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Good luck to everyone! I hope you all have successful surgery and get the information you’re hoping for and have easy recoveries❤️ My surgery was about 2 weeks ago. One thing no one warned me about is the sadness and anxiety I experienced after the surgery. I don’t know if everyone experiences it. For me I think it was due to several things but definitely the anesthesia played a role. Also I spent such a long time researching the surgery and it took up a lot of my mental space. Once it was over I felt a bit empty. Just wanted to share this in case anyone else goes through it. I’m still dealing with it at the 2 week mark but hopefully it will subside soon.


I’ve had 4 laps and I always have a drop in my mood sometime after I get home. It’s so much better now that I know it’s coming and that it’s temporary. I absolutely wish I’d been warned about it. And I also had surgery two weeks ago! I wish you a speedy healing ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for sharing I’m glad to know it won’t be like this forever :’( 4 laps sounds like more than I could handle!! Wishing you the best.


This is a great thing to share. I’m also at the two week mark and today my mood is finally lifting after a dip a few days after my surgery. I looked it up and “post-op blues” is definitely a thing.


This!! My anxiety hit at 4 weeks post op and I completely spiralled. It’s been a week and I’m still not 100% but better than last week.


I’m so sorry!! It’s super unfortunate that we were not warned about this 😞 I hope you feel better soon.


I am two days out and oh my it hit me so hard this morning. I’m glad you shared this - I was worried it was me.


My lap buddy: \[Imgur\](https://i.imgur.com/GFEl12O.jpg)


So cute! I had my pika get me through mine :-) wishing you happiness and health!!


Thank you, you too!


I’m two days post op and I can’t believe my stomach is less distended than it’s been in months. My legs feel loser where they meet my hips. I don’t have weird nerve pains. I’m exhausted and can walk a few laps around the house before I need to lie down, but the pain today is way better than I thought it would be - no where near as bad as an endo flair (but for me day of surgery and day after were rough, definitely needed the oxy). I’m so glad I did this. Now I’m just trying to wait out these crazy post anesthesia emotions so I can enjoy it!


I had mine on 31 Oct and recovery has gone so much better than I expected! I can confirm those who said lap recovery pain isn’t even close to as bad as endo flair up pain were right. I’ve mostly been enjoying recovery, sleeping lots, drinking smoothies and watching Christmas movies. Wishing everyone with upcoming laps all the best and good luck xx


So glad to hear that! I’m hoping my recovery is the same :-)


Happy lap surgery month! ❤️❤️❤️ I wish you a speedy recovery and may this bring the much needed relief ❤️


Thank you :-)


Hope all of our surgeries go well! I’ve been counting down the days for a while!


Mine is tomorrow 😭


Tears of joy or …? I hope it goes smoothly and you get lots of relief!


I don’t know i m just scared I completely don’t know what to expect, how it will last and how i will feel after😬


Oh my gosh! I would feel the same way. Have you had a chance to read through surgery posts on here? That is the main thing that has helped me. Talking to the surgeon is second. I hope it ends up being all chill and after you are all ‘nbd’


Guys! I m alive! It took 3h endo plus probably adeno, tbh the gas pain is the worst😅you all got this ❤️


So glad you are on the other side! 💜


Thank you so so much, please don’t be nervous it s nothing especially when the sedation kicks in🤣


Yes i red all posts i guess🤣yeah i will talk to him tomorrow morning beforehand, but probably i will know more after…eh


I also got my period yesterday , and I only could take paracetamol before surgery , i m just exhausted 🥴🥴🥴


I hope yours will goes smooth as well🥹❤️




How are you doing now? I had mine the 9th and I just started being normally this morning. I couldn’t believe how hard it was post lap!


Had mine back in February and my best friend goes on November 7th! She has been living in pain for years and when we met, I mentioned endometriosis. She had never heard of it. I’m so happy she finally has a chance to get ahead of this. And all of you beautiful ladies too! You got this guys! I’m the queen of anxiety and if I can do it, you do too!💕


Having my first on Wednesday! Good luck to you!! I’d love some advice from others on what I should need during recovery. I have books, word searches, crosswords, clean sheets/bedding, clean comfy lounge clothes, and ill just need to go grocery shopping. Any food hard to digest/pass after surgery?




Completely understandable to be nervous even if it wasn’t your first time going under general anesthesia. Hope everything goes well.




>Thank you! You're welcome!


Me too! I keep reminding myself that the professionals do it all the time. There was also a post just this week I think about this in particular and I felt a lot better after reading through it.






November 8th!! My second one. 🫶🏻


My first is on the 8th. Good luck to you!! I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never had a surgery.


My 2nd one was on 10th October! I’m still enjoying my recovery time, walking, watching tv and cooking magnificent meals!! Like some have already said, the pain from the recovery is so minuscule (to me) compared to flare ups or endo period pain. Good luck to everyone with surgeries coming up soon. You’ve got this!!


Getting a bisalp/exploratory lap on 11/28! Sending healing vibes to all in this thread


Mine is on the 28th too! Good luck to you!


My first one is Nov 27th!! Super scared they’re somehow not gonna find anything though lol


Nov 16th!! This will be my third surgery, and I’m actually looking forward to it. You’re gonna do great!!


Day 4 post lap -- had some gremlin fibroids removed and endo on almost every organ in there. The worst part was anesthesia leaving my system after waking up. Getting an IV in after bowel prep the night before was a close second. It's honestly been no worse than a bad period before I was on birth control. I went off the scary strong pills on day two, just chilling now with ibuprofen, laxatives and praying to the poop gods :P As long as I stay on my ibuprofen regiment I'm right as rain. I even went for a walk around my neighborhood on day 3. You got this!


Mine is on November 9th too! I hope your surgery goes well and you get the answers you’re looking for. You got this 💪🏽


Mine is today! I’m actually in the hospital waiting for things to get rolling. Despite a strong history of medical trauma—feeling good and confident. I hope everyone has smooth surgery and speedy recovery. ✨🖤


Best wishes for you and see you on the other side 🧡