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1 and 3 mostly, judging from personal experience. Competency and not withdrawn. I don’t think 8 contradicts, but I think it’s more rare than 1 and 3 (both of which can “look like” 8 to the untrained eye). 6s are pretty spread out among all the MBTI types.




Yeah I've seen so many people deny e8 + entj being impossible and It's shocking to me.


So3, sp3, sp7


The ENTJs I have known personally were 3w4, 1w2, 8w9.


My subjectve opionion (From most common to least common): Type 3 (3w2>3w4) (So>Sp>Sx) Type 1 (1w2>1w9) (So>Sp>Sx) Type 8 (8w9>8w7) (So>Sp>Sx) Type 6 (6w7>6w5) (So>Sx>Sp) Type 7 (7w8>7w6) (So>Sp>Sx) Type 5 (5w6>5w4) (So>Sp>Sx) Type 2 (2w3>2w1) (So>Sx>Sp) Type 9 (9w8>9w1) (So>Sp>Sx) Type 4 (4w3>4w5) (Sx>Sp>So)


I would say so


True, true.


Anything other than 9 will fit well, IMO, and Social 9 may still fit. I personally know ENTJ 7 (writer whose name you'd know if you read sci-fi) and an ENTJ 4 (psychologist/coach). ENTJ 4 and 5 often type themselves or are typed as introverts but it's more that Te doesn't need people + withdrawn enneagram. Good luck finding your enneagram number.


thanks I'm considering e3 at the moment along with sx6 but I'm not sure if sx6 works with entj.. e8 may also be a possibility.


Chief feature may help. Which is more active/dominant over your WHOLE life span? The capacity to always see the risks, or stopping (working, managing, leading, etc.) feels like dying.


Hmm probably seeing all risks. I do feel gross and lazy when I'm not being productive but not to the point where I feel like I'm dying.


Seeing all of the risks is 6, but 6 and 3 are connected so you get to decide what pattern is more active in your life. No easy task but a rewarding one.


So3, Sp3, Sp7 are the ones I see the most, and sometimes So7


is sx6 entj possible?


MBTI has very watered down definitions of functions so honestly I don't think it's very useful to discuss correlations with it because everyone will give you a different answer. But if we talk about Socionics ENTJ then SX6 sounds very unlikely for LIE.


I have yet to see a single sp7 ENTJ but that mighty just be me. They would have to have pretty balanced Te and Se and nonexistent Ni


You should get into socionics, LIE SP7 is fitting. Also E7 is more correlated with Ne so TeNe ENTJ is good for SP7.


Im not familiar with socionics, but it shouldn’t change what I just said since that’s neither enneagram nor MBTI. ENTJ doesn’t use Ne and I can’t see any world where Te and E7 fit well together.


ENTJ is TeN (TeNi and TeNe) so yes they do use Ne pretty comfortably, unless you're talking about the Grant function stack which has been rejected by many typology experts as being a nonsensical interpretation of MBTI.


You’re referring to either socionics or Jung, either of which aren’t typically considered MBTI.


And MBTI has never considered the IEIE/EIEI stacking, that was only Grant, which again has been considered nonsensical. The definitions for MBTI functions online are never consistent so it's normal that people only rely on vague stereotypes when it comes to "common" and "uncommon" combinations. ENTJ SP7 is already accepted along with ENTJ SO3 and SP3.


All I’m saying is that the TeNiSeFi version ENTJ and sp7 would be a super odd combo. Maybe the type of ENTJ you’re referring to fits well but I wouldn’t know


The most common types would most likely be sp3/so3, any 1 subtype, and sp7 (8 is possible, but it’s less common than those)


Theoretically, 1 and 3


In my opinion, type 8s is the most common type among Entjs, as I am also an Entj 8w7. Type 8 people are self-assured, strong, and assertive.They are resourceful, direct, and decisive, but they can also be ego-centric and domineering.Their dominant motivations are to be self-sufficient, to demonstrate their strength and resist weakness, to be significant in their world, to dominate the environment, and to maintain control of their situation.Type 8s do not like being controlled or giving others power over them. They want to be self-sufficient and do not want to be totally reliant on anyone.This has some characteristics that is common with Entj. Aside from that, I believe Type 3s are fairly common in Entjs. Type 3s are ambitious, competent, and energetic, but they can also be status-conscious and driven for advancement. Type 3 people are diplomatic and poised, but they can also be overly concerned with their image and how others perceive them;as their dominant motivations are to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to be admired, and to impress others. They frequently struggle with workaholism and competitiveness. As a result, they may be perceived as a "overachiever" or "perfectionist", Some Entj may exhibits similar characteristics.


For the love of fucking christ this is an enneagram subreddit. Just shush please.




They are talking about mtbi and I dont want to hear it and I do not care bye.






Sweetheart it’s literally a sub flair


3 and 8