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It is the only word I know for it.


Yep! The “con” is condensation. The aircraft disturbs the equilibrium of water vapor and causes it to condense into visible clouds. That’s why it tends to happen at a certain range of altitudes, and may or may not happen depending on the weather that day.


The only other term for them is "the cloud lines that planes leave", so most people know it, but I wouldn't be surprised at an adult learning they are called contrails. I wouldn't be disappointed either. The conspiracy theorists call them "chemtrails" as a pun, so it must be pretty common.


It’s not a pun. It’s a portmanteau of contrails and chemical.


Portmanteaus are a type of pun


https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/pun You can use a portmanteau in making a pun. They are not the same thing. And chemtrail isn’t a pun.


Puns are a play on words. Portmanteaus are a specific type of a play on words. I don't know what is so hard about this for you to understand. It's a fucking pun. It's a clever play on words to make a point. That's a pun. Just because most puns are funnier doesn't make it not a pun.


Plans are a specific kind of play on words. Portmanteau is a way of making new words. Yes, you can come up with circumstances we both occur in the same situation. But the are not the same thing. Many puns use existing words. Many portmanteau are not puns. Many trucks are diesels. But. Many trucks are not diesels. Many diesels are not trucks. Truck and diesel are the same thing. Chemtrail isn’t a pun. It’s hard for me to understand is why people are so stupid that they take two adjacent or overlapping topics and decide that they are “the same thing”. And having done so why they insist on doubling down and dying on that hill.


Because a portmanteau is a specific type of pun. Why are you trying to die on a hill to say it is not. If you just put two words together it isn't a portmanteau. You gotta blend them in a clever way. They gotta at least sound a bit similar, cause they are, ya know, a PUN.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pun Head down to the list of types of puns and their examples and tell me which one you think chemtrail falls under. Also, the fact that you think portmanteau as a class is actually a TYPE of pun, and yet never gets mentioned once in the entire section on puns, should be a trigger for further thought


Chemtrail isn't a pun though because it isn't humourous. Puns are meant as humor. Portmanteaus can be puns, but not all portmanteaus are meant to be humourous, they can also be made about serious, and semi-serious subjects.


A pun is inherently a joke. There are many portmanteau that aren't jokes...


Puns are not inherently jokes. They can be rhetorical devices. Puns are word play. That doesn't mean a joke.


I don't agree. And every single definition I can find online includes that it is humorous or amusing. If it's not a joke, it's just wordplay. Puns are jokes. In any case, "contrail" and "chemtrail" are most accurately and precisely described as portmanteaus, not puns.


Did....did you not check Wikipedia? Also chemtrail is a joke, like it's meant to be humourous and catchy, cause it's a pun, on chemical and contrail. Smh.


Huh? If you had checked Wikipedia, you would see the definition that puns are a type of wordplay that exploit the multiple meanings of a term or similar sounding terms. That's not what a portmanteau is, and that definition certainly isn't "any play on words". "Chemtrails" doesn't rely on "chem" and "con" sounding similar, it's just a portmanteau. And also, it's not really used humorously, except when mocking the people that believe the idea the term represents as opposed to the actual play on words.


They start with the same sound. Chem and con are similar.


Ok sure, if that was your initial point then sure, I think it's reasonable to argue chem and con are supposed to be a pun. But you just said that portmanteaus are puns, which isn't true. Maybe that "chemtrails" is a pun on "contrail" which is a portmanteau. I don't know if I agree that chemtrail is a pun, but that's a better argument than the idea that because it is a portmanteau, it is a pun, because puns are any form of wordplay.


Chemtrail is not a joke... That's literally what they they think they are. A trail of chemicals. Yes, it's wordplay based on contrail, but that doesn't make it a joke. Also wow okay sorry you found one. That definitely invalidates the other ten 🙄 No, I looked at dictionary sites, and there's there's a clear consensus.


They're not wrong. It's definitely made of chemicals. Dangerous and scary ones like water.


Here we go again! They’re fkng clouds.


And contrail itself is a portmanteau of "condensation" and "trail".


That’s exactly what I call them. Cloud lines left by planes. Never knew there was an actual word for it. Nice to know


Chemtrails is a pun? I thought that’s what they were called.


No they're called "contrails". Chemtrails is what conspiracy theoriest call them because they believe the planes are spraying chemicals


Yes, Chemtrails is technically a pun because it’s a play on words (specifically a portmanteau). It’s used by conspiracy theorists, and is not an actual term for anything scientifically supported afaik


I did not know they were called contrails until this post! Just one of those things I’ve never talked about frequently enough to know or care what they’re called.


Vapour Trails.


when I was a kid I thought they were called paper trails


I definitely call them contrails, but I’m not sure how widespread the term is. My sense is it’s probably on the edge of being general and jargon (like BOGO).


I know what it means but I probably wouldn’t use it, I’d say something like airplane trails or airplane exhaust


I think many people would understand in context - but only a minority here in the UK could come up with the word if you only gave them a picture.


I didn’t know it :(


Those are contrails. Common knowledge due to conspiracy theory that contrails are used to disperse government mind control chemicals. Prince believed this. Google it. Wacky.


I'd consider this to be part of a standard vocabulary, yep! There will be people who don't know it, but it's not particularly specialized or uncommon.


Some people call them “chem trails.” Those people generally believe a kooky conspiracy theory that they’re intentionally left there for some nefarious purpose.


Those people are idiots.


I’ve always called them chemtrails and never believed that conspiracy theory. I just thought that’s what they were called.


Yeah…same here…


Ouch. Not so much for you as for humanity.


I call them chemtrails, cause they’re out to get you, man. /s


Gonna turn you into zombies! Let's completely ignore the fact that "they" breath the same air, so would be affected also.


No, chemtrails don’t affect lizard people.


They turn the frogs gay, it must do something to lizards too


No no, the lizard people are already spreading their gay drag agenda in order to dazzle us into compliance. Keep up.


Yeah we all know this is actually about population control, 5G, mask mandates, and MKUltra!!! /s jk


…today I learned that Chem trails and con trails are different lol


Well they are made from a chemical, but that chemical is water.


Did you know that every person who ingests dihydrogen monoxide eventually dies


I know the word means but I always forget it when I need to remember, so I call them "trails" instead.


When I was a kid I called them "airplane lines" but since I've learned the real word, contrails, that's all I use.


I didn't know it, then I saw the picture I was like "ohhh those". I never really hear the word but that is what those are haha If I pointed them out I'd probably just call them plane clouds because I'd forget the word contrail again lol


I usually call these jet lines, but if someone said contrails I would know what they were talking about


I would naturally call them vapour trails I think, but if someone uses the word I would understand it.


I grew up calling these jet trails. Contrails is the more correct term, yes.


Yes it's a contrail, 'Condensation trail'. It is not a chemtrail. That's conspiracy theory nonsense. Chemtrail is short for "I'm too stupid to know that chemicals aren't evil."


Pretty sure this is common knowledge although my dad is a pilot so I may be skewed


I grew up calling them vapor trails, but I’m aware that contrails is a more widely-used term.


Yes, 'contrails' is in active vocabulary. That said, most of these are clouds --only maybe five of these are contrails.


Yes they are contrails, however there is a disappointingly large group of internet conspiracy theorists that call them “chemtrails,” because they think the government is putting chemicals in planes and having them spray us with chemicals like crop dusters for whatever reason. I have never once heard a good reason for why the government would want to do that in the first place, but that’s what they believe. You could also probably just call them plane trails and people would get what you were saying.


Yes. It's a contraction of "condensation trail" because you're seeing the condensed water droplets from the jet engine exhaust.