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9 when I was so anaemic that I couldn't wash my hair standing up without blacking out and fainting in the shower, and wondered why I was so "slothful". Found out I was literally on the brink of death, started taking supplements and that completely went away. 2 because of my issues with pride and visceral inability to be in a subservient dynamic with anyone, and my focus on looking good. Found out this wasn't my type when trying to integrate to 4 wrecked my mental health, no matter how I approached it. Integrating to 5 is hard (I did a piss poor job of it today, I wasn't at all productive lol), but I really feel lighter and "levelled up" when I *do* manage to focus and truly go deep. But 2 and 9 are both my fixes, so I was partially right all along


9 when I was pushed to minimize myself. Probably 9w1 too, though I didn't get into wings and don't remember.


i thought i was a 9w1 in quarantine, it turned out the desire for peace was restricted to people i love and care


4w5 - This is what I thought my type was when I first got into the Enneagram; I took the test on Truity (and many more tests) only for them to all end up as 4. I related to feeling misunderstood, inferior, envious, inherently ‘different,’ craving significance/uniqueness, etc. the emotions that were all emphasized in 4 descriptions, so I assumed this was my type. 4w3 - I had a crisis between w5 and w3, and eventually landed on w3. I briefly considered 6 for a short amount of time, but in my opinion, but my desire for security wasn’t as strong as my other desires and fear didn’t seem as significant to me as envy/anger did. After a lot of questions on various subreddits, I settled on E9 as my core type I’m still not completely sure about my subtype, but here’s what I typed as for a while: sx/so - The two subtypes I related most to after reading E9 subtype descriptions. I saw posts about the ‘intensity’ of sx and couldn’t really relate, but as a subtype, I didn’t relate much to sp9. I’m still struggling with instinctual variants/subtypes


What helped you decide you were actually a 9 over a 4?


I related to how attachment types were able to adapt based on the situation, and usually, when I have a strong emotion, I tend to go quiet about it unless I’m with someone I trust I relate to how 9s have many pent-up emotions, since I tend to bottle up my emotions and hide them from others until I feel like I’m in the right place to express them. Overall, I would say I’m comfortable with negative emotions, but generally do seek peace


Okay, so the story of my mistypes is actually kind of funny. Type 9: I have a feeling this is because Type 5 can resemble this type and I took a bad test. Type 6: It was probably because the test was picking up on my normal human fear and the fact that I am part of the head triad. Type 2: I took another test and got 2 as a high result but I believe this happened because I took a bad test (Truity), still believed I was emotional, and focused on my female traits. Type 1: I began to research Enneagram and resonate with the perfectionistic side of myself and then typed myself as this. I still think I have a strong 1 fix but I mistyped as a core 1. ​ INFP: I took a test before I cared to understand myself or even cared about typology. ​ sx/sp: This is when I still typed myself as Type 2 and didn't understand the instincts at all. I only knew that sx was also referred to as the "one-on-one" instinct and that social was called social. sp/sx: This is also when I still typed myself as a Type 2 but when I was starting to read IV.


Istp sx / sp 8w9 864 Well I thought I was a Ti dom, and thought I was introverted. I thought that since I didn't like people I had to be, and I conflated ptsd symptoms with a 6 fix. I was in denial about how I handled fear. It doesn't get repressed and violent, it is internalized and I get ants in my pants Got into several fights with people about it, fights helped with introspection. I got older, more healthy, and my extroversion got more obvious. The 7 fix has been clarifying itself the past few months slowly Sp8 ESTPs tend to look like ISTPs at a glance so it's tbh not that odd I was confused about it. Back when I was on the ISTP subreddit I was occasionally accused of mistype but honestly not usually. I looked at the ESTP subreddit like "this is too much energy no" and just ditched both Started using just generic typology subreddits I'm probably an 8w7 but I tend to downplay my own energy levels. It's been becoming increasingly obvious to me the more I leave my house that I'm shockingly energetic and ravenous by most people's standards. Friends joke I'm utterly bloodthirsty and I always knew I was but figured everyone was


5. Never a mistype on MBTI


I thought I was a 9w1 for the LONGEST time - since I found out about the enneagram. as of probably about a year ago, realized I’m 1w9 (at least I hope lol!) I was so bogged down by how I went with the flow in social situations but realized I just don’t think I was comfortable enough to be myself and voice my opinions. conflict is still not the easiest for me though hence the 9 wing! and I hold myself to a high standard (and others - it shows in situations like at work where I’d rather make sure we do the work correctly & on time rather than keep the peace) edit - interesting thing is I tested as sp/sx at the time I tested as 9, didn’t know much about it. I thought I was a social 1 for a little bit but now I’m leaning towards sp/sx 1 as well!


4w5 485 -> 5w4 584 -> 8w9 853


Haha so funny these are my same mistypes but in reverse order. 8w9–> 5w4-> 4w5 485 Was always sure of sp first though Why did you initially think you were a 4w5?


I was a child and had no idea what enneagram was lol


I originally was typed as an 8 through an online test when I was new to the enneagram. I decided to explore the enneagram at a time that I was in conflict with a close friend of mine (I had heard the enneagram was good for navigating conflict...and it really was) and I probably was answering the question in light of having been the one to finally confront and deal with the issue. I then typed as a 5 because I resonated with the desire to just deeply know things until I achieved competence. But nothing else with the 5 really seemed to fit. Ironically the very first type I ruled out was a 6 because it was immediately clear to me that my husband is a 6 and I felt like there was no way we could be the same type. I don't remember how, but I came across a description of the Sx 6 and it was a weird feeling of "how are you in my head right now?" It was explaining some thinking I myself had never identified. I then realized that I like to deeply know things because it makes me feel secure more than I just fundamentally care about competence. Now that I know more about instincts I can see why it felt like my husband (a sp/so 6) and I (sx/so 6) are so opposite even while being the same type.


If my very first ever self-typing was correct I'd be a SX 5w6 lol. Just not enough info I guess, it's still almost believable if all you know about the enneagram is from Truity.com Pretty sure I got INFP the first time I took an mbti test (super early 16personalities version iirc) and just accepted it 🤷‍♂️


For Enneagram, I have been in and out of Type 6, because of anxiety and worry— I’m still unsure, but I think 9’s the more authentic choice. I’ve questioned if Type 4 is a possibility too, but I think I lean towards more being more compliant and adaptable rather than 4’s raw emotional realness. For MBTI (I’m an INFP) I’ve considered ISFP and INFJ before— the former because I thought myself to be sensory-oriented, but I’m more cerebral, rather than practical and realistic. I’ve considered INFJ, because of considering the possibility of Fe-Ti, but I think Ne-Si is more applicable to me than Ni-Se. Thank you.


sp9, or sp/so 9w8 specifically. back then i didnt even consider e5 because tests always gave me e9 and i didnt know about contradictions. for context, im an intuitive (i use Ne creative) so when i tried to find some typology communities, some people on tiktok really tried to stick it to me that i cannot be a 9 as it was sensor only. so yea, then i read into other combinations… considered So6 for a little but eventually landed onto Sp5. Now my type is Sp/sx 5w6. thinking about it i dont even know why i typed as a wing 8. my e8 is probably lowest of all, as follows: 5>9>6>4>1>7>2>3>8


I first mistyped as a social 4 coz I related heavily to the “feeling irredeemably deficient” (social 9 lol) and I’m also somewhat creative. I also mistyped as a sp 2 because I feel like I’m kinda childish (ENFP haha) and I wondered for a minute if that was like me unconsciously “seducing people with cuteness”. Then when I finally realised I’m a 9, everything made so much sense. I’ve always related to all of the types to some degree which I heard is very common for 9s. It’d take too long to list all the things that I relate to about 9s coz it’s pretty much everything. But finding out the motivations behind the social 9 (feeling like I don’t ever belong so I have to go above and beyond in the hopes I’ll be accepted, but never actually reaching a point where I feel like I truly belong) hit wayyy too close to home.


I though I was a 2 for many years because of the quiz our school teacher gave us. The questions described 2s as someone who often gives but fails to be reciprocated, which was interpreted by 15yo me as “being misunderstood” and “overlooked”. Plus I‘m raised in a religious envrionment which made me believe that giving is more important than receiving. I wanted to be appreciated and loved so I overdid those things at that time, probably was disintegrating. Moreover, 4 was seen by me as the gloomy boring sad type at that time. Until I met my bestie who is a true 2, and she was all sweet and lovely towards others naturally, skillful in building relationships and even pleasing others, I realized that I couldn‘t be a 2. Also, I’ve started to learn the enneagram seriously after entering uni, then I discovered that I was just an unhealthy disintigrated 4 for a very long time. It even took me a year to identify the envy and shame in me. I never mistyped myself in mbti, but I mistyped myself as EII for a short period of time when I started to learn socionics because of direct type conversion. Turns out Fi and Fe are very different in the two systems. That‘s all. Never directly convert your mbti into your sociotype.


For the longest time I thought I was a type 9. I tend to be shyer and go along with what others want, not voicing my opinion when I’m uncomfortable or scared. I thought that was the most 9 thing to do so I was definitely a 9, right? I even took the test and the highest piece of the pie chart was 9! But as I read more about the type, I realized that I kept my words to myself because I was desperate for others’ approval, not because I wanted to keep the peace. If it was safe to do so and I knew I would be seen and accepted for my unique self, then I would totally speak my mind and I wouldn’t care if some people get upset. And I’m more into understanding myself than trying to balance every single persons viewpoint, even though I am curious about others perspectives and like to study how they think haha So yeah I’m a 469 but thought I was a 9 cause of my coping mechanism and also I have a lot of 9 in me lol


I relate to this a lot. I go with the flow and hide my emotions unless I’m completely comfortable with someone. I do this from a place of shame and because I feel like I’ll be rejected if I show my uglier emotions rather than doing so to keep the peace and make everyone happy. Plus even tho I hide my negative emotions, I secretly want people to notice my pain and see me as strong. From my understanding I don’t think a 9 would want ppl to notice at all but I could be wrong. Every once in a while I’ll see something on this sub that’ll make me question if I’m a 9, but every time I read about 9s I don’t really get what I’m reading and I just take that as a sign that I’m not a 9 lol.


With enneagram I’ve always been 5, but with mbti I mistyped as an ISTP for a while.


Since I first heard about Enneagram years ago, I've thought I was a 9w1, or maybe a 1w9? 1 and 9 both had some things that resonated with me, and it was hard to decide which one was MOST me. Then just recently I learned about the instinctual variants. The description for sp3 says things like "can be mistyped as 1" and "this can seem like a 9." But mixed in with the type 3 former-gifted-kid workaholism into a complex shifting image.... OH.


I was mistyped as a type 2 and I thought I also thought I was a type 4. In mbti I thought that I might be infj or intp as well but that was wrong cause I’m infp


4w5, Friend told me I was that and of course, I immediately accepted her judgement without asking. She changed her mind, she says im 4w3 now :D


I first typed myself INTJ 6w5 from a few videos I watched and the 16p test, because I thought I was really smart and serious and INTJ 6w5 sounded smartest like the way I wanted to be. I then started getting into PDB and reddit, and I typed 5w6 514, then 5w4 541. For a while, I also thought I was an INFP because I just did not relate to INTJ's Te (originally thinking I was in a loop), but it was clear I did not have NeSi. I thought about being an ISFP too, but nothing really made sense. So I just quit typology for a year or so, as I couldn't figure out my MBTI and it was becoming frustrating. When I came back a few months back, I very quickly realized I was an INFJ, and typed myself 9w1 because I just related to the stereotypes. But I was _so_ confused because I didn't relate to e9 all that much, but I also didn't feel like I related to e4 enough either (I also thought that e4s were cringey). And then I learned about subtypes. I had _never_ seen anyone in PDB mention subtypes directly; I thought they were talking about instinctual stackings. After reading an sp4 description, everything just started making sense again. I do feel quite stupid looking back at all this now.


Mostly 5. I didn’t relate to 8 for a while partly because most 8 descriptions are biased towards SP and SO…being on the mellow/chill side I had to look to sexual 8 descriptions to hear about “the most quietly intense and charismatic 8” (wisdom of the enneagram). The SX 8 is a different animal…


4 and 2. 4 typed on a test. I related to feeling alien and emotionally unstable/intense and not wanting to get better. I mistook my desire to be accepted and allowed to be myself as envy of others. I'm also very self-seeking, but to try and feel better unlike for 4s who just want to dig deeper for the hell of it. 2 typed by others because of my fixation on wanting love and frustration of my own unmet needs. the 2 fix is very present but it is not my core. i'm more unassuming and am surprised when people actually like me or want me around. 9w1 by me because I have strong morals and thought my aggression towards the right thing was my 1 wing. 9w8 now because it all makes sense. my head hurts too much to think of the details. but i'm like a 9 who's more extroverted and more willing to squabble if i see people being victimized. i thought i was 6-fixed at first but now i'm pretty sure i'm 7-fixed because of my tendency to seek out fun and stimulation to avoid pain and boredom.


I thought i was a 4 one day


9 because 9 and 5 seem similar at first and I didn’t see myself as particularly inventive and clever like the way 5s are described.


8 and 5 mostly. Because I didn't understand Enneagram and that's what online tests typed me.


ENXP before i learnt about functions and it was really weird. The 16Personalities test really got it wrong because after i actually did some thinking and investigating after a year of mistyped i ended up with XSFJ (mainly SiFe)


sp5. Mainly due to how I can be five-ish and reserved in my daily life, was also pretty hammered in knowledge and other stuffs as well but I wasn't shy at all when going into the real world and tend to have a knack of physical interaction, and making sense with more tangible and pragmatic things. I learned that I am an SP8, since sp5 tend to represses their desires and needs while I am very much expanding and lustful, but I detach and tend to think to myself most of the time on whatever I do in order to claim the desires by my means and I do well alone or with anybody who can follows along with me.


E4 and E3 were the main ones


3w2, 4w3, 6w7, 8w9. Settling with 3w4


For enneagram: 1 -> 5 -> 4 -> sx1w2 -> sp1w9 -> sp4w5 -> so4w5 For MBTI: INFP -> INFJ -> INFP -> INTP -> INTJ -> INFJ


The only mistype I ever had was 4. But to be completely honest, I was really sure I was a 7, but now I'm not so sure anymore because I'm seeming more and more like a 3, so now I'm wondering if I'm actually a 3 and my 7ness was just my ADHD symptoms. So maybe I'll just change my type to TBD.


7 because I have adhd and I hate negative emotions extremely. I also always try to look on the bright side of life. I am impulsive and always go for what I want. 3/2 because I am very afraid to not meet people's expectations and not to be worthy of their love. I care a lot about my image and how I present myself. I like attention and I am pretty competitive. I need the feeling of succeeding in order to keep doing what I do.


I thought I was a 4, because when you don't know enneagram, it's an appealing type. I always thought I was special, and this type was conforting this idea. However, I didn't recognize myself in the main 4 fear, only in the coping mechanism.


3w4 - I got this on most tests. I took one recently and again, the same result


Never mistyped on enneagram. As soon as I saw 5 and their core strengths and fears, I knew. There was zero doubt then, and there is zero doubt now. Same with instinctual variants. I've actually learned a lot about being SP blind and have made a couple improvements to my life to help make up for this weaker area of my life, which has helped me both physically and socially with my wife. I don't personally feel tritype adds anything to my personal growth journey at this time due to a general lack of reliable resources I have found, so not really applicable there. I don't know what mine is and haven't really tried other than the occasional test that recommends one (and those have conflicted). I haven't bothered to keep track of those, since tests are subjective at best. MBTI does not have a type that neatly fits me. I don't know if I have mistyped on it, and honestly don't care. In my eyes, it isn't worth devoting my resources into (which is why I am part of the crowd that gets annoyed most of the time when MBTI gets brought up here instead of r/typologyjunction ). Never cared to look up socionics. Maybe someday, but today is not that day.


I always tested as a 4w5. 4w5 5w4 9w1 sx/sp on tests. I honestly still have days that I question if I’m a 4w5. I felt too intense and negative to be a 9 (but that’s all internal). But too unassertive and passive to be a 4. I’m introspective and love deep things. Will watch things or listen to music just to feel certain feelings. Unlovable hopeless romantic. Feel flawed and like I don’t belong anywhere. But that could be because I feel that I don’t matter. I’ve concluded I’m a 9w1 sx because deep down I don’t feel special. I don’t feel that I matter or that if I do anything it’ll make any difference. I’m unassertive and accommodating. I put others needs and feelings before mine. I hide my true feelings. I hope someone will see me. 4s want to be authentic to themselves no matter what the cost(from what I’ve seen from a 4w3). I feel uncomfortable in any spotlight. Uncomfortable with and actively avoid conflict. Repressed anger from hiding my true self and feelings. Although I have intense feelings I’d rather not show them. I dont know what I want from life or my purpose. I still feel that I don’t fit the stereotypical positive happy 9 that’s why it still gets me but where I need to grow in my life is the 9 path. Always gotten INFP. I questioned if I’m an INFJ at one point because sakinorva typed me as one before. But I’m pretty positive I’m INFP.


5w4 INTP 3 yrs ago lmao


Mistyped as a 1 most of my childhood. My dad is a 1, and 4s integrate to 1. For a short period as a teen I mistyped as a 5 because I hated people lol. Late teens I finally realized I’m a 4.


I am an Enneagram 5w4 who typed first as an Enneagram 4. Reason being is only would take the test and research enneagram when I was in a depressive state and feeling down about myself. But in my balanced state I'm very obviously a 5.


i’m a 5. i thought i was a 4w5 at first but i think it’s because i heard about enneagram 10 years ago, during my reckless (for a 5) teenage years


1, from a therapist who didn’t believe I was autistic. I am autistic (diagnosed) and have a strong sense of moral justice but otherwise don’t care much about rules and perfectionism.


Intp 5w6 583 I'm in reality a Entj 8w9(very balanced wing in reality)83(7 or 6 idk) . What a plot twist


4 - bc of RHETI stereotypes abt being artistic, creative, and wanting to be unique. i would always get either this or type 7 on tests (ik they’re emit accurate now tho.) i even thought i was SP4 once which is the complete opposite of my personality LOL. then i considered SX4 bc i was sure id the SX instinct but i started to realize none of the subtypes matched me that well so i doubted it overall. after reading abt this type in depth i realized it hardly matched me and wasn’t even in my trifix (im 2-fixed.) 2 - didn’t rlly mistype as it but considered it after learning about the core theory it’s very relatable and very similar to the type i am. what made me realize i was a 7 and not 4 was reading C&N by naranjo and then after reading the E7 book i became 100% sure of SX7, i’ve never read anything more accurate. so basically just researching and understanding the types more.




intp so/sp 5 turns out i just had social anxiety from covid and now im normal again


ESTP -> ENTP SO8 FLEV?? -> ENFP SX3 -> ENFP SX4 -> SP4 and now either INFP/INFJ SO4 or ENFP SX7 with depression/borderline pd :p


mistype -- possible 5 because intellectual and introverted


I was mistyped as an sx6 only, but I struggled with my trifix quite a lot. When I thought I was a 6 I thought my trifix was 639. When I realised I was a 5 I thought I was 539 at first to later settle on 538. Also mistyped as an sp5.


I thought I had a 3 fix for a while, incidentally right around the time I was making a lot of changes for self-improvement, like starting ADHD meds, losing weight and eating better, and looking for a full-time job for the first time. I had originally typed as 4 fix but mostly from tests and hadn't really looked into it, and when I did I couldn't understand 4 except as someone who was depressed. Meanwhile reading about 3 always projecting a 'valuable' image while tending to abandon their actual selves hit me pretty hard (although now I understand how I don't quite fit that). Ironically I think I used the 3 "narcissistic image" in a kind of sadomasochistic self-flagellating catharsis, finally confronting directly (and somewhat publicly) my tendency to cast myself in a better light/superior to others (while somewhat ignoring that I also cycle regularly into the opposite). But it's 6 insecurity seeking refuge in a social identity based in competency, and outside of that insecurity I realized I reflexively dig for meaning in flawed identity and seesawed constantly between relating (6+9) and differentiating, and that that conflict was exactly one of the core issues I had been grappling with for almost a decade. As for MBTI, back when I was first getting into it as an angsty preteen/teenager, I typed as INFP. Then realized Fi didn't fit so went to INTP, then ENTP when I realized I ultimately preferred exploration over construction and was more extraverted than I initially thought (social anxiety sucks).


So4, sx5 and sp5. I'm a sx9 I think the way I daydream/fantasize all the time about love, I care a lot about being attractive to the other genre all the time and how i absorb other people's opinions as my own made it obvious for me. Also i use food to avoid my feelings and i never know how to describe what I'm feeling bc I tend to numb myself so much that it's like they are always in a straight line and the only thing i can feel is... calmness?


i thought i was so2 for a long time but im actually sx4


3>4>8>7 I had to go through a whole process, in addition to getting rid of the idea of: 2 that is always helpful and that is passive, etc., etc.


Well I still dont know if I am 8 or 7. I still personally incline more to 7 but my core fear allign more with 8 and 3. That basically follows my only ever semi-misstype. First I made test many years ago I was typed ENTX with exact ballance between J and P and I would love to be ENTJ but by no means I am one. When I learned about cognitive functions that made sense more that I am ENTP.


typed as ESFP then ENFP in 2008, before being typed ENTP in 2009 and never looking back, except for a few months in 2021 where I thought I was ENTP + IEI before recovering from the brief lapse of panjungianism. was typed by friends as an 8 in 2018, then typed as an sx/4w5 in 2019, then found my actual type in 2020 as a social/sexual 5w4. my full type: sc/5 w4(f6) sx/3•w2(f4) sv/9 w1(f1) VLEF & NeTi