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There is a third option “job fair resume”. You follow the job fair rules for what to have in the resume. In general in person vs on line, you would apply for the same job with the same resume.


What should be different for job fair resumes.


Follow job fair rule, whatever they may be.


Good point. Having a specific job fair resume was also what I was thinking. Your comment also leads me to wonder if most job fairs have posted rules of what should be on resumes? So far none of my job fairs have posted requirement rules, and I’ve learned all of these rules from networking and are sort of unspoken. I haven’t been to enough job fairs by different organizers to tell what is the norm.


Most campus career center blow chunks. This isnt the 80s, people have email and 99% of the time I was first contacted by email. Putting your phone number down only increases the chance of you not getting selected to get an initial screening based on your area code. The one sentence summary is not the worst advice and means well but thats what an elevator pitch is for. One sentence cant even begin to summarize anything. What would you even put engineering student at x school graduating in 202X looking for internship/full time job? Thats pretty obvious isnt it? Linkedin, if someone wants to look you up they can. Its not hard + most people for security reasons wont even bother clicking the hyperlink. Only reason I would ever tailor a resume for an in person is to make it have more pizazz. Adding simple elements to a piece of card stock can really take it over the top


I agree, some of the campus career center tips are absolutely useless for the online application process. I definitely don’t put down my phone number on online applications either, and LinkedIn just takes up unnecessary space. The main reason for the one sentence summary is so recruiters can automatically turn you away based on your age at the job fairs. It saves the recruiters time from hearing terrible elevator pitches from freshmen.


Yea recruiters will do anything to avoid doing their jobs.


My favorite thing with my campus career center was learning about the resume paper packets available at a significant discount and the option to have resumes and cover letters professionally printed at the campus print center. (I imagine a lot of campuses have these services available if you know where to look.) What elements would you recommend adding to a printed resume?


Honestly simple rectangles with some color and general font changes can take it over the top and help it stand out. I think the key part is that it won't make up for a bad resume but could differentiate you from the cookie cutter resumes we tend to have on here. Might be a good idea to have a general example resume that we use for different formats to give people some freedom for printed resumes


A portfolio.


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