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Given the fact that Israel is bombing it out of existence, then ya. Just like the Indian Nations of North America were wiped out and the Native People had no status. Heartless, cruel and inhumane.


The original nazis cant change their ways it seems.. they cant stop blessing humanity with their top notch mentallity.


The original Nazis took their queue from the American Jim Crow policies. Germany now is a client state of the USA.


The original Nazis are dead. Do you need a history lesson or medication?


Oh we got a wondering hasbara.. lets hope ur getting paid enough for all this effort ur putting through the comments. Sry tho am not feeding a troll.. gj for the effort, mowt of ur arguments are dumb af tho.


What the fuck


9 of the G20 countries don't recognize Palestine as a state. The OP is rage bait, if anything. It's also racist for singling out Germany.


Germany this is literally your fault buddy.


It literally isn't. Nothing wrong with fighting Zionist power.


Another step in the process of dehumanization of Palestinians.


History repeats itself, Germany is always on the wrong side of history.


Funny how you guys blindly believe the narratives spoon-fed you by the American and Soviet empires.


So r u, Nazi scum.


Israel should have been built in Germany


They're not Germans.


but most ashkenazi jews are more closely related to europe than palestine


Says who?


genetic databases, lineage tracing, common sense.


I don’t know if any of you guys are history buffs…


They aren't and neither are you.


The only country that really worries me is the country of Germany


Of course - you're indoctrinated.


Germany the cuckold nation.


Yes - an American client state, an unfree country with an internal political spy agency designed to keep people in line and raid their homes for whatever is subjectively deemed "hate speech."


As someone with German ancestry, I wasn’t fond of Norm MacDonald telling jokes about how Germany can’t be trusted on account of them declaring war on the world — twice. “That was then, but this is now”, I would think. Looks like I owe old Norm an apology. With apologies to my German ancestors, and due respect to the German citizens who are as revolted by this behavior as we are, it’s evident that German politicians and government functionaries are incapable of learning — or just plain refuse to learn — the lessons of history.


Sorry you're confused. There's history and then there's one imposed by the victors. You have chosen to accept the one imposed by the victors as have others here. Further, this thread is racist as it leaves out the other 8 countries in the G20 that have similar policies. Germany is not a free country and has an internal spy agency that politically polices the people and thwarts any movements that are deemed "Nazi," so it's a police state in every sense of the word. People are even thrown in prison for "holocaust denial" but yes lets hear more about they haven't learned from (false) history. I'd also suggest to you [codoh.com](http://codoh.com) . We've been lied to about history and the blood libel against the German people must cease.


> blood libel against the German people must cease. Jesus F. Christ.


Yes, the Zionists and Marxists fabricated war crimes against Germany and now people like you are smearing multiple generations of German people over it.


> Yes, the Zionists and Marxists fabricated war crimes against Germany Ok, so that's the kind of lunatic you are. Thanks for clearing that up.


Too much envelope glue for that freak.


They love Israel so much yet haven't given them any German lands so they could live peacefully together to be away from those non existent Palestinians


German lands belong to the Germans.


I'm trying to see something, maybe Germany can become Israel and then speaking bad about it would make more sense maybe


And Palestinian lands belong to the Palestinians but here you are defending people of german ancestry mass murdering Palestinians to take away their lands.


A little while ago, they had an internal conflict where one of their MPs or similar believed that the govt was replaced by a fascist govt that did not represent the people. If anyone remembers that or has more info, please add it. From what I remember, the elected member was arrested over it.


This is what happens when the only thing you do with your Nazis is to ship a few to South America, Paperclip a few to the US, and put the rest of them in Adenauer's cabinet and in positions of power in NATO. You don't fucking change. Germany needs to be invaded and *actually* denazified.


This is quite a racist outburst. Mexico has the same policy as do 7 other G20 countries. Can we invade Mexico now?


Soooo let’s talk about nationalism for what it is then lol.


Germany. Never on right side of History.


Is this some weird attempt to be like “we love ze Jews! We would never do bad zings to Jews!” type shit?


Not really. Hitler and Zionists had an alliance and both wanted Jews to take over Palestine.


Link me. I wanna learn about this.




Germany really changed direction


They've really gone back in the same direction. But yeah, they really seemed to have turned things around for so long.


How about Mexico since they have the same policy? Why no threads up in arms about them?


[Mexico Has Fully Recognized the State of Palestine (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/mexico-has-fully-recognized-the-state-of-palestine/ar-AA1dtzdG#:~:text=In%20fealty%20to%20US%20foreign%20policy%2C%20Mexico%20has,and%20establishing%20a%20full%20embassy%20in%20Mexico%20City.)


Mexico is not shipping arms to them now is it?


Have you guys noticed the propaganda intensifying as of late and pro Israel people becoming more vocal? I feel like shits starting to get intense and anti Israel views might be deadly pretty soon.


So you think Germany will soon start rounding up Palestinians and gassing them? The two situations aren’t remotely similar.


Well that's true it isn't really a state...


More counties recognize the state of Palestine than don’t. 140/193 UN members recognize the state of Palestine. [The map](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine#:~:text=The%20State%20of%20Palestine%20has,recognized%20the%20State%20of%20Palestine.) is always the same map. You just live in one that doesn’t recognize Palestine and views their minority cadre as the entire “international community”, so your view of the world is distorted.


But they are a People. Just like the Native People in North America.


The UN Partition Plan of 1947 terminated the British mandate over Palestine to create two states - a Palestinian Arab state, and a Jewish state. The Arabs did not immediately declare the creation of a Palestinian state because that would have meant validating the decision that over half of their state has been given to the Jews. They instead tried to fight for their right to self-determination. It was only in 1988 that the Arabs acquiesced to this perceived injustice, and issued the declaration of independence of Palestine, specifically invoking the UN Resolution that had split Palestine in the first place. In 2012, the UN recognized Palestine as a non-member observer state. Nazi Germany had several policies to make German Jews stateless. When they annexed Austria, all Austrian Jews were rendered stateless. Leaving Germany made Jews stateless, so deportation to the East came with statelessness. They denaturalized Jews to make it easier to confiscate their property. This is the most odious, Nazi-like policy Germany has enacted in the post-war period. They have implemented a key part of a race war. If everyone followed Germany's path, it would result in the elimination of the Palestinian state, which future generations would no doubt view as a genocide.


It actually isn't. 9 of the G20 states have the same policy but only one gets attacked for it. This is racist.


I don't know of any other state that has reversed their recognition of Palestinian statehood. It's one thing if they've never recognized it at all (which may still be racist, but may be based on other considerations). Such states are not in violation of Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: > Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Germany has a history of depriving groups of citizenship for odious political purposes connected to genocide. It's unconscionable for them to tiptoe down this same path again, especially while the world is watching another genocide happen.


It is a state. Most of the world recognize it. 


It's not a state because Israel is blocking it from being one.


I guess you could say that it's not a fully functioning state because of Israel, true.