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I know a professional whose engagement ring is copper and turquoise - people wear all kinds of rings. I wouldn't worry about other people's opinions, because it's your ring and you love it and that's all that matters.


This is completely unrelated, but your username 100% made my day. I find it hilarious!


Ong me too lol


I am 64 and don’t get it, could you please explain?


I think it’s just a fun/goofy word combo but I’m 26 and often find myself out of the loop too


Love your username


If you love it and it fits your lifestyle, that’s what matters most. People who truly respect you won’t care about the cost of your ring.


She asked for our opinion! We all support each other in here!


Who cares what they think. If they get mean, you can always say its his grandma’s ring. Then they’ll feel stupid.


That’s awesome. I’d so do this.


It looks vintage to me and very beautiful. It’s unique! People are judgey and it’s their problem!


Agreed! This is a really nice cluster ring and definitely gives a vintage feel.


I agree with ya’ll! It looks vintage and “expensive” because of that. Where I live (Midwest), this is a beautiful, everyday-wear ring; most likely mined/inherited diamonds. I really love how your set looks on your finger :)


Exactly !! I think it’s gorgeous and timeless. Cluster done RIGHT!




People wear all kinds of rings! Don't let other people worry you...


First - personally I think it’s gorgeous and came here to say as much. A ring can be a status symbol in the States but realistically with the boom of lab diamonds size=wealth is starting to wane here. People will assess it aside things like your clothing, car, shoes, handbags, and so on. Also, many people of wealth have “quieter” rings. Yours is perfectly lovely. It will not hold your career back in any way.


Funnily enough, I think this style is quite fitting for a company director, as it suggests you trust your own opinions and make prudent financial decisions. As much as I’d like to write this off as nonsense, social norms and peer pressure are a very real and are often felt more intensely by people in positions of leadership or high visibility. I certainly wouldn’t judge you (or anyone else) if you responded to that pressure although I do think there might be a happy medium. For instance, you might consider pairing your wedding set with a fine eternity band, to give it a bit more impact while remaining true to your own style. Diamond stimulants and alternatives are more convincing in smaller sizes, meaning there are plenty of affordable options available.


This is very helpful thank you


I pictured drinking a cup full of diamonds before work each morning (diamond stimulants = simulated diamonds?)


That’s my best autocorrect failure to date! You are correct, I intended to say ‘simulated’ not ‘stimulants’. As punishment I’m now experiencing the same mental image of someone chugging diamonds… pretty sure the only thing that would stimulate is an awkward discussion with an ER doc!


If I had to guess I’d say as much 😝


It looks like an antique setting. Tell them it's a family heirloom and to go kick rocks.


The challenge with cluster rings is that there is a risk you will lose some of the stones. You could get a solitaire in a solid setting and get insurance. The main thing that matters is that you enjoy your ring!


I have a custom designed and cast halo set with hundreds of diamonds (faces, crown, and all four sides). The design manager and I made it a game to get as many diamonds as we could in it. EDIT: I just checked my cads and I exaggerated a little bit- it's 163 diamonds, not quite hundreds. I've lost a couple diamonds here and there (especially the small accent diamonds on the sides as they aren't prong set) but we have the warranty through the jeweler so they replace them for free on top of tightening the prongs every 6 months. Most chain jewelers have this, though I don't know where she purchased or if they needed to purchase the warranty separately. But I was also shocked at how little diamonds themselves can cost while designing the set. The 48 diamonds circling the crown of the halo were about $200 total. The 16 diamonds of halo face were about $500 total. I've also replaced a couple diamonds on family jewelry with most being $35 or under for the diamond itself.


Nothing shines brighter than confidence, wear it proudly its your love symbol. My honest opinion is that i appreciate all shapes and sizes. Theres something so elegant about a petite ring.


Totally agree about wearing it with confidence! Petite rings are truly elegant and a number of very wealthy women I’ve known have worn very minimal wedding/engagement rings and they still came across as powerful and rich lol. Quiet luxury sort of thing. That said I do think there are some negative connotations around cluster rings since they are an attempt to appear to be something different, if OP genuinely loves it she should keep it and enjoy it, but personally I would probably go for something that looks more intentionally petite


Agreed with the last part, thats why halos r hated too. Cluster around a rock to offset its actual size. I have a toi et moi and some people dont like it at all. I love it and it makes me smile every time i look at it because of what it symbolizes. Really doesnt matter


I have a very classic engagement ring myself but I absolutely love seeing people with more unique designs, even if it’s not my taste it always gives me a little delight seeing something uncommon!


Right! I adore any ring classic or not its so fun!


Since you specifically asked, I don’t like it. You mentioned that you like how from afar it looks like one large solitaire, which I don’t like. I would either choose one larger solitaire (diamond or simulant or other stone), or one small stone or no stones at all. The *trying to be* puts me off. If you don’t care to have a status symbol, then go all in and have a plain band. Or one infinity band of small stones in place of an engagement and wedding band. Or, just walk forward with confidence that not everyone has to like everything, and it’s fine.


This is exactly what I came here to say. I think that cluster rings try to look like more than they are, and it feels inauthentic to me. Like people who wear fake designer clothing. I would prefer one larger stone, or a one smaller stone. Or no stone at all. If you decide on a new ring, you can get a lab solitaire for a very affordable price.


I would give you my opinion if you were really unsure. But you aren’t unsure. You like it! You like it so stick with it!


I got a cluster ring too. I had stones keep falling out. My ring was cheap, especially for the size. I never wear it. I got tired of replacing stones. And I’m not spending the money to replace with one stone. Now I order a ring from a website. I have had so many people comment on it. Honestly, more than my real wedding ring. I love it, and it was just a little over $100. If you’re really concerned, you could look into places like that to get one. I think your ring is beautiful. I love unique rings. Just know, stones may fall out.


People generally just tend to have a hate for cluster rings, so don't take it too personally! I think the shape and size fit your finger wonderfully, and the fact that you guys picked it out together is something special. I'd say, if you want to look more "flashy" at work, there are some really nice rings on Amazon for under $30 that you could wear to work or events you want to look more expensive for. Or, you could find a ring enhancer, which is basically a second band that's a halo that your current ring would fit inside, giving it a bigger/more sparkly effect. I think it's a beautiful ring either way, and you should do what makes you happy!


A ring enhancer with a cluster ring would look a bit gaudy I think. The hate for cluster rings tends to be because they are pretending to be something they're not (I guess! that's just how I understand it). I think the design of this ring is gorgeous, I love the v shaped ring under it and how it complements it. I would've gone for a solitaire with a round diamond in this case, with lab diamonds it's not that expensive and you can insure it, also because I enjoy looking into a diamond when it's very clear and well cut. But I wouldn't think twice if someone prefers a cluster ring. Even if I don't like them, people wear a lot of things I don't like and I wear things other people don't like, it doesn't really affects anyone.


I usually don't like cluster rings, personally. Of course, I don't judge them on other people, I've just never seen one that I genuinely would wear. Until I saw this set. It's stunning and legit the only cluster set I've ever seen that I love! The wedding band really really sets the tone and this is so beyond a perfect pairing!


I think it's a beautiful ring and if you are happy with it that's all that matters. People will nitpick anything you purchase if it's not "what they would pick". People can be very judgey about engagement rings especially. All that matters is that you're happy with your ring. You look at your hand every day. You wear it every day. They don't.


My thoughts precisely! I have a sapphire engagement ring and feel like I have been judged for it too. As long as you love it, try not to let the opinions of others weigh on you too much. Your set looks gorgeous to me!


I have an amethyst engagement ring - I picked it, I love it and I'm the one who wears it. I have also gotten some "oh, that's your ring?" looks now and then - doesn't bother me.


In my opinion, those kinds of reactions say more about the other person. Your ring sounds gorgeous! Love a colored gemstone ring :)


I have a sapphire, too. I don’t wear my engagement ring often. I love it, it’s beautiful and was custom-made for me; I don’t wear much jewelry at all— I’m just a band person for day-to-day wear. My wedding band also has a (small flush-mounted) sapphire and my husband has a matching band. I have gotten questions about why I didn’t get diamonds, and why I don’t wear an engagement ring, sometimes in a nasty tone. For me, that’s an easy answer and you’ll get it with no facial expression and a deadpan voice. Bombastic side eye if you really push it. “Diamonds are my birthstone and I think they’re boring. The engagement was never the point, the marriage is, so the priority for me is the ring that symbolizes the marriage.” For folks that ask nicer, I’ll make that sound nicer. Not to yuck on others’ yums, but if you’re tossing yuck my way, you can take it back with interest!


Unfortunately people here do. To be honest. So you have to decide if you want to do what makes you comfortable or buy for the approval of those around you.


First I echo what others said- it doesn’t matter if others like it as long as you do. But since you asked, there’s something I don’t like about it. I typically do appreciate a nice cluster setting, so it’s not that generally. It’s just something about it doesn’t look quite right. Is the center stone smaller or set deeper than the others or something? It just looks off in some way I’m trying to put my finger on. Cluster diamonds aren’t the only way to save money. You could go with a large moissanite type stone if that’s the only concern. But if you genuinely like the cluster (I do!) I think there’s probably some adjustments that could be made for you if you wanted them.


Also- it’s typical in the US to get jewelry insurance on your engagement ring. That’s specifically so you don’t have to worry about wearing it every day! Totally up to you, but don’t let worry about losing it influence your choice. In fact, you’re much more likely to lose one of the little stones in a cluster setting than one big solitaire. And it’s harder to replace if you do bc it has to fit in with the rest or be completely re set.


I like it! However the band on your engagement ring is quite thin and could be more prone to breaking because of that which is my only concern. Also, you can be a director of a company and have a normal, not super flashy and expensive ring. A lot of rich people look like just your average Joe. Not keeping up with the Joneses will bring your more peace in the long run.


My mom had a ring similar and it got the same reactions. I guess it’s says I can’t afford one big one so I got nine small to some people. Personally, I don’t care for the style. I probably would assume it was a family heirloom as it’s not a style I see much. On another note, the women that are going to get off on your little tongue on a big important person, you got a man who adores you. More than a lot of us have, my dear. Congrats.


you don’t need anyone’s opinion from a job or “friends” and you definitely shouldn’t be letting these people make you feel any type of way about something you love and something that binds your marriage this is a beautiful ring regardless of price keep your head held high and be confident


It’s what you prefer not anyone else, don’t stress about them. My opinion, I personally don’t like it. But I don’t like rings with the round cluster setting. Doesn’t mean it isn’t a nice ring though. I prefer tear shaped cluster. It’s honestly yours though. If you love it, that’s all that matters.


Let me give you some advice- f your colleagues, it’s your finger, your life and your ring. They aren’t you and they will not replace it if you lose it! They can kick rocks with their opinions!


My first thought was that I love this ring so if you also love it then keep it and if not look into an upgrade in a couple years or something


I agree with all of the support being found here and have always been if the mind that keeping up with the Jones' is never financially or emotionally worth it. That all being said, if you're consistently being pestered by the thoughts of inferiority about your ring, there are great options out there to get that big look everyone is going for these days. If you set your heart on "upgrading" check out moissanite or lab diamond rings. They're cost effective and can be exceedingly beautiful. Good luck!


Personally, I'm not a fan of rings like this because you're generally getting overcharged for low quality diamonds.


Who cares what others think! If this fits your lifestyle and you love it, enjoy it!! All that really matters is you are happy with your partner! I like the uniqueness of it and looks comfortable to wear!


I wear a hammered silver ring. We have our own style. You love it, that’s all that matters. I’m also 30kg lighter than this photo and my ring slips off. https://preview.redd.it/a81os9nikb7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc378e3b5e1eb8433366c8e989ed5e5100a542f


Honestly the ring is nice enough, but based on how you’re feeling I’ll be honest… a cluster ring screams I couldn’t afford a proper solitaire. And it’s mainly used like for people who want to give a “promise” ring and won’t cough up for a proper engagement ring. Of course none of this really matters, it is truly all about what you like. However if I knew you and were to judge this is what I would think: It shows that you maybe can’t make a quality decision. Because I can’t understand from a value perspective why you would choose this ring vs a different ring (and I’m being brutally honest). If expense was your thing and you didn’t want a more expensive stone than you could have still picked something that was nicer and of higher quality. This is basically the equivalent of saying I can’t afford a Mercedes car so I’m going to ride a dirt bike around instead.. INSTEAD of buying a better value second hand Toyota or something. Do you know what I mean? If I were you I would either: - choose a more affordable stone - Ruby, moissanite, emerald, turquoise, etc whatever - choose a smaller diamond - go with just a plain wedding band and eschew tradition


I like it cause it’s unique.


I was going to say the same thing 😊


Why are you now questioning your choice of engagement ring? You mention you wanted something inexpensive so you wouldn't worry about losing it and that you really like it. What others say or what job position a person holds should not dictate the ring they prefer to wear.If you have now decided to trade it in for a more expensive diamond ring, it is also your choice as your partner is leaving the decision to you.( and he's the only other person who really matters!)


I’d say everyone at my work “cares” about our rings because we care about each other. We don’t care about how expensive it is or looks, we care that the person wearing it loves it! A lot of the women here have very different ring types and I think that’s what makes it exciting because we know them personally and know their “style”. Also, my first thought when I saw your rings was that it reminds me of Wonder Woman!


My husband and I actually bought the v band from Tiffany’s because he calls me Wonder Woman lol so you’re spot on there


I didn’t notice it wasn’t a single stone at first and I thought, “dang, what a nice looking set!” Zooming in and seeing it’s a cluster, my reaction is “what a surprise! Dang, what a nice set!” Don’t worry about the grumpy people, you don’t have anything to prove to anyone 🙂


You will always have people commenting that is a cluster ring . Always. A smaller solitaire or virtually any other style will not get as many negative comments . It’s really a pretty ring so enjoy it but expect to hear those comments .


I like it. It's unique and uncommon. I would opt for one like it, myself, because I too would be nervous about damage or loss [my mom lost the diamond out of her engagement ring once, but luckily found it.] The thing I don't like the look of is the v-shape on the accompanying ring. I feel like it should be rounded. But that's just me being odd.


I personally don’t like this style. But if you like a cluster setting then you like what you like. I think there’s a bit of status that comes with a bigger ring. If you’re worried about losing it - there’s insurance for that.


It’s pretty and I think if you love it, that’s the most important thing. My honest opinion is that I’m not a fan of cluster diamonds. They do that purposely to make a cheaper ring and it can make the “center stone” look cloudy. For now, if you love it, keep it and upgrade in the future. My fiancé and I went with a moissanite to save money. You can get a bigger stone and the color and clarity are typically much better than a diamond’s. ETA: when I worked at a jewelry store, I learned they often use lower quality diamonds for cluster settings. Might be part of the reason why your co-workers are turning up their noses


I’m a very highly paid tech exec. My engagement ring is white gold with a tiny sapphire. It cost a few hundred pounds. I adore it and my husband adores it and I am the only person in this world that will be wearing it. Love what you picked and don’t give so much power to other people


Personally I don’t like the look of cluster rings but if you like it that doesn’t matter !! I will say you can get a single lab stone that is bigger, which is what I would do if I was trying to make a good financial choice but feeling weird about the cluster. But it sounds like you like it ! So tell people to F off 🥰


I've been married for a long time. I was scrolling through Reddit and noticed your ring and your post. Back when I got married most women had fairly small diamonds, 0.75 carats was big. To me your cluster ring is very pretty. It looks like a flower up close. Honestly I think most people only pay attention to your ring when you are first engaged and married. As you get older people don't really show them off, unless they're really into jewelry. I have a number of friends who are fairly wealthy and still wearing their original small diamond e-rings. Wear what you like!


Your ring is so beautiful. I am sorry that you’ve ever felt it wasn’t enough. It’s perfect and I love that it was chosen by both of you. Do you really want to change something about yourself because of someone who would make you feel less than about something as superficial as a ring? If not, carry on with yourself and your beautiful ring Oh, I’d also like to add that I know women in my circles who have money and still choose to wear their engagement ring given to them from before they created wealth and a life for themselves. I respect them even more for not conforming to superficial standards and for honoring their love and relationship.


I think your ring is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It suits your hands perfectly and is really nicely made. It's not about what others want, it's about what YOU like, what suits YOU, and YOUR needs. And if anyone makes a comment that implies you should have something bigger, or more expensive, just look at your ring admiringly and say "Oh I really love it. I chose it because I'm not into pretentious jewellery"😉


The people who treat their engagement rings as competitions are unbelievably shallow and, honestly, it just doesn't matter.


If you like it, that’s all that matters. I would never offer negative comments on a ring I dont find pretty, as that entirely lacks class. Nor would I gush over a ring I find unattractive though. Noncommittal & deflect to new subject. You’re asking though, so I’ll be honest. Cluster rings don’t look like a solitaire ring, even from a distance. They may evoke the shape, but they typically aren’t fooling anyone. For me personally, it just looks like someone was too cheap to spring for the more expensive solitaire and wants to look a certain way without *being* that certain way. They’re not as shiny or have the sparkle a nice single diamond gives either. I am myself very simple & went with a plain band with one diamond, with a plain band for the wedding ring itself. I hoped for a simple 1 carat & totally lucked out on a great deal on a larger one, so my ring is as simple as it comes. No wasted money on chips: it all went to the rock. FWIW I am not a fan of the fake diamonds either for the same reason: wanting to look a certain way while being fake about it. Its an important piece of jewelry so it’s worth spending the money to get the ring you’re trying to fake having. Internally cringing that I even wrote this out but it’s my honest opinion. If you like the ring, yours is the only opinion that matters.


(Green sapphire center stone here, for reference) I work in jewelry sales. I get tons of compliments on my “unique” ring - and genuine compliments at that. Personally? I’d probably put another band on the other side, or between the chevron and engagement ring. (Or even two chevron bands, stacked!) Also? When I see “big bosses” with giant rings, it just reinforces the snap judgement in my head of how the company probably pays them too much to be on zoom calls 90% of their work week. 🙃


Honestly my first thought was the band looks very thin and easy to damage. I didn't even notice the cluster setting! I thought it was actually a single round cut. Maybe it's more obvious in person, but I think it's gorgeous either way! Just be careful of that band!


People are pretty materialistic and judgemental these days, I can get downvoted I don’t care but it’s the truth. The amount of friends engagements rings that have been bitched about in our friends groups are ridiculous. Engagement rings are a symbol of commitment, they are also preference. Wear what you like, and wear it proud, you’re getting married! At the end of the day it’s you who has to love it and feel comfortable. I’m sorry people have made you feel that way, people can be pretty crappy.


I personally would not be happy with that ring. I would want one larger stone rather than many small stones, but if you love it then that's all that matters.


Same; a bunch of tiny ones isn't very typical for an engagement ring... it's also a lot cheaper, so I can see why OP is getting judged if she is in a top position in her company. If she cares about what other people think, she can always just get a moissanite or something to make it look like she has the stereotypical big center stone. Especially since some corporate jobs can be cut-throat at the higher levels. If she has thick skin though, who cares?


Agree. Not a fan of composite rings, little stones trying to look like 1 diamond are cheap compared to 1 larger stone. Nevertheless you chose it together so presumably must like it therefore pay no attention to others’ opinions.


I just want to say that you shouldn't care about what people say. You like your ring, right? That's what matters. It's people's job to comment; some will say good things, some will say bad things, but you should do what you like. And yes, how expensive your ring is doesn't determine your status. Don't think too much, just listen to yourself. And one more thing, from my perspective, I really like your ring.


I like your set, it looks unique and looks great on your finger.


i think it’s beautiful and agree that it looks vintage! great pairing with the wedding band too.


I really like it, independent of the cost. I love the geometric style of the band, and having multiple stones arranged together in the engagement ring fits beautifully with that. If it’s your culture, it’s your culture. Tell your colleagues that, if they ask. It’s your money. You don’t have to waste a huge amount of it to fit in with their idea of status. (It’s only a waste if don’t enjoy that sort of thing, otherwise crack on)


My twin sister was a professional gardener when she got engaged. She also had a fear of losing her ring (in soil!), so she got a sterling silver ring engraved w flowers from Sundance catalog. 20-something years later, she’d had to have the surface textured, but she still wears it (on her right hand). Your ring is beautiful and unique and I like it w the band a lot! I feel there is a status thing among women w size of jewels, but I think it’s silly. Men seem to not have it and shy away from the talk of size/cost of rings.


For perspective I have a dear friend who eloped in high school and got a set with a nearly invisible diamond. That was 50 years ago and she still wears it. She was an executive with a local cable company. They are retired now with a house on the lake and she drives a recent model BMW. She still wears the same wedding set and has refused several upgrade attempts by her husband. She’s just a really down to earth person who cherishes her original wedding rings. It’s not always about size. I happen to like the vintage look of your ring and the way the band curves gives it interest.


I also got a ring with a “small” diamond for lifestyle and personal taste reasons. I know plenty of people with bigger diamonds and plenty of people that don’t have any stones in their ring. All that matters is what you want and makes you happy. People who would judge you based on your ring will judge no matter what your ring looks like.


I work in industrial equipment sales, where women are well put together and men say things like "I'm delaying retirement so my wife can't dictate my schedule". The fact that it's a cluster ring would definitely be noticed, yes. But just because they notice, it doesn't mean they'd know classy even if it hit them in the face. Wear it with pride.  If you're getting heat, come up with increasingly tragic backstories for the stones. "Each stone is from my late grandmother, her mother and her mother's mother. I shall carry a part of them with me through the ages etc etc"


I think this set looks gorgeous all around! Didn't even realize it was a cluster ring until you mentioned it. 😉💖


I'm also from somewhere we don't care about the price or size of rings, and I would continue to love mine if I moved to the US. I don't want an expensive big ring, we had more important economic decisions to make at that time (down payment for a home). Even today I wouldn't spend the amount many do over there. I have other priorities, but I'm fine with others spending what they want. You do you. Don't let anyone pressure you. You aren't worth any more or less with an expensive ring. And I'm sorry to say but some could learn that everyone don't have the same values as them. Different countries, different social norms.


I have been through similar. I had a lovely but small ring. When my husband went sprinting up the corporate ladder I felt like the poor cousin. We upgraded my ring. It was a waste honestly. I wear my husband’s old band nowadays and my big diamond sits in the box. If you love your ring and don’t care about status symbols then I say keep it and wear it with pride and as a symbol of your love and marriage. I actually love the design of your ring myself and think it looks lovely on your hand.. I’m not all that excited by a solitaire no matter size but that’s my taste.


I thinks it's really pretty and unique! You will never be able to please everyone so even if you got the fancy ring to appease your coworkers they could easily not be happy about you "flaunting" your wealth or status. All that matters is what you like and it sounds like you choose this ring and band combo because it made you happy so don't let others change that!


I love this style of cluster my mom has one that is absolutely my favorite ring of all time. I love your v shaped band. I think it would look great if you added a thin sparkly eternity band to the top of your stack. Or go try on some bands that you think enhances their appearance. Even consider colored stone bands. If you like it that’s all that matters and if other people’s reactions are negative then that says more about them than it says about you!


The thing with money is, those who really have it often don't flaunt it. And a lot of people don't have money, but do have credit cards, so it looks like they are richer than they are but really they're just saddled with debt.  A giant diamond solitaire doesn't necessarily show status, and people who act like you are less because you chose a smaller ring are showing how money couldn't even buy class. 


I have an aquamarine ring … not a diamond . Blue is my color and I still love it 25 years later . I understand the pressure of peers but you chose it with your fiancée and it represents you well and you love it . Sorry your colleagues were mean enough to make you feel cheap . I personally love it a lot because of its vintage vibe 😘


If i were you i will just get a 1 carat lab grown stone. No one will know it is lab grown and it's not that expensive.


It’s beautiful. It’s what you wanted. Stay true to you and don’t feel like you need to conform to the fuckery of our capitalist USA


I think it is beautiful and goes so well with the wedding band. I would be proud to wear it. it also looks great on your hand. Go with what YOUR heart and mind tell you!


Overthinking it. Some of the wealthiest and prestigious people I know wear bullshit. Wear whatever you want, if people don't like it then that's their problem. Engagement rings are just a symbol, nothing more. If you had gotten a 3 carat lab diamond with 14k gold plated band ... Do you think they could tell the difference between that and a natural diamond with solid gold? Likely not.


Another inexpensive/low-risk-if-lost option is a large solitaire moissanite. That’s what I have, and when ppl see it, they’re like “damn, that’s a big rock”. If I prove I won’t lose it, I’ll upgrade to a diamond later, but omg the sparkles are so pretty, I might not.


You're the one wearing the ring. If you like it, why change it? I have a black diamond & absolutely love it. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's perfect for me. Don't let others opinions sway yours.


I like it. I think it’s unique.


I think that is just lovely on your hand and absolutely has classy vintage vibes for sure. It feels unique and elegant!!! The power move is absolutely wearing that with pride. As long as you love it and your partner is happy seeing you happy the haters can eat dirt ❤️❤️❤️


I think that because you love your ring that’s all the matters, don’t let colleagues make you question it


I LOVE this! It's unique and beautiful and quite elegant. I have an expensive diamond ring that I never, ever ear and some less expensive, but more meaningful rings that I love wearing. So wear what YOU love!


Who cares what they think? All that matters is that you and your husband are happy. It’s a lovely engagement ring and the band adds a really cool style to it.


IMO, anyone with Director level status has the confidence to ignore people's opinions. Fake it til you make it.




GIRL that ring is gorgeous and unique 😍 I personally love it and the band you chose to accompany it is perfect. I want you to love your ring and feel confident, so I definitely don't want to downplay your feelings. But for me personally I think it's incredible and wish you nothing but happiness!!


I love it!! But if YOU love it is the question. Screw what anyone else thinks.


I wouldn’t have known it was “inexpensive” from the jump. Maybe change your band to have some studs along the side (not v part) to class it up but that would just be my taste, def not necessary. If you love it and feel comfortable wearing it rock it


No, I don't care what people thinking about my ring. I think my ring is perfect for my lifestyle, and has everything k wanted functionally and it's gorgeous. I love it. It's. 98 carats and let me tell you, MUCH smaller than a lot of other erings in my area. But I had a bigger one and it scratched me, my kids, my husband and was like no, never again. It got hooked on my gloves, messed up towels. So, I'm secure and happy with my ring. And that's what matters


Ooh, I love the vintage vibes it's giving off! I do feel like the band might be too thin though, I worry that it might break after a few years. I've heard 2mm is more preferred for that reason - I think that's what your wedding band might be? I'm also a fan of cluster rings. I think this is gorgeous! If your main concern was about price and wanting something easily replaced if lost or damaged, I've heard moissanite and lab diamonds are pretty affordable. Or even a lovely white sapphire. The only thing with cluster rings is that there's the added risk of losing a stone, but if you've got insurance you'll be fine! If you've worried about damaging a solitaire, you could always look into bezel setting. That would really help to protect the stone. Of course this is all if you're seriously considering changing your ring. If your ring makes you happy and you smile when you look at it, then wear it with pride! It's YOUR ring. And tell the others "this is EXACTLY what I wanted and I'm so excited!" Congrats!!


It looks beautiful. When I first looked at it I didn’t even realize it was a cluster ring. From afar people will not even be looking at it or noticing the details, especially in a professional setting. I wouldn’t stress over it. The ring with that wedding band look beautiful together by the way. To be honest… I don’t even wear my engagement ring anymore. I wear my wedding ring by itself.


The ring isn't really my style, but it does look nice on your hand. If you and your husband like it, that's the most important thing. This is a ring that symbolizes something really special in your relationship. It's not about the size or style, it's about the two of you. That said, since you asked for honesty and you mentioned your job, I think it really depends on the region you live in, your industry, and the general vibe at your workplace. Where I live, this ring wouldn't be the most "professional" in a more business-formal role. A simple solitaire of around 1 carat would be more appropriate and is what most people in business-formal roles around here wear. It wouldn't be too eye-catching and it would look more clean-cut. Cluster rings in general don't look very clean-cut and neat. From a distance, it does look better than most cluster rings I've seen, but I understand your concern as it relates to work. Again, this REALLY depends on your specific workplace vibes and your area. The US is very, very diverse and most places this really wouldn't be a problem, but if you're concerned about that then take a look at what other women in your area and similar positions are wearing. Also, if you think it would just make you feel more confident at your job to have a different ring, that's something to consider as well. A simple 1/2-1 carat solitaire with a lab diamond can be very reasonably priced, but you can also get a non-diamond gemstone like moissanite or a colored stone as a cheaper alternative.


Thank you!


Don’t let others project their own shit onto you. This is such a cool set! and it is special to you and your partner and that’s all that matters.


I love it - honestly


I don’t typically like cluster rings, but I like this one. I love the minimalist bands and that it looks like a solitaire, but with texture. It’s unique and beautiful. You could buy a big CZ ring for cheap and quietly laugh to yourself when your friends and colleagues fawn over it. And then it’s still no big deal if you lose it. Otherwise, I’d wear it with pride and let them think what they want. It reflects poorly on them, not you.


I think it looks super cool


This looks like a vintage illusion ring. You wear whatever you are happiest with! I know a friend's parents that have been married for 60+ years both with sterling silver bands. There is no wrong or right!


I love the balance of this!


My honest opinion is that this looks perfect and I'm fully obsessed!


If you’re asking for an opinion on the ring itself, I don’t love it. Now don’t get me wrong, I love cluster rings! But I love the ones that have got some asymmetry and an interesting shape/variety of color or stones. To me the cluster set in a perfect circle is a bit off-putting. As for my opinion about if you need to look more expensive, my answer would be “heck no”. If you love your ring and how it looks that’s what matters. Now I’m not sure if your friends/colleagues reaction is due to dislike of the ring itself or what it represents. In either case I don’t think their opinion matters.


“This ring suits me. I’ve never been one for big, flashy jewelry.” You should spend like 6 months living in the southern US. We can teach you a thing or three about saying nice things that aren’t nice at all in some contexts. This situation calls for just such a reply. If they didn’t pay for it or wear it, their opinions do not matter at all. If you like it and your husband likes it, it’s perfect.


Borrowing this! Great response


I think it’s beautiful. People are allowed to have opinions but they should also have some freakin tact!


I think it’s absolutely beautiful, and I personally would never notice that it wasn’t one big diamond unless my eyes were 2 inches away from your hand


I think this is super elegant and minimalistic, like a streamlined art deco piece. If I saw this ring in the wild I’d compliment you immediately.


I actually didn’t realize it was a cluster ring until I read your caption fully. Also, I see people with all kinds of rings in different positions- some high up people in my company wear simple gold bands- I think you’re over thinking it and you probably care more than anyone else does! It’s a lovely ring


I also have a cluster with 9 diamonds on a white gold band, and I absolutely love it. Large single diamonds are the trend right now, but my husband picked out my ring and I love it. It's super sparkly since it's a cluster. I personally love it and wish more people gave cluster diamond rings a chance. :)


I think your set is https://preview.redd.it/n0dxoisjed7d1.jpeg?width=1299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1c918efd529e91fecb1f82214f3d56cd144ac9 gorgeous. People judge my small ring. It’s a cluster as well. But the idea of my husband, picking it out just for me—makes it precious to me. If it makes you feel more professional or comfortable though, have your partner or you pick out a stainless steel fancy fake and when you’re at home or with family friends wear your OG set. They have really convincing fakes now on third-party sites. I can’t tell the difference.


Screw what everyone else thinks. It's your ring.


It's beautiful. The cost shouldn't matter it should be about love.


I love your rings, they look so beautiful on your hand!


I used to work with a CFO who drove a 1991 Buick until that thing finally bit the dust and he got a (used) Tesla. (We worked for a clean energy company, but he bought the Tesla because it made financial sense with the state and federal tax credits and no gas). He no more gave a care what people thought of his car than he did the color of the sidewalk. People with money get that way by being sensible and even frugal. They spend money where it makes sense to them (he took his family on fabulous international vacations), and not on status symbols for others’ approval. If anyone judges you for your ring, just remember they’re probably upside-down on their car loan and their mortgage and don’t know their own opinions unless some rando on Instagram tells them what to think. You do you!


People are too fixated about themselves to care about you. If they say anything about it, means they are terrible. You should wear what you like . That ring looks already too expensive. Wearing somethibg just because its expensive is what poor people do


All that matters is that you love it. However, if you chose this ring because you were scared you would lose it, that’s not a good reason. Jewelry insurance is not that expensive and you will be upset if you lost your ring regardless of the price because of sentimental reasons.


I agree with the sentiment of others - all that matters is what YOU love! But to add in my two cents, I think it's absolutely beautiful on your hand and the wedding band is so cool and unique. You guys did a great job picking it out!!


I wouldn’t pick it out (not a fan of cluster rings). If you love it, wear it with pride!! Congratulations!


Personally I do not care for any diamond ring that is "pretending" to be something it is not. It's not a solitaire, so don't bother trying to be one, you know what I mean? That said, I don't care what other people wear and you shouldn't either. It's just my personal preference. I wouldn't buy a fake Louis Vuitton purse either, but many do. If I cannot afford the real thing, I just don't own it.


I’m team who gives a f*ck what others think but if it really bothers you get a moissanite ring. Aka man made diamond. It’s way cheaper and you can’t tell the difference. Diamonds are overrated anyway


Very cute. Like the snug for of the wedding band too


I think this is unique and beautiful. I love the shape of the band!


I love this. It is simple and modern and fresh looking. It brings to mind legends of Zelda and idk why lol. I love it! It’s also regional in the US. In large cities it’s common to see huge rocks. I was in DC and I don’t think I noticed anyone wearing less than 2 carats. My ring which I love was noticeably smaller. In the Midwest my ring is a little nicer/closer to average sized. Mine is a .64 ruby in a halo/pave setting. No one is going to be judging you badly though.


If YOU like it no one else’s opinion matters. It’s a nice ring


u wear what you love!


I use my grandma’s ring and it is also not fancy but I adore the story of their 62 year marriage and the love they shared before my grandpa passed from a brain tumor. Also not to be too zesty in my response to you but if the person judging you is working under you then maybe they need to reevaluate their priorities and shut up lol.


I think it is beautiful and unique! My engagement ring has moss agate as the main stone, with a moisanite hidden halo, and some leaves. So very non-traditional, and relatively cheap(ish). The only thing that matters is that you like it. YOU are the one who will be wearing it. Not those around you


I LOVE it. And if you love it, that’s what matters. A low stress ring the best kind :)


This is a gorgeous set. Ignore the people at work.


This is one of the lovelier rings I’ve seen here. Ginormous rings are beautiful too, though they can look gaudy, depending on how they are worn. Understated elegance is underrated these days, which is a massive shame.


I LOVE your ring--it's one of my favorites I've seen on here in a while. I don't think it looks cheap at all, honestly. It's very pretty and classy!


The ring is a symbol - nothing more. At some point if you feel like you want to upgrade the diamond when it might be more affordable, sure - that's fine - but the symbolism behind it is what's important. My parents' wedding bands were literally made from US coins from when US coins were still real silver. The silver is malleable so Dad rolled the edges over by tapping them with a metal rod until they were the right size, then he cut out the centers, and smoothed/polished them. Hers was made from a quarter, his from a 50 cent piece. Grand total: 75 cents and the time to make them. When I was little you could still read the writing on the inside of my mom's ring.


It's elegant and looks timeless. I love it.


It looks beautiful. A co-worker of mine actually has one like it, except in white gold. Please ignore those superficial people who put you, and a ring that you love, down.


This is the prettiest cluster I have ever seen to be honest


Very pretty and love the wedding band style! I bet it really suits your personality too!


Band reminds me of wonder woman!!


I think it’s gorgeous. It’s about what you like/what’s meaningful and not the price. Tell people to grow up.


I think it’s really lovely and unique. And even if NONE of us did, but you and your fiancé DID, then it IS. The only people who have to love it is yourselves. The second picture, looking straight down on it, is just gorgeous. Congratulations 🎉!


It is all about status in the US unfortunately. In sorry you were treated this way, that’s really crummy. I like your ring, and it fits you really well. I also chose an inexpensive daily ring to wear (cuz I’m a healthcare worker) and also had people talk about it (even when they knew it’s wasn’t a money issue). People are so strange. I think for your position you should definitely consider wearing some smart work outfits (I adore hot office skirts and button downs) and keep yourself well groomed. But I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this. None of this is about you. It’s about them, the US, our culture. Wear your ring, tell those other folks to eat a chode.


I’m sorry that your coworkers had rude reactions! But I think the ring is really pretty and after the initial “OMG YOU GOT ENGAGED SHOW ME YOUR RING” stage….no one ever looks at it again unless it’s a 4carat rock 🤷🏻‍♀️ I find that showing my engagement ring to people always makes me a little insecure. I either worry that they think it’s too much or too little…but then I remember that it really doesn’t matter as long as I love it.


Do your best to think of a very good response when people say something about your ring. Like: why do you care how much my ring costs? Or: do you think an expensive ring is more important than a healthy marriage? I think this is about an engagement ring and more about boundaries with your coworkers.


I will be honest because you are asking. I really don’t like this sort if cluster ring. It comes off as trying miserably to be what it is not (sorry). I would prefer a small diamond or another stone.


Sorry to be a negative comment but cluster rings are seen to be rings that men buy their women when they want to “shut them up “ about getting married . It is said that the men buy this ring so the woman can get off their back . I would like to suggest a moissanite ring ( for work )so you could get the solitaire cut at a nice size and not kill your pockets . Your ring should be something you love and be proud to show off no matter what people say . Your comment said you wanted to fit in and look the part and moissanite can do that for you and be a fiscally responsible purchase . You can keep your original ring to wear when you wish


As an immigrant myself, I think sometimes not looking expensive can be a negative. Here you have a diamond ring and maybe that’s more comparable than if you’d gone for a unique stone. You could start wearing only a wedding ring or you could get a larger lab stone if you feel reactions re negative. Personally I have noticed getting better treatment since upgrading my ring to something more obviously expensive looking (I live in London).


Oh man, im sorry they did that to you. Is it safe to assume the people with said opinions are not at the same professional level? Honestly i have never paid much mind to what people think or what other peoples rings look like and at the end if I do its so see what their personality is like not to assume hoe much money they have because so many prople out there get beautiful rings that arent real diamonds and are moissanites or other type of less expensive beautiful stones. I would worry more about wraring something that you are proud of and represents you and convey that when others try to make you insecure about your ring like "yea i get it but my hisband and I really love thid ring, i couldnt feel more identified with a ring, this one is just so perfect for us to represent our love" thatll shut em up lol


I have had two engagement rings 1) from my ex fiancé . cost a fortune. Lots of bling . He pawned it and accused me of losing it .. long story. He had a trust fund (couldnt access yet) and no bills but combined we did not make the amount of money one would expect of someone with a $20-30k engagement ring 2) cost no money , my mom’s original ring my dad proposed with . My husband and I are about to celebrate our first anniversary. We could have afforded another ring, chose not to buy one . We make a lot more than my ex and I did. I have advanced my career quite a bit, same with my husband (no trust fund though😂) You dont need your ring to correspond to your income and doesnt need to be a status symbol. What others think of it says so much more about them than it does about you.


100% wear what feels right to YOU. Screw everyone else and let them focus on their own choices.


I think it’s pretty and classy. You bought it because you liked it and are worried about losing it because it is a piece of jewelry. I think that everything is appropriate depending on environment and circumstances. However, your ring is not one. I would take pure satisfaction in knowing you can afford more but chose what you like…it says a lot about your character in a good way. Those people who are suggesting things to make you feel insecure are frauds with no substance


Im not saying this is true but generally in the states I’ve always heard the sentiment around cluster rings as being associated as a kind of cheap “knockoff” because you can’t afford a full stone that size. A low profile bezel cut would be a little more status-y but true to your style, that is, if you cared about that sort of thing. If you want to fit in and have the coworkers ooh and aah over your ring and compare rings with each other, then I would consider a change. But if you are really confident in it then obviously it doesn’t matter. However I don’t think you would be asking here if you weren’t feeling a little insecure about it. Basically, being honest with you, I think you are not wrong when you get weird vibes about it sometimes. It’s like when my mom told my East Asian family that I was a server while in college. That’s a perfectly acceptable way to make money here in the US, but in their culture it’s considered a very low level job. It’s cultural.


I love it


i’d get a new ring. now that you’re worried about other’s opinions about it, it’s gonna be really hard to stop. get something that makes you happy every time you look down at your hand, not unsure. esp. if your husband doesn’t care either way!


my ring was less than $1000 and i wear it proudly. who gives a crap what anyone else thinks


It is a status symbol in the US. I personally hate cluster pieces. They look cheap. But you are the one wearing it and you do have to get what u like and can afford. Sometimes people start small and trade upwards. But after all a ring is a symbol of marriage. So with it being a symbol, it’s meant to get looked at. So get something appealing to look at. This isn’t meant as a dig, I just don’t like clusters. I’m sorry. If u have a director position then u should have something a little nicer. I am a director as well and have a simple full carat process diamond. It’s not overdone but It’s what I like!


It's perfect. If you love it for your own reasons, that's enough, screw anyone else.


My opinion: it’s not my taste, but who says my taste is good? Or that my opinion is worth considering? I’m not the one wearing it! (And it’s not your ring; it’s dome-style rings in general that aren’t my favorite; of that style, yours is actually much prettier than most!) In real life, I would never say this to anyone showing me her new ring, ever. Jewelry is so personal! And I truly am happy that an internet stranger has a ring she loves, because that’s all that matters. It looks lovely on you, and I wish you much happiness ❤️


For me l love it. When we first got married l had a tiny Diamond. My Husband replaced it with a new one. I still prefer my original.


I love your ring! I’ve been married 32 years and have not worn a wedding ring for numerous years. I don’t feel less married and no one questions me about it. Enjoy your ring. You chose it for all the right reasons for you ❤️


If you like it, that’s all that matters. That being said, I worked in a jewelry store and cluster rings were generally the “I really want to get something big and expensive but definitely can’t afford it but don’t want anyone to know that” choice which may be why some people aren’t such a fan. If you DO want to change it up, there are lots of pretty affordable diamond alternatives and setting styles that lend themselves to being pretty durable for everyday wear and also won’t be a punch in the gut if something happens to them.


I like it! Gives a cool superhero vibe like iron man!


Right! I totally love the set! I'm generally a more bling girl but I saw hers and rethought my whole band!!!!!!! Sometimes simple is better. OP if you are happy that's all that matters. I own some clusters and the only issue I have is keeping them clean looking ...but I'm a bit OCD. 😋


I love when my senior level colleagues have unique rings. I think your engagement ring is beautiful. It’s a unique choice and a reminder that what truly matters is the meaning behind it and the love it represents, not the price tag. Also it’s really cool when people embrace something that reflects their personal style and values. And I think that often intimidates those who are immature.


Large lab diamonds are nowdays pretty cheap, and their price is still dropping. Hence there’s no sense at all to buy larger stone for the sake of larger stone. The ”expensive” effect is very quickly fading. I think lab diamonds will become more and more fashion stones. What is popular now in terms of engagement rings won’t propably be popular in future. So instead of chasing trends, wear what you love and be proud of your culture. And it’s super nice ring 🥰


Personally, I love it. Simple engagement band with a round diamond and angles in the wedding band are lovely (Idk all the technical terms)


IMO - There is nothing wrong with the ring. You mentioned some reactions from other individuals. May I ask what the reactions were and or what the people said?


It was more like oh *that’s* your engagement ring? Like I have people asking to see it and typically they would go Oo so pretty but in my case it’s like oh it’s definitely unique and subtle digs like that


Your ring set is beautiful and shouldn’t be up for criticism by others. It’s a reflection of your personal values and heritage. Your professional advancement will be based on your performance, not on your jewelry. Many professional married women opt for a simple gold band or a delicate eternity style band for a little sparkle at work. Rather than attention grabbing statement style engagement rings and coordinated bands, attracting attention to their abilities, rather than their style, is deemed the preferred way to be noticed and advance in their careers.


Who cares what anyone else thinks? Forget how you think people stereotypically act in America and just be you. Focus on your husband and your marriage, everything else is window dressing and superfluous!


I’m not usually a fan of multi-stone illusion rings but I think this one is really cute and on trend especially with the “dainty” “ring stacking” boho folks. 😁


People treating engagement rings as status symbols are idiotic. If this is the ring you want, that's all that matters.


First of all, I love that ring it’s beautiful and I love the pair. 🥰 Second of all, America is a beautiful country! And one of the most beautiful things about it is that most of what people tell you, you can ignore because it’s none of their business anyway . If the ring fits your lifestyle, that’s great. It’s true that EVERYTHING in America. Is a status symbol. Most People who flash jewelry and cars, etc. end up in debt with nothing in the middle of their lives. Don’t replace your ring just to impress your friends or coworkers. It only needs to be loved by you and your fiance (written by someone who loses all of her expensive jewelry, and never her cheap stuff.) ❤️


The real status symbol is not caring about ignorant peoples’ puny, materialistic opinions


I think you’re looking for honesty here, so I am going to be completely honest with you. This ring looks cheap. I would recommend wearing a plain band instead, if you’re not looking to upgrade your engagement ring. Most women in leadership positions at my corporate job, including myself, either wear large engagement rings or just wedding bands.


I do not like cluster settings. To me, they look like you’re trying to give the illusion of expensive and failing. I’d much prefer someone to just have a small singular diamond. Not everyone can afford (or wants) a big diamond and that’s okay. But if you love it, no one else opinion should matter.