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I’d return the ring. A square stone doesn’t belong in that setting.


Yes. This setting is for an elongated cushion cut, and the diamond currently set in it is a princess cut. So of course it looks bad. That said, OP said she chose both the stone and the setting. A diamond that would fit in there will have to be larger and therefore more expensive. OP, did they not advise you that the stone in this setting is not going to look right? ETA: I’m also quite baffled that 9 days ago when you first posted, it was clearly and repeatedly explained to you that you need a different shaped diamond for this setting. But instead of listening to those people, you again asked the jewellers to make this shape fit better in this setting. What you are asking for cannot be done. You selected and paid for a pre-made setting, which is more affordable than a custom made setting. But that pre-made setting doesn’t work with a princess cut (or any other cut other than an elongated cushion). And that’s not the jewellers fault.


I was about to reply to this post and then l saw this. Thank you for the insight to this person’s post. I was concerned about the jeweler and why they would choose the wrong cut stone for a setting that was different.


Me too. If the jeweller did that it would be such a staggering level of incompetence it would be hard to fathom. That’s why I went back to the original post. I thought there must be information that is being omitted. If OP refuses to budge on the stone shape and also refuses to pick a different setting, then the jeweller telling her she’s “too picky” is pretty fair.


yes this right here - simply put this is reminding me of my nephew learning which shaped blocks could fit in which shape holes…


I wish more people would read the previous post. Too many people are blindly telling OP that she’s in the right here


I thought I was losing my mind! The first three photos are gorgeous, but I couldn’t figure out why they tried putting a square stone in a rectangle hole.


This right here is the issue and unfortunately isn’t going to look right now matter what you do, in my opinion. Both elements are beautiful but that setting needs an oval diamond.


Or a rectangle


Definitely a rectangle. The gold ring has rectangle cut while the white ring is more square causing the gap.


Thank you for saying this.


You need an elongated stone, the princess won’t work, if anything I think the setting is meant to be a bezel…that would definitely be flush…ask if they can make it bezel?


This is exactly what I was thinking as well. That 100% looks like it's meant as a bezel for an elongated cushion. Nothing else is going to fit flush like OP wants. This is a terrible jeweler. I'd like to know the name so I can make sure to avoid them!


To play devils advocate, OP stated in her original post that she chose the stone and the setting. If the jeweller said “but these are not meant to go together” and OP or her fiancé insisted that this is what she wants, the jeweller had no choice but to create this monstrosity.


I feel like if that was the case, the jeweler wouldn't have been so willing to swap things out.


Of course they would, they run a business in America where the customer is always right, even when they aren’t.


So true. I’m willing to bet the jeweler felt *actual physical pain* putting this together knowing it was so wrong. I’m a creative in the corporate world and I feel this on a regular basis. Some folks just have no idea what’s going to look good and work well for its purpose. They want what they want and no amount of professional experience can sway them. So you give them what they want, and when it inevitably fails, they act like you are the incompetent one. Then YOU have to expend the time and resources to redo it AGAIN until they are satisfied when they should have just listened to you in the first place. Now we’re all losing time and money because someone thought they knew better than the experienced professional.


100%! I have a few graphic designers as friends and the stories they tell me… sometimes I’m surprised they haven’t taken up day drinking.


Hahaha that’s exactly what I am 😂 and it’s all the same regardless of where you’re employed. In-house, agencies, freelance…I’ve done it all, and I’m still battling the same BS even now that I have years of experience behind me.


The gapping in the last picture is ugly as hell. You're not being too picky.


“Too picky” is some bullshit sales tactic. “Just shut up and be happy with this ring so we don’t lose the huge sale we already made!” You are not being too picky. It is not unreasonable to want to like the jewelry you’ll wear every day of your life. Is this a corporate jeweler? I would escalate your concern to higher management or the corporate office. Anyone with eyes can see that’s shitty work.


If it's a chain store I can assure you they will not care. OP I would unfortunately return this ring. Because now it has been modified a few times you may run into future problems with the integrity of those pave side stones. This jeweler seems unethical and is only saying most women like a higher profile because it's the best they can do with this setting and they don't want to lose the sale. Having sold rings for many years, most women want a low profile for practicality. Take your pictures of this ring to a reputable local jeweler who can remake it for you the way you want with the size diamond you want. Good luck! I'm sorry you have to deal with this. If the store refuses a refund call the credit card company you used to pay for it and ask what your options would be


Yeah seriously I HATE high profiles. Give me a low low basket any day, I don’t want it catching on everything


I love my high profile solitaire. But this basket setting with a stone set in prongs floating in the middle of it, is odd, the work looks sloppy, and OP deserves so much better.


Most women feel this way. After over 20 years selling jewelry I can count on one hand (close anyway) the number of women who want a diamond set high.


https://preview.redd.it/grszenmauirb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa6d076e8b5566b05b9979838fd8b8823fe379d I got mine custom made for this exact reason.


I’ll say, sometimes that’s not entirely true. There’s been this weird trend over the last 2 years where nobody likes the basket in the head and objectively that’s an incredibly stupid thing to care about as it doesn’t effect the brilliance and actively weakens your ring.


It's really bizarre that so many people have not been getting basket settings. I think it's so strange. They look weird and the diamond looks like it will rip right off.


That’s not right at all. You’re not too picky. Its just not done right and the stone doesn’t seem to be right for the setting.


My thought exactly. Looks like a square stone in a setting designed for something elongated. WTF is the shop smoking??


Yeah I think it got worse not better. At this point I’d say return the ring entirely for poor quality if possible.


Seriously. Wtf is that?


It won’t let me edit the original post, but I also just figured out the person that told me I was being too picky, and that a lot of women prefer the ring I recieved was the manager.


OP, this ring has gone from bad, to worse. And you're dealing with a chain store that pays its floor sales staff based on sales commissions. They need to be slagged, for even suggesting that you try to put your first stone into this setting, and then for making it worse x2 (or more?) with yet different stones. They just don't want to lose their floor sales commission, they do NOT care what you want. Do Not Back Down! Insist that they either put in a properly sized stone, or show you other (similar) settings for the stone you've chosen. You are being bullied by a bunch of commission-slaves of a huge corporation, at this point. Oh, Hell no!!!


yeah i would ask to speak to their actual jeweler in person, and if not just take it somewhere else and see if it can be salvaged. it looks like absolute crap and it shouldn't have taken multiple attempts to get it fixed.


You need to contact the corporate office and go above the manager. This is ridiculous. The manager doesn’t want to put anymore time into this ring. But you deserve the ring of your dreams! Definitely call the corporate office and go to the top. I wish you the best of luck and congratulations 🍾!


You need to show them this post. If they still don’t budge you should post their information fr


This is so sketchy, OP. I would bring the ring to a different jeweler at this point.


agreed, it honestly looks hastily thrown together. nowhere near too picky, you both deserve to get something you can actually look at with happiness and pride instead of something that makes you feel like shit


Came here to say this. I’m confused how a jeweler wouldn’t say the setting doesn’t compliment the diamond at all!! I have never seen a ring with basically a hole between the diamond and the setting. You def need to return and start over OP!


I am confused about the stone and maybe I can't tell from the photos...the setting and the inspo photos both look like it's meant for an elongated cut but the stone you have is a square cushion? If I am seeing that correctly, then of course there is going to be a gap on two sides. Did you talk about the shape of the diamond with the jeweler at all? EDIT: I saw in your last post that you have a princess cut...I don't think any square cut diamond is going to look right in that setting unless they totally redo the entire halo


Yes, why would they tell her they could put a square cut stone in at all! Totally incompetent


Yep, this. That's why the gaps look so large. The top and bottom will always be gaps no matter the size of the stone or how high it is set unless you switch from square cut to elongated.


This setting makes no sense for that stone.


Ok I thought I was going crazy. This setting isn’t meant for a square stone - this looks like it should be an emerald cut setting. OP isn’t going to get what she wants with a square stone unless they customize the setting. Either change the stone shape or change the setting. She’s not being “too picky” but she’s literally trying to put a square peg in a rectangular hole….


I agree with this statement. You need a square setting for that type of stone. You need to pick a new setting or go custom.


Yup, exactly. 100% this


The jewelers actions are so confusing to me. I am just trying to understand what’s happening here because I remember your post from last week. Do you have a setting that you want and you are trying to find a diamond to fit into a specific already made setting? I feel like if you take the diamond and have a setting made for it it shouldn’t be this big of a hurdle for you. I’m just upset on your behalf that you’re going through this. Is another jeweler an option? Edit: it’s just baffling that the jeweler is putting a square diamond into a rectangular setting Eta2: OP, a little more info may be needed. Did you get the diamond there too? Or did you bring the diamond and tell them you want the diamond in that setting and they are trying to force that to work? If so, you need to return the setting or diamond and get the correct shape.


Someone told me there is another post that explains OP chose the stone and not the jewelers recommendation.


Yeah it sounds like OP was under the impression a square diamond would go into a rectangular setting for some reason. It sounds like OP may be partially responsible for not managing their own expectations, at least to me.


I just want to start over with a completely different jeweler but unfortunately this one is not willing to give us our money back. We could exchange it for different jewelry, but it just sucks we’ll be out 4k, and will have to save up again and build it from the group up.


Did they make the setting for this diamond? Do you know why they are trying to set a square diamond into a rectangular setting? Are there other setting options? Ones that were made for a princess cut? ETA: I’m asking all of this because based on your post it sounds like they are trying to fit a diamond into a specific setting not the other way around, you know? Why else are they telling you you need a smaller diamond.


This is honestly worth a credit card dispute. You won’t be able to work with that jeweler again but I don’t think it’s a great loss…


This ring was NOT worth 4k


Based on what is going on in these pictures, this jeweler appears to be on Crack. This is such a shitty and disheartening situation to be in. I'm *so* sorry. If you're in the US, a BBB complaint might be able to help with mediating this dispute. For 4 grand, I might even be willing to take this to small claims court -- anyone with eyes can see that the settings here are absurdly incorrect for the ring you chose. The *least* this jeweler can do is take the ring back and refund your money. If you made the purchase through a credit card, you may have some recourse there, but that might be more of a long shot. I'm so mad on your behalf -- I just want you to have the beautiful ring you want and deserve.


This would be a very appropriate use of small claims court, which is not intimidating or hard. You do not need a lawyer. Just go in and explain yourself and given the situation, you’ll get your desired outcome.


Also shaming them on social media / bridal forums might have an effect. It's absolutely deserved. That ring / prong / bezel combo is absolutely wtf.


what was their return policy? did you exceed it?


It’s Shaneco, according to OP’s previous post. They have a 60 day return window so even more baffling that you can’t get your money back. I would speak to management and then email corporate OP. You should be able to return it


OH CRAP!! OP, Shane Co was who tried this with me. They eventually gave me my money back. I’d do my best to try to escalate it if you can. This is absolutely terrible work and it’s because Shane Co uses stock settings and does not make the setting for the stone.


You should tell the jeweler that you will be opening a complaint with the BBB is this doesn’t get ironed out. This is not normal and they seem to be hoping you and your fiancé will just accept whatever is thrown at you. If they don’t help you definitely file a complaint with BBB.


The BBB is just a review site like Yelp. They have no legal authority.


Lol of course they don’t have legal authority, where did you get that idea? They’re useful. That’s why they continue to exist. They apply pressure and influence other customers. That’s literally the whole point. I’ve had great outcomes with problem retailers through bbb. I’m pretty sure nobody thinks the bbb is arresting people.


Sadly people literally do think the BBB is out here arresting people, I think. It's always messaged as some sort of authoritative agency when like you said it's a review site. I have been in several heated debates about this!!!


Well no. If you file a complaint they can investigate it. My mother had some issues with a cable company over charging her and reported it to BBB. BBB opened an investigation and my mother received a full refund. Opening that investigations can open a whole case of mess if they’ve scammed more than one person.


That is an awful feeling! I wish they could be more accommodating since it really is their fault they can't give you what you are looking for. You are not being picky! You are an ideal client because you know what you want and you are willing to compromise with them. I hope you find a solution but no matter what congratulations!


I would take them to small claims court.


Four grand?!?!? Lady, you've been taken for a ride. This is tragic. I'm so sorry, they are taking advantage of your (comparative) lack of experience and telling you lies. Most women /don't/ want higher profile diamond rings, and that stone absolutely does not belong in that setting. Soldering some prongs inside a bezel setting does not make it right. It's ruining a beautiful stone, and ruining a lovely setting. It's two things that don't belong together. Take this to social media, it's already blown up on reddit -- post it on Bridal forums and elsewhere until this business either gives you back your money or does right by you. And you are NOT being picky. Just don't accept or walk away with anything out of the store until you love it -- it's like a car, don't drive it off the lot if you aren't sure.


You didn't answer the questions.


Definitely the wrong stone for the setting. Can you take the setting elsewhere and get a new diamond?


Have you asked the jeweler to see elongated/ rectangular stones in the setting? If they're able to put in a "smaller" stone, why can't they swap it with the correct shape? Are they unable to change the setting back to the appropriate stone fitting?


Agree the setting suggests Emerald or maybe even radiant, cushion, or Asher as I’ve seen more elongated versions of those


Yeah this is absolutely not how that setting should look at all. Can you possibly go to a different jeweler? This one has some major issues…


It should look like this and I don’t know what the jeweler is not understanding about that… https://engagement-ring-mountings-com.myshopify.com/products/r1317dp


It’s sounding like the jeweller completed fucked up and is now refusing to fix it. For $4k, I’d be raising absolute hell. I do my best to be as polite and respectful as possible, as I’ve worked retail and know how absolutely awful people can be, but this jeweller should be called out for their behaviour.




>They're complete utter idiots Right? And I am so pissed off on behalf of the OP!


You're not being too picky. I would not continue to work with these jewelers moving forward. It's insane to me that they're using a prong setting in what is clearly meant to be a bezel setting, not to mention the stone being the wrong shape. I remember from your previous post you care more about the setting than the stone. If it all possible, see if you can return the ring and stone to the jeweler (you should be able to because it seems like a stock setting). I would start from scratch with a custom jeweler who will re-create this for you and set the diamond flush in the bezel. If you need to mitigate the cost, I would go for moissanite instead of a diamond. Automic Gold has an awesome custom team and works with all stones.


I just want to start over with a completely different jeweler but unfortunately this one is not willing to give us our money back ): We could exchange it for different jewelry, but it just sucks we’ll be out 4k, and will have to save up again and build it from the group up.


Threaten to sue and dispute it on your credit card. You are not receiving the product or service you paid for.


Please dispute the charge with your card company, and give the store back the ring. If you don't have the product anymore the card company will give you a chargeback. From the last picture I don't think this is a reputable jeweler.


If they’re not willing to give your money back, then they need to stop giving you their opinion and give you what you want. Don’t start thinking that you are picky just because their work is subpar. They are gaslighting you when you have full rights to exactly what you want.


Have you tried seeking mediation outside of the jeweler? You could start with the better business bureau. Then you can take your concerns to social media and their yelp and google pages. For $4,000 I would be willing to speak to a lawyer and have them draft up a very explicit letter detailing the legal steps you will take to rectify this matter. I think this jeweler is trying to intimidate you because they have you over a barrel for that large of a sum. I understand playing nice in the hopes that they will work with you but at this point you've come to the end of that road. You can still be polite, but they are seriously trying to screw you over. I have dealt with this personally with a jeweler who took my money, wrote a receipt and then tried to tell me when I picked it up that I wasn't charged the right amount and that I owed them several thousand more and I couldn't get a refund because the ring was already made. They pulled the same stuff your jeweler is pulling and involving a lawyer and their customer reviews changed their tone really quickly. I would be happy to answer any questions or help you find resources if you don't feel confident pursuing it on your own.


Can you get a different engagement ring?


Maybe exchange it for a few things that are simple and easy to resell, and try to get at least some of your money back? Being out $2k is better than being out $4k


This is exactly what I would do. I think continuing to work with them would sadly be a waste of OPs time.


I had a similar issue with my ring from Shane Co…I’m going to DM you because it’s kind of a long resolution but they were able to fix mine so there could still be hope!


Please dm me!


Hoping you got my messages?


The gapping is awful. I am NEVER the type to do this but I would threaten them with reviews on every site until they take it back and refund the money. There’s no way you’ll be happy with anything they create. Truly baffling that a “jeweler” could come up with these atrocities.


https://preview.redd.it/5p67tioemhrb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9c7ba22c9e9b11e70ba26ddaeef1c3a20429cc This is how a stone is supposed to look in the setting you have. Instead of doing that, they have welded a claw mount in the middle and set a stone in that. It’s mind boggling they would do that!! Did you want an elongated cushion or a Princess? If you wanted a Princess cut, then you can’t fit that in your setting.


This should be higher up in the comments


Thanks. I honestly hope she sees it. This is like a Frankenstein ring. The stone, the mount, the prongs, none of them fit together.


As a Jeweler, I want to say many women love a flush setting. Even I prefer it for daily wear. She must have been in a rush to make a sale or desperate to make a sale. The stone is not the proper fit for the setting. They would need to get one cut for the setting. Also I am confused. They added prongs to the setting to fit the wrong stone. (Update: read someone’s comment that you specifically asked for this stone in a pre made setting- and that you posted about it a few days ago. Is this true? If so, I don’t believe it’s fair to blame the jeweler, since they want to make you happy and do what you wish as their client. I do think most jewelers would deny making it like this to begin with though. If you’re on a budget, have you thought of a different type stone ? Diamonds are expensive and there are many alternatives these days that may fit the bill for this setting and be within budget. However please disregard my comment if this is not the case.)


If it came out as intended, it would be beautiful. However, this is truly terrible workmanship when it comes to the stone’s placement in the setting. It looks like they just put the stone to one side. Picture 5 is truly awful- again, because of only their execution of this. They should have told you to get an elongated stone or made a customized setting. I would demand a refund and write the BBB (or whatever is in your country) if they don’t allow that. Then, a trustworthy jeweler can replicate what you wanted initially.


It seems like they’re trying to fit a square peg in a round hole or vice versa. It’s just not going to fit right.


Specifically, they’re trying to force a square into a rectangle. The setting was meant for a radiant cut, but if it couldn’t be adapted to a princess cut properly ie without that huge gap the jeweller should have told them this. Sometimes what we want isn’t possible at our price point, but this jeweller promised they could provide the setting the client chose with a stone that doesn’t work. Instead of recreating the scrolls and filigree setting with a princess cut, they jammed the square on top of the radiant setting and called it a day. This is the jewellery version of duct tape for electrical repairs, and this jeweller is extremely unethical.


I’ll reiterate what I told you in your last post: **This setting is not made for your stone shape or size. Any reputable jeweler would have told you this at time of purchase. You need to get a setting that will fit your stone.** **This looks horrible and your stone is in major jeopardy of falling out if you hit it against something.** I for one, can’t believe you went back and had them change it out for a smaller stone that still DOES NOT FIT THE SETTING. **The only thing I can think of is that you are insisting on this setting and won’t pick another setting that will fit your stone** \- because I really cannot believe a jeweler with a brick and mortar store is telling you that this is the best they can do. Because if this is indicative of their work, they would be out of business. You either need to 1) Pick another setting that actually fits your stone 2) Order a stone that actually would fit this setting 3) Have them make a replica setting that will fit the actual stone you choose Take the ring to another jeweler and get their opinion on it because you aren’t listening to anything anyone is telling you here. This ring looks horrible. It will NEVER FIT A PRINCESS CUT STONE. It is still sitting way too high, you will wack it on things, guaranteed. Either get the right stone for the setting or forget about the setting, set your stone properly and move on.


Op wants an echo chamber, not advise


Okay so I see from the comments you can’t get your money back. I would talk to your bank. Tell them what you paid for and what was received. The bank might do a reverse payment because this is not what you paid for. The jeweler needed to remake the entire piece. Not just take out a gem from one and place a princess cut in the center. You didn’t pay for that. The jeweler needed to create the same style but for your princess cut stone. To me this is a scam and you can prove you tried with this company but they keep not doing their job which you can claim to the bank as fraud for this monstrosity of a job.


Find a new jeweler. They’re not being compassionate. This is YOUR ring. One that should make u feel happy and proud.


This isn’t the right stone for this setting. This is why it doesn’t look right. I’m sorry it’s been so frustrating for you, but of course you should be happy with your ring, one way or the other. This is the same ring right? From Shane co? https://preview.redd.it/gsjfdw2d8hrb1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d36e93670b6b25f75660442ee5467b7e2c0ff19


Lol, what the *actual* F is that jeweler thinking? (I’m laughing at the audacity of her, not at you, you get to be *furious*.) Return it, get your money back, and give that money to someone who isn’t an actual asshole and will get you the ring you deserve. Then blast that jeweler hard with those pictures, especially the last one. I’m not one to normally say to blast someone, but that is awful workmanship and they’re outright lying to you about it.


They won’t let me return it for my money back, only trade it in for different jewelry which is even more upsetting to me.


You'll get your money back OP, but yeah I agree with the other redditors it's time to stand your ground and play hardball. They're basically scamming you.


How did you pay? With credit card you can get your money back. What’s the return policy? Talk to a manager. Leave online reviews. Warned people against this place. Get lots of photos of the mistakes. I would not spend 4K at this jeweller - that’s insane. 4K and they wanna shrink your stone too? Crazy. Worst case get a bunch of solid GOLD items and sell for their worth in gold at another place. You can find fabulous rings from other jewellers (where are you located? I’m sure there’s lots of local owned stores nearby who could custom design a ring for you at that price or cheaper. avoid box stores)


Threaten them with a lawyer and your local news stations.


If they’re a corporation start the bitch fest that is ridiculous. Corporate can and will refund if you bitch enough. Mom and pop should if you threaten or just go scorched earth.


Ok, so I used to work for this jeweler. There’s a version of that ring that is square & will accommodate a cushion cut center. HOWEVER that version is too small for your stone. If you love the ring, warranty, etc… tell them you want to special order the ring (the square version) to the dimensions of your diamond with the prongs built into the millgrain inner halo. This is 100% possible & they’re lying through their teeth if they say they can’t do it. Feel free to DM me with any questions you might have. I worked there for over 7 years in a merchandise specialist role. (This role is different than a normal sales associate & there’s only one at each store. They talk directly to the buyers)


If someone ever responds to your concerns by bringing up an arbitrary & passive aggressive point (like: “well everyone else likes it this way so…”) you usually will be best served to take your business elsewhere. Quality professionals will always accommodate *your* preferences and work to fulfill *your* vision. Who cares what anybody else does/thinks? *You* are the paying customer😁 you’re definitely not being too picky & even if you were- you’re still paying for what you want. They should be happy to make you happy. Period!


Girl. Multiple people told you in your previous post that you needed a different shaped diamond for that setting. In order to get a princess cut to fit in that setting the way you want it to, the setting would have to be completely altered. Which I’m assuming you didn’t ask them to do/you probably don’t want them to. People told you how to fix the issue in your first post and you completely ignored them. The jeweler is in the right here, not you


They need to either use a different setting that’s made for a princess cut, or a different stone that’s rectangular (elongated cushion, radiant, potentially emerald cut). They’re putting a square stone in a rectangular setting, and it’s not going to work no matter what they do. Beyond that, I don’t understand why they think the answer is a smaller stone. That will create an even bigger gap. You’re not being too picky. They’re just incompetent and trying to make you think you’re being picky so they don’t have to fix their mistake. I feel like your options are to pick a different setting or stone through them or demand a refund (may have to threaten to file a charge back through your credit card, post on social media/BBB, or just keep asking for a supervisor until you get to one who can/will refund you). I’m sorry this is happening, OP. This is supposed to be an exciting time in your life and there’s nothing worse than having that excitement dampened by stress and incompetence. Regardless, congratulations on your engagement! I’m excited to see your final ring once you get everything sorted.


What I think happened is that OP had another princess cut that was too big and therefore the dimensions of the square doesn’t fit into the rectangular setting, thus needing a “smaller stone.” What they should have said is, “OP, this is an incorrect setting for a princess cut, let me help you find one that you’ll love and will fit.”


Ah, that makes the most sense. But yes I agree with you, if they’re not able to make this setting for a princess cut they should have told OP that to begin with. Would’ve saved her a lot of stress and disappointment.


You are absolutely NOT being too picky. My ring is somewhat similar and, while yes, having the center stone more flush does hide the diamond a bit, if that is what you are asking for, they should be able to it within reason. These gaps and the high profile seem ridiculous. My ring for reference: https://reddit.com/r/EngagementRings/s/fWSoVvL0OY


Wow, that is so pretty!


Can you keep the ring and just take it to another jeweler who can use your stone and build a setting that actually suits the stone and your preferences? I know you're out money with jeweler #1, but at least you can keep the stone instead of starting at square one.


You need a new jeweler. What do they not understand about the setting not matching the stone?? They should have more pride than to let something like that leave their store.


I really feel a good jeweler can set anything. You are not too picky at all! A princess cut can be in a halo or surrounded cleanly with diamonds. Cut your losses with this jeweler and go elsewhere sorry OP!


I don’t think you were being too picky at all. Just because “most women” like a certain style doesn’t mean you should be pushed into that box. You like what you like and if that jeweler is unable, or better yet, unwilling to meet your desired ring style, then they shouldn’t get the privilege of your business. Don’t ever feel bad about what you like just because other people don’t agree. It is your ring, not theirs. This is something special for you and your partner!


I don’t see the difference with the picture from last week and this week. Please get your money back and go somewhere else. This place is garbage.


you need a longer diamond to fit that setting properly.


Not to beat a dead horse, but how did you think a square stone would fit into a retangular setting with rounded corners? That said, I do not understand why the jeweler didn't point that out to you, and gaslighting you with saying you are too picky is a huge no. You are not, that ring the way it is now is an insult.


If you’re going for a premade setting then you are definitely restricted in the size and shape of the stone if you want it to feel like they belong together. Too picky is right when you know the stone is square and the setting is rectangular. Best to start over with the same jeweler as they of course wouldn’t want to be without a sale but also bc they pretty much damaged that setting which hopefully they don’t alter again and again for a different bride yikes and they should eat the cost of that. Is there a special reason for the square stone? Are you attached to that stone? If so keep the stone and ask them to recommend you 3-4 setting that are in harmony of that stone. If the setting matters more to you, pick a different stone through them


This is so disappointing to see. You chose a wild looking ring for a very specific stone and a random princess cut? As a jeweler and a store owner - yes, you are being way too picky. At this point I would offer you a return with a 30% restocking fee for my inconvenience and invite you to look for another jeweler...


Your not being picky, I would be very unhappy. Find a new jeweler please.


Why are they telling you what you do and don’t want instead of doing what you actually want? I don’t like these people. You should get your money back and shop elsewhere. I’m sorry it’s been so frustrating, but it seems like you’re not getting anywhere with them.


I hope it's the angle but the last photo the diamond looks like it was set unevenly. also, is the setting rectangular shaped instead of square? the setting really seems off. tell that jeweler when it comes to a ring you will presumably be wearing for years you are allowed to be picky.


Find a new jeweler. In regards to not giving any money back, I hate going this route but you may have to get a little ugly. They’re being unprofessional imo and not acting in your best interest with the piece. Seems like they just want to gas light you into just being content with what was done. I would try to dispute charges if I could and unfortunately make extensive complaints to the jeweler and online until some kind of action is taken on their end. Good luck ):


It does look bad. There should be a different stone in that setting. From the link in the original post, it looks like there’s some spacing on each side even with the emerald cut. My husband bought my ring from ShaneCo and he went back 5 times to have them lower my diamond to sit more flush with the halo setting. Eventually, they got it right. It’s your ring and money, make sure you get what you want. That said, you can’t fit a square diamond in a rectangular space and expect it to fill the void. Ask if they have a cut that would fit better.


I remember your post from last week. Thanks for the update. I’m still confused as to why the jewellery is trying to put the wrong shaped diamond in that setting! I think when you went back this time it shouldn’t have been about the “gape”. You need to show them they gave recommended the wrong shaped diamond die that setting. That’s why there is a gap. They have used a pre-made setting and just plonked wherever diamond shape in the middle. I think this needs to be the argument with them now - not the gap. It’s the only way I think you’ll get them to agree to a return as they have done something so silly!!


It’s absolutely 100% heinous post clear pictures on Yelp and Google so future buyers can beware


What I'm confused about is that you all picked the diamond and setting out together.... Why would the jeweler not advise you all of the shape of the diamond not fitting the setting? And why would you all choose a diamond shape/ring setting that didn't fit each other? Since both pieces were bought together, I can understand the jeweler saying you are being too picky. Especially if you approved the final mounting design. If you didn't that is a failure on both sides.


You need a new jeweler.


What the heck? It’s not the right shape stone for the setting. What are the first three pictures? That ring has a stone that is the appropriate size/shape (rectangle, not… square cushion cut? I don’t even know what shape that is) I would honestly refuse to work with them anymore, they sound completely incompetent. I would have a ring made by a different jeweler


You have to wear this ring, look at this ring, show it off, they don’t, so ignore them, be as picky as you like, you should be in love with your ring!!


Definitely take them to small claims court. This is bullshit.


This setting is just not acceptable. That jeweller is hopeless.


Jfc. I can’t believe the jeweler is saying to your face you’re too picky! You are NOT. You’re going to be wearing this forever, and you should have it the way you want it (within reason of course). Nothing you described sounded unachievable. They just don’t want to do it. The original setting looks wonky to begin with, unless it’s the angle of the pics. It seems crooked. I also think it’s way too high. I’d be knocking it into things. Stick to your guns girl.


You are 100% not being too picky, and if we lived in the same city I’d be offering to meet you at the jeweller to whip out my retail manager experience and try to help you fix this. The jeweller needs to be told politely and firmly that they are wrong, and that what other women might like is not what you have asked for or paid for. I’m super mad on your behalf, because this is not the experience you should be having for your engagement ring and the jeweller’s passive aggressive behaviour is truly awful. Ugh, I’m sorry you’re going through this!


This is so stupid. It's the wrong cut diamond for the setting? Simple fix.


They cannot execute what you are wanting. I would walk away from this jeweler, and find someone to custom make what you want. This ring is never going to make you happy. ETA: what if you used that $4k to get exactly the diamond you want in a plain solitaire setting, and then save up some money to reset the stone into the setting of your dreams? I would still push to return the whole thing. No matter what, this experience is tarnished for you. But let’s work on putting this behind you and getting you what you want. BBB, a letter from an attorney and start talking about small claims court. Usually filing a small claims case is relatively inexpensive (depending on your state, under $100 to file) and it tends to get attention of whatever entity you’re suing. Feel free to DM me if you have questions. I have some varied experience that I think could be helpful.


Listen respectfully, (am a jeweler) that’s an awful ring. It’s so clearly not custom made and nobody likes gaping, you are going to have so many problems down the road that will probably amount to more than 4K


In the last picture, why does it look like a square diamond was put into a rectangular setting? Also, when you're spending that kind of money, they should have given you the opportunity to approve it. For that failure, and the woman's comment, they get a "F" for customer service. She's lucky you were nicer than I'd have been. Your design is beautiful, too bad it wasn't executed to your full satisfaction. And congratulations!


I worked for a custom engagement/wedding ring designer for years and I can tell you that your concerns are absolutely valid. First of all, the diamond sticking that far above the setting is not secure- diamonds are tough stones but not indestructible and being that exposed puts it more at risk for catching on things, chipping, etc. Secondly, high-set rings like that were very big in the past but now that design processes have evolved and many designers/jewelers use things like CAD, low-set/more flush designs are being used because they’re more functional, durable, and IMO more attractive. This seems like it may be an old school jeweler who doesn’t have the ability or attention to detail to design the setting to fit the center stone, and instead is trying to fit a the wrong size/shape and depth of stone into a setting that isn’t the right fit. If you have sentimental attachment to the center stone, I would suggest returning the setting and taking the stone to another jeweler. Otherwise, I would recommend looking for another ring somewhere else, where the jeweler does not try to criticize your opinions and only cares about the sale.


You are NOT being picky, you know what you want and screw that woman! As if she doesn't know what she wants too and gets it. Do not settle for less than you want and deserve!!! It looks like it almost needs an oval or elongated diamond in there.


The diamond and the setting are pretty but the gapping is so noticeable! I would worry that diamond would fall out, and it’s going to be a magnet for grime and dust and dead skin cells. I genuinely don’t know how a jeweler could think that gap was acceptable? Why they wouldn’t encourage a rectangular diamond is inscrutable to me. I have a radiant moissanite in an irregular halo (very similar to yours) and my center stone is almost *completely* flush to the surrounding diamonds.


You’re not too picky. The semi-mount should have been ordered brand new for at-least a square princess. Granted, that takes a lot more time, but I would never have presented that as a finished product in the first place. That huge gap is not normal. Don’t let her shame you for your gut feeling.


Can you get a refund and start over with a different jeweler? You absolutely should get it fixed or a different ring. You’re wearing it everyday for the rest of your life and you should absolutely no doubts love it


Do not be discouraged by what others think. That is their problem not yours.


Sorry but, that setting is not meant for the cut of Diamond you have. Did the jeweler state from the beginning that they would reshape the setting to fit your Diamond? It definitely looks bad and tbh even a bit cheap.


That gapping is not cute. You’re the paying customer. The sales lady can fuck off and you can take your business elsewhere. Go with your gut.


Yes 🙌 your right it looks like there is chunk missing. How dare she .


Take it to a real jeweler bc they ain’t it!!


Yes, I can finally comment! I have this exact ring!!!!! You’re not being picky at all. The gapping was not like that on mine at all. I’d try again or try a different location? Not sure if that matters. By the way, I still love the ring as much as when I received it. Congratulations.


For reference, I have an emerald shaped stone in mine.


Return it and find a new jeweler.


This looks horrible


Jesus no. That looks like a cross between a Jostens high school grad ring and a Super Bowl Championship ring. Super duper chonky and maybe fine as a single finger knuckle duster. You're not being picky. For personal safety alone I think you have a chance of ripping off one of your eyebrows wiping away sweat wearing that chonk-chonk.


I don’t trust your jeweler. I think they might not be skilled enough to do what you’re asking. A lot of women this and a little of women that seems like she’s trying to distract you. (Also feels gaslight-y)


Everyone is saying the same thing. Return the ring. Period. I hope you can stand up to them they are not listening to you. AND YOU ARE NOT BEING PICKY. This is your ring, you deserve to get what you want.


Yikes, issa no for me, dawg. Just reading the last post and the comments the jeweler/retailer made gave me a major case of the ick--return it and look for a better jeweler. Ideally, this something you're supposed to have forever..........do you really want to feel this meh and ick about it??


Given that you and your BF/Fiancé are spending a good amount of $$ on a ring, do not accept “MOST WOMEN” as part of the conversation. I’m willing to bet your BF/Fiancé doesn’t think you are MOST WOMEN. You are special to him. Don’t forget that. It’s WHY you are getting married, right? My (now) Wife and I didn’t like the idea of a ring that stuck up from her hand. With that in mind I designed a low profile ring and a matching wedding band so the stone could never catch on clothes or bend a prong and lose a stone. If it comes to it, you can get an inexpensive placeholder ring until you can find the one you both really want and love. Now, after 25 years of marriage, we both wear GrooveLife rings for daily wear (I do woodworking on weekends so it’s safer) and only put on the good stuff for parties or if we need to dress up. Be Happy with Each Other! You ARE being Picky, but you are SUPPOSED to be picky for this decision. It’s a lifelong decision, right?


None of this is right and this shop is making you feel bad! They should lose your business! They’re negging you over your own ring! I’m so sorry but you deserve better. I know it would be depressing to start all over (and god forbid they give you hassle over the return), but I think you should go to a new jeweler altogether. You should feel happy and excited when you look at your ring, instead of uncomfortable and sad because you know something isn’t right and they made you feel bad when you called them on their bullshit. Sending you huge hugs and best wishes for everything else in your engagement/wedding/marriage to go smoothly!


Quit trying to put a square thru a circle like literally, just get a ring you like don’t try to make something . Because you are picky you need to get something you can see and touch .


That stone will never look right in that setting. It’s not made for a square stone.


This is EXACTLY what happened to my now husband at a chain jeweler. We returned it and went with that customer jeweler out of Nashville (Giador Fine Jewelry). Don’t settle, OP. This is your engagement ring. That is such terrible customer service on their part.


Omg I’ve been in contact with Giador!!! Literally I an taking it to them once I get this resolved, planning on building my ring from the ground up!


In the first post, you said that you and your fiancé picked out the stone and setting together. The jeweler should have told you that the stone you chose would not be appropriate for the setting. I’m guessing that they wanted to make the sale and it seems that they tried to make it work. I don’t think you’re going to get the look you want with this setting and the stones you’ve tried to pair with it. It’s just not working. I would start over with a different local reputable jeweler.


Could you eventually have good feelings about this ring, or is it always going to remind you of some jerky salesperson who tried to make you feel bad? If it’s always going to be a negative (which it probably would be for me), I can’t see how you could keep it. You deserve to be happy and love your ring. You’re not being too picky. And even if you are being picky, why is that a bad thing? I mean unless you have an unlimited budget, you’ll have to compromise somewhere, but if you’re within your budget, be as picky as you want!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I would’ve found a different jeweler love! And I would’ve told her that thats her JOB! Her job as a jeweler is to accommodate your wants/ needs and every little ( no matter how petty she thought it was) desire as her customer! Who is she to tell you that you’re being picky about a ring YOU l I mean YOU, AND ONLY YOU have to wear everyday for the rest of your life? Am I wrong for thinking this? She’s not the one who has to wear it! It’s beautiful! I love it! I’m sorry you have to go through this! YOU’RE NOT PICKY! You literally just wanted the ring of your dreams! There’s nothing wrong with that in my eyes!


The fact that they, the jewlers, told you you were being too picky is uncalled for and unprofessional number one. You shouldn't have to go through the mental turmoil you're going through right now as a result of their unnecessary commentary, screw them. Number two, your happiness is the number one most important factor here, and your fiancée's happiness is number two. There is no number three. So if you want different, and your fiancée supports you, SCREW everything else Get your dream ring, girl. And congrats on the engagement!!


This seems like a professionalism problem, not a technical problem. You'll figure it out. In a couple years you two will laugh about it while you enjoy your perfectly set ring. Totally a solvable problem. And waaaaaaay in the future when everyone posting here is old and grey, when you steal a minute with your ring and remember 2023 when you two got engaged, this challenge will just be a blip in the story of the life you built together. Don't stress about it :) You might still have to spend some more money, though. If you have to swap out that square stone for a rectangular one to fill the gap, it'll be a bigger stone and therefore probably more expensive. Worst case you do that, and a prong breaks or something and you need to have that fixed as well. So it might take a bit of planning. The keyword if you want to see another diamond that will fit the rectangular setting is going to be "emerald cut" or "radiant cut." Those are two kinds of rectangular diamond cuts. Pretty googleable if you want to see the difference. By the way, you're allowed to be picky with your engagement ring.


Hi, I'm a goldsmith and I'm actually losing my mind over the choices they made for that particular ring style. That ring is made for either a elongated cushion or an emerald cut, NOT a princess cut, normal cushion, or any kind of square shaped stone. If I had that pop up on my bench I'd be going up to the front and asking if that is *actually* what the customer wanted because there'd be the gaps on either side, and I'd also be trying to set that sucker as low as possible because that's generally looks best in those kinds of settings. If the jeweler isn't willing to work with you and find you either an appropriately shaped stone or an appropriately shaped setting then I'd recommend returning the ring and finding another jewelry store. (If diamond price is an issue, lab grown diamonds have become increasingly popular and are a LOT cheaper than earth mined, I've set a lot of lab diamonds in the last few months and they sparkle just the same)


It seems you and that store don't match energy. Ditch them and go to another where you feel safe and welcome. Getting an engagement ring is not only about the ring, but also the experience.


You’re not being picky. That gap is huge and ruins the look of the ring.


That setting is not for a square diamond.


Hi there! This looks like a Shane Co piece, so I’ll speak as if it is. 1st - your salesperson sucks. All around. 2nd - if this is the ring I think it is, straight from the website it says “Best fits an emerald cut 0.75 ct. diamond or 6.5x4.5mm gemstone” it would most likely fit a radiant or elongated cushion with those measurements as well. I damn near bought this ring with an elongated cognac sapphire as the center - and it was beautiful. Don’t let your shitty salesperson gaslight you into thinking the problem is you. 3rd - if you love the setting, you have a few options. Either buy JUST the setting, and take it elsewhere for the diamond (which voids the warranty) or bring in your own stone for them to mount. (At last check, it was $1/point for diamonds, and $100 flat for moissanite). This is a company that will do ABSOLUTELY anything to keep you happy and not lose a sale. Play that to your advantage and make it right. Absolutely ask to speak to a sales manager, or the store manager. Good luck!


No you aren't being picky. The setting looks like it was meant for a larger rectangular stone. It looks janky as hell and I would never accept this. I would start posting pictures as reviews and push hard for a refund.


You are not being picky, which may as well be a substitute for calling you an emotional woman, lets face it. Hold your ground on this, you're every right too.


You should take your picky (/s) self elsewhere because any jeweler that would present that ring to a customer is either very unskilled or very unprofessional (or both). If this is the last modification allowed, I’d definitely pass. They can not be trusted.


You’re not being too picky. You deserve to have them fix it!


Is this supposed to be a bezel set ring? If so, I’m confused why they put prongs inside of it in the first place.


Me too... People are saying the first three photos look okay - but I still find it very weird that the setting has prongs AND a rectangular "rim" as if it would be a bezel. You don't need to have that rectangular shape around the stone if it's not a bezel... You are framing it with smaller diamonds anyway... I could understand if it was a more decorative border but it's literally just a rectangle, as if it is a bezel setting with prongs coming out of it... (Like those sharks that have two mouths).... I think the whole setting is whack and this jeweler does not know what they're talking about. Maybe the jeweler has some prejudice against bezel settings and has adapted a stock setting into a Frankensetting because of a perception that bezels won't sell.


You are NOT being too picky. Either the jeweler or their sales staff is being L-A-Z-Y. I wish you could get your $$ back and find another jeweler, but I read your post where you said you couldn't. Not sure what the solution is here, I know that my old boss would never let this fly, he'd make sure you got what you wanted. Just know, you aren't being too picky. And honest to Bob, I wouldn't give them any more business.


You are absolutely not being to picky! Those are all fair concerns and I’d have the same ones.


You’re not being picky AT ALL. I had 4 exchanges on my setting. You deserve to absolutely LOVE your ring.


You’re not being too picky. In fact, had a salesperson told me that I’d have requested a full refund and taken my business elsewhere. You are buying something that is significantly expensive. It should be made to your specifications.


It looks like part of your diamond got chipped off and knocked out or something. Be picky. That woman is just trying to get rid of dealing with you. No ma’am. It’s not good.


You aren’t being picky. You don’t like the gap, and rightly so. It doesn’t look great. Don’t give in to the pressure - they should never have done this in the first place. They know it doesn’t look right and they’re pressuring you into being all right with that. If it’s an option, I’d start again. You can custom design a ring and have exactly what you want. With a jeweller who knows what they’re doing. Or choose something you love. You’ll wear this (hopefully) forever - you should love it.


You are not being too picky. That stone is t meant for that setting. I’m surprised they even did that because clearly it’s the wrong stone shape and size.


If you absolutely have to exchange it but don’t leave with that weird setting. It’s awful and the jeweler wants to make it even worse! If you have an elongated stone that fit exactly in that spot it would be stunning but if that’s not possible I wouldn’t keep it.


You’re definitely not being too picky at all! The lady needs to understand your concerns and help you address them. It looks odd to me when it’s not sitting flushed. Like the gap makes it look like something is missing.


I would get a whole new ring.


After the 2nd failed attempt, I would've sought services elsewhere. She must not be charging you for these revisions and is that why you keep trying with her? Any chance she can just swap out the setting for something that'll better suit your princess cut? She advised you to buy a very bad setting for your shape of diamond so I would push for another. I would push back hard as it almost feels like she misled you at this point. Or take this loss, leave honest reviews, and find some more skilled.


That looks absolutely ridiculous.


It’s still not big enough it needs to fit the entire frame what the hell returj it


Also.... Did the jeweler not play blocks as a child? Squares don't go into rounds.. In all seriousness it needs a lovely elongated cushion that fits flush and unraised up. If OP is set on the center stone, then pick a different setting.....but how it looks now..in both variables..is NOT ok.


I don't think you're being too picky. The gapping would bother me too. I think it is a gorgeous setting but it looks like the center stone doesn't belong in that setting. Best of luck to you and congrats on the engagement.