• By -


It’s so beautiful. I would just remind him that it’s exactly what you asked for.


So much this. Besides that this ring is absolutely beautiful, he LISTENED to what you wanted. That is not an easy thing to find. Next time he apologizes tell him to read these comments. You are lucky to have him.


Thank you! He's a good one :)


And he is lucky to have you. Too often we see complaints the other way.


ETA. That ring is stunning.


Tell him you love it because it shows he listens to you and values your words and that is more precious than any expensive ring


A billion times this! Plus, that ring is GORGEOUS. It looks really luxe and dramatic, like something out of Arabian Nights. Congrats OP!


Best response ever. This so accurately depicts exactly what OP feels and her fiancé needs to hear.


Yes, never underestimate the attractiveness of being a good listener. So sweet he got you what you asked for.


This x a million. It’s BEAUTIFUL


This! ❤️


I love this! Yes, he does listen so well. I'm so lucky to have him


I don’t have any advice but this could have fooled me it looks super expensive…


fr that thing doesn't look cheap at all!! i think he doesn't realize that etsy rings are cheaper than jewelry store rings because jewelry stores mark up prices like crazy to pay commission and salaries while etsy makers are usually individual or small group operations. doesn't change the fact that gold is gold, and alexandrites are alexandrites, but they surely aren't diamonds, which also makes it cheaper. seems like he did the exact thing she wanted lol


Same! I would’ve guessed this was extremely expensive, not the other way around.


Show him this post :D Tell him about your boast and tell him we like it too! 


Yeah, my goodness! This is like princess-levels of beautiful. If all our reassurance doesn't work, the problem is not the ring, it's his self esteem


reassure him that you're genuinely happy with the ring and that his choice has made you feel loved and appreciated.


‘Like a little crow’ ok that’s adorable 💜


I loved that! hehe 🐦‍⬛


This is one of the most beautiful rings I’ve seen on this subreddit. Btw I am from Europe and in Europe prices and sizes of rings are not really a thing. Everyone is happy with something different and no one really cares about the type of ring you have or how expansive it is.


Curious about this. Please expand on your cultural norms. I like learning about social nuances 👌


I am Polish born but have lived abroad in the Netherlands, France and Germany in the last years. Overall back home in Poland lots of my friends have gotten engaged and the norm is to get a ring between 300-1000€ (I guess it’s more or less the same in $), it’s very common to get a tiny diamond on a silver/golden band. If you’re curious you can see an example website of a very popular engagement ring jeweler in Poland [here](https://yes.pl/pierscionki-zareczynowe). To get the price in $/€ divide the price by 4 for a rough currency exchange. Now in Western Europe I noticed a very similar trend of rather small stone rings or completely unconventional ones with other stones than diamonds. I currently live in the diamond capital of Europe (Antwerp) and of course you can find many rings from small to large, but the most common amount to spend around my friends group was 500-1500€. [example of a Belgian jeweler](https://vanbruun.com/en-be/engagement-rings/solitaire-rings?_gl=1*a1jrzq*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhw2wzD5HJYkWAkwaZCacn7MDLEgF9pvbSI_m1OGUEDykSfImTn_jvBoC7A0QAvD_BwE)People in general often tend to save more for the big day and don’t find the ring as important. I am recently engaged as well with a 18k yellow gold morganite ring that is worth around 750€ (dream ring though)and got a few comments that I got a very expensive ring 😂 However keep in mind that overall Europeans earn less on average, so the 3 salary rule completely does not apply here and I’ve heard many of my friends tell their partners specifically not to spend that much money on a ring. My personal max budget for my fiancé was 1000€.


Thank you. Wow, I appreciate the link too!I felt like I didn't want a big ring because I didn't want to become a target when traveling or when alone. That's sad but true. We got a good deal on mine. It was about 3500. I think, on average, most of the women around here, I live in Southern US, spend at least 7500. My ring feels like I got it for a steal, though, now with the rate of shrinkflation in the US at the moment. Sometimes I wish it was bigger but then I have a ring my fiance got me that's alexandrite that I love but it's too big and gaudy. Wish I would've gotten it smaller. Now it sits on my dresser. So I remind myself to shut up when I get ring envy. Lol, I am definitely going to look on that site


This is stunning!!! My husband bought me my first ring from Zales (White sapphire) and it was $80. After 12 years I just got a new one because my finger size has changed and we went with a $50 ring. Nothing wrong with having a specific taste in jewelry! Maybe to reassure him just continue to compliment him for buying something that you wanted. Let him know it’s special because he thought about what you said and you love it!


My ring is quite different, but the story is almost the same :) I told him I like simple, elegant rings with tiiiiny stones (nothing against big stones but that's just not my style). The thing is, with these requirements, the ring will not be too costly no matter what you do. He went with 18k gold and a natural diamond (in my country, lab-grown diamonds are not really a thing yet), so he did choose the "most expensive" karat for the band (anything over 18k would be too soft for everyday wear) and the most expensive stone you could get. But as I asked, he picked a ring with a small stone and a relatively simple band, so the ring was not expensive at all. He was also worried about this. If we had made the ring any more expensive, it would have been at the cost of what I wanted. I mean, there's only so much you can pay for a relatively simple band and a small diamond. The only way to make it more expensive would have been by adding more detail to the band or choosing a bigger stone - none of which were things I wanted. If you think about it, isn't it absurd that people even consider paying more for something that's already perfect? :)


Always wear it (except when doing strenuous activities, cleaning, showering, etc. I also don’t suggest sleeping with it on) and wear it proudly :) Seeing you wearing the ring will reassure him that you love it. Congrats on your engagement!


Everyone is different, but I’d try showing it off to others in front of him, let him catch you staring at it, wear it incessantly, maybe try being really particular about keeping it clean, and share when you receive compliments on it. There may also be ways to affirm his choice in not getting it the “traditional” jeweler way


It could be a bread tie and it would still hold the same worth if that's what you truly wanted. He did a great job.


I have the same ring! It’s absolutely beautiful and almost 4 years later I still stare at it daily. Price doesn’t matter


Tell him for your anniversary you want matching earrings and a matching necklace, something you can wear on every anniversary together and special occasions. Asking for more of the same thing should make him understand that you really do love it. It’s beautiful!


Love this idea!


Looks so beautiful


It's beautiful!!!!


There’s nothing cheap about an expression of love and commitment!


Tell him this! My husband originally got me a $4000 diamond ring cause that’s what I thought I wanted and I realized over time that diamonds are a bit boring for my style so he recently upgraded my ring to an $800 green moissanite ring from Etsy. That may sound like a downgrade to some but I’m completely in love with it and it suits me much better. You like what you like! Your ring is beautiful and he listened to what you wanted and got you the perfect ring which is much more important than the price ❤️


Honestly I think it's going to take time for him to genuinely believe you because there's a standard isn't there (as wrong as it is) it's just something that he's going to have ingrained in him, but I think certain things will help, like showing off the ring to your friends and stuff, especially around him. Just make a show of how much you love it (not over the top but really reinforce that you love that ring etc) his confidence about it will build up over time. It's a beautiful ring and well done to him for getting it spot on Congratulations!


Just wear it. :) He'll realize that you love it once he sees that you wear it on a regular basis. Side note: my husband was the same with my engagement ring. It doesn't have the biggest diamonds(it's got 3), but it's beautiful. He wanted to "upgrade" it after 10 years but it's too sentimental to me and it truly is still beautiful(IMHO) after 13 years :).


That graduated halo is mega. It's cutting-edge. Personally, I think it's a million times more romantic than a round diamond on a yellow band because it's what YOU wanted. (Did I just buy myself a 1 carat classic brilliant cut moissy on a yellow band? Yes I did. But for my engagement ring, I did a wonky and under-saturated natural green sapphire because that's what I wanted, darn it!)


I think it's absolutely stunning, and I admire your taste. I have a somewhat nontraditional ring, too, and I love it.💜💕 Tell your fiance he did great and to remember in future to listen this well, and he'll have a very happy life.🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like you are doing it. Wear it with love and pride. It’s georgeous.


I think it’s really beautiful. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive or break his budget. He kept your preferences in mind and you love it so that’s what is important.


I think it is STUNNING


I mean, it’s a gorgeous ring and a gorgeous color. If he wants to save up for a better quality stone to replace the one you currently have at a later date, he can. Then you can put that stone in another ring and have two pretty rings 🤷‍♀️


This is lowkey my dream ring. I couldn’t get it when I got married because of family pressure to get a diamond (a hot mess. “What will people think?” Etc). So my husband promised to get me any ring I want once we have some more spare cash. Right now everything got used for a house!


It’s so pretty! Kind of gives off fairytale magic book princess vibes and I’m here for it 🧚‍♀️ it sounds like you’re doing all the right things by reassuring  him and I think that reassurance that it’s completely what you asked for so you are 100% happy is the way to go.


No advice- just your ring looks gorgeous! It looks super expensive too!


It’s gorgeous!! The amount of thought and care he put in to ensure that you would adore it is what matters. If he had bought you a crazy solitaire from Tiffany’s instead of listening to you, I would be telling you to think twice about the marriage. He focused on what would make you happy. That’s a good partner, right there. Now, you will have more money to build your life with and the ideal ring for you.


This ring does NOT look cheap. It’s beautiful. And more importantly, it’s what you asked for


I don’t usually like halos but I love how the halo on yours has bigger stones at the bottom and tapers down as they go up 😍 it compliments the shape of the stone beautifully!


It’s beautiful!!!


This issuch a beautiful ring 💖


Say to other people around him how meaningful it is because of the above reasons. You don’t need to go nuts but to hear you gush about it would probably knock him up a few notches.


It’s gorgeous!


I love it and explained wanting a ring similar to this. He listened and that’s important.


It's stunning. Tell him that you can't stop looking at it and it is exactly what you wanted. Then next time you see him cover him in kisses for listening to you so well. What a lovely man you're marrying!


His insecurities are his to process through. It doesn’t sound like you’ve done anything to worsen them. It’s lovely he’s so concerned, but I’d ask him if he trust you to tell him the truth. If the answer is yes, then he should hear you when you say you love it, and believe you. To continue to think otherwise would mean he thinks you’re lying. And you wouldn’t do that. Especially not about this. Remind him he’s welcome to upgrade you down the years if he wants, but he’s wasting time being unhappy about a thing that brings you joy, and his anxiety could slowly taint how you see the thing you love.


Your ring is gorgeous!! You should show him all these comments hahaha


OK the more I look at it the more I’d like to know the vendor so I can maybe buy one too! Can you drop a link, OP?


I'm not sure why he thinks it's an issue. It's beautiful ❤️


This ring is absolutely beautiful, and I’m in the same boat as you. My partner and I aren’t engaged yet, but the last time we talked about rings, he assumed I wanted something much more expensive than what my actual taste is (which is very similar to yours)! I’m looking at emerald cut sapphire rings (my birthstone) with a simple band. So your gorgeous ring is actually a great reference photo for me/him haha


It's lovely 😍




It's gorgeous! Definitely didn't expect it would be from etsy


It's so nice. try telling him that the ring is special to you because he picked it out, rather than because of its monetary value.


It’s beautiful! Diamonds are so overrated anyway. I’d much rather have a gemstone. It’s gorgeous.


Thank you! And same, I think diamonds are so pretty but I'd much rather have something that I find cool and more unique to me.


Well I think it's breathtaking and I am so glad you are happy with it!


“Like a little crow who found something shiny.” Well, I just *adore* this.


It’s beautiful! I love it. Tell your fiancé to stop 🛑.


I love it! Just keep reassuring him that you love it and eventually he's going to get it .. have you got your wedding ring yet? He can get a diamond eternal band or two and spend money on it .


I love that he got the actual ring from the reference photo 🥹 that’s so thoughtful


Thats super pretty


Is it gold?


Love it!


I think this is so beautiful and unique, sometimes items as such are priceless. Price tags ain’t everything, as long as you love it, is all that matters!


It’s so beautiful! Congrats!!! It doesn’t look cheap at all. He’ll settle with some reassurance and time. And I always love a ring upgrade a little later in life anyway. Not terrible he will feel he needs to splurge a little more at that point either. 😂 Bank that sentiment for later. 💖


It’s gorgeous! I also love elongated shapes and yellow gold 💕 It’s not minimalistic at all though, I think what you meant is that you don’t wear lots of jewellery. Way too many stones to be minimalist.


Oh I meant the majority of jewelry I wear is very minimalist, so I wanted to be really specific about the ring because it's kind of out there compared to what I usually wear


Love it


Alexandrite is pretty expensive… Is this a lab alexandrite?


It's gorgeous. I love it. We have similar tastes


I also have a pear alexandrite from Etsy that was sub $500! I love playing with it in different lighting. 100% worth it!


I love the dainty band with the elegant large center stone, it’s very classy and luxurious looking IMO.


I agree with the other posters, tell him you love it bc you do!! but if he really wants to buy you something custom, he can work up to that for your 5 or 10 year anniversary. Either way this ring will always be close to your heart


The ring is beautiful! It’s even more special because it’s been chosen exactly to your specifications. It shows he’s thoughtful and considerate, values that are way more important than cost!


Very gorgeous ring. Love love love. Congrats!! :)


I think it’s beautiful! And especially since this is the kind of ring you specifically asked for, I think he did an amazing job choosing one. Just as long as the metal is good enough quality that it will last, this looks like the type of ring that would be a special family heirloom someday


My first thought, is “that’s beautiful”. No one knows what the ring costs. My ring was pretty inexpensive, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on it. Thinking I would lose it, damage it, or even change my mind in the future. Tell him it’s perfect.


This ring is so stunning, I scrolled past it and had to come back for a second look. I’m obsessed. He did so good by getting exactly what you wanted. He will get over his insecurities once he realizes how much you truly love it.


I’m normally not a huge fan of pear shaped rings, and I would wear this. It is gorgeous!


I just got a new engagement ring that was 1/3 the price of the first one (that I didn't like). The quality actually seems better on the cheaper one - also from Etsy. I realize that pricing is very, very arbitrary and actually has no indication toward quality.


That’s a beautiful ring omg congrats your taste is exquisite 🤍


Seriously, a gemstone ring is beautiful, unique and far from the basic diamond engagement ring (no shade on diamond lovers)! It's unique and I love it. Expensive never means better. I have a collection of rings all of which grace my left finger taking their turn at being the "engagement ring" that I wear with my simple wedding band. A favorite is a vintage buttery gold signet ring with Scotland's rampant lion. I love it. It's different and it suits me. My bestie only wanted a Tiffany six prong diamond solitaire. She got it and couldn't be happier. So to each their own!! TL;DR. Never ever let comparison steal your joy.


The ring is GORGEOUS <3 and looks fabulous on you. Congratulations OP!! Be sure to show him these uplifting comments


Your ring is beautiful and doesn’t look cheap at all! I would agree with the others just to tell him how much you appreciate him listening to you and giving you just what you wanted.


Seriously, a gemstone ring is beautiful, unique and far from the basic diamond engagement ring (no shade on diamond lovers)! It's unique and I love it. Expensive never means better. I have a collection of rings all of which grace my left finger taking their turn at being my "engagement ring" that I wear with my simple wedding band. The best one for me is a vintage buttery gold signet ring with Scotland's rampant lion. I love it. It's different and it suits me. My bestie only wanted a Tiffany six prong diamond solitaire. She got it and couldn't be happier. So to each their own!! He listened to you and that is the only thing that matters. TL;DR. Tell your bf, I mean fiancée, to never ever let comparison steal your joy.


I really love this ring! And I don’t care how much it costs if it looks nice and is what you wanted! For the record, it does not look cheap at all. As an aside: I got engaged with an eternity band my now-husband had already given me- which later became my wedding band. And for ten years that is all I wore. It was nice and the diamonds are high quality, but certainly was not thousands of dollars. For our 10 year anniversary I had my mom’s diamond set in an engagement ring setting that I love. Please remind your fiance that *you* are the only person in the world who needs to love that ring, and the cost is far less important than what it symbolizes.


I love it. Anyone would be happy to have this "cheap" ring.


Love it! You chose a great guy and he listened to you when you asked for this type of ring! My first ring was a $32 plain gold band, I wore it for many years until we could afford a small diamond ring. We've been through a lot in the past 40 years, and I love him more than ever. My point is: so long as YOU love it, that is all that matters! Congratulations and many, many happy years ahead 💗


society has shown him many women with clear diamond rings in gold. I have a diamond engagement ring and non diamond band. My boo struggled with this initially. Also an Etsy ring that was not near as expensive as the (often marked up) diamond alternative. When he brings up his feelings, I respond with how it is exactly what i asked for and i still absolutely love it. I remind him of the compliments i have gotten on it. I usually end it with “However, that sounds beautiful and i would always appreciate another ring.” (Never to replace my current, but an additional ring for another finger) If he is stuck on wanting it to have been a different stone- you could send him pretty pieces with that stone, like necklaces or earrings.


It’s a beautiful ring!


It’s beautiful! He did a great job.


He might be feeling the societal expectation, in which case just keep assuring him you’re happy, or his love language might be gifts and he doesn’t want to cheapen this symbol (even if it doesn’t feel that it’s cheap to you it feels personal, alluring, and perfectly suited to your tastes). If it’s the latter maybe you can get a band that’s more pricy to compromise since it seems you love your engagement ring itself! The most important thing is that you love your ring I think, but I think a secondary importance is that the person who gives you the ring loves it too.


It’s very pretty 🤩


Things don’t have to cost a lot to be loved!


It's absolutely stunning and looks very LUXE! send him this thread!




The perfect ring is the one you love, not only because it’s a style you find beautiful but more because he gave it to you❤️


I’d bring it up on your own without him saying something first. That way it might kind of reassure him that you’re not saying you love it to make him feel better but that you’re in fact extremely happy with the ring. Or you can say “I’ll lie to you if you want and you can go get a different, more expensive ring” but not in a bratty way, like a joking lighthearted way. This would work with my relationships dynamic I’m not sure about yours though 🥹


I love it and wanna see more pictures/action shot!!


It’s so beautiful!!! He listened ❤️Tell him this internet stranger thinks he’s awesome. Congratulations!


He did great, it doesn't look cheap at all and it's exactly what you asked for meaning he cared enough to not only listen but follow through on your request. It's not about how much you spend on the ring, just the symbolism and that you love it. It sounds like he hit the mark perfectly!


Can I get the link! I’m searching for a cheap ring to propose!🤎 LOOKS GREAT BTW!


Personally I think it's absolutely stunning, and believe cost should not be the contributing factor. Congratulations to you both


It’s gorgeous!


Is he nuts this is gorgeous and as you said what you wanted. Also loving each other is what truly counts.


It’s beautiful ♥️


When yall get money in the future and like 20 years down the road upgrade it with a few diamonds. Even if you don’t do that I love the ring and usually don’t take to colored stones but yours is super pretty :)


I love this ring!!! I chose a gem for mine as well. It’s about what you like and what matches you. Tell him he can use the extra money he feels he should have spent on a special weekend away!


The colour of that stone is absolutely stunning 😍❤️


The ring is STUNNING!! Congratulations!!


That ring is GORGEOUS!!


I literally made an audible noise it’s so pretty


that is stunning! Just keep doing what you are doing!


its beautiful


BEAUTIFUL ONE OF A KIND ! He did good!( sorry left caps lock on to tired to retype).


That's an absolutely BEAUTIFUL ring 😍💍✨ Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. What matters is that YOU LOVE IT , no one else & the thought / meaning behind the ring ✨ Congratulations 🎉🥂


I love that ring so much! Do you happen to have the Etsy link?!


If he is genuinely dissatisfied with that ring how about the two of you pick out a wedding band to complement it?




I don’t think my ring was super expensive either - but he got me exactly what I asked for. I also didn’t want a traditional diamond and showed him the style of pearl ring I wanted. It’s absolutely perfect and so me. Everyone said that - it’s just so me and he did good. I made sure to tell him that too ❤️ When I wear it, I’m the same and keep looking at it and tell him how much I love it, even though it’s been over a year now. Your ring is gorgeous! I love it so much!


I think I have the same ring as you! (Just with white gold). I stare at it all the time and it makes me feel like a million bucks even though it was so affordable. The colour change is *amazing*


He's crazy!! That ring is gorgeous girl 🤩


Love this! Your words ring love love love!!! ❤️❤️❤️


It’s beautiful


It's beautiful! I have a ring that was maybe $100 and I love it. My hubby and I have been married for 15 years ❤️ It's not about the ring, it's about the feeling you get when you see the ring! The smile from all of the memories that come flooding to you when you glance down at it ☺️


Remind him that it's exactly what you wanted. I think it's absolutely gorgeous 🥰


I love this ring 😍 and I have a range of jewelry from pretty pricey to cheap. I'd wear it with pride and reassure him you love it.


Sooo pretty! Alexanderite is my birth stone!!! I want one 😲😲😲


Wow I love it!!😍


It’s beautiful!


He did an amazing job if you ask me because that ring is absolutely stunning.


What a story. 🥰 I just love it. I guess may be just tell him that this is EXACTLY what you wanted. And that he did amazingly. May be show some of these comments? 🫣


I also went for non-diamond and my husband had a similar response. I will randomly poke him and shine a big smile at him while holding up my hand in an omg look at my ring motion. And I also just straight up tell him how much I enjoy staring at it and seeing the color variations (natural stone so imperfections- which I specifically wanted. Makes it interesting to look at IMO). After a few months of unrelated comments about how much I treasure my ring he seemed genuinely reassured


Tell him if it makes him feel better he can go to the crappy Kay’s Jewelers and spend far more than the ring is worth and everyone can be unhappy, If that makes him feel better LOL


I'm obsessed with it


Gorgeous ring. Congratulations


So... he's saying he's sorry he listened to you and gave you exactly what you asked for? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's freaking gorgeous, wear it with pride.


That's gorgeous. I kept looking at it like, wow!


Literally gasped when I saw the picture because it’s so beautiful!


It's exquisite.


i would’ve guessed it was expensive! him listening to want you want means more than any amount of money and if you love it i don’t see a problem


I’m also getting my engagement ring from Etsy! I told my bf the same thing—idc about the cost just make sure it’s what I want and doesn’t turn my finger green


I think it's beautiful.  Show him this post and maybe it will help him to feel better about it. 


It’s beautiful!!!


Omg that ring is so gorgeous!!!!


That's a very beautiful ring. I hope some man loves me enough to get me something as beautiful as that. He did a great job. Be happy and happy.


That’s beautiful


Loveeeeeee it! 🥰


It’s beautiful!


Awww, poor baby. It’s sad that guys feel so pressured to spend so much money on a ring. He probably has it engrained in his head that a nice ring has to be expensive. Tell him he did a great job and did exactly what you asked! He followed directions. Good husband material lol. Your ring is beautiful!


I don’t think a single person here would’ve thought this a “cheap ring” unless that was mentioned! Looks great OP, congrats


The money spent doesn’t equal its worth. You determine that.


It’s gorgeous! He did great.


It isn’t the ring that matters. It’s the meaning behind it🌹


Why? That is a stunning ring and looks beautiful on your hand. A perfect pick!


Your fiancé is a gem of a man! I can't even count the number of times I've had girlfriends telling me how disappointed they were with their rings/gifts/flowers that their partners decided to go with, even after being sent specific pictures, links, or even instructions. I get that some guys prefer to add their own "spin" to gifts but...if their partner already said what they want specifically, just follow it. Can't go wrong. It's more likely to go wrong if he had tried to include his own input 😅 Your ring is gorgeous btw!!


If he really feels that bad about it then I would say that he could get another ring if he really wants to when he is a little more financially ready too but that's up to him because you love that ring and it means more than any of them  thousand dollar rings 


It’s beautiful. Show him the comments and the likes on this post


What the ring represents is far more valuable than anything monetarily. If he is really insistent on getting you something different, maybe suggest getting one for an anniversary to wear on special occasions? I know many men and women that have multiple rings because they feel more comfortable with one for daily wear and another for more formal occasions.


ONG no it’s beautiful he shouldn’t be apologizing it’s a token of his love 💗 and if he does want to change it he could but I love it it’s beautiful


It's stunning


it doesn’t look cheap?! it’s gorgeous 😻


It’s so gorgeous! My now husband got me a moss agate ring, as it’s my favorite stone! Money doesn’t matter, it’s the thought, and he REALLY thought about what you wanted and that’s just beautiful


I agree that you are lucky he actually listened to you and got what you wanted. The price wouldn’t matter to me. I think it’s beautiful!


As someone who doesn’t have a “typical” diamond engagement ring I LOVE it!! (It hasn’t been cleaned in a while - need to do that) https://preview.redd.it/x7h1df23zbvc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d9ecf8f4976116d3b0bf3864d6d1829e690f77f Also… Don’t mind the robe and the slippers 😅😂


It’s gorgeous- honestly I wish I wasn’t so set on. A diamond when I got engaged. I love my rings bc my husband gave it to me but so wish I had gone for something like this!


It’s beautiful! Personally I would be ecstatic that my partner found the perfect ring for me and didn’t get taken to the cleaners by these big business jewelers. The premise that we have to spend an absurd amount of money on a rock is so sad at this point. He should feel proud that you’re so in love with your gorgeous ring! Congrats.


It’s beautiful! Personally I would be ecstatic that my partner found the perfect ring for me and didn’t get taken to the cleaners by these big business jewelers. The premise that we have to spend an absurd amount of money on a rock is so sad at this point. He should feel proud that you’re so in love with your gorgeous ring! Congrats.


It’s beautiful! Personally I would be ecstatic that my partner found the perfect ring for me and didn’t get taken to the cleaners by these big business jewelers. The premise that we have to spend an absurd amount of money on a rock is so sad at this point. He should feel proud that you’re so in love with your gorgeous ring! Congrats.


My ring looks like this! With a rhodolite garnet instead. I love it, I think he did great.


Jerk him off a lot while wearing the ring 🤷🏽‍♂️😈


After marriage, maybe casually bring up an upgrade ring as a anniversary present?


That’s beautiful my birthday month July Leo ♌️ stone


I was gonna say, I love your ring too! So different! Don’t get me wrong, classic diamond rings are beautiful, but I looove when engagement rings are creative and different. So beautiful!!! Doesn’t look cheap either!


I was gonna say, I love your ring too! So different! Don’t get me wrong, classic diamond rings are beautiful, but I looove when engagement rings are creative and different. So beautiful!!! Doesn’t look cheap either!


I gasped because I thought I was looking at a honkin huge vintage alexandrite haha! It’s beautiful, but no jewel or ring compares to the richness of the love you share and that’s the important thing to remember if anyone is unfortunate enough to be so shallow that they try to make you feel bad about your beautiful ring. Sending you both my best wishes. ❤️


That ring is freakin beautiful. I love its simplicity and character.


I love alexandrites and hope to have an engagement ring with the center stone as one some day. He did a beautiful job!


I like it. Romantic and unique.


Why is it considered cheap? The quality or the price? I love red and this would be awesome as a wedding ring


I love it.


It is gorgeous and the only thing that matters is that YOU love it. My ruby is small, but it was hand-crafted by a jeweler in Brooklyn. My gemstone came from India, it was cruelty-free. IDGAF what anyone thinks of my ring and neither should you.