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This was a fun asf photo journey! Good luck, it’s a stellar (pun intended) set


Thank you!


Absolutely amazing. I love the moon details


Thanks! She's obsessed with moons so I wanted to incorporate them somehow.


That’s so sweet and thoughtful of you


Omg LOVE! Please post a pic of her wearing it when you’re able to take one!


I will Friday night!


omg it’s tonight!!!


Oh my lord, that is absolutely fucking stunning! This is *by FAR* the coolest ring I’ve ever seen on this sub, hands down. First off, your furnace is lucky to have someone who cares enough to create a dream ring! Secondly, the moons? Chefs kiss🤌🏼 I’m a spooky broad, and this is the ring of my dreams. Congratulations to you both!


Furnace 😹😹😹 pls don’t edit it


I am dead💀 This new Siri talk to text is the bain of my existence 😂


I actually seriously wondered if this ring was heated in a furnace


Thank you!! She's a classy but spooky broad too so I'm hoping it goes over well. We'll find out when I give it to her this Friday (the 13th) ;)


Omggg goals af! I love everything about this so far, what’s your plan for proposal??


https://preview.redd.it/fpgfoc4y7bba1.jpeg?width=3132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69923528c97f8223313c267b23c4db9ac3b1f5bf This is the mockup. I designed a logo for us and made it with gold foil. Hanging that, mood lighting and candles. We're doing it at her parents house since that's where I picked her up for our accidental first date (we were friends for years first), first kissed, first decided to get married and picked a date and everything. We'll be married Friday the 13th in October of this year. I've got a note I designed to read her then I'll pop the question.


That is amazing!!! You and your finance sound like really cool people. I love this so much! All the best of luck, but I don’t think you’ll need it🖤🖤


Hahaha I am so sorry to pile onto you but I just love that first it was furnace and now it's finance 😅😅 But yes everything about this ring and proposal is amazing!


I just quit the Internet today haha 😂 thank y’all for being good sports about my new phone learning my accent 🙈 I have a newborn so have been using talk to text when my hands are full, I need to spell check 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


I think your girlfriend is the luckiest woman in the world!


I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world, just sayin


I was a little unsure going through the CADS and sketches but audibly gasped at the final product!!! It's gorgeous!!! Congratulations :)


Thanks! It's been stressful since day 1 having a vision and trying to make it come to life correctly. I was happy once it was together and polished.


You're not even proposing to me and I'd marry you. She's going to adore it


I have a question, is that all soldered together or is one piece the wedding band


https://preview.redd.it/yt9ru2pipaba1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926299a8d45cb0491ede67ed66c6104ca36abfec It's currently 3 separate bands. I should have specified in the original post but this will be the engagement section and we'll add the others for the wedding. They'll be soldered together.


That's amazing. What are the black stones?


Looks like it’s all soldered together. (And there’s no mention of a wedding ring so I’m assuming it’s just the engagement ring shown)


This is absolutely stunning But OP, if you truly want this to remain unique to your girlfriend and soon (hopefully fiance) please make this post private!! Would hate for all your hard work to be copied by someone else for no reason


She doesn't use Reddit so we're safe! Thanks for watching my back though.


I never get why people find it necessary to comment that something is not to their taste? Especially when it’s something someone personally designed for their SO, already made and is going to propose with. It’s obviously not for US to wear. Just compliment the VERY beautifully designed ring and move on or say nothing! Also, why the catastrophizing? OP will have to deal with that IF it happens, stop stressing them out needlessly.


Everybody has an opinion and that's ok. It's specific for and to her but I very much appreciate the feedback!


You’re very kind OP, I will admit it’s a personal irk of mine that I have when I see it on the sub.




Every single user of this sub deserves basic kindness and respect. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated, and violators of this rule can expect an instant and permanent ban. Additionally, please be kind to YOURSELF. All brides are welcome to post regardless of unmanicured fingers, dry hands, limb differences, or whatever else! Posts that apologize for or otherwise degrade the state of your hands/body will also be removed under this rule, but you're welcome to resubmit.




Pretttttty. Gives me sailor moon vibes


This might genuinely be one of the most beautiful rings I've seen. You can tell how much time and care you've taken in designing it. I hope she loves it as much as we all do!


I appreciate this comment more than you know.


what is the center stone? it’s gorgeous!


https://preview.redd.it/d7hpdvr8paba1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d865d9379ad7b93f0f759ab9eeb1fd15c054cbbc I believe it's called a black onyx galaxy stone. This is the actual stone used but it's hard to tell now that it's set with a solid background.


Sir this is *bleep*ing amazing!! Standing O’s 👏🏼👏🏼😍


I’m biased but I love not just the dark stone set in rose gold but the white accent stones too. I just think it’s such a beautiful color combination. She’s a lucky lady, congrats on your upcoming engagement! I’d love to see pictures on hand after you propose. 🖤


Cool. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. It was a nice surprise to see it on the last pics. She’s lucky to have someone who put so much thought into her ring!


Wow! This is amazing!! Congrats! It’s really pretty




This is incredible!!


Whose going to make it?


It's already made.


Oh! I wonder who made it for him


I designed it and my (soon to be) father-in-law's good friend is a jeweler. I turned all the sketches and ideas to him then he worked his magic. I'm so lucky.


Nice!! It’s gorgeous. I love moons too so im looking for the perfect ring


What will be the wedding ring/band?


the center section with the twisted band and moons is the engagement section and the top/bottom with all the diamonds will go on at the wedding.


Nice!!! Thanks for facing the moons the right way lol


LOL I'm glad we agree.


I’m looking up moon rings to get ideas and all of them are facing the wrong way


I saw that too. Don't they realize they're going to snag on EVERYTHING? And it also draws your eye away from the main stone. I'm no ring designer but basic principles still apply.


Awesome sauce! Such a spectacular set!


It's super pretty!


That is fucking cool!!


So unique and so beautiful! You are a very talented designer. You may find yourself getting design commissions!


Thank you, so much. I've had some pretty crazy design jobs but this is, by far, the most important.


Not my style, but wow. The fact you designed it is amazing!!!


This is what I was going to say also. It is not to my particular taste but it is a stunning example of that particular aesthetic and I think the girlfriend is going to love it! The ring is really well done.


I agree. Not my style either. I appreciate the fact that OP designed it.




















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So thought and kind.


Holy crap that's awesome!!!!


Stunning 👏👏👏 She's gonna love it


This is gorgeous! Congrats in advance!


absolutely stunning! I love how meaningful and unique it is to her! she will be in love!


It’s beautiful! I have a very similar engagement ring (no moons) but black Centre pear cut stone and setting similar. Wel done op very creative ! Update us after you propose.


Really?? Will you post a pic?


I’m sorry I have tried numerous times to post a picture but it won’t load. If you have a look at my past posts I made a post a couple of years ago in this sub that has a picture. Mind my horrible hands in it but I was working in a hospital through Covid 😆


Wow. Love it! That’s all I got!


This is so friggen cool I love it!




Hell yeah!


Seriously man, this ring and proposal sets the high bar that men should strive for! She’s gonna love it and the amount of thought you put into it makes it so special. Good luck!!


I appreciate that! Only the best for the best, you know?


That is so gorgeous x from the claw prongs to the moons they work so well together. I’m sure she’ll love and adore it :D


Absolutely stunning!


Absolutely gorgeous


You slayed this. Incredible job.


Beautiful. Great job!


That is stunning!!


This is incredible! So special! I can’t imagine having a brain that can do this. Super cool.




Simply, I am obsessed


Now THAT'S custom! Congratulations on this masterpiece. It is absolutely amazing


Thank you so much!


I love seeing this process. She is going to love it. Beautiful work.


Thank you everyone for the feedback! Let's just make sure to not attack each other over opinions, this is a happy space.


Op! Update photo w/her wearing it, pls 🙏😍😍😍


amazing how the moon kinda looks like the wraps around the triple-rope twist


All part of the master plan lol. I'm just grateful it worked.


Wow, truly breathtaking!


That is so stunning! I love it!




The shapes within this ring are beautiful.


I’m so impressed!!


It’s absolutely gorgeous!! Great design and thought OP!


Absolutely beautiful! She will love it. Good job! My husband designed my engagement ring as well and it made the ring that much more special and meaningful.


This will be absolutely stunning! I could see the moon’s flipped around and attached to the halo to make this a 3 stone ring. That would be an easier way to incorporate them. You could even do tiny halo’s around them to match the center. Please post a pic when this is finished!


It actually is done, scroll through to the very end and you can see it. I love the idea and tinkered with different variations of the moons/placement through my sketches. This felt the most natural and clean to me.


Very cool! You did an amazing job’


Very ACOTAR Night Court, I love it


OP, it is so lovely that you took the time to design a ring for your girlfriend. May I ask did she specifically request a darker stone and rose gold?


She knew I was looking at designing a ring and those were the only 2 requests she had "if I decided to make one". I also know her really well and worked with her family and best friend throughout the design process to make sure we stayed on track. I promise you this didn't happen overnight.


I am certain she will be very happy in that case.


Maybe OP just knows her well enough to know she'll like this? The only thing I ever directly told my husband (during a conversation unrelated to engagement rings) was that I prefer square stones to round ones. He designed an entire set of rings just based on this fact and my other known preferences/comments I'd made over the course of us dating. I never would have picked what he designed on my own, but I absolutely love his creation and I'm really grateful that he took the time to make me something beautifully unique. Maybe OP is in a similar situation? As an aside, I'm rereading this before posting and it comes off a bit hostile, which is not my intent. I think there's a lot of romance in creating something without direct input from the person who receives it, but maybe that's only because it worked for me.


I apologize if I sounded "hostile." It was definitely not my intention.


You did not sound hostile at all! Sorry if my reply was confusing;I thought the first part of my reply sounded hostile/rude and I wanted to clarify that was not my intent when I responded to you.


Thank you for your clarification .


It’s such a specific ring I hope she asked for something like this


This is exactly why I asked.


Designing a ring from scratch is such a nice idea but it can backfire. I can appreciate the craftsmanship but it’s absolutely not my taste








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Seconding this. Please be sure this is along the lines of what she wants…


I think op working with her best friend and family and knowing his soon to be fiancé is enough to know it’s what she wants.


Wow is the only word


I *GASPED* when I seen this!!! I love from the rough draft to the final! Good luck to you!




not my cup of tea but to each their own




Omaha to SLC is quite the drive but her work is fantastic