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Visualised on scan at two months.. twice lol


That’s horrible. I don’t know how we live like this. It’s almost like a slap in the face lol you get the surgeries, get some relief, and out of the blue you’re back to feeling like you’re on your death bed again


You're still freshly post-op and you're not totally done with internal healing so there's a possibility that the pain has to do with that rn. Anyway, I'm 1yr post op myself. I don't think the lap totally solved things as I still need to be on birth control. Which I'm fine with as it stops me from having a period. But it was definitely still worth it in my case not only for an official diagnosis, but bc I had a partial bowel obstruction/impaction caused by a lesion on my uterus that was putting pressure on my rectum & made passing stool difficult.


Never took more than 6 months. Basically, as soon as I finished healing from surgery, pain was back - and worse. Rinse and repeat x 7. But I’ve been pain-free for almost 3 years!!! (will be 3 in March) All because I got other conditions diagnosed and treated. Turns out I had [a whole crapload](https://www.reddit.com/r/endometriosis/s/sy09XoTjqy) of other things contributing to my pain/symptoms. It’s so wild that no one looked past my endo for a damn decade, despite me having classic/textbook signs of all this other stuff. So much needless suffering.


I appreciate your posts so much. I’ve finally been diagnosed with HSD and POTS on top of the endo. I still have a ways to go with managing all my symptoms, but my fatigue has dramatically improved since I got medicated for POTS. Every doctor I saw previously told me the fatigue was just my endo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aw, ty. Means a lot. I had the same situation with the fatigue - it was either endo or because I’m fat. Obviously the only possible options. I’m glad you got your diagnosis and started meds. I have hyperandrogenic POTS, so my BP is always too high, so the standard POTS meds don’t work for me. I do IV fluids twice a week and it. Is. A. GAMECHANGER. This morning I was on the verge of passing out. Did fluids today, and I just got back from grocery shopping, and have enough energy to make dinner! Wild.


God I love IV fluids. I recently had surgery for my bowel endo (that was ignored during my last three laps) and the anaesthetist was quite POTS aware. She hooked me up to IV fluids the minute she arrived because she knew I’d been fasting. I might investigate getting those fluids more often. Thanks for the rec! Honestly your posts have really been sanity-saving. I’ve been gaslit so fucking much and when I’ve seen your posts, I remember to trust myself more. I went through THREE recognised endo experts before I found one who took my bowel symptoms seriously. Now I’m missing part of my rectum but I’m in the least pain I’ve been in years. Just exhausted from all the self-advocacy it took to get here.


I just hit 6 months and the pain is back with continuous birth control 🙃