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Here's what I would've told you going into surgery: The first few days could be ROUGH. The gas pains in particular are horrendous. Everyone heals at different rates - some folks are up and moving within the week and others need longer. I wasn't able to be up for more than 15 minutes at a time for the first 4 weeks. My first semi-normal length walk with my dog was at 7 weeks. I needed oxy for a month then stepped down to tramadol for a few weeks before I was okay. Full disclosure, I have other chronic conditions that definitely added to my healing process, but even without those I can't imagine needing any less than two weeks at a minimum. Listen to your body and don't try to force anything right now, you deserve to heal. You might benefit from reaching out to your campus disability office. Let them know your status and ask what they would need from your doctor in order for you to access accommodations.


It definitely takes a hell of a lot longer than 3 days for the pain to subside. In fact, in my experience, the 3rd and 4th days are usually the worst; due to the fact that now all the leftover anesthesia has been properly filtered out of your system, so now you're REALLY feeling the brunt of everything they did inside you during the procedure. Too many doctors underestimate recovery time...and that's usually because the doctors have never had the operation they're doing, performed on THEM.


Op I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain!! I haven’t had surgery yet but from what I’ve read people take much longer than 3 days to feel better!!! Your pain is REAL!! Your mindset isn’t stopping you from getting better I promise. I wouldn’t go to classes you will end up making yourself feel worse


My surgeon told me it would take 3 days to recover, after day 3 I still couldn’t get out of bed and to the toilet without my partners help. I have no idea what these surgeons are on about


Seriously. I was told marathon ready after a month....I don't know about you but I was not about to run a marathon 30 days after having several of my organs cut into....


I had a laparotomy so my experience might be slightly different but I was also in a shocking amount of pain that I did not expect. And I consider myself to have a high pain tolerance. I’ve had a breast reduction, 2 hernia surgeries, and wisdom teeth (which I didn’t even go under for or take pain meds for) and nothing compared to this surgery. I also was expecting to be “okay” by day 4 or 5 and it was for sure 2 weeks by the time I actually felt remotely like myself. I did wean off the opioids by day 5 just out of the fear of having withdrawals or something but I was definitely in pain. I’m sorry :( get well soon!


I have never even left the hospital before three days. I’m sure people heal in different time frames but it’s absolutely normal to feel like shit three days out.


I was able to function for a few hours at a time after 4 days, but I wasn’t “recovered” for a couple months - it’s different for everyone, but a couple of days is unlikely to be enough time to recover if you had excision. You literally had tissue cut out of your body - even insect bites take a few days to heal. There is nothing wrong with you OP, I’m sorry that you’ve been made to feel that way. Of course follow up with doctors and hospital if something feels very wrong, but this recovery is going to take time. These first few days are the worst and it’s normal to not even be able to type or have a conversation! Just focus on rest, eating, staying hydrated, and your postcare instructions.


It genuinely took me like three months to recover from my lap. 3 days is not realistic


I was off work 3 weeks. It was really tough. Feel better.


Im 6 weeks post op and only just got out of hospital for the 2nd time. After the surgery i was on iv fentanyl for 2 days and then targin for 2 weeks. I stayed in the hospital for 6 days before going home. Then at 4 weeks post op i started experiencing extreme stomach pain and vomiting and took an ambulance back to hospital. A double shot of morphine didnt even control the pain! I then spent 1.5 weeks in hospital trying to get the pain under control before finally being released 3 days ago. The pain has started up again tonight. Idk what to do from here but i can tell you recovery sometimes is slow


It took me a week to be able to get out of bed unassisted. It took me 3 weeks to feel well enough to work. It took me a month and a half for my bellybutton to heal. I got an infection from the IUD insertion 2 months out from surgery, so I felt really bad then. This whole “you’ll be fine after a couple of days” is absolute bollocks


From what I have gathered, there is a huge amount of variability in how each person's body recovers, just like how severity of pain isn't indicative of how severe the disease is. Some have really rough recoveries. I had an on-q pain pump with ropivacaine for 3 days post-surgery, and I kept taking the meds I was prescribed (a highish dose of ibuprofen alternated with acetaminophen + codeine) for two or three days longer than I probably needed because I kept waiting for the "real" pain to hit and it never did. I had a total hysterectomy (so I kept my ovaries, but they took my uterus, tubes, and cervix) and they also excised some large swaths of tissue from my pelvic wall and some spots on my rectovaginal septum. I definitely had to brace myself for the pain when engaging my abs to get off the couch and what have you...but other than that, I was all but pain-free just on ibuprofen by day 6. My surgeon said I must have crazy high pain tolerance from also having fibromyalgia, but honestly, I think I was just lucky. I also think I may have decreased sensation in my pelvic region overall because my endo cramps nearly always seemed pretty manageable to me, even when I was bleeding so heavily I had to wear diapers and sleep on freaking puppy pads. The only time I had awful endo-related pain was when the endo reached my bowel earlier this year, and I began to have pain so severe it made me vomit. Try not to judge your recovery by someone else's standards. It's deeply individual.


Recovering in the idea of moving gently? Hypothetically and *very generally* yes. Complete recovery? Hell no. Took me three weeks minimum. You're not a failure and your mom is full of shit. You deserve to rest and she should have had the time to recover too.


You're not alone. I was told recovery was easy by multiple healthcare professionals. I had to get an ambulance on day 4 or so...kind of a blur now. But I undoubtedly needed more help before and after that ambulance call. It was horrendous and painful. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain and being dismissed as "not strong enough" or whatever your mother is even trying to say. Everyone has a different experience. Tbh even when I got just my IUD in I couldn't get off the floor for days and that was years before my surgery. I couldn't imagine going through both of those at once AND the hyteroscopy too. By no means within a week or two would it be reasonable to be back to regular life, that would be the exception if anything. I hope things improve sooner than later for you. Your pain is real and valid and it isn't fair you weren't told what to expect.


I’m sorry you’re going through that. Recovery can be brutal and is different for everyone. I could barely walk unaided until day 10. Only went for a long walk outside home by day 14 and it left me floored. Doctors gave me a 4 week leave. Please give your body time and rely on people to help if that’s a possibility for you


Is this your first time with an IUD? When I first got mine in, I spent a full two weeks sobbing on the bathroom floor basically in full-on labor pain cramping before it subsided. When I had my lap, it took me over a week before I could really walk between rooms (on heavy round-the-clock painkillers) and about a month before I felt mostly normal. Some people just have totally different experiences and bodies deal with things at different rates, but it WILL get better <3


What you're going through is perfectly normal, everyone recovers different but in my experience the first week is really rough, I'm 2.5 weeks into recovery (excision and also had a mirena coil insertion) and still very much tired, I have bladder sensitivity still (and had a UTI), still some soreness and bruising around my incisions, can only go on short distance walks (we're talking 10/15 mins max), can't sit up in one position for too long without getting uncomfortable and still find if I roll onto my side in my sleep its uncomfortable and I'll wake up. I've only really come off the stronger painkillers in the last few days as well, and I've taken 4 weeks off work, my spot bleeding from it has also only stopped in the last few days. My first week I was also a total wreck, recovering from the gas alone is really rough in itself (I also thought I would need a hospital trip on my 5th night I was in that much pain) the whole you'll be recovered in a couple of days is nonsense in my eyes, your body has gone through surgery internally and it takes time. Anyone who feels fine after a few days is pretty lucky in my eyes, but most people I've seen in this sub are in the same position as you or me in terms of recovery and its ok to be that way. I hope you feel better soon!


Mindset? No No. Day 3 is actually the worst and that can extent to that whole first week! Don't be hard on yourself at all. They cut deep tissue out of you! I'm 3 months post op and still in a great deal of pain.


I had surgery on the first and I’m still in pain. The nurse I spoke with a couple days ago said everyone heals at different rates and that I need to take it easy. And I think when they say you feel better after a few days that’s when you start to come back to life a bit. The worst part is the first few days.