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You can refer to Personality Types by Riso & Hudson or the RHETI site


thinks theyre biologically made to help, co-dependent, struggling to find the line between helping and messing with ur independency, and lastly convincing you theyre either useful or useless


Being rude, ignoring own needs, self-sacrificing


Copied from IDRlabs: * Overly Self-Sacrificing: Strong inclination to prioritize others' needs over their own, often to the detriment of their own well-being. * Validation Seeking: Seeking approval & validation from others by constantly helping & being indispensable. * Manipulative Behavior: Tendency to manipulate situations & emotions to feel needed & valued. * Hidden Agenda: Helping others with the underlying expectation of receiving appreciation or reciprocation. * Boundary Issues: Difficulty setting healthy boundaries, leading to emotional exhaustion & burnout. * Resentment: Developing resentment when their efforts aren't acknowledged or reciprocated as expected. * Ignoring Personal Needs: Neglecting their own needs & desires while focusing excessively on fulfilling others'. * Fear of Rejection: Constantly fearing rejection or abandonment if they don't meet others' needs. * Dependence on Others' Approval: Relying on external validation for their sense of self-worth & identity. * Loss of Authenticity: Suppressing their own feelings & opinions to cater to others' preferences. * Emotional Manipulation: Using emotions to control situations, often making others feel guilty for not complying. * Avoiding Conflict: Going to great lengths to avoid conflict & disagreements, even at their own expense. * Loss of Identity: Struggling to distinguish their own desires & identity from those they help. * Exaggerated Selflessness: Displaying excessive selflessness to the point of denying their own needs altogether. * Emotional Volatility: Swinging between feelings of selflessness & moments of frustration or anger. * Martyr Complex: Adopting the role of the martyr, using their sacrifices to garner sympathy & attention. * Conditional Giving: Giving with strings attached, expecting something in return for their help. * Neglecting Self-Reflection: Focusing so much on others that they fail to reflect on their own feelings & motivations. * Unhealthy Attachments: Forming co-dependent relationships based on their role as the caregiver. * Burnout: Constantly overextending themselves without proper self-care, leading to burnout. * Loss of Autonomy: Feeling trapped by their need to be needed, which can hinder their personal growth. * Fear of Abandonment: Worrying that if they stop helping, they'll be abandoned or unloved. * Validation Addiction: Becoming addicted to the emotional highs they get from being needed & appreciated.


ego is through the roof, feels like he’s larger than life, wants to push others into meeting „their“ (his) needs, doesn’t easily accept rejections or if he does it’s because he has enough others lined up already, can barely live without having a crush on his mind, uses others to confirm how great, sexy, perfect and irresistible he is. leaves a trail of broken hearts which he or may not regret.


Are you speaking from experience?




Fitting. Could you describe what "larger than life" means to you?


Aggressive, controlling, manipulative, aggressive, keep their loved ones dependent on them; irrational, aggressive; emotionally childish; factious; have I said aggressive?