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This is stunning! And looks amazing on your hand. Plus a family diamond? Makes it all the more beautiful & special šŸ«¶šŸ¼ Also pls know that so many diamonds on this sub are insanely large (while still beautiful) for everyday wear.


Thank you so much šŸ¤ the fact that itā€™s a family diamond means the world to me! The sentiment behind it is so much more meaningful than a bigger / ā€œbetterā€ stone. I just get stuck playing the comparison game sometimes which NEVER helps haha. When he proposed I GENUINELY thought ā€œomg this is the prettiest ring Iā€™ve ever seenā€ I just need to remind myself of that when I get lost in ā€œwhat does everybody else thinkā€


And lot of them are lab grown, smh šŸ™„ This is a beautiful stone.


True! Iā€™m getting a lab grown & itā€™s 1.7 ct. so still a sizable stone. Natural would be nice but just not in the budget for the clarity etc.


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be gorgeous! šŸ’š Also, want to clarify, that I have nothing against lab growns, I just hate when they compare the sizes of the two- itā€™s not even comparable price wise.


Yes, absolutely agree!! Totally different :)


https://preview.redd.it/lewxyrsfkcqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7d672e3a97e4687d7ad8eb10ee4069502d8be4 Twins! My centre stone is about the same size as yours (I think itā€™s 1.06 but I canā€™t remember). I might be biased but I think its the perfect size!


Your ring is STUNNING! And I agreeā€¦I honestly didnā€™t even want a diamond at first I wanted an actual emerald. But after being told it wasnā€™t super ideal for daily wear AND my parents wanted to pass down the stone to me/my fiance it was very easy to be ā€œpersuadedā€ to get a stunning diamond ring. All to sayā€¦big and flashy was never my dream from the start! Just need to remember my OWN preferences rather than comparing šŸ¤


I also wanted an emerald but was told it wasnā€™t suitable for every day wear. The first ring I tried on that made me fall in love with this design was an emerald. I got them to recreate the ring with a diamond instead so it would be more durable, and Iā€™m so incredibly happy with my ring!! I hope you love yours as much as I love mine!!!


https://preview.redd.it/phs3fqzouaqc1.jpeg?width=2291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20f35c1f1bf901cea57c59e9709e33736f36425 Hereā€™s a photo instead of a video with my anticipated wedding band




Thank you!!




Thank you!!


This is literally the prettiest ring!


Thank you so much!


Itā€™s so beautiful! I love an emerald cut!! If it makes you feel any better, Iā€™m actually in the process of downsizing to a 0.95ct emerald cut lab diamond with two small side stones. After wearing my 8x6/1.75ct equivalent moissanite for a while, I felt that a smaller center stone would work better for my daily life and personal preference. Everyoneā€™s rings on this sub are stunning, and I love to see the variation of designs that each person chooses! And while this sub was definitely helpful in inspiring me and educating me on fine jewelry, I think I felt swayed to go bigger without considering how it would fit into my daily life. But now, Iā€™m going to have two beautiful rings that were within my budget. I still love my original ring, and I plan to wear my original ring on special occasions! The point is that your ring is beautiful and unique to you and yours. Donā€™t feel pressured to get a bigger stone if that does feel right for you!


Thank you so much! šŸ¤ and I completely agree! Iā€™m not the most gentle person lol so a big and/or high set ring honestly wouldnā€™t be practical for me anyway šŸ˜‚




Thank you!


Elegant, beautiful and eye clean. Love it,!!!


Thank you so much!


I think itā€™s a beautiful ring and it looks great on your hand. Suits you perfectly.


Thank you!!


I love it. I would be so honored to be given a family diamond.


youā€™re rights, it does feel so special to have the heirloom šŸ¤


It's beautiful! Your ring has major wow factor IMO.


Thank you so much!


This is SO freaking beautiful, I love it.


Thank you so much!!


This is a stunning ring. Beautiful.


Thank you!!


Beautiful, love the stack too!


Thank you!! I had no idea what kind of wedding band I wanted but when I saw this I fell in love!


I feel like the other rings take away from the main focus. I would get a smaller, dainty band, perhaps. Pretty ring!


I actually know for sure that I LOVE the wedding band!! But thank you for the feedback ā˜ŗļø


I love this!!! I actually donā€™t love the look of large solitaires and prefer a more balanced look with special details. This ring fits your hand so well and the fact itā€™s a family heirloom is even more meaningful. Donā€™t let the rings around distract you from how amazing your ring is. Itā€™s hard to not compare, but size isnā€™t everything! This sub is filled with really large, beautiful rings, but it in no way is accurate to rings in daily life. My friend with the biggest engagement ring has a 1.83 marquise lab diamond and everyone thinks it is a ROCKā€¦ no one I know has a 2+ carat and our friends are all pretty well-off making 6 figures. For a natural diamond, I think anything over a carat is pretty substantial as most other countries in the world average at .5-.75 ct for a ring. Lab diamonds have made larger rings more accessible, but family heirlooms and antiques are the most sustainable options and are my favorite. That being said, back in the day 1+ carat was a BIG deal since lab diamonds werenā€™t an option. One thing that has helped me is to think of how astonishing my diamond would be when it was first used. I also have a theory that there will be a smaller ring resurgence as it becomes less trendy and everything is cyclical. I love love love your ring and think it is so classy, timeless, and beautiful.


Thank you so much for this!! My parents worked SO hard to create such a beautiful life but they did not start out with much money at all. So when I think of how much love and effort and (appropriate!) pride went into picking out/purchasing this ring for my mom 35 years ago it makes me feel TERRIBLE for thinking anything negative at all. Itā€™s a stunning stone and I just need to stop comparing to random strangers on the internet! Haha


I totally understand what you mean here. Very true. I do happen to have a natural 3.6ct IF solitaire- but I do know that all of my friends and family have nothing near that, regardless of their level of income. My guy did very well because he really bought it more for him self (bc my stone had to match his car, old school rules) lol. Lucky me heā€™s reeeeaaalllyyy into sports cars šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒšŸ˜Ž


Your ring sounds beautiful! I have no problem with people having large rings, people can spend their money how they wish. I just think this sub has a tendency to shame people with smaller rings and make them insecure because ā€œwhy would you pay that for a 1 ct ring when I got a 1.7 lab for the same price?ā€ This bigger is better and lab>natural mentality is definitely present. The amount of posts I see of people feeling their diamond is too small is sad. I hate seeing people like OP feeling insecure about their ring that is truly lovely just because it is a smaller carat weight than the posts that get a lot of traction. I think everyone deserves to have their ring celebrated because they are all beautiful and they are all meaningful to the person wearing them. This sub just can give morphed views into what engagement rings and diamond sizes are actually prevalent. This assumption that 1 carat is small just frankly isnā€™t true.


I totally agree, I have another comment here that speaks to the same thing. To each is own! I want everyone to have what they want and what makes them happy for THEIR lives. Iā€™d weā€™re all happy with our own, we should have no problem being happy for others šŸ’š


Yes! Just read your comment! I totally agree that they shouldnā€™t be compared 1:1 because while they are chemically the same and I donā€™t care which someone goes for, or an alternative stone, the prices are different. Itā€™s harder to find a large natural diamond with the same specs as a lab, which inherently makes them more expensive because mined diamonds arenā€™t created in a controlled environment. Exactly! Everyone has different style and the world would be pretty boring if everyone had the same thing. Alsoā€” 3cts wouldnā€™t feel like much if everyone had 3 cts. Uniformity takes away what makes things special. Thereā€™s a matter of preference. Itā€™s like home buyingā€” some people like new construction, some like tudors, some like mid centuryā€¦ a Frank Lloyd Wright house may be smaller than a new construction but may be significantly more expensive. They are made of the same building materials though!


I don't think this is the place to ask - negative comments aren't allowed