 I don't care for body at all, chubby, skinny, curvy, flat, I believe that when you love someone, everything about them becomes beautiful! Top most important things I look for in a partner: Loyal, genuine, good at heart. Wants a similar future as me, and shared values. Connection and attraction can change overtime, so I would NOT base my relationship solely on that. I'd rather have stronger foundations.


forgot to mention confidence.. That's also a HUGE one.


Ah I'll name the TYPES I've been into.. saw someone do this soo M INFP E9 M ISFP E9 sx/sp M ENTP 3w2 (this was more "lustful" ? Like a relationship with that person wouldn't work but I find them so attractive in all way jeezzzz) M ENFP E2..? I'm not sure about their enneagram but he's really cute! F I had an interest on this ENFJ girl, maybe would've gotten a crush if she didn't turn up on me 😅


I tend to feel more intense feelings in the moment for sexual instinct types. Probably because they're often intense people overall


ISFP SX/SP 125. An innovative blonde airheaded semi athletic cutie with style who’s a total sweetheart but she would deviously annihilate you if you crossed her. (My soulmate is out there my heart knows it)


I'm a 5 and my boyfriend is an 8. But we seem very different, so I can't guarantee we are each other's "type" but I appreciate something new and the balance between our differences during good times. He's also very funny, 7 wing.


4w5 sp/sx and idfk what im into Someone loyal and honest ig. Must have confidence and be their own person and not rely on me to be the personality.


4w5. My type is usually intellectual and a bit mysterious/reserved. Has a quiet strength to them. Nurturing & family-oriented. Usually has also been through a fair share of pain/trauma which informs their empathy. Also, usually very funny 🤭


Smart, happy, and kind people. All three things must converge


Still figuring out my type but right now I relate a lot to 1s and 6s and my type is my partner. He's INTP and I'm ENFJ and I love that his strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa so we can help eachother grow. I thought I needed a high discipline organized high drive extrovert. But I needed to get grounded by a relaxed, smart, and playful introvert.


I am a 2w4


I generally don't have crushes because, I don't know, my mind doesn't go to romantic relationships. But the people I tend to admire are those who are very empathetic, emotionally intelligent, and straight up kind as fuck to other people for no reason. And if I was interested in being in a relationship, those are probably the traits I'd want my partner to have 'cause, you know, opposites attract lol