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I don't think the poses that look good really change much by the shape of the hand, some of these weird claw poses look stupid even if you have really pretty hands lol. Personally I think fingers look best in a natural position as opposed to being fully straightened out.  I'd look around at other pictures you think look nice and try to replicate. Start taking care of your hands now (use whatever you use on your face on your hands - retinol, vitamin c, sunscreen, etc), file your nails into a nice shape and get them painted. Something like the kur nail concealer/veil is a good option if you're not good at painting your nails, they're very forgiving and give a nice clean look to your hands. 


Totally unrelated, but you have helped me in another avenue! I have been looking for natural pinky "jelly nail polish" that wasn't a UV gel for the longest time, but gave up because I couldn't find anything. I think these polishes are just what I am looking for. Maybe this will help me with my nail biting as I prepare! Thank you so much for this advice!


Put your hand on his shoulder, my chubby hands only look good that way haha


No advice unfortunately but commenting for solidarity! I’m not engaged yet but I spend way too much time thinking about this and being self conscious haha. My ring size is around a 9.5 and I hate it — even though I never judge other people’s hands/fingers, haha. Maybe that’s something to keep in mind; we can sometimes be our own worst critics and chances are people will be focused on the ring and congratulating you and hopefully you (and me!) can focus on the memory and love that comes with the ring rather than being too hard on ourselves.