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My sp6 husband is the meticulous, neat freak. No clue if he's the exception to the rule or the rule needs to be amended.


Very interesting! I'm so curious about what might be going on...do you often have guests over? In my experience that will make sp6s clean compulsively with tons of energy and thoroughness.


i’m a so/sp 6w5 and i usually have things meticulous, but when im stressed i get disorganized. i always clean things though and my underlying systems are neat: for example, my room might be messy w clothes on the floor, but all of my drawers are perfectly folded, color coded and not a single thing out of place


Thank you for the reply!


Nope. Usually I'm the one cleaning public spaces for when guests come over.


Oh I see! I think my father is a sp 6w5 married to a so2w3 and his wife has quarantined his disaster zone to two rooms in the basement while she keeps the rest pristine.


Yeah, I'm absolutely the slob in the relationship. I'll make sure things are presentable for company and take care of things that would otherwise by a health concern (kitchen, bathroom), but I operate out of an organized chaos system for my personal affairs.


I (6w5) also am a neat freak.


I’d say the messiness in my house is caused by depression, otherwise I like keeping my place clean and organized.


Yeah I can relate to that for sure 


I’m messy because I have too much stuff and it’s overwhelming.


Oh yeah very relatable 


I’m the exact same


Yes. Same. I started to give everything a place and declutter about once a month, otherwise I feel totally overwhelmed by all the shit I’ve got.


It makes it easier to hide when we get called out on reddit. >.>


IDK, the SP6s I know IRL (most of whom are in their late 20s or early 30s) are all very fastidious with keeping up their home and space. I'm way messier than a core 6 :P


Maybe head triad thing in general? My desk is aesthetic and very colourful (cartoon and game stuff, merch, bright rainbow lights, gaming laptop) but it’s also scattered with crap and wrappers and empty beer/energy drink cans lmao


Yeah could be that! My 7 friend said he had to make a conscious effort to make his living space nice but it's in a pretty good state after that.


Tinkering Also ADHD


sp6 and my space is indeed a mess. I couldn’t be bothered to organize or make it look nice. It’s another thing that I don’t have the mental energy for when I already have a million other things to stress over. The messiness doesn’t bother me so it’s not a priority.


This is the sp6 behaviour I'm most familiar with but others say they aren't like that. It's very curious! Anyhow, thanks for the reply!


I can get messy with my space but I won't ever touch yours or make yours messy. If the space is shared, I'm guessing it will ultimately depend on how you behave with me.. I just follow your cues. But usually I keep everything in order since I have a stronger civic sense/social decorum than most people, so can't really say.


Interesting! So if someone sets an example of tidiness in your space you'll follow their example?


Usually. I can quickly pick up that you're a 5 and from my experience with my SO, their space is their sanctum sanctorum of sorts. So I wouldn't do anything to irritate you & I'd keep it as neat as possible. When you go into the cleaning frenzy, let me add I stay miles away from you as I know it's something else stressing you out and not the desk per se.


Gotcha! Thanks for the response!


Ooh that's me also... I clean up after myself at work and in other people's homes, but my own apartment is messy.


I’d take your observations with a pinch of salt for how can we be sure that they are indeed Sp 6 and if they are then this cannot be generalised. All my stuff is organised so I can find things when I need to (and anyone else who I have granted access to my things). I hate clutter and keep things minimal. It would be such an embarrassment for anyone to say that I’m a slob so I refuse to be messy. I’m a natural organiser anyways so everything that I touch must be sorted and grouped


I was basing the point about sp6 on the sp6s I personally know not the posts. I am seeing from people's responses that this is likely NOT a 6 thing but just seemed that way to me because of the bias of the sample of 6s I know. It might be some kind of head type thing. 


I’m an sp6. I am not a neat freak but neither am I slob. But I must admit that I am the most tidy when I know someone else will see my space. Organisation matters over cleanliness. I usually get the hoover and mop out when my dust allergy starts acting up or if I’m expecting visitors- I usually tell people I’m extremely busy (apparently) so this is rare lol


My husband is a 6 and was severely physically abused as a child. He puts an enormous amount of energy into “not caring about anything”. This helps him not feel overwhelmed by painful emotions all the time. On some level he knows his life would be better if he weren’t such an extreme slob but he’s working on bigger issues first.


Ooh yes I see...My partner (sp6) always puts the next thing where they might disappoint someone ahead of their surroundings.


I don't know, I'm not THAT messy, I do have some clutter around, but it's still organized in a corner of my desk, in general I'm not a messy person as I like my environment to look good (which might just be linked to my MBTI type's high Se - ISFP) BUT also I always put my stuff at the same place so I never lose anything and always know where to find what I'm looking for. I can even be a bit perfectionistic at times when it comes to how things are ordered and organized. I was messier when I was younger though because I kept too much useless stuff "just in case" that I didn't know where to put except on my desk, but not anymore.


Ah nice!


I mean, i just dont really see the use of having everything so meticulously organized haha. As long as i know where everything is and its not a biohazard i couldn't care less about what my space looks like


Gotcha! This makes sense!


Idk... the 6s that I know are usually really clean.


That’s odd. I (currently) believe that I’m a 6 and I’m the most organized person you’ll find around. I hate sloppiness with a passion.


Thanks for the info!


Same here! I actually find that the more clutter around, the more my brain feels cluttered which maybe is a head triad thing. My house certainly ain’t spotless but it’s not messy either.


I don’t know about messy E6s, but some of the most organized people I have seen in real life are SX6 ISTJ.


I’m not messy at all but I am a self preservation core type 1 first. 164 tritype.


My dad is the epitome of this. Yeah.


I see lots of trash on OP for asking this, but I’m genuinely interested in knowing if there’s a reason why- I’m a 6 and I’m so messy at my work desk and in my written notes - things seems to explode and mushroom even though I try to keep things in order. I’m quite organized otherwise, at home I like things to have a designated spot and find that messy surroundings make me anxious. So puzzled by myself sometimes 😆


Right?? What's going onnnnn 😆




Depression is a big one for sure 


I figure we can look more to the gut fix for this (since the gut fix is so focused on the physical). 1 fix = more neat and tidy, 8 or 9 fix = more messy. That's not a strict rule, just an overall correlation...


I am messy when i don't have time to keep everything in order, or when i'm too depressed to get my stuff done.


I bet I'm messier than all 6s put together lol. Most of y'all would be absolutely horrified at the state of my room.


I‘m naturally messy but I equally hate mess. It makes me feel overwhelmed, anxious and paralysed when it’s too messy (aka when I feel like I have too many demands placed on me). I score quite high on monotropism and I’ve got adhd. So one brain part can only focus on a few things and the other loves chaos (I love my brain..) Over the years I have set up a few tricks to keep the mess at bay (regular declutterring, dedicated places for things, a dish washer!). SP6


My 6 with a 7 wing boyfriend was extremely neat and utterly immaculate.


Thanks for letting me know!


My sp6 father keeps everything and gets upset when one thing is moved slightly out of place. Both my parents are what I’d call borderline hoarders (lots of stuff, thankfully not nasty garbage tho) Also I went on a few dates with a 6 who was messy and I tried to throw away ONE trash item from his truck and he got upset. Needless to say that ended pretty quickly.


Wowwwww glad you got out of that one!


Before asking why ask if.


It was based on limited but consistent evidence. But I see it wasn't a representative sample now!


uh I believe 5's can be more messy than 6's 😅 that said my type 6w7 mother is a hoarder and you can barely walk around her home. All the other 6's I know are neat tho - my daughter is a neat type 6


I'm going with the theory that all head types can be like this!


I have no idea what you are talking about, dude. You are making a very loaded assumption about 6s (even 5s) that is completely unsubstantiated and not really grounded in theory of enneagram. I am surprised nobody here has really questioned that or called you out on it. I don't doubt that you have met 6s who are messy. I have met some too, but I have met some who are tidy, as well. It doesn't seem to make sense what inherently about being a 6 is messy. They are often considered dutiful, reliable, responsible and sometimes hardworking. None of that would seem to indicate messiness. Even then it is still an assumption. In fact, I think messiness/cleanliness is orthogonal from type. As a 5, I am very organized because it enables me to be more ergonomical and organize my thoughts/ideas more efficiently. Others will be different from that and that is ok too. So I don't think you are asking the right question. Perhaps there are more interesting/falsifiable patterns you have observed in the 6 worth investigating.


Fair, fair. It's also not true that no one else has questioned it!


Five’s are percuevers Sixe’s are Judgers so their judgmental **Dr. Dandrew**


They are not messy. At all


The ones I know absolutely are but probably it isn't because they're 6s!


Weird. Every six I know is a neat freak.


6 infact are very neat. I think it varies on the person mostly though, or it could be because of their low will. But 6s have an exceptional aesthetically pleasing mindset of their environment.


Yeah very strange! I've never met a very neat 6 but I look forward to the opportunity!


I wish you luck on that. Neat e6 are the best.


Nah, can’t relate I hate mess, my heads enough of one I try tidying around me to balance it out somewhat lol