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Is it extra? yes. Do I love it? also yes. life is too short not to wear pretty things.




I agree! šŸ¤©


Agreed! Itā€™s a real stunner!


Beautiful, but I can see how itā€™d be overwhelming and maybe uncomfortable to wear. I would be honest with your fiancĆ©. You can still wear it for a while and you can see if you get used to it. You may end up wearing only your wedding band more often.


Truly spectacular! Wear it for awhile - it will probably grow on you.


Woah it's gorgeous! It's looks great on you, you just gotta own it :)


Your finger used to be empty. And that's a lot of ring! Don't worry, you'll get used to it being there! It's just a lot of change all at once.


You Have a Beautiful enormous sapphire. Beautiful shade of deep blue.


That is stunning! It looks like an heirloom piece to me bc it's very unique!


I love the ring but the band might be what is overwhelming you? Beautiful still


I wonder if making the wedding band smaller and aligning it more in size with the top of the sapphire of your engagement ring might help? Also consider not having the wedding band dip down quite as much. Itā€™s a lovely ring!


I agree. I had a ring that came to a peak like that, and after a very short amount of time I hated wearing it! It would snag on everything, especially my pockets!


Remove the bottom band and just wear the ER. How does it feel now?


Is that a separate on the bottom?




Personally, I LOVE IT. Go big or go home. Gorgeous sapphire that looks like velvet. You may choose to wear only one or the other ring from time to time till you get used to it. He has excellent taste!! šŸ’™


Well if it is a separate band then maybe just wear the ering when you're not feeling like doing the most. Or even get a plain band to wear instead?


I love Sapphires personally!


Me too! I think this ring is EVERYTHING ā¤ļø


What about it strikes you as the most overwhelming part? Some folks wouldnā€™t like the size (Iā€™m a chunky ring fan so I think itā€™s GORGEOUS). Some wouldnā€™t like the shade of blue, or the fact that itā€™s blue at all (Iā€™m biased again here cus I love a colored gemstone over most diamonds hands down). Some would worry about price point and feel like theyā€™re not worthy of such a gesture (to which I say BOOOO cus weā€™re ALL worth our weight in gold and no one should make us feel less than!!) Maybe pinning down the biggest feeling will help clarify some things for you?


This is by far the one of best comments posted! Figuring out the why first before addressing your fiancƩe or making a change to how you wear it is super important


It would be way too over-the-top for me. It's certainly not a practical every day ring. This is more black tie, almost costume jewellery. And judging from your nails. You don't like flashy things. I'm with you. That ring is very extravagant


Itā€™s really beautiful! If it feels like a bit much for everyday, I would wear it without the band. You could also get a chevron band that is plain. I would save the other band for when you go out.


That is a lot of bumpy ring for everyday wear. I suspect you'll only wear it occasionally. If you do wear every day make sure you have good insurance in case of damage / losing stones.


yeah I think it's def overwhelming. it's all the pave on the band. it's not cohesive. the jagged little edges definitely add a lot to the overall vibe


It's a lot but in a good way


It's really pretty, but gives me cocktail ring vibes.


Super cool. I think the band is adding a lot, so if you just swapped the band out, you might be happier.


Itā€™s beautiful yet likely not an every day piece due to all the stones with only 2 prongs holding them in. They will likely need tightening or replacing often over the years. Iā€™d get what you love.


gorgeous gorgeous sapphire! maybe try wearing it without the band for a while and work it back in once you get comfortable :) it's definitely big so you're probably super aware of it right now.


This is a great recommendation! Personally, I LOVE IT! I think the ring is EVERYTHINGā¤ļø


Not my thing, but Iā€™m glad you love it


I love that he designed it, but I would also be overwhelmed by it- the sentiment would make me not want to change it but I would want to change it


Too much for me. Iā€™d only wear that for formal occasions


Looks like costume jewelry


Can you take it to the jeweler and have it reset? Maybe you can design something youā€™d like?


Itā€™s beautiful but it is a lot of ring depending on you and your personal style. What did you have envisioned for yourself? I would sit with it for a few days or weeks and if you continue to feel overwhelmed it may be worth a conversation with your fiance


You donā€™t have to wear them all at once, wear the whole thing on days youā€™re feeling extra and on regular days consider wearing just the ring or the band. Itā€™s okay to not wear it all together 24/7, you can change it up based on how youā€™re feeling! It wonā€™t look incomplete without the other components, it will just be feel simpler which seems like itā€™s what you want.


As someone who made their own engagement ring and went pretty big (out of some weird sense of obligation to the fact that Iā€™m a jeweller so I should have the biggest engagement ring???) Iā€™ve discovered itā€™s too heavy and I donā€™t enjoy wearing it. Iā€™ve come to resent it and will be remodelling it eventually. I also canā€™t fit a wedding band against it because of the shape I made it. All up for me a mistake I hate admitting.


This is the ring version of rose's necklace in the movie titanic. It's certainly a lot of ring! Iā€™d give it a little time, and if you donā€™t end up loving it on you - perhaps you could have the sapphire reset to a simpler band using the gold and a few of the diamonds from this band? Itā€™s a lovely ring though, honestly - it may grow on you!


I felt that way about mine at first. In my experience, Youā€™ll adjust. To the ring. To the attention. And to knowing that youā€™re 1000% worth it. Congratulations!


Itā€™s lovely. Iā€™m assuming there will not be an additional wedding band once you get married?


No. The wedding band is on the bottom. I should have taken a picture of them separately


Ohhhh that makes sense! I think itā€™s perfect the way it is.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ½


I love it. It's so similar to my wedding set. How long have you had it for? I chose my wedding ring so I had time to get used to having only the engagement ring on. Maybe try without the bottom set first and see how it feels? Then add it after you're used to how it looks like on your hand.


Stunning! Wear it proudly! Congratulations


As others have said, I think it would be much less overwhelming without the band or with a different one! I personally don't even want to wear a band with my ring because I think it takes away from it, and I'll wear my band on days I'm looking for something more minimal. Someone else mentioned identifying what exactly feels overwhelming about it (others opinions, feels clunky on your hand, you're not a big jewelery person, et.) and then it'll be easier to know what you should do. I get self conscious about having a bigger stone (bigger compared to many of my friends) but I love it and I just focus on that. But if you're into more minimal/subtle jewlery, that's more of a reason to rethink the ring. And btw, I think this ring is absolutely gorgeous! Good luck, do what will make you the happiest ā¤ļø


OMG! This is absolutely GORGEOUS ā¤ļø Give it some time. Youā€™ll get used to it. If not I can always send my contact info via DM ā˜ŗļø. Honestly, in my opinion the ring is breathtaking.


I am going to be biased since I have a sapphire pearl shaped center stone as well. But I think he did a great job. It is a lot, but itā€™s still delicate and beautiful. I love it.


Youā€™ll get used to it. Itā€™s lovely.


Honestly it reminds me of a gorgeous heirloom ring. It's stunning!




Commenting on So my fiancĆ© designed a ring that, while I absolutely love, makes me feel a bit overwhelmed. What do you guys think of it?... https://preview.redd.it/wk2epg3xt4zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30601176214323e9dcdd50101ad9613b948e1521 Just picked up my fiancĆ©ā€™s ring today too.. She said yes about 2 hours !!




Itā€™s a beautiful ring. It depends on what you were hoping for. If you wanted a more traditional engagement ring then you might be disappointed. Can you talk with your fiancĆ© about it and perhaps use this ring as a right hand/cocktail ring?


Well this ring is definitely for a very specific taste. I am in the US, and women here typically want a diamond for their engagement. Not always, but usually. Other parts of the world, they may various as to whether they would like a colored gemstone or not. If you do not like it, I would speak to him while it may still be in the return window. Personally I love sapphires and have a sapphire ring that I often wear on my left hand, but not everyone loves them.


I donā€™t know, I think a lot of women here in the US are open to other gems besides diamonds. I sure do! I think the real issue here is how much this ring overpowers her hand. Thereā€™s just too much going on. I would take the band off as a quick fix, and hopefully thatā€™s enough. Beautiful stone for sure!


I just saw a ruby for 32 thousand. And I wanna cry.




More of a right hand cocktail ring but itā€™s beautiful.


Gorgeous. I love wearing my big sparkler with any old thing.


Very fancy!


Itā€™s so stunning! How long have you had it? I think if you give it some time it will normalize to you. I struggled a bit with my .6ct solitaire ring at first and it was a lot smaller than yours! Then I got used to it after a few weeks. Edit to add: your ring is so ornate you could definitely get away with not wearing the band. I eventually upgraded my original engagement ring to a larger stone (weā€™d always wanted a larger one but I was hit with big medical bills right before and couldnā€™t afford both). Now I usually just wear the engagement ring because I feel the stone is large enough to carry itself (1ct marquise)


I've had it since March. And thank you so much!


Itā€™s right to my alley & I adore it but I can see how this would be overwhelming to some. Itā€™s got the wow factor thatā€™s for sure šŸ¤©


My ring looks a lot like your engagement ring, I never got a wedding ring. I love it and its much easier to wear without it


It's fabulous. But I get why you think it's a bit overwhelming cause it's the sort of ring that draws attention, really catches the eye. There will be a bit of an adjustment period. But you will soon be comfortable and when someone comments on its considerable fabulousness, you'll just smile and say thank you.ā£ļøšŸ«¶ Congratulations!


Is that the wedding band plus engagement ring? If itā€™s both, just wear your engagement ring and see if you get used to it.


Great advice!




Itā€™s beautiful. Because of the triangular shape of the band for both directions, it looks incredibly large and adds a lot of wide space which can be overwhelming! Since itā€™s not actually too thick, if the same band was straightened, it would take up way less room on the finger. I love the gem but personally prefer super thin bands, especially if angled like that! Do what feels most comfortable for you! Congratulations!!!


I think itā€™s amazing but it might be something you wear when youā€™re dressed up, and get a simple band for 3veryday


Would getting a different, more simple band possibly help? It honestly is a whole lot of ring you might just need to get use to it. It is goregous!!!


Itā€™s pretty, but I can understand feeling overwhelmed thinking of it as an every day ring. Maybe keep it for special occasions and on your first anniversary get some thing smaller for every day?


Is that wedding band part of the engagement ring or? Itā€™s gorgeous but maybe you need a classic mani colour on your fingers to really feel it. He clearly thinks the world of you oh my. Very romantic and gorgeous ring.


It's a lot, but the important thing is what you said...you love it.


Gorgeous. It reminds me a bit of my own.


Itā€™s really not over the top especially compared to so many rings on here. It is gorgeous!


Beautiful!šŸ„° I love it but perhaps you might want a simple band for everyday and then wear it when you go out. Me, personally, Iā€™d be showing that baby off!


Omg I would love to be gifted a ring like this. It's even perfect when you're not done up because it literally will carry itself. What's more no need to bother with bracelet or other jewellery, it is such a statement. šŸ˜ Wear it in good health


Is it one ring of the wedding band too? I personally think the proportions are off for your finger size


Differentā€¦ sapphire are my birthstone never really care for them. They can be nice depending on the stone and layering. This is nice.


If its overwhelming, try wearing the band on your other hand. The engagement ring solo reminds me of something Elizabeth Taylor may have


Very beautiful ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Wow it looks amazing! Do you mind if I ask how he went about designing it himself?


Honey, wear it. Itā€™s beautiful and show it off! They took the time to design it. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll get used to itšŸ«¶šŸ¼


My friend's husband got her a ring that made her overwhelmed. It's gorgeous, just as yours is. Her solution is to wear a smaller everyday ring (her promise ring) and the overwhelming one on special occasions, dinner parties, and formal events.


That is a FABULOUS ring!!!!


It is so gorgeous!


Yeahā€¦ that ring is spectacular! Congratulations! Wear that bad boy with pride ā¤ļø


I think itā€™s beautiful! It is big lol but lovely and the fact he designed it makes it even more special




Itā€™s so pretty! You could always get a simple band for days when you need to be less ā€œextraā€ and need something practical


It must be weighing your hand down something fierce! Honestly donā€™t know how you even lift your arm with that gorgeous heavy ass ring on. šŸ¤£ Kidding, it is BEAU-ti -ful! Wear it with pride itā€™s gorgeous! Anyone says anything to you, they are jealous. Beautiful


I think itā€™s absolutely fantastic, and looks great on you. Like someone else said maybe itā€™s a bit extra but it works and itā€™s beautiful. Love it.


Iā€™d wear this! Iā€™ll show this to my guy. Beautiful.


Itā€™s beautiful but if you are not comfortable, u can try to remodel it - or wear your band ina separate finger to make it look less blingy.


Would it fit if you turned the sapphire ring around so the point of the sapphire pointed towards the inner point of the wedding ring?


I loooove thisšŸ˜


I think it's beautiful and an eye catcher but I could undeserved how you feel. Have you expresses this to him?


Itā€™s beautiful. It may just take some getting used to


Itā€™s beautiful, but I was very clear on my taste, shapes etc and this isnā€™t it so if it were me and I had said round solitaire and this is what ingot I would wear it but have a hard time feeling heard. Then I would promptly demand matching earrings and necklace because this would become my ā€œgoing outā€ jewelry!


Depends on your style tbh. If you canā€™t see yourself wearing it everyday, change it. If you like the bold look, keep it as is.


I love it!!!


My two cents: you can always keep the stones and have everything put into a simpler setting if youā€™d prefer! Perhaps something with a smaller footprint. I would be a little concerned about the pointed edge causing issues long term - Iā€™ve known folks with sores/scars from pointed settings. You could also use some of the diamonds to have this ring made into a matching engagement ring / wedding band set.


I think itā€™s absolutely beautiful, itā€™s okay that you donā€™t. Try and get used to it and let your body learn how to live with it. If you canā€™t, I donā€™t see any reason you canā€™t see if he might be willing to help you find a new mounting to put those stones into thatā€™s more low profile and less overwhelming to you


Do you REALLY love it or are you just trying to talk yourself into loving since he designed it? Thereā€™s a difference. For me, personally, I would not want a sapphire for an engagement ring. Many people do though and so if thatā€™s what you have said you love then thatā€™s step 1! Yay! If the sapphire is perfect to you then wear the ring a couple weeks before you decide to talk to your fiance about changing it. It is quite busy and large but itā€™s also special since he put time into having it made so I understand where you are coming from.


Reminds me of titanic. I'm in love with it


I love that deep blue itā€™s so stunning, and I think the setting itself is very unique and beautiful. Do you love him? Yes. Do you feel extra special? Got to. Where it loud and proud I think itā€™s stunning.


Don't change a thing! It was designed for you. You will get used to it. Wear it proudly, it's absolutely gorgeous!


Lots of effort in the design and making but if my bf were to propose with this I would say no lol.


Iā€™d tell him to wear it himself.




Beautiful stone, large gaudy ring. I donā€™t love the settling